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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 233 KB, 1892x912, Inventory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6448750 No.6448750 [Reply] [Original]


This will be even bigger than cryptokitties, get in before the normies flood this game.

(Share your Ethercraft inventory. Let's see how rich /biz/ will be.)

>> No.6448808

Buy the golden shield and legendary loot crate for biggest gainz

>> No.6448812

Frog hat whale reporting in
Where my Pepes at

>> No.6448840

also the devs just made a new post:

>> No.6448852

>tfw still early on the ponzi

Legendary crate master race here, making gains on the sales and on the future legendary item.

>> No.6448857

making money on vitrual frog hats
comfy af

>> No.6448936

>Buy the uncommon lootbox at 0.025.
>Leave computer for 3 hours.
>Come back, the tx still hasn't went through, the item already doubled in price twice.

What the actual fuck. I used 40 Gwei!

>> No.6448947
File: 12 KB, 691x294, hold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I could afford at the moment, but if I withdraw the gains from both merchant items I can afford another 0.05 one. Do you keep your items even after you withdraw?

>> No.6448980

I think the swords are underrated desu

>> No.6448993
File: 14 KB, 1161x114, ss+(2018-01-14+at+10.51.31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here frogbro.

>> No.6449011
File: 375 KB, 1635x892, ethercraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enchanted merchant hats are more dapper

>> No.6449018

>Japan will come online eventually and it will blow up harder. I am just buying more legendary crates and frog hats mainly.
I see that they have full Japanese translations as well, they're just not using them for some reason

if you look at the source code to the site you can see them

>> No.6449023


Yes. I've been withdrawing when the TX fee is less than 10% of the profit. Items still there after withdrawing.

>> No.6449060

>To be clear: It is our intention for our current Enchanted items to be among the rarest and most powerful in the game.
>Most of our current items are essentially one-time runs—if only 4 or 5 Merchant’s Enchanted Rings have been purchased by the time we reach the endTime, for example, then that will be the total number of that item that will ever exist in the Ethercraft universe. Basically, we want to reward early adopters as much as possible.
We will all make it, buy enchanted items.

>> No.6449083

yes. even if you die and lose your equips, you earn. this ponzi is a gold mine

>> No.6449155

Oh my god, I went to withdraw and I have to have Ether on my wallet to do that, I thought I could use the withdraw money to pay for the fees. What the fuck do I do?

>> No.6449169


Enchanted items and Seasonals should be big if this takes off. I'm holding off on buying the ones that will actually be useful once the game is up; save myself the TX cost just in case it's a cut and run.

>> No.6449175

Have got the gloves but token not showing in Metamask - they advised the token would be held by me. Do I need to manually add?

>> No.6449227

get more eth kek

>> No.6449282
File: 2 KB, 388x149, CRATES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it? All bought for .025

>> No.6449283

God fucking damnit, sometimes this gas thing of Ethereum is just plain retarded and not user friendly at all.

>> No.6449325
File: 44 KB, 576x349, ponzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poorfag
At least I have good fashion

>> No.6449350

i saw my item in the inventory and now its not there

just lagging or what?

>> No.6449352

keeps the normies out

>> No.6449385

you should be flipping your profits for more profits, anon

>> No.6449403

Now people are going to start buying the higher end items because they technically have a better ROI

>> No.6449417

is it late to get in, what should , buy? no shillin pls?

>> No.6449442

That's dumb, because we want normies to understand and use this.

>> No.6449463

yep is sometimes delayed

also is worth buying the books? this thing is kinda addictive

>> No.6449479

This is literally the cheapest rare and legendary boxes ever will be

>> No.6449489

>Numbers of items sold displaying incorrect
>ETH payout per additional item purchased varies, even for the same item. Sometimes it says it will pay out .00025, sometimes .001.
>Game still isn't released

Yeah sorry, I'm not going to help you make money off of this garbage scam. If the game ever gets released I'll happily find and sell the worthless items you convinced idiots to buy into, though.

>> No.6449522

my metamask ETH is going down but i dont see shit fuckkk

also i thing i bought 2 merchant boots fml

>> No.6449541


>> No.6449585
File: 20 KB, 1360x221, wtfamidoing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should I buy next?

