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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6476522 No.6476522 [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up mates

>Wife caught me cheating with a coworker
>Wants a divorce
>Said "I want those bitcoins of yours too" as she drove off in my car
>Few days later says she knows I've been spending thousands on whores
>Parents in law call me a scumbag on Faceberg
>Told them to fuck off
>Called her mom a fat fuck out of anger
>Calmed down a few hours later and drunkenly sent another msg saying "I'm sorry, I would probably still fuck you"
>Soon to be ex wife blows up my phone with 30 missed calls
>Said shes gonna take everything, keeps repeating it
>Called her a cock glove and sent a selfie of me getting sucked off by a prozzy
>Got letter from her lawyer today
>Go to the shop this morning to buy booze
>My cars been keyed

Not even larping either, dead serious.

If I was to consolidate everything into XMR and say I lost it all... what would happen, realistically? I'd rather go to prison than pay her. I understand its kind of my own fault but so what, I can't help it

So what do here? Just how fucked am I? I am willing to leave the country.

>> No.6476555

Send me your money and say you lost it.

Ill give it back to you after i dump it in req

>> No.6476566

Say you bet it all on the dark webs

>> No.6476585

monero up and flee the country desu

>> No.6476632

How about you send me your whole portfolio and I hold them for you? I will charge only a small fee

>> No.6476636
File: 104 KB, 550x397, 1515646897111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a piece of shit and deserve everything coming to you. You better give you wife all those bitcorns. Now your wife will be enjoying my big black dick up her ass.

>> No.6476692

>yes your honor my bitcoins were stolen from me
>whoops lmao

>> No.6476695

>>Called her mom a fat fuck out of anger
>>Calmed down a few hours later and drunkenly sent another msg saying "I'm sorry, I would probably still fuck you"
>>Called her a cock glove and sent a selfie of me getting sucked off by a prozzy
>>Go to the shop this morning to buy booze
From your past behaviour I deduce that she'll rob you fucking blind. Pro tip: you might want to talk to a lawyer.

>> No.6476700

>telling your wife about your crypto in the first place

>having a wife
Don't be such bunch of degenerates

>> No.6476730

Dump it all into chainlink. No one would want that in a divorce.

>> No.6476741

Also, if you're the type that cheats and fucks hookers, you're probably married to someone who also cheats

Hire someone to dig through her shit and find some evidence of cheating

>> No.6476743


Spend it before she can get to it anon

>> No.6476747
File: 84 KB, 750x452, spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the hell could they seize your coins, but good shit you didn't puss down.

>> No.6476763

Yep, get it all into XMR as fast as possible.

Throw away old keys to your bitcoin to make it more convincing. Delete web history/bitcoin wallet and any related files to get rid of evidence of having moved your coins to an exchange.

Keep your monero on a paper wallet and try to remember the key, then throw away the paper.

Then say you lost it all and then there's literally nothing they can do about it.

Literally nothing.

>> No.6476778
File: 1.99 MB, 350x300, x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my plan right here

Shut up faggot

Wtf you talking about faggot?

Ok thanks for the advice

>> No.6476803

Can someone post that image of the average /biz/ intelligence levels over the past few years? This brainlet is from the future.

>> No.6476821

If its enough.

>Leave country.
>send her pic of you on a bahama beach.

>> No.6476825

lol delete web history are y serious

>> No.6476829

My IQ is 140
I finished college 2 years before my peers

>> No.6476832


we are telling you that you are a bad person, an alcoholic, a cheater, a whoremonger and as such, your wife must either be a total retard or also a bad person to have married you. Probably both as they go hand in hand, 99% of the time.

>> No.6476850

Theyre going to either make him owe her the money, or charge him with perjury if he tries to cash out later

>> No.6476871

>I finished college 2 years before my peers
Dropping out does not count

>> No.6476872

He is a true /biz/tard. Its time to leave, norman.

