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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 85 KB, 1200x630, thekey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6455498 No.6455498 [Reply] [Original]

>40,000 people participating

only 1000 will make it


>> No.6455600
File: 106 KB, 1116x1300, 14182581-mascot-illustration-featuring-a-key-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got in on the presale

>> No.6455628

Market supply?

>> No.6455796

I aint ready mayn. Waiting for my NEO from KuCoin. I dont deserve it considerj g how late I left if.

>> No.6455829

turning into a shitshow... people spamming links on the telegram...admins posting Lambo...

>> No.6455869

Starts in 1 hour 30mins

>> No.6455915

Still not ready. I aint gonna make it.

>> No.6455941

Cool, just sage this shit hopefully some whitelisted faggot forgets about it

>> No.6455951

is this about selfkey ?

>> No.6456055

site isn't even fucking working

>> No.6456123

yea no fuck this, im gonna wait for it to hit exchanges

>> No.6456730

when is it tradable?

>> No.6457268

they just announced price is now 3.5 cents for each token now 200 million market cap

fucking jewed again. i wish i pulled the trigger for the presale.

>> No.6457429

fucking jammy chinks

>> No.6457452

Neo more than doubles since presale what did you expect

>> No.6457462

Site is down tho. I got an account, who is willing to buy it?

>> No.6457547

is neo going to crash?

>> No.6457557

this is gonna be the biggest shitshow in the history of icos

>> No.6457588
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>> No.6457595

How much would it be traded for at KuCoin???

>> No.6457612

Holy shit what a mess!!!
Fuck this shit
Any other NEO ICO currently on presale rn?

>> No.6457629

Wait, the sale hasnt started yet? i tho it was over

>> No.6457729

Can anyone place an order?
Theres nothing under "orders".....

>> No.6457800

it starts in half hour

>> No.6457836

>Buying into a scam ICO.

>> No.6457858

redpill me on this in ONE sentence.

>> No.6457908

chink ico, female ceo, no product

>> No.6457917

They x3 the price of the token right now get out

>> No.6457920

ID verification via blockchain already in use by 130mil people.

>> No.6457963

Is literally being used in many chinese cities

>> No.6457988

>chinese gov gave an award to a scam ICO
>business entrepreneur of the year is leading a scam ICO

>it has a centralized version of the product live already
>talking about about an ICO without a live blockchain product, what would be the point of the ICO then dufus?

>> No.6458047

>ID verification
nice chink botnet

>> No.6458089

it's gonna happen without or without us.

we might as well get rich along the way.

>letting emotion and muh chinks get in the way of your investments.

>> No.6458096

The beauty of the key is that they never control ID, they simply are a tool to transmit ID from governments to business/ect. THEKEY is never in control of your data.

>> No.6458143

Thats what they want you to believe you stupid fuck.

>> No.6458147

government crypto hospitals/ schools/ business/ a way to verify who you are if requested but able to keep your details private to those not authorized kind of interesting. Simply put principal can access your school id but you cant access principal and dean can access everyone and so can top chinaman. I think CHina government outsmarted us. THey said fuck btc and no mining yada yada but now they are working with chink ether. Everyone caught on. VEN WLT NEO and all ICO under NEO will be 2018. Seems like China stopped hoarding gold and started to mine future asset. wake up wait man. CHina man is wake while you jerk off to hitler dick pics.

>> No.6458171

all the code is open source and has been released publicly for audit.

>> No.6458182

Top notch fud. Dunno whether im gonna even bother now. 2 billion mcap for a x10??? Hmmmmmm

>> No.6458297

doesn't mean shit when it's brand new and you have to fomo in within a few hours

>> No.6458307

So the first fucks who got in got 2mil tokens for 1BTC which works out at 0.35 cents per token at the time. Now you idiots are buying tokens at 3.5 cents each?
>triangle shaped funding plan

>> No.6458610
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>> No.6458663

Chinese female entrepreneur of the year

>> No.6458716

What a shitshow of an ico. Telegram channel is filled with porn atm

>> No.6458772

think this will follow the "sucess" of CAN?

>> No.6458792

504 baD gateway again on orders pagr. Notr happening lads

>> No.6458831

Guyre remember if you get the 504 Gateway. Press ALT F4 to reconnect !!

