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File: 15 KB, 299x300, UPFIRINGBAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6446725 No.6446725 [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering if the Upfiring dip is a buy opportunity or a revelation of what a shitcoin UFR really is.

What is interesting about it going down DESPITE all the shilling going on here, on Reddit and now elsewhere is that it proves the shilling doesn't have a real effect on the price. Which then in turn means that UFR going up before due to a real demand for the coin.

I just can't believe that a coin with such solid tech characteristics, and such a low market cap, would not result in 2-3x gains within the next month or two.

What do you guys think?

>> No.6447093

The whole crypto market has been bearish for a week now. A bull run is coming. UFR is a first mover in the torrenting "niche", so if this project will succeed, it could mean a $1b market cap easily in a year(considering that the whole crypto market will be atleast $3 trillion eoy). Thats like 50x ROI atm. Worth the risk imo.

>> No.6447147


>> No.6447390

Can you elaborate? :D

>> No.6447556

He is probably part of the anti-UFR Discord group.

>> No.6447629

For what its worth Link and Tron had the worst FUD shilling ive ever seen on /biz/ prior to their respective moons.

>> No.6448118
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UFR will go on another bull run by the time the new exchange and the alpha comes out, with more bull runs to come after that. I have spoken with countless normies about UFR as a technology and not a single one of them has skipped a beat when saying that UFR's tech fixes a legitimate issue in the public tracker space, lack of seeders. Get in now when its cheap, or FOMO later when it rises 3x-5x its current price, your choice /biz/.

>> No.6448156
File: 355 KB, 700x660, drift meme ufr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buyng the dip on the future of P2P

lmao okay

>> No.6448223

Although there was a lot of shilling of this coin on here, I was taking a look at the actual technology and idea behind the coin and it seems great. The only problem was the shilling was getting out of hand, it probably pushed the price of UFR too fast too high which lead to such a hard drop since it wasnt organic growth. I would def buy into it now though, for the next coming months it should at least be $2 again with the news of it hitting another exchange.

>> No.6448239

>such solid tech characteristics
you literally have no reference for this

>anon dev team
>/shill/ discord group trying to pump this/drop their bags
>trying to compete in a market where $0 alternatives exist
>will end up in messy tangle due to DMCA issues, international copyright regulations involving US media

give up anon

>> No.6448299

there is no technology behind the coin you turd

the public literally has 0 access to the code. there is no MVP, and we will likely never receive one

>> No.6448616

Aren't a fuckton of coins in a "pre-product" stage though? How is UFR worse off than those? At least the developers are responsive, and the market cap is in the millions rather than vaporware coins with market cap in the billions. Unless we're entering a complete bear market this is an easy 10x investment in the next few months.

>> No.6448701

Im very bullish on UFR

>> No.6448738

Picture says it all, a burning sack of shit.

>> No.6448918

dev team is anon because of the nature of project
>is the first mover looking to revolutionize a space
>low market cap (big potential)
>beta release coming soon
>next exchange listing very soon
>big dip right now, weak hands scared off
>will likely 2 or 3x in the short term once this dip ends

Why wouldn't you buy UFR??

>> No.6449806
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The IDEX listing was just extra, bigger ones coming. Can't see why people would hate this just because it got shilled like everything else here. I'm balls deep in this one

>> No.6450705
File: 39 KB, 400x234, ufrtorch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the questions that have come up is answered in this article, made yesterday by the DEVS:

>> No.6450875

That's a pretty solid update from the devs, I'm very bullish on UFR. After this correction I think it has potential for great gains, especially when it hits a new exchange...

>> No.6451211

guaranteed you have 0 reasoning why this coin won't move up steadily lol

>> No.6451369
File: 873 KB, 606x336, LAUNCH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With literally everything dipping right now it's hard to find which coins will give you that 2x 3x 4x potential when money begins to return to the cryptospace but i'm definitely thinking this one will be one of them.

The marketcap is so fucking low right now and as soon as scared money returns to the space it's going to moon so fucking hard. Honest prediction is a 3x in 1 week from this point.

>> No.6451440

stfu pajeet, take ur shill up ur ass

>> No.6451730

The pros of this project:

>First mover advantage
>Solid idea means there's plenty of room for hype (people will get excited over it)
>Team is actually making progress on the project: https://medium.com/@Upfiring/the-upfiring-dapp-mid-january-2018-update-2fe0d4d3a6e6
>Upcoming alpha release this quarter, followed by a beta release in Q2
>Good logo


>It's already done x10 (though it still has a low mcap) from when it started getting shilled here
>Shills make it look like a PnD
>Ambiguity about payment/cost scheme of torrent seeding/downloading, respectively

I'm still in this, despite the shills. I think this has real potential for at least $100m marketcap by March.