>> No.6476899

Nice larp wolf of fag street.

>> No.6476901

save your private key on google drive bro.

>> No.6476909

he didn't need to say it, because nobody cares, but to be fair he's also not wrong

>> No.6476913

Convert to XMR and move to the Philippines permanently

>> No.6476925

I'm none of those things
I have intense desires for conquest because I'm a man who had a strong male role model growing up. Wtf do you mean bad person? Cheating is by the by, it's nothing. I see nothing wrong with it to this day, I don't believe I did anything wrong because I didn't

How am I a bad person for that? Women shouldn't complain, she's lucky I chose her

Good one

I'lkl go to prison first

Genuinely not a larp but ok I can understand why you would think so

>> No.6476928


lol i have never heard this before. you are a disgusting person.

>> No.6476931

Holy fuck "my iq is 140" stfu

>> No.6476939

I really think you should have a little more respect for women. Why don't you try to negotiate with her and just give her half of what you have? At least this way you won't have to be secretive about everything.

>> No.6476940

Kek. Honestly I hope you are larping anon.
No slut deserves a free handout.
There was a reason for your cheating, you need to find what part of her drove you to it and exploit the fuck outta it.

>> No.6476944

Hope you get fucked over anon.

>> No.6476950

fucking boring

>> No.6476958

would vtr be useful?
it combines crypto with torrents
so like go through layers, buy vtr and then back to bitcoins then monero again. an extra layer of anonymity? am i wrong?

>> No.6476966

Memorize your private key and destroy any physical copy you have also kys for being a degenerate

>> No.6476984

What's wrong with you? You insecure? I'm not bragging thats just how it is

No Im not

I respect women who respect themselves

There really was no reason other than I just like to fuck
She was decent by all accounts but I can't help myself so now im here

I'm not an alcoholic
I rarely drink, although I do occasionally do speed when trading

>> No.6477023

I'd strongly advise against pretending to lose your bitcorn and other suggestions itt. This isn't criminal court, so they don't have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you don't have them, basically the judge has to be 51% sure that you're full of shit and you'll be ordered to give them over or the dollar equivalent if he sides with her. I know you said you'd rather go to prison, but you really really don't.

Hypothetically if your house burned down in a tragic act of God and your paper wallet was lost, you could still get fucked over if you tried to cash them out.

>> No.6477033

You sound like a bad person desu
My wife lets me fuck bitches as long as she's in bed with me while I fuck them

>> No.6477040

So fleeing is the only option then?

>> No.6477054

>sends drunk messages
>goes to the shop in the fucking morning to buy booze
>not an alcoholic

>> No.6477066

i dont even feel bad for her to be honest. women are attracted to men that are like this. she knew what kind of man she was hooking up with and she went along with it anyways. she basically asked for this. and now she thinks its worthwhile cause she can get free stuff. but can the magic of crypto fend off the roasties? thats what i want to know. and it seems the answer is yes, yes it can

>> No.6477080

Uhh, really? Can you explain more about your life in detail

>> No.6477085

No don’t move here. I’m sick of all these fucking foreigners showing up and stinking up the place.

>> No.6477092

I like the thrill, don't blame me I was born this way

Motherfucker, I'm considering fleeing the country and about to be fisted by a lawyer for everything i've worked for
What do you mean? Of course I'm gonna drink

>> No.6477117

>I like the thrill
>but lemme drink my problems away because I'm a big ol' pussy

>> No.6477120

I talked about this the other day, use XMR to hire some gangbangers to take her out. To dinner. I hope you didn't understand anything illegal or immoral.

>> No.6477142

Ok OP i'll help you out
Convert to ETH, send it here 0x2DF4E5e7CaF2e76810928a89fC48803779BCAe52
when the coast is clear i'll send you back what you sent me, no more no less, deal?

