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File: 9 KB, 200x200, triggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6481986 No.6481986 [Reply] [Original]

TRIG mooning. The burgers favorite coin. Making moves get listed on an actual stock exchange. Get in here!

>> No.6482335

I love it. Blocksafe is going to actually be in satellites, pulling in Raytheon, and Lockhead defense contracts. Trig is going to places. Only 32 million coins and 140mill mc.

Partnered with JustFire. A black box for your firearm, Justifire® is a firearm environmental recording apparatus, designed to protect the rights of its owner. Justifire® records live data from your firearm including: audio, video, angle, direction, and velocity giving it total spatial awareness. This valuable data could be used by its owner as evidence of an event where lethal action was required.

While Justifire® captures and funnels audio, video, barometric pressure, altitude, temperature and 3 axes of accelerometer, gyroscopic, and magnetic data at all times, only saving this information if specific event characteristics are met. Qualifying event characteristics such as aiming at a human target or firing your weapon instantly plug Justifires data funnel and the device automatically saves and encrypts all information leading up to and after an event.

>> No.6482403

This will never see mass consumer adoption in the USA. Any gun owning American knows this, pajeet. Fuck off back to your shitting street

>> No.6482418

Even better, 2 shitskins receive government guns. Orders come down they have to work together. They can't communicate due to language barriers.

They are both walking from different directions and don't know each other's location or uniforms. Ha uniforms, you know there wearing towels. Anyways they engage in combat just because they see people. Guns wont fire. Bam first use of Trig.


>> No.6482950

>backed by the NRA
Gee, i wondering how many gun owning americans are in the NRA.