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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6479735 No.6479735 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is having fun? Get in here

>> No.6479763


Got in at the ICO, fun times ahead.

>> No.6479774
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here we are

>> No.6479833

Every day is one less of casino opening


>> No.6480115


When will it stop bleeding,it's getting scary guys...

Why are has the FUN been deserted.?
Where is Chad?

>> No.6480153

Why has the FUN thread been deserted *

>> No.6480176

Been in since 4cents, im up quite a bit, im more worried for the future. Holding with iron hands, i will be bagholder until the end of my days if it comes to FUN, but that doesnt mean I want that to happen. Still safe to say we will hit 22cents end of month?

>> No.6480247
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10k fun here, bought in at 1100 sats

>> No.6480318

Its just normies with weak hands.
Lost 1000 FUN on BNB scam.
Feel like killing myself. Thatsa be so much 2022

>> No.6480373

I was so confident, what the fuck is happening everything is red. I went from being excited to check Blockfolio to being afraid of looking at it.
(still haven't checked today)

>> No.6480422
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>> No.6480499
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>he doesn’t measure in sats

>> No.6480561

>M-muh sats

>> No.6480944

It was 0,15 one week ago, it's on a downtrend since then

>> No.6481037
File: 467 KB, 736x708, 97E84BA8-1A06-4AD0-8373-0F4B36759FAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought in at .16
One Dollar EOY right brehs? I’m not having much FUN as of now.

>> No.6481071

Yes before the Korea FUD and BTC crashes

>> No.6481102

You bought at ATH dumbass

>> No.6481111

45k fun, wish I could buy more

>> No.6481120

Fuckin gooks, when will it recover?

>> No.6481138
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>> No.6481156

I bought in at 17 cents

Iron hands brother

>> No.6481180

Early Feb, maybe earlier when roadmap is released

>> No.6481190


>> No.6481310

>implying I will wait this long, while everything else is going on Mars. Fuck you

>> No.6481327

Easily. We're only 2 weeks into 2018.

>> No.6481375

How much u got

>> No.6481407

>implying that over 70x gains in a year is bad

>> No.6481421


For me it means I can retire (though I won't). For you it means nothing because you're so poor that any amount of gains means nothing.

>> No.6481563

Fuck you pajeet, sure I can easily imagine how you can retirre with 50 dollars in your shitting street house. I have 100k, it doesn't mean I can retire but I can buy a flat in my clean white country street.
Plus, it's not my only investment, but I imagine you are one of those dumb bitch claiming 'I'm all in' proudly on reddit before it tanks and drags you in it's fall.

>> No.6481587

I'm not Indian you fucking racist. I was in at the beginning because my source of information isn't this racist shithole. Enjoy your redneck relatives in the south.

>> No.6481795

'muh racism' I am a human too, I have feefees. I'm proud of muh race ( where at da white wimin at though)
Fuck off and FUN better reach 1usd by the way.
See ya

>> No.6481825
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Hodl for Fair-chan

>> No.6481888

I have 96k FUN and I have no plan of daytrading or holding other shitcoins.
I just wanna hold FUN for a 1, 2 maybe 3 years.

>> No.6481908

Yet gon' make it boi

>> No.6481916

I'm white dip shit. We're all white. You guys like to make up enemies for your blatant stupidity.

>> No.6482080

You's told him goooood. Eric.

Now get ya ass back to da Cuckold subreddit before i hit ''your'' wife a.k.a MY property.

>> No.6482143

>>>6481916 (You)
>You's told him goooood. Eric.


>> No.6482200
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Says the guy with yhe pink ID.

>> No.6482215

Pajeet detected

>> No.6482264

Chad and his fade have left us, face it boys

>> No.6482316


> Doesn't know his colors

>> No.6482353
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>> No.6482419
File: 282 KB, 665x665, le_hand_santizer_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being colourblind
> being retarded
> being a sjw on a anonymous imageboard
> being subhuman

This combination, can't be.
Might this be the work of the jew?

>> No.6482447


> not being racist means SJW

>> No.6482554

That's exactly what you've been doing, being a social justice warrior.

>> No.6482582

>I won't wait a year to get a million dollars

Yeah, I'll wait

>> No.6482866
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>tfw missed the pump and couldn't sell high and rebuy low

>> No.6482872
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>> No.6483813

More adorable fun mascots
We have like four so far, two animeshit, two drawn

>> No.6484336


If only it helped our prices

>> No.6484472

We were at a floor of 18 - 19c before the Korean fud. It did help out prices. Whales just jumped at the chance to accumulate for cheap a second time so they've got walls up.

A week before ICE they'll let the walls down and it'll pump. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up at 20c+ as the new floor, which will only build up until ICE where it'll boom further.

>> No.6484593
File: 8 KB, 264x191, wobbawobbablumpfyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kept on buying more as it went up