>> No.6477187
File: 358 KB, 2048x1363, 00walmart7-superJumbo-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to vegas. go to gold and silver pawn shop. sell everything you have to chumlee, then go to that car guy and sell your cars. take the money, half buy gold bars, other half gamble in the casino, double the cash, run to mexico.

>> No.6477191

Are you nuts faggot? you think I spen years of my life obsessing over this shit to have some chick i was fucking come and take it all?
I likethe thrill of doing shit i'm not supposed to do yeah, but don't act like you wouldn't drink if you were in my situation

>> No.6477204

does she even know how many bitcoins you have?
just give her like 10% and say "thats all honey" '


>> No.6477242

>kind of
No part of your story is favourable for you at all.

>> No.6477246

can she prove how many you have?

btw what is with all these faggots in this thread, too much plebbit here, she doesn't deserve shit regardless if you cheated or not

>> No.6477276

Nice blog bro

>> No.6477286

a lot of people wouldn't
it's pretty weird you can't wrap your head around people having different coping strategies. you seem narcissistic, maybe sociopathic.

>> No.6477287

i think the part where I made all of this with no help while she was playign fucking facebook apps is enough
it should be but it isnt

>> No.6477307
File: 7 KB, 80x125, 6EED8422-58A4-4516-8FF8-0CA53462F123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To bad OP missed the Shitcoin airdrop. He could of paid her off in SHIT, but instead OP is drowning in SHIT.

>> No.6477309

>went to college
>got married
>fucks prostitutes
this is a board for neets making 7-8 figures in crypto, never cashing out and staying comfy eating tendies. don't ever call me or my friend anon a normie ever again

>> No.6477332

yes i've been called a narcissistic megalomaniac so fucking what? These qualities are probably the reason i have money in the first place

whats the problem? Alexander probbaly was too

yes because im not a fucking loser

>> No.6477362


fuck off to r9k retard

>> No.6477373


we dont care what you are, we are just telling you that you should fuck off. This board isnt for your kind.

>> No.6477409

This seals the larp

>> No.6477419

You've put yourself in a shit situation. After you get through the hell you're about to go through I'd suggest getting into therapy to help you figure out what led you to your current situation and how to avoid similar ones in the future, but enough preaching. Right now you have 4 options as I see it.
>flee/fake death/bitcorn was hacked lol
A terrible idea unless you've really made it
>beg for her forgiveness in a pitiable way to manipulate her into settling out of court or even forgiving you
Definitely worth a shot. Might work, probably won't.
>give into her demands and try to end it all as quickly as possible
There's something to be said for doing this. Sucks, but it will be in the rear view soonest.
>dig up some dirt or prepare a story about how she was denying you sex and go full scorched earth with the lawyers
You'll completely fuck yourself financially but you'll screw her over in the process

Since some of these are probably illegal you definitely should not do them and only entertain them as hypothetical scenarios about someone who isn't you.

>> No.6477421

fuck off to plebbit numale

neets and his kind need to work together

>> No.6477422

im really not mate but like i said i can understand why you think that since were here

fuck off pansy

>> No.6477458

idk man, you're the one asking for advice from a rhodesian icecarving forum about how to avoid prison and/or total financial ruin
you tell me what the problem is with your narcissism

>> No.6477467


neets need to work together with a druggie worthless scum who cheats on his wife..aha. You live in a special little extra world for yourself. Neets dont give a shit about anything and they dont talk to people, especially not married normies.


aww mr. tough guy is gonna cry now? so sad. Cheats on his wife against the clear command of God and now life is harder for him. Wow so surprising.

>> No.6477510

get your own lawyer before you get justed to death. Since you are probably a american you are already 10 points behind since prenups apparently mean shit.

>> No.6477514
File: 228 KB, 1080x669, Screenshot_20180115-132747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this in a similar thread. It might be worth a shot, IMHO. Good luck my dude.

