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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6478688 No.6478688 [Reply] [Original]

get inn or get left out easiest money you will ever make this shit will 10x

>> No.6478843

when /biz/ is not all over a coin, you know its gonna be big

im with you brew

>> No.6478937
File: 110 KB, 191x306, 1470747516111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so special about this one anon?

>> No.6478948

It´s basicly a lesser version of civic :> plus their ceo didn't even go on SHARKTANK lulz.

>> No.6478970

its a CIVIC on steroids,

>> No.6478991

What was the Ico price? Is it listed anywhere else right now?

>> No.6478993

Where can I buy this shit

>> No.6478998

I have .999 kucion. How am I doing?

>> No.6479029

ICO Token Price: 1 KEY = 0.0150 USD

>> No.6479033

Whats the market cap?
What the exact time its listed?

Please answer me

>> No.6479039

what will be its price?

>> No.6479125

just don't get rekt



>> No.6479228

A seriously better project than Civic which has already been used for multiple ICO KYC's. Seriously suggest looking at it.

>> No.6479338

better don't touch this

if it starts overpriced like CAN and AIX you will be like -90% from the start

>> No.6479479

How long until it’s listed??

>> No.6479505

please god, just once let those etherdelta fucks carry bags

>> No.6479602

15 min

everything above 0.0001 eth is overpriced
dont get bagged

>> No.6479629

what was ico price in ETH?

>> No.6479659

This shit is civic on steroids + more you will be able too buy recidency/citizenship inn other countries and property. This is the real deal.

>> No.6479670

Just gonna throw the 60$ I got sitting in kucoin at it, u think I can get a 10x lulz?

>> No.6479709


I got rekt hard

>> No.6479783

God I hope so. I wanna flip 1eth into 60 and then buy some ethercraft garbage and put the rest into neo

>> No.6479788

how much for it on ED?

>> No.6479802

long hold or short?

>> No.6479825

This coin is still just a few cents in price (barely different to ICO) - unlike canya scam coin which was 13 dollars LULZ

this also has real business partners and function

>> No.6479857

why was CAN so expensive when got listed?

>> No.6479864

short for the 3x

but its a long hold

>> No.6479869

this shit will open 15x easy

>> No.6479876

also want to know this, in $ please

>> No.6479921

20 cents

>> No.6479939

why are you guys lying?

Can got listed and it dumped hard

>> No.6479964

if so im not buying

>> No.6479971

Why are you comparing CAN and KEY?
Do you realize KEY has way much much more potential??

>> No.6479979

because it got listed at fucking $5, people were saying on here not to buy but idiots bought in anyway, some guy bought in at like $7

>> No.6480004

and dont be retarded buying 10 times

>> No.6480042

should be added?

>> No.6480057

1 more minute

>> No.6480065

It's gonna nosedive at first but throw some money into after and watch it rise like the Phoenix

>> No.6480091

If it gets listed far greater than ICO then don't buy right?

Should I wait directly after it gets listed to buy?
Or wait like 30 mins?

>> No.6480118

that what usually happens?, dont fancy getting Canya'd

>> No.6480144

I just put in a buy order and it's not listed under active or sold orders?



>> No.6480157


MC over 120M already. Other coins mooned because they started sub 20K MC. I'll pass. This will drop.

>> No.6480160

same for me but it went thru, got 850 of em at 6 cents

>> No.6480174


>> No.6480178
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What sort of floor we expecting on this dump anons?

>> No.6480205



>> No.6480217

whats the link to trade on ED? orderbook seems to be empty when i use the contract address... which is weird

>> No.6480236

Will it rise today?

>> No.6480294

oh no baby what is you doing

>> No.6480297

anything below 3 cents is a buy. Wait for dip imo if you really want in....I'm avoiding this one because of the already large market cap. Usually there is a dive, then a rebound x2 at minimum, and then steady fall, or steady rise from there. Good luck anons.

>> No.6480308

I'm at the gym now checking between sets like an autistic test but yea watch it smooth out after fucks dump it

>> No.6480366

really hope your joking anon

>> No.6480382
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Nearly bought in at 500 sats. Too scared to hit buy on anything now.