>> No.6449664

crates. do you want to know which crate to buy?

>> No.6449731

>the first real blockchain videogame
Everything before now wasn't a game even when they feature gameplay? When you could literally play Etheremon before this garbage?

>medium says they don't want this game to be laggy
>it's laggy
>medium says "This is a major departure from the way a lot of other “game on the blockchain”-type projects are currently operating—in fact, most other projects in this space are nothing more than traditional client-server-style games that just happen to run on the EVM but are otherwise totally centralized in the hands of a few developers. "
>it's complete bullshit as none of the other games are centralized and the only control the Etheremon devs have, for example, is actually limited after the contract switch

This ponzi/pyramid scheme crazy is hilarious, but at least there's evidence that's dying down, given how few items were sold in comparison to Etheremon and Tanks in the same period of time. I bought three uncommon crates at 10 and I haven't even made .2 eth of this shit. The games are obnoxiously slow kek - and don't give me 'well you should have bought these items' because that's bullshit, and the cheapest one already, and always will, sell the most, and this is how much it's gotten so far. Nothing.

>> No.6449833

IT got released some hours ago, normies will come, just wait, don-t be a faggot.

>> No.6449856

Check your metamask address at etherscan. All items are ERC20 tokens

>> No.6449883
File: 4 KB, 615x128, 712353bcdd81fbeef83f430960821dd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew, starting to actually believe in this thing

>> No.6449940

These are under bought now.


Remember: Gold will be the main token and will go on coinmarketcap. The merchants set will be worth A LOT

This is version v0.01. Don't be impatient.

>> No.6449961

Where is the "progress" saved? Like, if I close my browser, how does it remember my account? Should I be writing down the ETH adress?

>> No.6449972

2 boots kek
and now i'm supposed to be getting eth over time after more people buy them?

>> No.6449995

>bought a legendary crate and santa hat
d-did I fuck up..?

>> No.6450010

Thats the seed you wrote down from metamask. Its an ethereum wallet.

>> No.6450046

Do the rewards from others buying go up or down as time goes on?
>tfw retard

>> No.6450048

ponzi week is over
let these bandwagoners enjoy their imaginary bags

>> No.6450067

Buy some merchants.

Everyone who buys, and you can sell the item as its an ERC20 token, and you can collect gold when the game releases and sell the gold for ethereum.

>> No.6450079

it's ok, legendary crate is very demanded.

>> No.6450116

How the fuck do you get eth out of this thing

I see no withdrawal option

>> No.6450117

Thanks anon, how do we go about selling our items?

>> No.6450145

How do the free items work? Do I need to send 0 ETH?

>> No.6450159
File: 222 KB, 784x783, withdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click on an item in your inventory and wait

>> No.6450186


Go to the page for the item, then wait a few seconds for the blue "Withdraw" button to pop up.

>> No.6450205

still need to pay for gas but otherwise it's "free"

>> No.6450250

The game is lying it's ass off in the medium (effectively fudding other competitors) and it's got far less sales in the same period of time as the other games. The only way you'll make the same dividends as the other games is if they keep the purchases open forever and at that point they're a genuine ponzi game, whereas at least the others fixed themselves afterwards. At this point in time, even the most expensive Etheremon, which were 1 ETH each, had over 200 sales.

I got my money, but the amount of people buying in early generally shows the amount of people aiming to back the game and hope it does well. This has less backing than Tanks did, let alone Etheremon.

Thanks for the money, but your only chance at this point is to make yourself into a real game. Kudos on learning from the other ponzi games' mistakes, but you've come in when the market is burned, and the lying in the medium to downplay competition is pretty shit. Heck, reading over the comments in the past two threads, it seems like the people who made this game are the owners of an Etheremon channel and fudded that game in favour of this

>> No.6450276

They seriously need to add a Chinese and Korean language flag to the site. If anyone loves virtual imaginary items, it's them.

>> No.6450277

What gas limits and gas prices are you guys using?

