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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 111 KB, 800x571, musk mcafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6452780 No.6452780 [Reply] [Original]

After you've finally made it, will you become like Elon Musk or more like John McAfee?

>> No.6452823

somewhere in the middle

>> No.6452830

I'd rather be McAffee minus the marrying an ex hooker.

>> No.6452848
File: 41 KB, 419x419, F4CB492E-3EA0-41FC-976A-B39A009EA494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the bogs

>> No.6452851

im gonna build a private army. what does that make me?

>> No.6452897
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Based on whom they fuck, i am gonna go with Musk. Rather than having mediocre prostitutes sucking your dick, you can have Amber heard.

>> No.6452898

Neither why the fuck would you put yourself in the spot light.

>> No.6452951
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>im gonna build a private army. what does that make me?

>> No.6452985


>> No.6453009
File: 6 KB, 183x276, imagesR2E8OR2I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidentally posted a picture of the older guy from mmmbop.
pic related is Amber..

>> No.6453778
File: 38 KB, 618x762, mcfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcfee obviously but with no niggresses

Elon was still cucked by Amber head. He is a cuck, doesnt matter how rich

>> No.6453843

>Will you be like faggot A or faggot B

I'll be more like Jesus Christ

>> No.6453882

I'm gonna be like John McAfee except I'm gonna stick to psychedelics and eastern European women

>> No.6453978

Knowing myself, Elon Musk.

Although I would love to be like McAfee.

>> No.6454017

Purchase a hacienda in Colombia + private army and create a hot new snack for low income Spanish speaking countries called, "mongolitos" and it would be all the rejected chips from frito lay and then buy the Palladium movie theatre and turn it into a lounge where you can rent a room for long periods of time where you can play any game console with pals with complete concierge service

I'm going to call it, "the lounge"

>> No.6454071


i like to think that he's fucked so many thousands of beautiful women over the years that an ugly negress is something exotic and new to him

>> No.6454120

Musk, McAfee doesn't seem like he's actually happy.

>> No.6454147

Bullshit, he made MDPV in Belize. There's plenty of niggers there

>> No.6454160

neither of those faggots lifestyles appeal to me

>> No.6454194

I'd like some mongolitos

>> No.6454210

Good luck living anything resembling his lifestyle and ending up with anything but a disgusting whore of a girlfriend/wife.

>> No.6454239

just give me a nice house and a huge yard and I will garden for the next 70 years - sounds fucking fantastic.

>> No.6454388


i just want peace and quiet with my own plot of land and a reasonable home. Would be nice to have a big workshop and work on old cars constantly too, the dream.

>> No.6454410

soon my friend

>> No.6454439

This. I don't want to run a billion dollar company like musk and I only want to do coke maybe once a month rather than daily like McAfee

>> No.6454481
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>tfw no baboon gf

>> No.6454483

Anon, you are getting somewhere. The real deal with those two, it seems, they both aren't happy really.
Meditation and self-inquiry will heal you, so you'll actually become happy + rich af

>> No.6454513

I'd rather become like McAfee but realistically I'll become like Musk.

>> No.6454520
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>tfw no wife's son to get hammered with

>> No.6454532

neither is musk, i'm not trying to be edgy right now, but look at his love life and how his wife cucked him twice or three times? idk how many times he married the same woman, but that's fucking pathetic

>> No.6454533

McAfee has full time body guards because he has so many enemies

>> No.6454536


would rather be forever alone than wake up next to that thing every morning

>> No.6454588
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>> No.6454633
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>> No.6454646

i'll be like bill murray in life aquatic

>> No.6454738

I dunno. We know he's fucked the absolute shit out of dozens of 10/10 women and experienced the absolute mire of degeneracy. Maybe after all that he settled with someone for companionship rather than great tits and a pretty face.

>> No.6454746

Does Musk seem happy to you?

>> No.6454753
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God she is disgusting

>> No.6454766


>> No.6454774
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>> No.6454789
File: 3.12 MB, 1437x2017, 1514339721151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"ayo white boi, you best buy me some more kicks, or I be tellin mama that you raped me, fucker"

>> No.6454803

Being rich doesn't make you Elon Musk. Being Elon Musk makes you rich.

>> No.6454820

I am gonna save this wojack. 10/10

>> No.6454833
File: 31 KB, 400x287, woz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be like Steve Woz.

>> No.6454871

if i ever get rich off crypto or whatever i'll buy a house big enough for my needs so not that big, buy a few batteries for my 17yr old fiat bravo just so i dont have to piss around when it starts playing up, maybe get it serviced. And thats really it, will also drive alot more for fun, recently got a new radio which i can use my iphone with so would love to drive up to Glasgow or Hull or Bristol to see my mates at uni whilst playing 80swave the whole way there

>> No.6454902

Elon secured his genetic legacy by having kids with like 3 different women.. Could any one here do that?

>> No.6454954

Not a thrill seeker and I think what Elon Musk is doing is pretty cool so Elon Musk minus any cuckoldry included.

>> No.6454968

A combination of the two.

Live on my off grid, self sufficient hobby farm to reduce third party dependencies because I see the impending collapse and breakdown of society McAfee sees.

But like Musk, any gains beyond what's needed for retirement will be spent on development projects in my community providing critical infrastructure and business development opportunities for my home region.

But unlike both, I'll be the quiet type who simply changes things without the spotlight. People will see and feel the changes I create, but I'll aim to remain as nameless as possible in the process.