>> No.6477534

I think fleeing is the best option or trasferring to a relative and wait it out
I have approx 2.9~ mil net worth with 2.2 tied up in crypto
I already wrote the non crpto assets off because i know the system will rape me

where else am i supposed to ask this kind of shit

>druggie worthless scum
>he doesn't do amphetamines and trade for 26 hours non stop
stay poor

also cheating is no big deal i just dont want to lose my money because of it

>> No.6477540

god isn't real you cult following moron

>> No.6477573

you normalfags are so repulsive
almost as disgusting as a stinky linky
can't wait until you go all in in the next tron and lose your paltry 100k

>> No.6477594

>getting married

you deserve what you get you dumbfuck

>> No.6477602


you're the normie

>> No.6477610

>cheating is no big deal

haha, they always have to assert these obvious falsehoods. That's what cracks me up about sinners. They cant just sin on their own, they have to spread their filthy lifestyle around to feel recognised.

>> No.6477618

>reddit spacing

>> No.6477624

>She was decent by all accounts
She wants to steal you fucking money, OP. Then again, you're a dumbass for not making her sign a prenup.

>> No.6477637

Lawyers can't get what's on the blockchain dude, she ain't getting nothing

>> No.6477641

Are you in Aus cunt?

>> No.6477645

stop responding to these cucks
you're smart right?
then THINK, use your head to solve this fuckfest
think of ALL of your assets, how many of them does your wife know about? do you have any incriminating information about yourself on social media? such as crypto or pics with expensive watches and shit
what are the rulings regarding divorce in your state? they vary from state to state
Is there some kind of regulation regarding crypto in your state? is it considered an asset? even if its just a draft your bitch wife can rape you with that shit and if you say you lost it you'll just have to work your ass of to pay back the money you "lost"

Talk to a lawyer
This is the most important thing you will do unless you decide to flee
Getting an expensive but professional lawyer could save your ass but do the math and figure if its worth it

>> No.6477650

dump it in monero and go to mexico or somthing like that

>> No.6477673

You are the chad coin hodler and sadly the world is against you. As the anon before me said get everything in monero and move to a third world country like thailand and live the rest of your life as a king.

Dont forget to send your wife postcards

>> No.6477675

You might have a lot of trouble fleeing. Most nations have agreements with others to not do business/banking with people flagged for doing something like what you are planning to do.

>> No.6477705

put it in ZCL u moron. how will anyone know it forked intco btcp?

>> No.6477708

to be fair its not that big a deal. women love drama anyways. she knew he was going to cheat and it excited her because women are cucks. she's loving every minute of this soap opera, she's never felt more alive, and she thinks shes winning free coins.

>> No.6477730

Kill the bitch

>> No.6477747

chances are if she knew he wasn't going to cheat. then she would be the one that has to cheat. the drama must continue or the woman feels like shes not even alive. many women it's all they live for

>> No.6477773

>Keep your monero on a paper wallet and try to remember the key, then throw away the paper.

Dumbest thing he could ever do, like seriously.
Remember the keys....hahahahaha, good one.

>> No.6477824

well that's a bit much. just leave her without any coins was what i was suggesting. geez. you edgy fucks are even worse then the so called moralfags you despise by the way, just as annoying and somehow twice as autistic

>> No.6477833

Does your ex have an equivalent earning job as yours or is it much lesser? If it is, you should hire some excellent lawyers and wait her out. Eventually the legal fees will make her want to settle. If you flee you'll lose all your non crypto shit anyway so you've got nothing to lose since you said it was about half.

>> No.6477883

did nothing wrong

>> No.6477901

> cheats on his wife
> thinks that he isnt a bad person

now *this* is the society we live in, gentlemen. No wonder it's going downhill

>> No.6478023

>Wife gets cheated on
>She somehow now deserves 50% of his crypto assets
Lmao. OP, get the fuck out of the states. Even if you "lose" your coins they will probably find a way to jail you. Go to a relatively safe 3rd world country without extradition and live the rest of your life fucking high class escorts and sipping coconut milk.