>> No.6450327

Reeee my transaction taking forever i need my virtual shit reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.6450333
File: 14 KB, 665x279, ohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my first withdrawal from gloves, and used it to buy a hat. Withdrawal only took ~3 min to go through.

>> No.6450394



>> No.6450431

I'm still skeptical. Also, can someone explain to me how this works? As soon as the price of the items increases, can I sell those items at the increased price?

>> No.6450536

I would steer clear of games like these. There aren't words to describe the amount of scam and money lost.

>> No.6450606

What is best to buy with only 0.032 ETH?
The free Gift Bag? Or other free items?

>> No.6450620

>that's why you get in at the top of the pyramid, anon

>> No.6450648

Honestly? Save your ETH and watch it grow by EOY. Investing in learning the skills for a real job is for more valuable than playing a ponzi game

>> No.6450680


I dislike the whole ponzi craze, as each new one detracts from the ones before it via collateral negative publicity, but I don't think the game is an exit scam, as it clearly has more thought put into it than every game that blatantly cloned Etheremon. I imagine this project will be a good game if the devs work hard at it, as it's a nice concept, but at this point, as per normal in ponzis, buying any of the ponzi shit after the first few hours is always retarded as you'll be bagholding.

>> No.6450682

Save up for an uncommon crate. Less than a 1/3rd price compared to legendary crates.

>> No.6450708


Yeah that's great and all but an easy way to make money is this Pump discord group. They said first 1000 members get a high rank.

discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6450753

Looking at the contract, the forefront items were sold in bulk (20 and 30 each, respectively) before they even released the medium post. You weren't going to get in at the very top of the pyramid because they already released the game to their ponzi-adoring friends.

>> No.6450842

This. Save your money and invest it in an IRA.

>> No.6450954
File: 269 KB, 567x960, 1510004411425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to >>6450536
The game is legit and the creators answered all the questions, it's not a scam or a ponzi that will simply go away any day. There's actual development behind it and there will be a game in the near future, at the same time you can make some money if you are early, there's still time. I literally make more money with these kinds of games than with any other coins, the ROI is bigger and faster. There's always a little risk, but they have worked very good for me so far.

>> No.6450966

people are still buying frog hats for .23 ether. chinks and japs haven't even rolled out of bed yet. this is just getting started

>> No.6450997

Lol, why are you even in crypto?

>> No.6451032

Any word on the games release?

>> No.6451037

How do I cash out? I keep clicking the red exclamation point on the inventory page and nothing happens.

>> No.6451066

if you leave the page open (might take 15-30s) a withdraw button appears underneath the item

>> No.6451073

you wait on the item shop page till it loads a blue withdraw box after 3mins

>> No.6451080

Don't listen to the FUD and don't miss the boat, btw it's simple, buy the items that are most valuable, like Merchant items, swords or better the Legendary Loot Crate.
For now you can't sell it, think of this like an ICO, this is a pre-sale, like cryptokitties at the beginning and all that shit. You earn some Eth that you can withdraw immediately (so, this is not a scam), then you can also sell the items on Etheredelta as soon as there are contract addresses. Or you can use them to play when the game comes out. This is one of the first games on the Ethereum network and it's similar to Minecraft, why shouldn't it blow up?
Just go on the Discord, Telegram, ask questions, they will reply to you, they are very active and serious about this shit, inform, but try to buy items early, there is still time but earlier is better

>> No.6451116
File: 395 KB, 1854x852, Withdraw button.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You click an item in the inventory page, wait for it to load, and there's a withdrawal blue button at the bottom.

>> No.6451202

you are all faggots who shopped for game items, why shouldn't people do that with crypto games?
This will blow up, it's also done to resemble Minecraft like Overwatch copied League of Legends, to make gamers feel comfy, I repeat, if you think it's a scam, just don't buy, but at least DYOR about team and development

>> No.6451264

i just spent 0.6 etc on items. how fucked am i

>> No.6451265

Question. I need serious help. I fucking HATE metamask. I click the withdrawal button and it wants me to send some shit back over to them again? Could you explain that? What should i put for the limit and gwei values? I sent one over for like 47 gwei or something and i still haven't received my Etherrr.