>> No.6455042


yea that's the same thing i said but here i am with close to $2 million in crypto and still living in the same shitty apartment and driving the same shitty car, eating the same shitty food, and still alone

when you reach $1 million, you will say "i'm going to use this to make $5 million and cash out" and then $10 million, etc

you will never cash out, this is all just a trap.

>> No.6455048
File: 25 KB, 480x448, 1504775659400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad works at Wendy's. He said Elon came to Wendy's one day and he was a real dummy

>> No.6455051

Musk is a miserable fucker. He has the same problem that guys like Jobs and Gates had. He literally cannot stop and breathe for a second and appreciate what he has in life. He's so completely driven to work work work that any moment of happiness is quickly forgotten because someone around him fucks something up and he needs to go scream at them. This extends into their home life, too...it's why the houses these guys live in are insane. And they can't escape even if they want to. Jobs, for instance, desperately wanted to just fuck off to Kyoto forever and make pottery and tend to a nice rock garden and just sorta hang out, but the beast in him wouldn't let that happen. He'd often manage to pull away for solo weekend trips, but that was about it.

Gates got really lucky with his wife, who chilled him the fuck out.

>> No.6455071


>> No.6455085

My dad said the same thing. He said Elon came to Carl's Jr. one day and he was a real dummy

>> No.6455103

both are fags

>> No.6455104

If I made it
Mcaffe's body in more of an office, my face with cocaine on it, different girls

>> No.6455127

Sounds awful but then I remember I'm a miserable fuck anyway. Better to be a successful miserable fuck than an unsuccessful one.

>> No.6455155
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dont't think so

>> No.6455226

I love Mcafee I don't care what u fags say. How many degenerates can look u in the face and say I spend crypto on hookers and blow..

>> No.6455243
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>> No.6455326
File: 95 KB, 900x738, 820166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna be just like Trump up to the point of running for prez. People will call me The Anon. I will do a cameo in Home Alone 6 and own casinos and hotels across the world.

>> No.6455329
File: 46 KB, 540x405, JohnMcAfee-wife-Janice-Dyson-McAfee-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6455341


I work for a boss at a manufacturing lab that literally cannot stop working. I shit you not, he's 77, he's in the lab EVERY FUCKING DAY. No weekends. The only time off is one week he takes off during christmas once a year to see his family in indiana. The dude is smart and has several patents but he's a fucking ego tripping asshole who cannot micromanage worth of shit and cannot fucking think about anything besides his job. I mean, the dude is loaded, he has several properties, has a sick pension from a 30 year gig at a big pharma company. But instead of spending time with his only 8 year old son knowing he doesnt have many years left and he has it fucking made, he'd rather wear the same fucking clothes for weeks on end and never spend time with his kid cuz work is just THAT important

>> No.6455572

yeah I hope to make a few mil and then take out £250k to get a house or something cause live in Kent, very expensive. Might wait for a housing crash tho if i get to that point, but i plan on keeping the same car because being flashy is for idiots who spend their paychecks on Stone Island or people who own black skin/or both

>> No.6455622

lol that guy. he buys fresh $2 notes and spends them just to fuck with people. walks into the store and takes out the fresh $2 notes, separates them in front of the employee, and spends them. that's how non autists troll. take notes kids.

>> No.6455680
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>> No.6455733

> that's how non autists troll
>probably the most autistic attempt at trolling that I ever heard of in my life

>> No.6455740

Literally me. Not even kidding.
Right down to the trap

>> No.6455747

>I work for a boss at a manufacturing lab that literally cannot stop working. I shit you not, he's 77, he's in the lab EVERY FUCKING DAY. No weekends. The only time off is one week he takes off during christmas once a year to see his family in indiana. The dude is smart and has several patents but he's a fucking ego tripping asshole who cannot micromanage worth of shit and cannot fucking think about anything besides his job. I mean, the dude is loaded, he has several properties, has a sick pension from a 30 year gig at a big pharma company. But instead of spending time with his only 8 year old son knowing he doesnt have many years left and he has it fucking made, he'd rather wear the same fucking clothes for weeks on end and never spend time with his kid cuz work is just THAT important

real dads buy UFR

>> No.6455800


Oh i forgot to mention. He had a stroke wednesday, was out of work till friday and was back in the lab saturday like nothing happened

>> No.6455825

Musk, McAfee is a degenerate.

>> No.6455833

Ted Kaczynski

>> No.6455949
File: 226 KB, 400x300, ekwsose8xyoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elon musk is a cuck beta faggot

and his girfriend Amber Heard is the biggest gold digging fake actress prostitute in the /biz/

>> No.6455959

>being around an ugly ex-hooker nignog is good companionship

>> No.6456040

this but unironically

>> No.6456041

i've grown up with my dad as an example of this. poor fucker isn't even happy.

i remember he used to read tons of books, used to run for miles to stay in shape, used to travel and go to the cinema a lot. now it's just one phone call after the other.

i hope i will never get in that vicious circle.

>> No.6456072

Niggers do it all the time anon. Why can't we?

>> No.6456126


Well the boss seems emotionally retarded and it seems like it could be onset of dementia to an extent, depending on the age. My boss for sure, especially if he's having fucking strokes. He's like borderline manic

>> No.6456180

hi coconut.

>> No.6456185

I'm retiring to the mountains, so neither?

>> No.6456252

This, I don't want to do anything big, ambitious or public. I don't want a sprawling mansion or a Lambo or a life of excesses.
I'll just buy a nice house, big enough for me and occasional guests (no live-in partner and absolutely no brats), a serviceable car and spend my life with a modest annual stipend from my gains

>> No.6456260

Elon is not dedicated enough to the Cause.