>> No.6480391

this will reach 15 cents by lunch

>> No.6480412

Might need a timezone for that lunch bruddah. It's always lunch time somewhere.

>> No.6480417

hoyl shti im



>> No.6480455
File: 63 KB, 185x186, smugamaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to God this is a joke.

>> No.6480458
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In before this pattern

>> No.6480481

no im fucking stupid

>> No.6480486

probably is

>> No.6480529

why is no one buying this on ED though? im kinda a newfag so idk if it's because of withdrawal times or whatever but it's a lot cheaper there

>> No.6480532

It's going to 100 sats

>> No.6480556

kucoin is fucking DYING

>> No.6480564

That seems a little low

>> No.6480600

shit got in at
0.000045 eth

>> No.6480636

Look at the sell orders, this coin is going nowhere.

>> No.6480676

>20 minutes after being put on the market
>this isn't going anywhere

most of the coins i've seen that have exploded have done it an hour or two after being put on the market

>> No.6480692


>> No.6480722


all went 5x in 1 week, now they are falling

>> No.6480732
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This anon gets it. It will find a floor, hopefully some of us can buy it there.

>> No.6480735

nvm i was looking at the wrong coin im retarded

>> No.6480736


>> No.6480740

After getting burned by CAN and AIX I'm staying the fuck out of this.

>> No.6480765

It's okay. We all still love you.

>> No.6480768

what did they do within the first hour?

>> No.6480772

meant for this anon

>> No.6480790

those crashed though

>> No.6480805

what happened to the 10x? lol

>> No.6480811

exactly this, massive sells getting eaten slowly
these are the lowest prices you can hop on

i got in at 0.00045 eth and im confident

>> No.6480829

yes, but during the first day they doubled and even tripled, you sell at a profit, not sure what you thought was going to happen to them

>> No.6480832

in the first hour all the weak pussy hands sold out and fkn raged 2 hours later when the coins were worth 3-4x more lol.

>> No.6480870

looks like it has found support and is starting going up nicely. People will start pullign their sell orders...

>> No.6480883

I bought BNTY first hour after dip and it went from 8 cents to 92 cents in 2 weeks. Not too bad. Only did x3 the first day though.

>> No.6480884

>post on /r/CryptoCurrency
>wait 3 hours

>> No.6480889

Seems like it's getting pushed back up whenever it dips below 400, should I buy in now?

>> No.6480895

Fuck it got in at 400

>> No.6480933

why ask us? do it if you feel confident that it's going to keep going up

>> No.6480992

I almost doubled my stack by arbitrage between ether pairing and btc pairing. Super sweet

>> No.6481027


>> No.6481073

kucoin is completely jammed now

>> No.6481080


6B coins....at 6 cents each. You do the math.

>> No.6481113

don't listen to this fucktard. It's currently 3x from ICO (20M) which is around 60M market cap.

>> No.6481123


>> No.6481142


Their white paper clearly says 6 billion. Didn't read it anon?

>> No.6481155

What price will it be at in 1 hr?
2 hrs?

>> No.6481171

fully diluted u fucking idiot. What is currently circulating?

>> No.6481185

$10k a coin pajeet

>> No.6481216

33% so 2bil

>> No.6481280

it's dropping, wen do buy

>> No.6481290

You know every fucking coin on kucoin has crashed the past week

fucking horrible time to have a new coin on the market

im a fucking retard and bought in at 10 cents

>> No.6481347

how much did you buy at 10c??

>> No.6481361

last time i checked was about 2600

>> No.6481447


>> No.6481503

really stupid person
thought the ICO price was 30 cents because I quickly scanned the telegram and thats what I saw

wow im dumb
im just so fucking dumb

>> No.6481542

I bought 20k at 397 sats, how fucked am i?

>> No.6481595

honestly it wasn't that bad of a drop so far, fuck I'm going to jinx it arent I?

>> No.6481598

Your fate is in the hands of the whales. It's a gamble for sure.

>> No.6481693

Under 400 sats now

>> No.6481800

wait -at least- a few days and check the situation. also see the order book. and see what happened to CAN. DON'T buy this shit (yet)!

