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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6470589 No.6470589 [Reply] [Original]

when will biz learn that vechain is full of scammers who want others to hold bags also

there is no whale, i have repeated a thousand times, its the devs manipulating it to bring in new investors before a so called "moon" that they were promised but instead end up holding bags.

look at its sat value, totally shit rise

waiting for the venturds to come in and bark about "muh 1000% in month"

>> No.6471049

bump of truth

>> No.6471055
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Just because it's the devs doesn't mean they're not whales.

>> No.6471123

been looking at this shit wall chart since the coin was less than 3000 satoshi(nearly 2 months).

No whale stays this long

You fuckers keep on making excuses about it

first you barked about whale accumulating for the nodes etc then made up other excuses to bring in more people to hold bags.

Whenever some news comes out, so many of you retards scream "to the moon" but we only ever see is a 20-40% rise and then it corrects itself even after such a shit small rise.

waiting for the "muh 1000%"

>> No.6471156

The devs are holding the price down to let their institutional investor buddies in. That's fine with me, but this coin is going to skyrocket. Let's not pretend it isn't. That Jim Breyer norman even invested.

>> No.6471190

You are clearly a retarded faggot pajeet. VEN has one of the most natural rises in value over the last few months. No it won't moon anytime soon, but if you're not an impatient autist like yourself you can sure as fuck guarantee a stead rise in value.

>> No.6471205

What excuses did I make? But keep venting.

>> No.6471221

>PBoC is announced
>coin goes down to $4.71


>> No.6471237


then what is happening, you muppet

stupid pajeet

>> No.6471263
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Venners in shambles

>> No.6471274


>BTC Goes down
>Ven Fiat value rises
>venturds start celebrating even tho the satoshi value didn't move and even fell a bit.

the absolute state of them.

>> No.6471377

I wouldn't be surprised if that happened

>> No.6471395

So fucking what? If they want to celebrate the move against fiat vs sats then who the fuck cares? It might not be the best win but it's still a win, better than the whole market cap dumping.

>> No.6471519

already down 10% fuck this turd coin

>> No.6471585

its not about celebrating
its the fact that these bastards start luring others into the coin using that false value.