>> No.6451287

>don't listen to the fud
This is one of the people who got in early because the devs released it to their friends, and people in charge of things like their own Discords, before anyone else. He's telling you to 'buy anything' because he's bought every piece of the major sets.

You're buying way too late at this point The ponzi has been up for 8 hours, you will not make your ROI. In ponzis, you won't make your ROI after the first few hours. If you bought late, take this as a learning experience and don't make the mistake next time.

For future reference, have some tips for ponzi games: Buy the cheapest shit as that's what will sell the most, don't buy after the first hour (sometimes you can go to two, but you'll be cutting it close), don't reinvest your gains into the ponzi, as by the time you have significant enough gains, everything's been bought too much - unless, of course, you invested like 3 eth and got in as part of the dev's group of friends who snatched everything early, in which case you've probably made the dividends for 1 or 2 more items before it starts running out of steam.

>> No.6451350

>being this much of a faggot
if you're on /biz/ you could have been in from the very start. enjoy posting salt in every ethercraft thread for the next few weeks while anons stack ether

>> No.6451384

>everyone posting long and thoughtful posts about a Ponzi game

Goys I have an unrelated question, has anyone taken mushrooms/dmt to discuss crypto trading strategies with the spirit world?

>> No.6451421

you lucky sons a bitches that got in uncommon at .025 3xed

>> No.6451450

When usualy this shit run out of steam. 2 days or a week?

>> No.6451472

Yeah uncommons gonna blow up once people realize legendaries are way too expensive already to recoup prices.

>> No.6451488

I like copypasta whine, just get in dude, stop complaining

>> No.6451519

i wonder why we dont hear anything about these stupid fucking cars anymore

>> No.6451544

Only bought 2, but feelsgoodman

>> No.6451555

>if you're on /biz/ you could have been in from the very start
I've already made money off it, and no, you couldn't get within the first 20 - 30 sales of the major items because they were pre-released to friends of the dev.
At this point you're just trying to leech money off the people who have yet to see the pyramid games, because everyone else has already bought in ridiculously early or knew what was going on and avoided it after a certain period of time.

Thanks for the free money, as with every ponzi.

>> No.6451596

>You're buying way too late at this point The ponzi has been up for 8 hours, you will not make your ROI. In ponzis, you won't make your ROI after the first few hours. If you bought late, take this as a learning experience and don't make the mistake next time.
Yeah, tell me about bitconnect, lol, you don't know anything. This is not a ponzi, there will be a game, so there's much more behind it. At the same time it just got released today, it hasn't even reached it's peak.

>> No.6451629

It runs out of steam in the first 2 - 3 hours at absolute best. Most games run out after the first hour because everyone knows that the more you buy right away, the more you make. These get shilled to /biz/ after the insiders get in.

>> No.6451648

any other fresh games to creep on coming up?

>> No.6451732

You're /selling/ the ponzi, not the game. The threads are nothing but 'buy now get this ponzi item' rather than 'look at this innovation' - at best, the latter is used as icing on the cake, not the main selling point. The game itself doesn't need the ponzi, but it doesn't change that this is what your main selling point is at the moment. Right now the game is a ponzi and that's literally all there is to it.

When they cut off the ponzi purchase options as every other one does, and you start shilling the game for what it does rather than the money you're trying to leech off people, that's when you can say 'there's so much behind it'.

>> No.6451759

Don't listen to this retard , what he's saying is totally false, read:

>> No.6451871

If there are, you need to be in the discords and telegrams of the predecessors, because it's always someone from there who makes his own. Jerk people off until you're on the inside group. Otherwise, you'll never know about the games until they're being released, in which case it's a race.

This doesn't cover literally anything I said lmao. That's some weak as fuck counter-fud. I'm spouting facts because it's literally the same for every other ponzi. You either get in early or you baghold.

>> No.6451908

>The threads are nothing but 'buy now get this ponzi item' rather than 'look at this innovation'

The entire crypto market is a giant ponzi scheme

Practically every thread on /biz/ shilling a coin/token is just what you described. How strangely similar, lol.