>> No.6481960

1,000,000 sell order at 389

>> No.6482010

and its gone..

>> No.6482108

going up boys :) hope none of you sold at 350 sats

>> No.6482164

it's going up you retards
because it's already low mkcap to start with
if you buy it at .5 cents that's only 3.5x ICO price. it's a fucking steal

>> No.6482182
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Don't worry bro /biz/ always buys lows and sells the highs.

>> No.6482189

When is this going to be listed on bigger exchanges?

>> No.6482193

CAN was already 300+ mkcap once it got to Kucoin
this is 60m
best time to buy it is rigt now

>> No.6482312

bought at 398 sat its already 460 sat

>> No.6482315

It's happening
Better sell soon

>> No.6482336
File: 30 KB, 785x757, 1515949256423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed the 300 dip

>> No.6482348

why are all of your posts in this thread an attempt to get people to sell? please piss off pajeet

>> No.6482352

STRAP IN BOYS ITS MOOONING .7 cents now!! Retards sold their bags and now buy walls are upppp

>> No.6482438


>> No.6482462

45 cent by eow
Screen cap this

>> No.6482521

This. Dont fomo in it, people are shilling it for a reason. People dont want YOU to have money, they want MONEY. DYOR, dont follow these shill posts.

Look at the roadmap they dont have a real product until 2019

>> No.6482533

When the price goes up a little bit, i will be dumping too

>> No.6482585

387 sats for me holmes. I need to recoup from this Achain price correction.

>> No.6482793

i got in at 46
inb4 it drops to 35

>> No.6482820

This thing is eating gigantic eth walls for breakfast

>> No.6482898

me too
>instantly drops 60 sats
>every fucking time

>> No.6482952

It's doing exactly the same thing as CAN and AIX.
Get out before you lose your money idiots.

>> No.6483010

Not entirely true. As someone who has made it, I want all my bros to make it. Not all of us are bad actors.

>> No.6483019

Just bought in at 446. I hope this goes down fast, i'm in this game to lose all my money.

>> No.6483040


>> No.6483068

this is like the complete opposite, its on a uptrend

>> No.6483189

They don’t have a real product???
Did you do your research,
I saw passports citezenships realstate and business for sale on their website using the tokens to confirm ID.

This project makes CVC look like an autistic child

And what is the point in shilling a coin here? You think a bunch of kids with 500 bucks on crypto will make any difference?
We are just trying to help people like us, this is a good project.

>> No.6483314

It’s doing exactly what
Did, by the eow it will be 4x

>> No.6483343


Did those coins have sell walls like this?

Not FUD just curious

>> No.6483352

ASTRONAUT capital invested in selfkey.
Here's a full report: https://astronaut.docsend.com/view/ruih4ia

>> No.6483447

BNTY did - stayed there for a while until the whales saw fit to let it fly, then at 1200.
That was in a bull makert however, everything on KUck was going up. Now... dunno.

>> No.6483498

I like you

>> No.6483522

94 DigitalNote $361.704.632 $0,052466 $39.245.000 6.894.089.913 XDN

selfkey has 6 billion coins.
and almost same price as digital node.
that means it cant possible have a marketcap of 60 million it should be around 330 million and around the top 100 spot

>> No.6483636

Never seen any of the other coins listed on Kucoin have such massive sell walls.

>> No.6483640

what is circulating supply

kys pajeet

>> No.6483673

0.000040 to 45 are good entry points
On average ICOs always start trading 4xs above

This will pass 0.000200 in a few days.

>> No.6483722

Bounty had much worst than these,

>> No.6483755

This will be $5 end of this month, buy now

>> No.6483780

I don know im trying to find out but cant find it anywhere.
Anyone knows the circulating suply?

>> No.6483786

He bought the ico

>> No.6483866


Anyone have any input besides this guy?

>> No.6483910

how much worst sir? like...worster by how much?

