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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6486584 No.6486584 [Reply] [Original]

You told me the coins would go up. Everyone. All of you did. You said Bitcoin would be 25k by New Year's, guaranteed. Then it dropped. You said it was a bull market and the greatest opportunity of a lifetime. You said Bitcoin would be 50k or 100k by the end of 2018. Now it has gone down. You said this was a perfect time to get in and that things never looked better. What is with you? Did I deserve this? Cannot you admit that this is nonsensical and none of you know what is going on? If you are not an economist then how can you profess to have a shred of knowledge about what you are saying? I simply must cut my losses after you degenerative speculators got my hopes up. This is not a criticism of a small group of you. This is an indictment on the entire mentality of the herd. Seriously, take a step back and look at what you have done. Before, in November, in December, you were so certain things were looking up. There was no doubt. You could not have been more wrong. And now that the outlook has changed, now, you finally start proclaiming despair and doom and gloom? Where was this a month ago? It's not reasonable to think as a group and refuse to exercise perspective in such a chaotic market. Do not mistake dumb, blind luck in a random outcome for a successful strategy. You did not earn these coin profits. You should all reconsider this.

>> No.6486628

tl;dr is this some new sort of copypasta. If you bought BTC at ATH you deserved it desu

>> No.6486689
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Maybe you're retarded and didn't take profits when you were supposed to. Still way up from 2 weeks ago

>> No.6486697

Dumbfuck, you always do the fucking opposite of what /biz/ says.

>> No.6486722

hodl you whiney bleeding vagina.

>> No.6486726
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>> No.6486819
File: 15 KB, 400x400, bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>judge an investement on a 2 month period
>panic sell during consolidation
>put his money on something he doesn't understand

anon, pls

>> No.6487027

I'm posting this again to reiterate just how foolhardy those who frequent this message board are. I fail to see why I deserve to suffer losses for buying Bitcoin during a runup. In fact, as I've explained, I was given advice on this very message board that Bitcoin was at a fantastically low price and would only soar to new heights. Now I am primarily seeing the opposite sentiment. Why the sudden shift? It seems so simple now. This place is merely a manifestation of the market trends. When Bitcoin goes up, this message board contains gleeful and optimistic messages. When Bitcoin goes down, we see doom and despair. This is not fair. This is not helpful. Instead, any investment message board worth reading should be filled with educated, reasoned, and long-term thinkers. I do not see any signs of that.