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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6473416 No.6473416 [Reply] [Original]

What was the first coin you invested in? I just started and I put $1000 into my first coin. Feels scary. I'm not going to diversify.

I will however put a maximum of around $200 into coins like LINK and BAT.

>> No.6473698

I invested my BTC into LSD couple of years ago. Returns have been decent, i didn't have to work at all for about a year. Only got a job because i started to get bored.

In all seriousness, ETH and XLM. Made decent money on those

>> No.6473749

I invested in Antshares before it rebranded into NEO and mooned to $50. I'm a literal god.

>> No.6473835
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TRX at ATH, and I'm still holding.

>> No.6473866

Dependable Doge.

>> No.6473924


>> No.6474120
File: 784 KB, 1556x940, batmeme16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with $2k and put it all into Ethereum when it was $10. I have a couple hundred thousand right now from trading/diversifying. But I'm now going all in on BAT with about $300k.

I don't know too much about LINK, but I can assure you BAT is going to do at least 50-100x this year.

>> No.6474297

If you're serious, why so much trust in BAT?

>> No.6474348
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It has has the best team and project in crypto period. They already have huge partnerships, which they don't go around announcing to pump the price. And a lot of people slept on the ICO because it happened during a bear market and sold out instantly.

>> No.6474411

I have faith in it too, but I've been keeping some LTC... Should I sell all 50LTC for this do you think?

>> No.6474660

I personally sold everything for BAT, so my advice would be yes.

I don't know if you were around when Ethereum started it's crazy run, but the reason it started was the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Every couple weeks they were announcing new members and it was drawing attention to the coin. The same thing will happen with BAT, once he start's announcing partnerships, we're going to see it go from $1 to $10 to $100 really fast.

>> No.6474732


I have 0.5ETH to spend into a project.

I am debating between BAT or GAS
I like BAT as a project.
But GAS is certain to 2x in the short-term. (becuase of the parity to NEO mooning)

What do you think is the better investment? For gains

>> No.6474784

$2000 on cardano at 13 cents

>> No.6474889

Me too, got in @ 7.05$

>> No.6474937


Do you really think people with switch to Brave? Not being condescending, genuine question

>> No.6475199

Yes, many already have. This is the same man that made everyone switch from Internet Explorer to FireFox. Brave is an all around better browser than chrome. The tech savy are usually the early adopters, everyone else will follow after.

>> No.6475237

I just started a month back, trust me on this Anon, you want to diversity into at least three different coins.

>> No.6475315


>> No.6475369
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I hope they fix their shit.