>> No.6483923

yes BNTY had massive ones until the whales started pumping it and it exploded but you can't predict anything with 100% accuracy so who knows if the same will happen with this coin

>> No.6483968

1% to the Token Sale Legal Costs
16.5% to the founding team, vesting over a 1-year period.
33% to the Token Sale
33% to the community, held in a pool to incentivize use, support and build the SelfKey Network. These Tokens will be locked to allow relying parties and certifiers provide services within the network.
16.5% to reserve and long-term expenses

oke found some info on the site.
if i understand correctly 33% is circulating suply.

that would make the marketcap around 90m right now and would give it room to grow.
I got no clue if coin is legit tho but the hype got me interested

>> No.6483989


949,860 circulating supply.

>> No.6484035


I don't believe that is the right coin

>> No.6484095


FAKE, that is obviously not this coin

6B x .33 x .06 is NOT 90M anon...

So much disinfo on this board Any fag saying the MC is 60M is trying to dump their bags. This is already trading x6 the amount raised at ICO. MC at least 120M. BNTY traded initially x2 its ICO price, 11M, and then slowly rose to a peak of 98M over three weeks.

>> No.6484107

Practically everything that DOESN'T gets a thread on /biz/ grows, everything else bleeds to 0

>> No.6484114

wait fot The key

>> No.6484146

Wrong coin

Selfkey is not listed yet too fresh

>> No.6484151


>> No.6484190

Just a lack of math skills anon, Im trying to figure out if i should buy myself and just shared my thoughts in the hope someone correcting me.
So thanks for correcting anon

>> No.6484278
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>> No.6484303

It's stayed the same for a while

>> No.6484314

my bad bros, I was cooking at the same time.

Not trying to FAKE NEWS anyone here.

>> No.6484339

I think it’ll go up just got posted. Wait a week and it’ll be higher

>> No.6484377


Yeah these walls are just very daunting

>> No.6484439

I can't find this on kucoin, what's the ticker and pair? am I retarded?

>> No.6484485

KEY on kucoin

>> No.6484487



>> No.6484496

am i missing something? 1100 eth on EtherDelta, 4400 eth on KuCoin.... why arent people just eating the book on ED and selling it right away on KuCoin?

>> No.6484517

3,000,000 key wall


>> No.6484674

you are looking at wrong book on EtherDelta

>> No.6484743

thanks, it turns out that yes, I am retarded.

also lol @ the dump.

What was the ICO price roughly, in $USD?

>> No.6484770

1.5 cents

>> No.6484818


>> No.6484881

seems like another kucoin coin that is gonna be price suppressed. yay

>> No.6485083
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"price suppressed"

Ok all whales divert your attention from everything else to sell your KEY coins at floor value

>> No.6485118

Give it literally 1-2 hours

you impatient fucks

>> No.6485157

Wow im a retard. Nice, glad I got whatever this KEY shit is on ED. Unspeakably retarded

>> No.6485193

When to enter this for EZ 2x? It has a huge supply and pretty high mcap already.

>> No.6485218


I have a track record for saying something and having the opposite thing happen. I'm trying to trick the system

>> No.6485253

compare it's m cap to CVC

report back a learned man

>> No.6485259

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6485335

This made me laugh more than it should.

>> No.6485407
File: 82 KB, 1600x900, Spurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's rising

>> No.6485424

Also, I sent the bullshit KEY tokens to my KEY address in KuCoin so unless KuCoin starts trading whatever this other bullshit it, I just lost it all.

>> No.6485600

>They won't publish a product until AT LEAST 2019, possibly later
>Meanwhile there's a pre-sale going on for a better identity blockchain with a product due in March

I'll let you know about it once it hits ICO phase, meanwhile, keep investing in a piece of paper guys.

>> No.6485738

Shiet, how much was it?

>> No.6485782


>> No.6485790

Just like 200$ but its still so salty. Cant find a single thing about this KEY I bought lmao. THis just adds insult to injury.

>> No.6485831

Don't worry anon, there were predictions this will be a common thing in the past few days. It happens. Don't beat yourself over it.