>> No.6458870

thanks it worked. im ready!

>> No.6458889

Just kys already. You desperate assholes are pathetic

>> No.6458896

lol, website is still down. wtf is this shit?

>> No.6458924

Address is LIVE now : https://neotracker.io/address/AYZBc4Fjn22X1NLZQZKxhJt2sALz3SjDBN

>> No.6458925


>> No.6458942

shoo shoo stinky pajeet!

>> No.6458966



>> No.6459047
File: 46 KB, 350x770, stinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total shitshow. people posting scam addresses all over the telegram now

>> No.6459076

Well i'm all out on this one.
90% of sellable Tokens got sold 1/3 of Ico price.
Better buy in when it hits exchanges with like 0,02$ and take those x2 on NEO tomorrow

>> No.6459094

anyone got in yet?

>> No.6459105

i loaded the site but there is no way to place my "order"...

>> No.6459108


>> No.6459125


>> No.6459143

That actually worked on my pajeet

>> No.6459183

Nothing. 502 then 504 bag gateway lol jist got into orders page but still no aaddress.

>> No.6459191

Actually it is, but NEO is down alltogether, network clogged..

>> No.6459199
File: 13 KB, 400x400, DPqCfiJWsAAaa9z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the real ICO tomorrow... Ignite Ratings. 6pm GMT. Whitelist now.. KYC is optional.

>> No.6459209 [DELETED] 



Dear crowdsale participants,

The Neo deposit address is: ANmGxAhfBcp6hFLJDjBQ65f1BGCNVkeRd3

The total allocation of the crowd sale will be 10,000 Neo. The minimum contribution is 1 NEO and the maximum contribution is 10 NEO per person. Only NEO will be accepted during crowd sale as announced before.

Beware of scammers! Dont send your NEO to anyone over private message!

All the best and good luck!
Jan 15th, 2018

>> No.6459247

>Beware of scammers! Dont send your NEO to anyone over private message!

does that also include pajeets on 4chan?

>> No.6459250

im still just bouncing on 502 & 504..

>> No.6459255

Appreciate this, sent.

>> No.6459267

I set my fucking alarm at 3am for this shit. I'm not giving away my NEO for cheap like this... fuck these guys.

>> No.6459270

I'm out lol. Want to sell 10000 tokens, hype it out for weeks to get the telegram to 33k members. ico day the site crashes, telegram goes to shit. Company run by a woman. Figures

>> No.6459302

whats the individual cap?

>> No.6459325

I also stayed awake for these stinky chinkies to deliver, fuck this

>> No.6459333

Thanks anon. Sent 10 over to them now- will it go through if i'm whitelisted but didn't order through the website?

>> No.6459376

lul I hope you're joking

>> No.6459409


Its the address for the ICO

>> No.6459411
File: 218 KB, 520x638, 1436416716076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels comfy holding my 130k tokens from presale

>> No.6459416

the fact that I received 3 copies of the same "crowdsale info" email shows that these guys aren't the most competent people around

>> No.6459441

Wow what an overpriced piece of shit. it's not even worth the trouble lmao.

>> No.6459442
File: 32 KB, 988x334, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 1.11.53 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6459454

Did we miss out on a Chinese pajeeting? Blessing in disguise?

>> No.6459464

open the fucking door already

>> No.6459492
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>> No.6459539

they bungled it so hard. changed the price 45 minutes before the sale what a load of shit.

>> No.6459542

Yeah and neos tanking now too. I got pajeeted

>> No.6459599

this is the worst part since i bought my NEOs at fucking $170 each

>> No.6459648

fuck yes i knew i had a bad feeling about this. hype was way too much. thank god i backed out buying neo at the ath.

>> No.6459670

where does it say

>> No.6459671

168 here. We were led on a wild sanjeev chase

>> No.6459676

I sent you 20, you stinky pajeet. Keep the change

>> No.6459688

3x presale price and presale has more than 2x the amount allocated with no lockup.

Whales gonna dump on exchanges boys easy 3x money for them.

>> No.6459747

>tfw i have 250 referrals

>> No.6459779
File: 69 KB, 1347x271, ApplicationFrameHost_2018-01-13_11-32-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 400.000 now should be a mil

>> No.6459808

>the power of NEO
>the next ETH
And it is fucking crushed still. Where are those 10k transactions per second? Bullshit.

