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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6466842 No.6466842 [Reply] [Original]

been getting justed this last week but still up 300% since when I bought in

so whats the plan, how long do we think this shit will take to push back to $1?

>> No.6467632

Like 3 or 4 days. Bi-monthly update drops Friday and there's always a pump leading up to it. Unless there's some big news in the update we won't see any significant overall change until mainnet release but that's not too far off so just hold tight til then

>> No.6467789

Mainnet end of q1?

>> No.6467857

Mainnet is during Q1 but not necessarily at the end of it. No specific date was given but odds are it'll be toward the end so expect late Feb/early March.

>> No.6468140

whats more likely right now?

.50 or $1

>> No.6468244

At this point I think $2 is more likely than .50

>> No.6468400

It'll be nice if it will stabilize at or above $1 this Friday but not keeping my hopes up as I'm holding till at least Mainnet for now.

>> No.6468799

I'm not saying it'll stabilize at $1 with the next update, I'm saying it'll probably hit $1 at some point because of it. I don't expect a stabilized $1 until mainnet release but I think once the release happens it'll stabilize at a price much higher than that.

>> No.6468857

i think its possible we see 3$ after mainnet

>> No.6468910

I fully believe that's possible as long as everything goes according to plan.

>> No.6468960

when's mainnet?

>> No.6469012

bought at $.85

first time i've been holding bags in crypto. guess that's not too bad.

>> No.6469029

Sometime during Q1, considering the REQ team is consistently ahead of schedule id guess around February

>> No.6469062

Major vulnerability

>> No.6469296

You're retarded for FOMO'ing in at that price after it was shilled here for under 10¢ for weeks but the good news for you is that it'll reach prices so much higher than what you bought in at that even you can make sweet gains

>> No.6469301

thats good

please explain

>> No.6469349

(You) have a major vulnerability. Lurk more faggot