>> No.6485833

Kind of silly that they can have the same ticker lol

>> No.6485965

This is that fuck key coin

I can feel you,

>> No.6486065

If you see sime faggot shilling BihuKeyToken you know who it is.
>Low market cap
>only on ED
>Good dev team
>anons why do you hate money, buy BihuKeyToken

>> No.6486124

what the fuck is kucoins problem,seems to be a 1minute window of limbo where i cant see my active orders, my bitcoins gone and my key hasnt showed up

>> No.6486207

It happened to me with eth
But everything went to normal in minutes.

They are overloaded with key right now

>> No.6486223

still nothing, wtf

>> No.6486240

What's realistic for this coin today? or is it a total crapshoot

>> No.6486423


> assuming this is not another pnd shitcoin

I just want ez gains. Buy, hold, sell, cya.

>> No.6486462

Get in until you can, we're going to the moon in the next 12 hours

>> No.6486480

great my order cancelled itself, bought at 450 and could have sold at 490, thanks kucoin

>> No.6486508

Everyone complaining about the massive sell walls,
They are getting eaten so fast.
100 plus eth walls...

>> No.6486568

yeah until it doesnt then youre all stuck holding bags

>> No.6486684

this. I fucking hate this day trading bullshit . I only got 3000 at 4000 ETH but still

>> No.6486844
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Anon-kuuun. ~

How do you place a stop order on KuCoin?

>> No.6486904

You dont! No sleep on Kucoin anon

>> No.6486947


It doesn’t have.
If it falls we will be freefalling

>> No.6487004


discord gg/XsdQcUw

>> No.6487043

>Cant place a stop order
Jesus christ what a fucking shit exchange, they litterally earn million dollar a day and these fag cant even implement basic functionality like stop order, even bittrex have them from day 1 fucking hell

>> No.6487102

kys pajeet

>> No.6487134

Sent my KEY to Kucoin 24 hours ago, still waiting for it to show up reeeeeeeeeeeee slow

>> No.6487138

Well, shit.

>> No.6487159

What's a good price for re-entry?

>> No.6487187

and i bought at ath and my sell order didnt get hit, fuck sake.

>> No.6487190

i cant believe ppl are still not convinced. fucking morons you gonna be buying this at 3x from now on

>> No.6487247

wrong KEY you sent lol

>> No.6487299
File: 320 KB, 592x590, 1516032852090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STILL waiting to receive the ETH deposit I made over an hour ago.

>> No.6487455

Does anyone know how to cancel an open order that doesnt show up? Fuck cuckcoin...

>> No.6487517

There are people waiting for 24 hours

>> No.6487717

same, kucoin is slow af

>> No.6487730

Is this thing really going to eat every single wall put in front of it. JEeeeEEEEsus

>> No.6487804

I just hope that big wall at .000055 goes away

>> No.6487849


I'm honestly surprised that wall hasn't been pulled yet. it's eating everything in its path

>> No.6487961

Thier loss

>> No.6488090

i am new to crypto. how can i buy this? i am using coinbase and gdax.

thanks all.

>> No.6488153

sign up for kucoin, unlike other faggots here I'm not going to shill you my referral code.

>> No.6488157

You should kys newfag
Use google

>> No.6488256

Enemy called reinforcements! LETS EAT THEM!!!!

>> No.6488262

Op here hope you bought the dip because we are mooning

>> No.6488362

here come some undercuts, not sure why they would when it's eating every wall.

>> No.6488580

What is everyone feeling about this coin. Long term or short term returns?

>> No.6488599

>It's another episode of retard and their weak hand

>> No.6488657



>> No.6488688

Bought around 3k worth of it at 350 for shit and giggle. Expect another DBC pump

>> No.6488714


>> No.6488786

This, exact same 2 coins
Promised 10x, look into project
Seems promising
Kucoin.... should moon right?

Have fun faggots

>> No.6488898

nice, i bought for a few eth, this is going nowhere but up

>> No.6489115
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Keep going baby

>> No.6489225
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Thank you OP for the thread. Feels good to finally make some money after a long week

>> No.6489270

6b tokens. If 2b are active it's already 200m mcap. Enjoy your bags

>> No.6489356

Thats 150M, but you gotta take into account that presale coins are still locked

>> No.6489362


2b circulating supply X $0.08 = 160mm
Not insane considering this will hit a billion or higher market cap pretty fast

>> No.6489425

2b * 0,08 = 200m

yeah no

>> No.6489456

Fuck you guys, I bought Canya and Aix on release hoping it to rise. And i got SHIT, nothing. No fucking chance to sell for a good profit.