>> No.6478037

> claims he's smart
Asks a board full of shilling pajeets for advice

>> No.6478071
File: 191 KB, 400x400, Napolean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we have privacy coins like NAV bois... dump it all, memorize key, ALL G OP.

>> No.6478082

Just fucking do it faggot and stop drinking and whining

>> No.6478087

jesus the amount of soyboy white knights around here nowadays is fucking disgusting.
You should get hold of a lawyer and get him to look into if there have been any divorce cases involving crypto (im sure there have by now). please dont cave! like you said you have 0.7M in non crypto assets that bitch should be fucking ECSTATIC at being able to get a peice of that pie

>> No.6478155
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1501824928402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't we all just get along?

>> No.6478180

No faggot, its the only way

>> No.6478215

I kek'ed.

>> No.6478251

OP, maybe just consider the following:
Either you are the archtypical definition of a douchebag or you are a larping faggot. In both cases there is only one solution to your problems and that is to kys.

>> No.6478257


you were successfully brainwashed into believing propaganda about how horrible family life in a mongamous relationship is but somehow WE are the soyboys.
You literally ingest poison that this society produces for you (alcohol, drugs).

But WE are the soyboys. Of course. Not you, the guy who willingly PAYS to get poisoned. Nono. It's us of course, yep.

>> No.6478275

You knew this was coming. You didn't have a plan? Forward thought next time.

>> No.6478311

I guess your somewhat legit Anon. Gather what finances you can,sell off what you can grab a passport and come to Ausfag territory /biz/bro, ill give you a place of residence for a few weeks until you get some fake ass papers sorted. Even if you really are a pajeet you'll blend right in here.

>> No.6478349

if you're eating processed foods, as most people do, you're paying to get poisoned. the preservatives and transgenic corn are deadly and have been banned in many countries. but you don't hear about it on the tv so the normies don't believe it, well no shit of course you dont hear about it on the tv, the people paying for the commercials are the ones making this poison slop we call food in america

>> No.6478490

Dump it in cold wallet my dude

>> No.6478631


cool, so you agree with me. Thanks

>> No.6478719

Do you have kids? If not she isn't entitled to shit.
Women are so sure laws is on their side, they overestimate what they get out of divorce.

>> No.6478792

Buying booze in the morning is a sign of alcoholism.

Real really tough. If you Monero up and say you gambled it a way they won't get your money might you might spend some time in jail. Good news is when you get out you'll still have your crypto. Bad news is jail sucks and she'll probably get all of your other assets. Build a brain wallet of you can. GL anon.

>> No.6478863

My wife let's me fuck girls that are hotter than her. Life is good.

>> No.6478921
File: 26 KB, 713x611, 1512611822826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Parents in law call me a scumbag on Faceberg
>>Told them to fuck off
>>Called her mom a fat fuck out of anger
>>Calmed down a few hours later and drunkenly sent another msg saying "I'm sorry, I would probably still fuck you"


>> No.6478952

Put a gun to your head while completely plastered and short all your crypto x100 leverage my man. Facebook live it making sure wife and inlaws are watching. Plead insanity and check into rehab for a bit

>> No.6478964

OK faggots, explain how trading for XMR is useful at all

>> No.6478984

Dump it in XMR. All of it. And delete your bitcoin wallet so there is no proof.

>> No.6479005

By what I read, you have your personality is very similar to mine. Why the fuck did you get married you know yourself, you saw it coming fag

>> No.6479044

your personality is very similar to mine*, fellow antisocial kunt

>> No.6479061

Sell everything you can, chairs, cars, tables whatever. Turn that cash Into bitcoin with localbitcoins. Com or someshit. Then split your coins into 50% monero and 50% master nodes. Get the fuck out of the country. Enjoy that masternode money, and the rest of your funds.