>> No.6451779

If I've learned anything in crypto, is to buy the dip. UFR is coming off an all time high, the market is bleeding. Once these things correct we'll be fine.

>> No.6451787

>can't refute anything said
>just calls someone a pajeet
>Buys high and sells low

smells awful /biz/ in here

>> No.6451844

Personally I think the price will moon once UFR releases their Beta client. Ive gotten in at roughly 1 buck and Ill hodl until its released, but I wouldn't buy now, the market is red

>> No.6451940

How would a PnD last for so long though? They usually only last a few minutes

>> No.6451967

>I wouldn't buy now, the market is red
nigga that's the best time to buy

>> No.6452153
File: 245 KB, 382x417, question cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't buy now, the market is red

>> No.6452261
File: 75 KB, 1024x576, cuckold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Shills make it look like a PnD
IMO this has prevented a lot from getting priced in correctly. The PnD FUD has blinded the market to some significant updates: news from the UFR devs (who are among the most communicative of all projects despite some anonymity) https://medium.com/@Upfiring/the-upfiring-dapp-mid-january-2018-update-2fe0d4d3a6e6 was nothing but positive, with a clear roadmap for alpha and beta releases by the middle of this year.

Shorter term a new exchanges was confirmed within 10 days. Addition to a good mobile exchange will open the floodgates on Upfiring for a LOT more people to get involved, since ED is shit and Cryptopia doesn't even have ETH pairs. Those who suffer those exchanges to buy now will be rewarded.

When the alt market as a whole recovers + new exchange + market reacts to the update instead of being held down by sell walls and FUD I think we'll see at least 3x by the end of the month.

>> No.6452369

Almost everything is dropping right now. Bitcoin needs to drop to the longterm support and then rebound before people who have tethered up reenter the market.

>> No.6452489
File: 3.71 MB, 532x529, qMKXZKh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't buy now, the market is red

>> No.6452663
File: 357 KB, 899x943, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know how "Cryptobro" now charges 97 bucks a month for his early tips? There is no jewing like that in this group.

We're all in it together and nobody is trying to rip others off. There are also no early tips or calls or whatever, everyone gets info at the same time. And people are genuinely helping each other, there's definitely a sense of community going on here.

We democratically chose the first coin to shill, and we chose it for its inherent value and quality, because we're explicitly not trying to PnD anything. Join us if you share these values.

>> No.6452760

what group are you talking about? share the discord? ( i am in for 1200 ufr)

>> No.6452789

Oh wow, indeed, take a deeper look at the new announcement that I completely missed so far: https://medium.com/@Upfiring/the-upfiring-dapp-mid-january-2018-update-2fe0d4d3a6e6..

I think UFR is a relatively safe mid-term bet :)

>> No.6452795

seriously, lmao. this is the time to buy retards. UFR is gonna shoot up once the market goes on another bull run.

>> No.6452835


describes the payment system

>> No.6452921
File: 25 KB, 696x538, 25fbe7b6ffebfe353c0cf858770ef73ac989333fa84625d99e055499bc2e905b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-UFR Discord group
Just go KYS Pajet. Also go learn to use the toilet.

India should be range banned here

>> No.6453020


"I just can't believe that a coin with such solid tech characteristics, and such a low market cap, would not result in 2-3x gains within the next month or two."

Spot on.

It's as simple as that for me. I don't really care about the shilling or FUDIng or whatever else.

At this current marketcap, given the idea and the eventual release of the platform itself, I'd say x2-3 is pretty much guaranteed. Maybe more.

The Medium blog posted above really says it all. Everything is being done right, it's very well thought out and the devs are on the ball.

It's unfortunate though, as the excessive shilling has put people off this. I just hope people bother to do their own research properly as this project deserves it.

>> No.6453147

to be fair UFR, LINK and TRON are the shittiest (as in most likely to result in an exit scam due to non-existent use case, being an erc20 token, non-existent product and no technical innovation) coins being regularly shilled here.

>> No.6453190
File: 15 KB, 400x230, 1515711763170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best moment to buy is now, in the dip. You don't buy when it's going up.
I've been holding this coin for a month an I'm not selling any soon, there will be some short gains, but it's a great hold for mid-long term too.

Obviously people are attracted to green bars and like to FOMO when it's already up 100%, which doesn't make any sense.