I can't stand other anons doing good without me, i hope you guys crash and burn on your pajeet ship. faggots

>> No.6489457

Someone plz crash the price. I want to rebuy cheap!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6489487

what a spiteful little bitch you are, someone buy litecoin at ATH like a good little Soyboy.

>> No.6489541

indeed i am
and no LTC, that coin is strictly for gays

>> No.6489547


make your money back by buying this right now

>> No.6489600

Who told you to bought at ATH you fucking dipshit, and do you even know about stop loss? If it hit 15% loss you fucking cut it and wait until it rasing and you buy it, again

>> No.6489611

haha this nigga.

But yea I had fun with this little fucker.

Bought in at 3900 sold at 5700, if it dips I'll buy in again if not whatever. I got my a bunch of NEO earlier this week so I'm not complaining either way.

>> No.6489653

PRL/BNTY were sub 20m mcap. You'll never see a 10×+ moon mission again on Kucoin. You guys are literally getting dumped on by ico holders coin after coin.

>> No.6489756

If anything you'll want to buy KCS with the short term bump it gets everytime a new coin brings in a bunch of people.

>> No.6489860

Too risky anon, i'd have to sell my kucoins at a major loss to get in this

And knowing my luck it'll have a strong correction as soon as i buy in

Also, i didn't buy ATH you goof i bought during a huge dip. And it was doing good for a while until it started shitting.

>> No.6489976

>Also, i didn't buy ATH you goof i bought during a huge dip. And it was doing good for a while until it started shitting.
And that's why stop loss exist, you dumb cunt. Stop holding your bag for 2 day and then cry about pajeet when you don't even know how to cut your losses

>> No.6490018

At last some winning, last chance to get on the Serenity guys

>> No.6490027




>> No.6490037

Let's go guys whe're with the whales

>> No.6490068

I'm already up 30% on this shit. Thanks /biz/.

>> No.6490081

Use poorfags invitation link plox


>> No.6490084

Uh no, you do it manually, but I assume it's pretty easy since kucoin have android+ios app

>> No.6490086

to the moon indeed, luckily i got in two hours ago

>> No.6490287
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>> No.6490379

I wish the same would happend to DENT at some point...

>> No.6490407

To buy high sell low?

>> No.6490410

Too late to buy?

>> No.6490424

which coin are you sending with?

>> No.6490432


maybe you will still able to get easy 10-50%

>> No.6490444

Jump off that sinking rotten boat, m'friend.

>> No.6490448


Definitely not

>> No.6490458

what are yall selling at? got in at 6 cents want to maximize my profit

>> No.6490502

It's going to dip any time, so don't FOMO. I want to FOMO so bad but the candles are just greens, it's just a matter of time when first 30min red candle comes.

>> No.6490505

1$ :^)

>> No.6490519

Whats the current market cap?
I heard they raised the ico price 3x or something

>> No.6490533

Just look at the sells and buys.

>> No.6490541


I'll prb shave my gains at 20c and keep the rest

>> No.6490575


roughly 150MM I believe

>> No.6490590


this shit is actually shit

no product, only hype

>> No.6490639
File: 10 KB, 225x225, NOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6490666

These 1.5 Mill walls are coming down, i dig it

>> No.6490679

nice sellwall coming

>> No.6490724

these sellwals of multiple hundreds of ETH are going down in no time

>> No.6490741


it's already eaten 6 of those

>> No.6490755

Its not too late to buy this is going to 20cents EOW...

Use this code to register:

>> No.6490774

Jesus christ this coin eat through sale wall like breakfast

>> No.6490778
File: 8 KB, 224x120, 1402505395016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already taken down

>> No.6490821

I jumped off with +50% profit.

Look at the orderbook. There is literally no buy support right now. The dump will be tremendous, streets will be filled with FOMOers blood.

