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6456852 No.6456852 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We wait for the churning to end and the next leg up.

Pour a drink, or maybe a cup of joe.

Light the fire place. Share stories about what you're gonna do when you MakeIT(TM)

>> No.6457207

Once I make it I am going to change nothing. I am going to continue going to university. I am going to wagecuck still and just enjoy life on the off time. If anything I will transfer some cryptogains to real estate.

>> No.6457282

Holding 80K so I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do with my life if it hits 100B cap which is when I would sell 30K of them.

Probably buy a nice house and a reasonable car.

>> No.6457326

Send me 1k VEN and I'll put a sharpie up my pooper

>> No.6457352

Sorry for being a brainlet but what is going to happen to the 590 million VEN that aren't in circulation right now?

>> No.6457446

Not sure but from what I understand it's basically how the founders etc actually make money from this shit. I might be off

>> No.6457494

Locked up. In fact, the amount in circulation will go down because you have an incentive to lock them up because you receive thor for what you stake, just like people holding their NEO and living off GAS they make from it

>> No.6457516

VEN's hype makes me wary of it going anywhere. Same with DBC.

>> No.6457580

no one cares

>> No.6457639


>> No.6457710

DBC is trash. Look into what ven actually has going for it.
Just to name a few
>Linked up with Chinese government
>Jim Breyer(Original investor in Facebook, and only other crypto investment is in Ethereum)

There is a wealth of info out there.

>> No.6457979

hnnnnnnng i love chiyna

>> No.6458115

lmfaooooo sounds like somebody was a bit late to the party, please dont tell me ur still holding onto ur shit brains tokens? the most obvious and predictable PnD ive seen on this board was DBC if people actually kept holding and didnt sell at .60 they deserve to lose all of their money for being that stupid. DBC WAS A PND MEME

>> No.6458298

Does anybody have any predictions on future price of THOR? my current stack will net me 150 a year staking so I was curious where it could go

>> No.6458330

How do you figure this out?

>> No.6458336

I bought DBC at 13 and sold near the peak.

I bought back in yesterday because it's going to get pumped back up before the week ends.

>> No.6458338

Only 3K will I make it or na?

>> No.6458340

fuk da whales

>> No.6458352

no possible way to predict this.

>> No.6458369


>> No.6458374


>> No.6458378


>> No.6458419

anybody giving you a number is just pulling it out of their ass. just wait til sunny or whoever releases the details.

>> No.6458435

Talking about comfy stories... Anyone have screencaps of Ship-Autist from about a month ago? I saw someone post one a while back but I didn't save it. Please post if you have a copy.

>> No.6458804


Check out the crypto section.

>> No.6458945

im getting impatient and i've tripled my money kek

just need the whales to fuck off

>> No.6458992

You'll probably 25x your money if you hold through Q3

>> No.6459265

Already all in, and getting more fiat ready to buy a few k more.
I hope they whales stay supressing until then.

>> No.6459329

Sold a third of my VEN stack to buy into COSS at ATH

I'm not even sure what my thinking process was

>> No.6459385

im going to offer my mother and sister an obscene amount of money to have sex with me

>> No.6459432

Porn has ruined you my son.

>> No.6459452


>> No.6459463

post pics of mom and sis

>> No.6459530

This wall is killing me

>> No.6459579

I wish you could fast forward 7 days.

>> No.6459581

Accumulate and wait for news. As long as you don't sell you will make it.

>> No.6459611

I'm all in with more money than I should be willing to lose

>> No.6459692

Why do I get the sinking feeling that absolutely nothing is going to happen until late february? If a fucking multi-billion dollar cig partnership wasn't enough to move this coin then it seems like it'll just slowly bleed to around $5.5 or so until the rebranding.

>> No.6459702

Will we ever see low $5's again so I can load more?

>> No.6459849

It's been growing slowly every week. It won't pump up to $50 in one day, but it will be at $10 in a week, then $20, etc.

>> No.6460031


I hope you're right. Either way, I'm absolutely not selling until $100.