>> No.6451914

>runs out of steam
anyone can see that you're wrong by keeping an eye on the transactions here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x36770fF967bD05248B1c4c899FfB70caa3391b84#internaltx
this shit has doubled in the past 2 hours

>> No.6452068

'The crypto market is a ponzi' is a non-argument, because it doesn't change that you're literally selling yourself as a ponzi right now, with the game as a side benefit. Most projects in the 'entire crypto market' sell their project and the ideas and people buy into the ponzi on their own. You're claiming that people shouldn't recognize the game as a ponzi when that's literally all there is to it right now. When the ponzi phase is over, that's when you can try to take the moral highground and compare yourself to the entire crypto market.

The individual items that people are purchasing are running out of steam. The game has 60 items. The contract is flooded with artificial hype because there's 'so many' items to purchase, but getting in on any of them at all right now will not pay themselves out.

>> No.6452121

They just posted that "enchanted" items will be unpurchasable later, meaning the earnings will stop indefinitely. Unless you bought like the first 10 then you wont make any earnings

>> No.6452330

>Will not pay themselves out
So this is my first time participating in an Ether game, but what you say doesn't quite correlate. Explain if i'm wrong, but I've made 83% of my investment back already. Isn't that a good thing? After I get my initial investment back which I'm assuming to be sometime tonight, I will be playing with house money and it's all profits from there on out, no?

>> No.6452382

Their value will be in the trading potential of rare one of a kind enchanted items.

>> No.6452393

yes, at some point that will be true but we're talking days here anon, not hours. i bought items >100 bought and turned profit already.

>> No.6452399

OK, so I bought an item for 0.05 ETH, however when I check to withdraw, it's only allowing me to withdraw 0.0175 ETH. So what's happened? Have I just lost 0.0325 ETH, or can I not withdraw my initial investment? Seriously can someone help me understand this.

>> No.6452451

>Number of items sold ranging from 8 to 279, with people buying multiple items
The majority of the retarded buyers must be in this thread kek

>> No.6452454

gloves price doubled

only some time left before the boots

top hat gonna go last

>> No.6452461

You earned 0.0175 ETH from simply owning that item from people buying more after you. Once you earn another 0.0325, you will had made your investment back and any more withdrawing after that will be pure profits.

>> No.6452505

Read a few words before that quote 'right now'.

If you've made 83% ROI, you got in before now. Before the first 100 were sold, if you bought in then every purpose who bought after was a 1% ROI. If you're at 83%, then, on most items, you bought in after the first 100. It means you likely bought your item 90 or so items ago.

Anyone else who bought after you will not catch up, and you will barely break even, at best, by the time they cut off purchases. At the speed most items are selling, it looks like you bought in ~4 hours ago which would be at the middle of the pyramid, so there are still people who come after you. The people who get in now will be at the bottom and will require exponentially more buy-ins.

>> No.6452538

Just look at Etheremons numbers compared to this, even ethertanks had better numbers.

>> No.6452568
File: 39 KB, 501x373, 34546457567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't sell the item you silly nigger, that ETH is from your earnings.

>> No.6452576

quote, 'right now'*
every person*

>> No.6452589

You're a faggot, the game just started today, it's going much higher in the next days, mark my words.

>> No.6452590

This game already made me better gains than my entire portfolio in the past 3 days. Crypto is a fucking joke but I'll take it.

>> No.6452628

just look at their address and rate of txns coming through, it's not slowing down even if not as big a rush as ethermon:


also google trends to get a sense of when it hits full pace and then lags (not yet for either obviously):


>> No.6452634


This is great, so I've made 0.0175 ETH profit. But can I not withdraw my initial investment of 0.05 and take home 0.0675 lets say? Or am I only allowed to withdraw profits earnt?

>> No.6452654

Yeah, no shit. But just lol at you being a nigger and saying I'm barely going to break even. Lmao.After you took the time to right up that response I think I grew a few more percent you stupid arrogant kike. I was being facetious.