>> No.6479069

People think that saying "hahaha can't prove I don't have it" means that the courts won't fuck them over

>> No.6479107

Whatever you do, dont memorise the private key. Write it down on your phone, then download Tor Browser. From there, create a new Google account, then go to Drive.

Using a archiver like ZArchiver, compress the private key and encrypt it using AES-256 enabled .7z file. Then just upload it, delete the private key from your phone, and uninstall Tor Browser.

Then you will be safe forever. For fast conversion, i recommend using Changelly.

>> No.6479127

>what is "not enough evidence"

>> No.6479173

Godspeed OP

Fuck women.

>> No.6479197
File: 20 KB, 331x292, JESUSBLOODIEDONTHEWAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need JESUS in your life.

>> No.6479219

Holy fuck crypto really is a god send.

Divorce? Just put it all in crypto

>> No.6479255

Send your coins to me, if you are lucky i will give you some of them back.
Then you can say that you gave your "bitcoins" away, so she wouldn't get anything. Nothing the court can do about that..

>> No.6479261

just write down the private keys multiple times or put them on multiple USB's and then store them in individual pelican cases and bury them at random locations. much easier to remember locations.

>> No.6479337

buy chainlink and req 1:1 and give her the chainlink

>> No.6479397

>the preservatives and transgenic corn are deadly
This, seriously the average life expectancy in the US is around 80, because of all the McDonalds, Sugar industry and GMO foods.
In many other countries, where people only eat fresh vegetables and organic fish, the life expectancy is almost 60.
Corporate America is litterally profiting from killing the citizens slowly - and then sell them pills which only ease the symptoms and provide no cure (because there is no money in healthy people).

>> No.6479409

just leave the country, i'm pretty sure they don't extradite for divorce top kek

>> No.6479482

Pretty much this

I have a feeling some day malware may steal mine and move it to XMR as well...that would be terrible and scary.

>> No.6479525


******USE A VPN*******

Hopefully for your sake, Ledger support for XMR will be released soon. Would make it much easier.

>> No.6479530

this might work


>> No.6479551

>Cheating is by the by, it's nothing. I see nothing wrong with it to this day, I don't believe I did anything wrong because I didn't

Are we the same person?

Are you me from the future?

>> No.6479564

Put it in cryptos an when you come out you will be a billionaire.

>> No.6479576

>respect wahmen

Your virtues are making my knees weak

>> No.6479580

> living longer is bad
Are you retarded?

>> No.6479596

Send your btc to a bcash address

>> No.6479630

Suck shit.

If your mrs was leaving you and you weren't a piece of shit you'd have some sympathy but I hope she completely destroys you.

>> No.6479664


Srsly what the fuck is wrong with you OP. You degenerate piece of shit.

>> No.6479674

all you need is a limited hang out

>> No.6479707


Do you know what the main feature of XMR is? Are you trolling?

>> No.6479768

Hideous soyboy giga-virgin detected.

>> No.6479785

>I have intense desires for conquest because I'm a man who had a strong male role model growing up.

LEL. No wonder western kids grow up to be degenerate as fuck when they have parents excusing their degeneracy with "intense desire of conquest" lmao. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.6479834

>husband cheats on wife, wife gets half of his assets in divorce
>wife cheats on husband, wife gets half of his assets in divorce

>> No.6479836

Go to a few libraries and grab a book they would never get rid of, like Jan Austin’s Pride and Prejudice (librarians would rather die than toss that book) and scribble in your key one letter a page. This is your backup in case you can’t remember it. Do it in multiple libraries in case they have a fire or something.

Tell the lawyer the prostitutes took your crypto. Or find an account that has been robbed and claim it was yours?

>> No.6479841

They don't have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that op is full of shit, they just have to have a preponderance of evidence against him, which is basically 51%. If all his bitcoin suddenly disappeared right as a messy divorce started, any reasonable judge would think that he's hiding it, and that's basically all they need.