>> No.6460048

DUDE the rebrand tweet said NDA’s are going to be expiring leading to the rebrand so constant announcement drops are going to happen

>> No.6460201


You think that's a good idea, though? The market is very bearish right now. I think their decision to extend the rebrand date was a good idea, it might be worth it to extend partnership announcements too.

>> No.6460217

they'll probs be at least one decent annoucement a week leading up to the rebrand

>> No.6460297

old news bro

>> No.6460383

it's literally gonna take the PBoC to make this coin move

>> No.6460509
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This is possible. Look at the list released today. 1 and 2 are done. Automotive could be General Motors since it is mentioned in the paper. After that, they do one announcement per week, ending with the rebrand event on the 26 when they announce the remaining partnerships, possibly three.

>> No.6460671
File: 190 KB, 912x697, curious hedgehog shutterstock_99475379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it with 5000 ven

>> No.6460741

trustworthy anons said I would make it with 47, so if I did the math correctly, yes, you are making it too anon.

>> No.6460802

No way we will make it. I have 650 and wont. 3000 will imo.

>> No.6460897

How with 47? We going to $1k? lol

>> No.6460912

More like the PBoC is the whale that's putting up the sale walls to begin with :^)

>> No.6460932


If you wait til EOY you might. I've got 1.7k and I'm going to sell half at $100 and hold the rest until $1000 (or longer if VEN ends up being the next biggest thing)

>> No.6461022

You really think we could hit 1k? Crazy if true. In my dreams.

>> No.6461098

I only have 94 bro. I bought the dip at 5.98 I mocked you guys when it was 2.XX. I will not check VEN just hold. I will hold my NEO ETH VEN and I havent decided on the rest. I am thinking a mid cap. But I genuinely feel like VEN is making/ doing something. I am betting on China. I think being strict on Bitcoin was Chinas way of letting NEO and VEN the green light.

>> No.6461102

Even with PBoC, I don't see this coin going over $100. People calling this the next ETH have lost their minds.

>> No.6461155

Eh. $1k? Slim chance. $100 if everything works out? Very likely. I'll be happy with $50 to be honest

>> No.6461209

are you guys feeling a pump tonight? I'm trying to get into ETH within the next 12 hours for Wall St bonanza

>> No.6461292

Well it sure is being held down. More buying than selling, yet no upward movement.

>> No.6461296


I mean, I don't think it'll happen but it's okay to dream big right? I think ADA's market cap is reachable though at the very least.

>> No.6461332

>a 50 Billion market cap is irrational for a crypto that might be the officially endorsed Crypto of China and Fortune 500s
I will never understand this line of logic when TRX hit 18 Billion on literally nothing and Bitcoin Cash is at 43B.

>> No.6461376

this. Where would that put us? lol

>> No.6461434

Going by coinmarketcap's current VEN and marketcap prices, a 50 billion cap would put VEN at $180.30

That's nowhere near $1000

>> No.6461627
File: 93 KB, 640x480, med_1421949000_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to share info?

>partners with PWC, second largest professional services firm in the world

>logistics deal with chine tobacco, 30% of the world's tobacco supply

>contracted with central government in construction of china's 13th neo city project

> attracted 38 of top 500 enterprises, including Apple, Qualcomm, Huawei

>CEO is the youngest executive in IBM over the last 100 years

weak hands drop me your fucking sells

>> No.6461643


180 per would be comfy af

>> No.6461806
File: 122 KB, 743x788, NRCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also partnered with the DNV-GL of China which is how they have the Tobacco partnership.

It's funny when the market is being irrational.

>> No.6461961
File: 37 KB, 607x522, NRCC 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also related. Note that point 1 and 2 have already come to fruition.

>> No.6462275


fucking laughing at all these "its just a RFID" faggots, this is the future of trade

think about all the illegal products flowing in and out of china

this provides monopolies cheaper tracking AND represses fake product circulation, allowing them to take back whatever % of the market they're being wedged out of by counterfeit sales

we're talking about rich corporations buying into simplified import/export trading while securing profit

>> No.6462281

dumb low balling low iq motherfuckers i swear...

