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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6462152 No.6462152 [Reply] [Original]

For the people who don't understand BAT:
Cryptocurrencies are contagious
BAT is being spread all over the world
to people with big, big audiences
BAT is also very accessible compared to most cryptos, as you only need to download a browser and not even buy anything to become a user
BAT will spread very quickly because that is how it was designed
Whatever coin you hold is most likely limited to people like the people on this board.
I'm here to tell you that BAT is different
When we are showing pictures of pewdiepie on this board we aren't kidding, the probability that he will present it as a solution to the adpocalypse is very high
And even if he doesn't do it, there are millions of other youtubers that could benefit

>> No.6462232

A ton of BAT shilling here the last few days. How much are you holding OP? Those bags getting heavy?

>> No.6462467

I don't really trade or chase pumps. I hold large positions in the cryptos that I think has the most potential for growth the coming year. I used to be a LINK fanboy (and I still am to some extent), I just think they have some time to go before we see real adoption. I will likely drop my BAT for LINK in a year.

So to answer your question, we all have different strategies when it comes to crypto. I'm not really shilling (as I don't think anything I say here will have any effect on the market), it's just a very interesting topic for me

>> No.6462757
File: 135 KB, 1898x1186, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the moon we shall see

>> No.6463627

Holding 300k BAT. See you on the moon lads.

>> No.6463743

1m bat 1m link

i'm diversified for the win

>> No.6463801

I make stupid threads like this too, i don't think /biz/ has any affect on the market (we are too small) but i just want to hear others thoughts on this coin..even really harsh ones

>> No.6463803

Bats okay, but MCO will be worth 1000$ in a year

>> No.6464937

Me on he left