TheKey itself it's just a shitshow. Not even worth talking about it.

>> No.6459827
File: 7 KB, 348x102, Telegram_2018-01-15_03-21-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6459846

Lmao they changed the conversion rate. Presale now has about a 300% bonus compared to crowdsale. They cant even get their site to work. Absolute chink shitfest

>> No.6459872

they should cancel this shitshow and just airdrop us like 5000 TKY each

>> No.6459892

Is neo really down or is it just this this trash company thekey getting fucked?

>> No.6459914

Not even a lock period for pre distribution. Kek I am laughing for all the normies and pajeets happy to buy this shit at 3x

>> No.6459944

Thanks anons. I'm out.

>> No.6459950

clownfiesta.... almost 25 minutes hitting refresh...

>> No.6459952

Stay mad when this lists at 30cents

>> No.6459997
File: 1.94 MB, 235x180, 1462131671939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, CAN sold for about $1 each and then the price got pumped to around $5 on ED. I think CAN started over $5 when it hit Kuckcoin so you can probably expect the same.

>> No.6460032

Has anyone actually managed to load the order page?

>> No.6460040


>> No.6460045

Look at the marketcap, no way its gonna moon that high.

>> No.6460094

This shit is gonna dump harder on ED
Not buying this scam @ x3 it's real price
Cya brodas

>> No.6460109

sorry, Im new to cypto's, how to calculate the market cap for an ICO like this?

>> No.6460113

Thread theme

>> No.6460133

Screencapped. I contributed in A LOT of icos, this reminds me of BNT. Highly shilled project, devs got greedy during crowdsale. We all know how it went. Maybe not you, you could be too new.

>> No.6460135

Gtfo back to plebbit

>> No.6460162

NEO is being hit like a bitch by this. Fact is, it is supposed to handle 10k transactions per second (for comparison ETH handles 14 per second). One stupid ICO shouldn't be enough to have it fucked like this, but well, chinks making chink shit.

>> No.6460164
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, 1386286039307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6460176

get the amount of coins/tokens they are selling and multiply by the current price.
so there were 10,000,000,000 TKY sold and now they put the price at 0.034 so thats 340,000,000

>> No.6460197

this is my personal anthem

>> No.6460285

You do realise that they are selling less keys because of the price increase, and that they are burning unsold tokens?

The supply is going to be much lower now, hence lower cap

>> No.6460310

Is it worth do join the crowdsale after this new price?
Or the Chinks fuck it up?

>> No.6460311

thank you, I am sorry for the dumb question. You explained so clearly. Why would they do such a thing? To cheat people? to make the price higher when it hits exchanges?You don't have to answer if my questions are too silly. And I want to thank you again.

>> No.6460331

Current prices would put it around top 50 on CMC. Now do an x3 and check the marketcap? Nearly top 10 fat chance of that happening.

>> No.6460340


but only ~2.35 billion will be circulating for the first 3 months. so that's an initial mcap of ~80mil. should be okay for a quick flip for ×3-×5

nah. i'm kidding. not touching this shitshow

>> No.6460351

How is it being hit? People can't even place their order. Anon up there couldn't even load the order page after trying for 25 mins. This has nothing to do with neo. Thekey is just trash.

>> No.6460361

This is nothing to do with NEO. TheKey website is a normal website that runs on normal servers, neon pings a server, not NEO network, NeoTracker too. Only NEO GUI is official and on the blockchain directly. All blockchain wallets do, unless they're a light wallets like NEON have to download the whole blockchain.

>> No.6460387

36 minutes now anon, the site is absolute shitfest of 502's 504's and access denied

>> No.6460392

they said it is because the price of BTC fell and the price of NEO rose but that makes absolutely no sense that it would increase the price that high so no one really knows

>> No.6460403


yeah. wtf does neo have to do with incompetent devs who can't keep a page up with an expected traffic count of less than 50k concurrent users.

>> No.6460412

You dumb ass, that is not correct.

They are only raising 10k Neo worth of the key.
4645.6 x 10000 = 46,456,000 FOR THE WHOLE CROWDSALE

they are burning unsold tokens.

The circulating supply is going to be much lower now because of this.