$100-500 eoy no pboc
$500-1000 eoy pboc

thank me later ;)

>> No.6462330

You're failing to take into account that the total crypto market cap is also increasing. 50bil now is nothing compared to what it will be EOY. To put it into perspective, bitcoin mcap was 50bil 6 months ago, now its 230 bil

>> No.6462365


>> No.6462460


my hero. Wish my mom and sister were hot

>> No.6462636

so i will make it with 47?

>> No.6462669
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im fucking depressed. life is lonely as fuck.

with 20k VEN, am i going to make it

>> No.6462712


>> No.6462730


no but take your profits and diversify


fuck u

>> No.6462760

you're going to make it brother

>> No.6462813

probably like 7.5 k eoy then rinse and repeat for 2019 if the market hasn't eaten shit.

>> No.6462862

Only have 250 VEN and 500 ICX...I’m not going to make it

>> No.6462987


thats hodl gang dont puss out

>> No.6463683

1st wall starting to go down

>> No.6463825
File: 56 KB, 500x500, asap vechain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck lads this coin better hit 500 usd next year , i wanna be a millionare

>> No.6463906


>> No.6463958

I'll fuckin take it, I want to be a $65,000 aire

>> No.6464021

wanna send me some ;)

>> No.6464052

i just want enough money to buy food tonight

please go up

>> No.6464063

rip yams...

>> No.6464077

aaaaaand we found the fucking seller!

>> No.6464095

lmao shit I'll donate you $5 bro

yamborghini chain RIP to my superior

>> No.6464115

ill order you delivery if you are in the US

>> No.6464261

sorry anon :(

>> No.6464333

It's going upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

>> No.6464365
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>> No.6464551


>> No.6464689


>> No.6464722
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>> No.6464724

thanks just bought 100k more

>> No.6464852

This coin asbolutely protects itself against current bear run. You must really hate making it if you are not going to buy this and long-term hold.

>> No.6465306

thanks OP just bought 50!

>> No.6465726

congrats. you're gonna make it

>> No.6465771

In 5 years I guarantee his VEN will be worth at least $50

>> No.6465988
File: 497 KB, 700x544, sleep tight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poorfag here holding 100 VEN. can i send my kids to college now?

>> No.6466025

saying it again, you have been warned.

$100-500 eoy worst case
$500-1000 eoy best case

>> No.6466108

187k ven will I make it?

>> No.6466152

I'm sorry no. You must have at least 500K Ven to get a lambo.

>> No.6466226

>will i be a millionaire or a multi millionare?

>> No.6466320

If he actually has 187K he is already a millionaire.

I have 80K and I'm bumping up on 500K.

>> No.6466372


why did it fucking fall?

>> No.6466430

btc fell a little

>> No.6467213

Nobody asked fuckwit

>> No.6467257

Yeah very similar projects, gotta be careful u know

>> No.6467357

7.24 eoy screencap this

Chinka dont want this to go anywhere until they deploy ven en masse in the real world. Its a long game, and these businessmen are a whole lot patient than cryptofags trading for weeks-1 year are.

>> No.6467435

No way. If it doesn't moon before March I am going to below my brains out.

>> No.6467477

Stop expecting gains from this coin this year. We have already seen twice now how news cannot move this coin up. Even rebranding + thor will not move it. Partnership with biggest tobacco company on earth did not move ven.

This is where they want it. Not $10 not $100

Get real and really think about it.

Insanely good news failed to move ven.

>> No.6467481

Why so salty?

>> No.6467607

Pboc already happened. It happened last year. They got ven at 8 cents. Ven is simply under NDA not to reveal this.

Pboc use ven to extract millions in btc eth from westerners in the run up.

Pboc news finally released, and They sell again.

Now ven distributed, pboc made billions, and finally after pboc got it share, it gets to moon.

Why would a huge bank partner with crypto unless it got an equally huge bribe? In china. Duh.

Screenshot all of this.

>> No.6467662

who cares even if that was true all us ven holders will still make fucking insane $$$

>> No.6467676

Listen you nigger. It's already up to $7 from sub $1 in less than a month.