>> No.6452676

'The game just started today' means fuck all. Every single ponzi, without fail, which is what you're counting on right now to get your dividends, slows significantly after the first few hours. When you post as hard as you have been on both /biz/ and reddit, as well as anywhere else I imagine you people might have, you're going to sell out fast. This game slowed down faster than every one before it. 'Mark my words' means fuck all, because, mark my words, you're just repeating history and expecting a different results.

>> No.6452678

get in before first 48 hours

>> No.6452726

If you look at your address on the eth blockchain and click on the tokens tab, you should get the address of the item(s) that you are trying to sell. I've been hearing that you can sell that item on etherdelta using that address. I've never personally used ED nor do I know if anyone would buy that item from you right now.

>> No.6452730

Not at this moment, but you will be able to sell the items when the next update comes.

>> No.6452765
File: 48 KB, 447x589, 1515734246594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low iq here, how do I play the game? I don't have ETH so I can't buy the "free" items as well.

Please no bully, I just want to make it.

>> No.6452774

yeah, and your words doesn't mean fuck all too, get the fuck out, you're constantly fuddin something you don't understand. Go make money in another coin if you know so much about it.

>> No.6452778

I like how your tone went from questioning me to being an outright cunt because you can't handle me point out facts. You're barely going to break even and no one after you will have a chance of doing so. If you're going to shill, at least shill better than your predecessors, because everyone who dealt with them has already seen how this works.

>> No.6452833


I turned a profit 36 hours into both cryptokitties and etheremon. The fact that the devs don't seem to understand how to manipulate subreddit votes and releasing middle-of-the-day USA on a Sunday means there's still a pretty good opportunity

>> No.6452871

Whats the requirement to withdrawn?

>> No.6452896

'You don't understand'. I've literally told you how ponzis work because I've been in each and every single one. I've already made multiple times my ROI because I got in early on a number of items. I'm just telling people not to buy in just because you want to leech off ignorance. My words certainly have a lot more weight than your baseless shilling.

You need an initial investment even to play the game in the form of the transaction. Don't let them tell you about state channels when they have no idea how they work, nor the initial cost investment that goes into them.

If you don't have a small amount of money to start, you won't be able to play. Definitely don't try to buy anything right now, either, because this game has made transaction fees spike. Wait until it calms down.

>> No.6452918


I see, thanks for clarifying this for me. Now I can take my profits and still keep my item.

>> No.6452941

retard here. how does this even work. I have ETH on MEW and thats all I know. Am I too late?

>> No.6452965

The only reason my tone changed is because you think that I will "barely break even" and you consider that to be a fact.

>> No.6452972

You need to get it on metamask wallet and then buy anything you want preferable loot boxex

>> No.6452974

Okay, I'll wait but how do you play or is the game not up yet?

>> No.6452992

People will inevitably buy in after the first few hours or no one would make ROI. past the first 100, which wouldn't make sense since the first people to get in always make 3x ROI.
But one purchase every hour isn't going to make anyone ROI at this point, especially not when they're cutting off purchases.

>> No.6453053

okay what then? Which items to buy? Do I just hold the items or what?

>> No.6453062

You will barely break even. 17% more ROI, from your original statement, means you'll need at least 20 - 23 people buying to even break even. Most of the items are moving at 1 - 2/hour at best, and that will continue to slow as ponzis always do. You aren't going to 2x ROI at the point you bought in. You won't even 1.5x. You will barely break even. Even if you only 1.2x, that's still barely breaking even, especially for a ponzi.

>> No.6453096

Thanks just bought 100k pepehats

>> No.6453099

If you've played every ponzi game then why the fuck are you FUD'ing this one?

>> No.6453134

You're clearly extremely adamant about the future of this game. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but I will see how this one fares out myself instead of letting a bunch of FUD interfere with my mind stream.