>> No.6460448

Yep. We will see. This will be the classic post ICO pump, maybe 2x, then drop around $0.02

>> No.6460475


you're forgetting they sold 2 billion in the unlocked presale. even if they don't sell anything in the crowdsale and burn it all, that won't make a dent in the supply, lol

>> No.6460479

Yeah fuck this im out. 300% presale bonus. No thanks

>> No.6460492

Private sale only sold 500 BTC over 3 tranches and has lockup. Presale sold a whopping 1660 BTC worth of TKY at 3x discount FOR NO LOCKUP,

Crowdsale has 660 BTC worth of TKY allocated.

>> No.6460495

yes but what about all the TKY sold during the presales. that adds to the circulating supply

>> No.6460501

NEO network has been very slow too. You can read in the telegram how a lot of people are having issues with many wallets. Even the blockchain explorers are laggy.

>> No.6460506

Joke of a company, seriously. The telegram is filled with faggots pretending to be admins posting neo addresses. Is it so hard to set up an autoban system. Fucking retards.

>> No.6460541


>> No.6460598

Have these subhumans even came out with anything yet? Nothing on twitter at least.. Been refreshing for 40 fucking minutes gonna go to sleep soon

>> No.6460626

Play it everytime I wake up

>> No.6460637

Admins appear to have abandonned ship.

it's been getting spammed with 30 messages per second for the last 2 hours. Nearly all are retards asking questions about exchange wallets and pajeet scammers.

they should just close it and redirect to official announcement channel.

That being said. It's now 40 mins past the start time with no website and no communication.

>> No.6460723

Jesus. I never imagined it to be this bad lol. You still trying to buy? I decided to save my neos for a better project.

>> No.6460863

I did. 40k whitelisted for 10k NEO? Absurd. It's like they only wanted to collect a lot of IDs... That's their product anyways.

>> No.6460875

thinking about skipping this one now

>> No.6461050

How do you think the gooks will handle this? Any guess?

>> No.6461087

Is everybody being fudded out by some shit servers, or are you just fudding people to increase your own chances?

Anyway, should've bought presale like me :^)

>> No.6461143

How much was presale? and what was the minimum buy in?

>> No.6461177

so much fud from butthurt crowdsale plebians

>> No.6461190

I picked some up in the presale and have a hefty referral reward bonus, so I think I'm gonna give up on this, especially considering the price increase.

It's been over an hour with no website, no communication, no possibility of taking part in the ICO as promised.

I have checked twitter, reddit, telegram and email. Nothing.

>> No.6461277

Well admin did just threatened everyone in the TG that if they kept spamming they will not get announcements there. What a shitshow im out!

>> No.6461301


they prety much went full jew and made everyone pay 2.25x more

>> No.6461357

anyone got telegram link? heard its a shitshow, i wana go post pics of my dick lol

>> No.6461398

what other poster said.

To all other bros interested, just leave this coin. The only thing that made it attractive was the combination of low marketcap and partnerships, but the ICO price increase fully jewed non-presale buyers out of any significant gains.

>literally just keep your NEO and it'll make you richer than this, because I and all other whales will dump on you with our 300% bonus

>> No.6461489


first time when you dont do the opposite of what biz says.

leigt, 3am, site is still down, ico price is x3 the price of pre-sale.


>> No.6461879

this. there are plenty of good ICO's coming up, but this sinking chink ship has sailed unfortunately.

If you're still buying this just prep your anus because you'll get a 3x-larger-presale-black-rod jammed up your shithole by every whale

>> No.6462063
File: 32 KB, 753x757, IMG-20180115-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these good ico's you speak of? I was looking forward to this ico and NEX

>> No.6462127

not going to fill your bags for you, but NEX is certainly on the list.

Also regardless, ICOs are such a retarded boom now that you will almost guaranteed 2x your money on small mcap coins

>> No.6462278


dbc yielded over x30 for me.

this shit show is still profitable but i cba to sit and fight for a 10 neo cap with chonka wonkas.

fucking irates me that they kept whitelisting open till the last minute and forced this hype and shit to happen/

presale hodlers will see some INSANE gains

>> No.6462452

this is a good tip for everyone in here, NEO ICO's and anything with quality chinks are guaranteed to moon.