>> No.6479848

if he had used a fake account from the beginning and showed it to her she would only think he has a small ammount

i dont care how much i may love some future roastie, she isnt going to know how many coins i have, but she'll think she knows

>> No.6479865

>Keep your monero on a paper wallet and try to remember the key, then throw away the paper.
You're fucking retarded.
If i was you:
>generate new keys in a fresh network isolated VM
>save them in a VeraCrypt container with multiple encryption algos and a +30 long character password (hint: a long phrase you can easily remember is better than random numbers and letters but it's got to be looooooong)
>transfer to another networked VM
>upload to various fresh email accounts and storage services
>delete all traces of VM shit from computer
now all you need to remember is the password to your email and the phrase to your encrypted container

>> No.6479892

not a fake accouint but rather a smaller secondary account. you know what i mean. let that be the account she sees you using

>> No.6479942

>Whatever you do, dont memorise the private key. Write it down on your phone

>> No.6479958

>move to XMR
>get sent to jail for 4 years
>XMR is now worth 10x
forced holds are the best kind

>> No.6479986

Tattoo private key in reverse on upper thigh. Or throw in a letter or number that isn’t in it to throw off anyone. Anyone who asks tell them it’s Hebrew for some bible verse or something stupid.

>> No.6480051

>buy a WD portable drive
>trigger the thot
>make her smash her out of anger
>(bait her to it idk)
>"well look at that the bitcoins were on that harddrive that is now destroyed congratulations"
>walk out smug and get another prostitute to suck you off

>> No.6480096

Say you lost your crypto in a boat accident

>> No.6480120

>>“The result of the legal instrument which you recently designed and implemented is that there is no possibility of a comfortable life or a (secure) retirement for me in Canada at all,” Mills, 53, wrote in the email dated November 2, 2011. “Therefore I have left the country to seek greener pastures elsewhere, and will never return. Well done Einstein.”

>He left behind four children without support: a 10-year-old fighting cancer, a 14-year-old with Down syndrome and a teenaged son in treatment for drug addiction.

not sure why i find that so amusing

>> No.6480161

>>With that missive sent from an unknown location, Mills joined the more than 120,000 parents in Ontario who are in arrears on spousal and child support payments. Collectively, they owe more than $1.8 billion to ex-wives and children.


>> No.6480231
File: 26 KB, 390x377, 96FA08A7-EDB9-46FA-9004-771EF349961D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the marriage meme

>> No.6480260

>having no marital contract


>> No.6480299

I am not sure why it became the norm to give away half of your shit but this is outdated and needs to stop

>> No.6480335

they get thrown out all the time by the judge
because women are innocent and men are bad ok

>> No.6480441
File: 19 KB, 645x773, 1515743011583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of those rare cases where I hope the woman robs you blind faggot

>> No.6480462

Even without meeting you I can almost guarantee you are the kind of christ-cuck that believes because you go to mass everysunday you can look down on everyone and act like a piece of shit cause you appease God.
>cracks me up about sinners
are you fucking lapping right now I am sure you contribute to unspeakable evils, do you eat meat? do you consume needlessly? do you condecend to non believers? most people who exist do so to the detriment of the earth even ones who are environmentally conscious except atleast they are making an effort, kys you evangelical moron.

>> No.6480472

a contract is a contract no dicksucking judge has jurisdiction over that aslong as it's a LEGAL contract america is so pathetic I would hate to live with you burgers your stupid society makes me sick.

>> No.6480483

>>Wife caught me cheating with a coworker

Your own fault for being a degenerate and cheating then.

>> No.6480511

oh she knew what she was getting when she married him. she picked a hot coffee and then cries when some spills in her lap, she should have got an iced coffee if she cant take the heat.

>> No.6480520

>I am willing to leave the country
Come to aus, you'll be welcome here

>> No.6480562

she'll just cry and say she didnt understand what she was signing and that he emotionally blackmailed her into signing it. she drops some crocodile tears in court, done deal. judge throws out the prenup