>> No.6453178

I wonder how much money you could make if you actually made a good game that incorporated crypto

>> No.6453194

Because I've already made my ROI multiple times pver and I don't want people buying in this late. I'm tired of seeing people lose their funds because they're one of the few people who haven't experienced these ponzis yet. I don't give a shit about making another 10% profit when it means this many more people will be burned and unlikely to play the actually good games that come out (which this has the potential to be).
When you have 4 - 5 ponzi threads up at a time trying to make people invest what they will likely never get back (at least not without half a year of bagholding and finding another sap of their own to trade to), don't expect a hugbox

>> No.6453224
File: 51 KB, 550x705, reddit7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back

>> No.6453249

My posts have nothing at all to do with the future of the game, only the next day or so until they remove the ponzi. I'm only telling people not to buy into the ponzi, but I am telling people how to play the game, and that the game will likely succeed in the future because it is innovative, unlike the Etheremon clones.
If people want to sell the game with the ponzi as their major selling point, I'll point out why it's retarded, just like how people will point out why a coin is retarded. When you start selling the game based on the fact it's a good game, that's when I'll shill it, too.

>> No.6453287

>posts on reddit to advertise
>thinks he's not from reddit
Fucking kek. At least try to come up with ways to counter fud if you really believe in a project for any reason other than being a ponzi.

>> No.6453309

Let me make my money cunt

>> No.6453378

Hes telling you there IS NO MONEY. Sorry anon, its gone.

>> No.6453403
File: 207 KB, 625x680, pattern (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought another frog hat

seems like the fomo is getting to me? i'm getting addicted to spending this internet meme magic money and seeing it grow back up, help

before you say i'm shilling, i'm serious, help, i'm spending too much and i'm worrying

>> No.6453419

sorry, MORE money from future bagholders

>> No.6453524

>before you say i'm shilling, i'm serious, help, i'm spending too much and i'm worrying

It's okay, the real money hasn't even poured in yet, don't listen to fudders who are to afraid to risk some money and now are mad about it.

>> No.6453578

You gotta take some risk to make money sometimes... all crypto is a ponzi shit, this one at least is a game, some fucking real usage, I'm going into, it's not too late, I mean, if you want to earn in 3-4 hours then it's not for you, if you can wait days it's good, just buy and wait, and stop checking compulsively

>> No.6453633

There is japanese translation ready to be deployed, the japs will eat this shit up, they are dying for cryptogames.

>> No.6453653

This was released in the dead-fuck middle of the night for the russians and asians, and apparently the devs have translated pages almost up. Get in before Japan wakes up

>> No.6453682

I mean, look at the numbers of shopped item, we are not even touching 1 thousand yet, how can you say it's too late? The game has been released some hours ago... if you think it's a scam (or you're just afraid to take a risk) don't buy and fuck off

>> No.6453702

Japan is already awake

>> No.6453734
File: 7 KB, 250x193, 1511964724180s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before Japan wakes up
I agree, the asian market isn't even in yet, there's still time for people in /biz/ to get in.

>> No.6453770
File: 1.30 MB, 124x284, autistic_homeless_jew_dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this autistic

>> No.6453810

Japan is heading to work right now you turbo autist. It's 8 - 9 AM there.
Hint: I live there

>> No.6453872

This needs to be hyped up on reddit too. Normies must find out.

>> No.6453906
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1510080947931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you just revealed yourself as an autist lol. Literally fuddin ethercraft every way possible, even claiming that you live in Japan fucking kek.

>> No.6453961

>he doesn't know how timezones work
>'t-they're waking up'
>'j-j-just because you're right doesn't mean you're not an autist'
You aren't even countering the fud properly. The longer you go reacting autistically, the longer people realize I'm right. Enjoy not making more gains.

>> No.6454006

post etherdelta trades


that's a rare loot crate for .175 eth

>> No.6454020

>stone amulet protects against physical
>magic dagger against magic

>>inb4 no one is playing the real game

>> No.6454044

>Enjoy not making more gains.
You're retarded, the game will get more money, even if you want it or not, nobody cares about your non-points. Enjoy your retardation.

>> No.6454143

>I haven't seen how literally every other ponzi worked and how long it took to slow down
At this point literally the only item that's even consistently making any form of money anymore is the uncommon box, and that's just because it's the cheapest

>> No.6454548

Is there an active reddit for this?

>> No.6454583


Have you seen the smart contract? It's literally going parabolic

>> No.6455231

it was at 20k last time now over 40k need to shill to normals more though