>> No.6490991

once it passed .00005 thats how the order book has looked the whole time

>> No.6491005

the sell walls are getting eaten lmao

>> No.6491009

of course there's no buy support, everyone is market buying, there's no point in posting low orders

>> No.6491065

kucucks will be looking for green in the red sea.
im ready for moon

>> No.6491076
File: 214 KB, 477x848, 1512498609280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to go all in on this. If you want to get some passive gains please consider using my code if you have not signed up yet.


>> No.6491090

1 whale dumping 30ETH of this will crash the price from 65 to 50.

Think about this before you FOMO in.

>> No.6491097

bois its mooning

>> No.6491106

I just know the second I buy into this they're going to dump the shit out of it, I just FUCKING KNOW IT

>> No.6491140
File: 109 KB, 500x461, lmao not really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've taken your initial investment out and let the profit ride. Amateur selling everything at the wrong time

>> No.6491168


only one way to find out anon

>> No.6491194

>8 BTC sell wall
Are we going to break it this time???

>> No.6491197

we r m00n

i in

>> No.6491273


break em

>> No.6491313

Is the party over? Huge walls ahead...

>> No.6491322


>> No.6491333


lmao it already broke through about 7 of those

>> No.6491349

oh shit

>> No.6491379

sell sell sell sell

>> No.6491382


>> No.6491392

And there's the dump.

Thank god I stayed out

>> No.6491396

kek, I can't believe how right you were
good job anon

>> No.6491413


>> No.6491415

What did I said? Don't FOMO when there are five fucking green 30min candles.

>> No.6491425

here comes the dump

>> No.6491440

holy shit this dump lol and I was kicking my self for only scalping a few cents

>> No.6491454

yes it's dipping but it will be up in no time again

>> No.6491455

Thanks for the call buddy I jumped off with you

I learned my lesson the 3 last times when I was too greedy, not this time

>> No.6491489

Aand it's back up.

>> No.6491491

lul weak hands

>> No.6491494

should've bought in during the dip anon

>> No.6491498

nice, you were too heave for this rocketship anyway

>> No.6491507

the ICO was around 1.1 cents purchase price total when you average in the presale buys etc-glad I checked first lol

>> No.6491520

Ah, now it's starting to look like whales might be involved.

if my other experiences on kucoin are any indication,.the whales will be greedy retards who tank this shit into the ground.

>> No.6491527


>> No.6491530

who had the waek hands

>> No.6491533
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>> No.6491535

Weak hands shaken out, we're back on track baby.

>> No.6491536


Middle of page states 2B coins in circulation right now. Thats a 200M MC at 10 cents.

DBC went to 600M so this could rise more, but my bet is it will do a Canya. Watching.

>> No.6491563


>> No.6491582

your desert

>> No.6491593


False alarm, pay no attention

>> No.6491615

lets hit the floor

>> No.6491627

This game is easy.
>sell high
>buy low
>don't give a fuck about dumbasses

>> No.6491631

lol my panic sell at 520 got canceled because of their shitty backend
Thanks kucoin

>> No.6491668


>> No.6491674

how do you market buy on kucoin? WTf am i missing something

>> No.6491747


enjoy the dump train. greedy pigs get slaughtered in crypto game

>> No.6491753

the best price is the market buy

>> No.6491783

right but there is no option for instant click button and buy, it's laggy shit where you match the price.

>> No.6491788


>implying I'm in this for the scalping
>implying I'm not holding on to these bags for those massive future gains

>> No.6491843


>> No.6491859

And also that weak hands shit needs to go
I'm considered having strong hands, look where that got me you faggots. I am in AIX and CAN at a loss, and i bought the dip too. But i could have pulled a little profit if i sold the top

Durrrrr weak hands not on muh rocket ships

>> No.6491896
File: 105 KB, 1170x539, FOMO Song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6491934

Strong hands are worth it when the coins are legit good long term invertion.

>> No.6492016

Here we go again. Whales in place

>> No.6492151

You bought the wrong key.
Thekey is going to moon much harder, because it's asian project and asians fomo much harder than west.