>> No.6467709


>> No.6467774


Wow great for the 2% who got into ven sub $4. I got it at .80 thank god. I thought it would stop at 2 and 4(whales tried very hard). Now they refined their algorithm and here we are.

Where china cig partnership cant move the coin

>> No.6467812

Dont you get it? This was pboc coin from the start.

>> No.6467856
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>below my brains out
Nice memed

>> No.6467895

New exchanges will probably help us a bit with this manipulation. Hopefully all this regulation BS ends soon. In the meantime sitting in VEN is comfy AF during this BTC drama

>> No.6468090

1mil$ EOD faggot

>> No.6468129

why is the hq in singapoor? what will happen to NEO

>> No.6468236

Imagine: TRON gets china cigarette partnership. What happens to TRON?

Immediate $2 per coin, no question.

Yet, this barely phases VEN at all.

I'm starting to think that VEN is being held down by the PBoC itself.

>> No.6468309

Does this shit actually have legs? I'm torn on it. I like the prospect of generating passive income and believe it can be a strong contender going forward but there's no white paper, it's positioning itself to be a nationalistic crypto which tends to not be super favorable, and its branding and re-branding is kind of cringe.. Can someone shill me on this? I know they just announced partnerships with tabacco china or w.e but I also know the owners of vechain can change thor payouts and dump tokens whenever they want?

>> No.6468745
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This coin will EASILY be $100 EOY...

Sitting comfy with 10K for masternode

>> No.6468921

m-m-m-m-m-mommyyyyyyy its crashing again

>> No.6469264

stay poor

>> No.6469307

I waited for news and we FUCKING DROPPED

>> No.6469330


Wow great response buddy. Thanks!

>> No.6469372

Nobodys going to invest in this fucking coin if every 5% increase is met with multiple 90btc sell walls followed by a 20% bleedout

what the fuck is their endgame?

>> No.6469436

vechain is a scam. It's a hyper optimistic idea that ultimately is too expensive and not in the best inteest of those who produce goods to use. tags cost $.001 rfid costs $.30

>> No.6469443

Dirty fucking chinks want to swing trade all day, and think it is sustainable.

I hope someone burns their rice fields.

>> No.6469454

Honestly, I'm hoping the insiders that are manipulating VEN start to realize they're gonna lose money if they keep this up. Insiders then hold back on the fucking whalebots and we reap profit for a split second before they release the whalebots on us again.

>> No.6469512
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Someone redpill me on how the dividends for VeChain work? If I hold VeChain will I get Thor?

>> No.6469756


>> No.6469805

So if I held lets say 350-400 VeChain I am still able to get THOR even if I dont have a masternode?

>> No.6469821

i think yes but not that much, its in tiers

>> No.6470326

yes it's just like ark, put your ven in wallet and it will generate, not much but still free money if you hold ven

>> No.6470334

Dont get too excited, Thor is going to be almost worthless vs. the price you pay by holding ven if it continues to do fucking nothing.

>> No.6470411

If you think chinks wont run this into the ground with their scam...think again. They dont fucking care. This shit is worth billions. They can milk every dime out of it before it goes into the actual coin by doing what they are doing.

>> No.6470961

>Chinka dont want this to go anywhere until they deploy ven en masse in the real world.
if that was so, they wouldn't disclose big partnerships like that or tease the crowd with mind belowing news in january.

I think it's just people being retarded, they'd rather buy TRX or ripple. 500k VEN sellwals are literally nothing, I've seen people here with more ven than that. VEN is still in the smart money phase. People are really fucking stupid and once they see it approaching $30B marketcap and beyond that's when the normies jump on the train

>> No.6471340

Jim Breyer is invested in 2 cryptos. Vechain and ethereum. Thats all you retards need to know. Put your fucking money where he says. Okay? Now shut the fuck up and wait for the moon.

>> No.6471560

Fucking this you stupid pajeets
You gonna argue against a successful billionaire investor?
Fuck off
Comfiest hold of 2018
These walls will disappear eventually before or just after rebrand
Chase your shitcoins instead of fucking whinging every day