>> No.6453311
File: 597 KB, 575x471, UFRmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna go up. Literally everything in crypto will go up, the market is just down right now. The question is, will it go up higher than other things you could put your money in to. Opportunity cost is important. I think the answer to this is yes, UFR will go up higher when compared to the market as a whole. UFR will actually solve a problem, there will be demand for UFR. This alone will mean it will go up higher than all the other shitcoins that are pure speculation. If you bought now, you would also be getting UFR at a discount and before any major exchange lists it. It isn't confirmed what exchange, but UFR will be listed on a new exchange by next week. Fingers crossed that it is KuCoin, because then the coin will really blow up. Furthermore, literally no one fucking knows about this coin. Not on Reddit, not on Steemit, not on Twitter, not that dumb hooker you took home with you last night that was actually your mother. That means this thing will gain traction once more people start talking about it. The strongest form of marketing is word of mouth. Buy in now, you can make short gains of 2x-3x or longer gains of 10x+. Your choice, but I believe it's a sold investment.

>> No.6453316

how does upfiring mask IP adresses? getting paid for pirating is a ticket to disaster if you get caught. one of the best and stupidest coins - great idea but can not work because it will get crushed like a gnat by govts all over the world who are serving their MPAA RIAA etc masters.

>> No.6453531
File: 43 KB, 600x600, suicideboys-kill-yourself-part-xviii-the-fall-of-idols-saga-album-d81c93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking dumb?Everything is on sale right now. If you're not a poorfag go dump your extra cash in fucking crypto cause you will quadruple that shit in a fucking week if you're a retard. If you're not a retard, you'll earn even more. I'm a broke faggot, so I can't do this. Don't give people dumb fucking advice. Everyone acts like a financial advisor when they just shit all over their keyboard and click "Post". UFR is a good investment right now, as are many other coins that are down. If you like to buy at an ATH, and sell at an ATL then listen to this guy. If not, then buy UFR or some other fucking coin you believe in and dump your fucking money into it. It will take off.

>> No.6453736


Well they will be implementing full end-to-end encryption as per their Medium article, so I'm sure they'll have something up their sleeve. Traffic snooping certainly won't reveal anything.

No greater risk than normal torrent seeding I would have thought. Arguably much less. People still do it.

>> No.6453737

Must be a really really long pump then. Like do yoy even know how pump and dumps work? I cannot believe people are this stupid. For a sub 50 mil mkt cap, this is a solid bet compared to the other garbage pushed around here. It may go up or it may not (hint: fundamentals and TA strongly point to the former option), but for the low cap portfolio why would you not pick this up.

>> No.6454139

Why LINK? Do you know anything about what you're attempting to talk about? I don't even hold any LINK and lumping LINK in with TRON is just absurd.

UFR is a good idea if it were executed properly, in my opinion. Imagine a future market where crypto is easily (for normies) bought with fiat. You can pay a few cents, or even 30 cents for a movie or album of your choice from a reliable trusted seeder and not have the increasingly big brother ISPs breathing down your neck while you do so. I believe there is a market for that.

My issue with the concept right now is the ETH fees for paying with UFR. Something needs to change for this to be viable long-term.

Other than that, UFR is getting listed on another exchange this week coming so get fucking buying for at least an easy 1.5-3x.

>> No.6454710

OMG I finally found an anon that understands basic econ as opposed to "SHiLL PAJEET GO BACK AND LEARNT TOLET"

>> No.6454835
File: 185 KB, 500x366, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right you know. It's true that the shilling on /biz/ got people to pick it up while it was under 1$ (very smart, 100x gains in order definitely), which one might consider a micropump (i.e. barely having an impact). Some people probably microdumped when the price got close to 3$, and some for 10x profit (those people might buy back in, might not if they want fast money - it's their call, but it doesn't have much impact). Again, barely having an impact. This coin hasn't even mooned, that was just an NK test fire. Strap yourselves in boys, we're heading to Mars.

>> No.6455026

Ajahaha enjoyed that mane

>> No.6455038

>The whole crypto market has been bearish for a week now. A bull run is coming. UFR is a first mover in the torrenting "niche", so if this project will succeed, it could mean a $1b market cap easily in a year(considering that the whole crypto market will be atleast $3 trillion eoy). Thats like 50x ROI atm. Worth the risk imo.

This guy knows what's up. When the alts rebound UFR is gonna reach ATHs

>> No.6455058
File: 2.18 MB, 1590x1987, JohnGlenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lifelong idol John Glenn once said "Buy low and sell high and you'll see intergalactic gain potential."

I think you're understating the raw potential of the alpha upfiring masterrace.

Mars is so 2017. We're leaving the milky way my dude.

>> No.6455093
File: 173 KB, 1300x1390, donald-trump-with-nuclear-weapons-cartoon-vector-illustration-april-J2MEJ7_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am extremely bullish on UFR right now, bought an extra 1.5k during this dip. Expecting some massive gains with the updates that are coming up.

Q1 2018—Alpha release
Q2 2018—Beta release
Q3 2018—Full Desktop version release
Q4 2018—Open-source community contributions, potential for Android/iOS application feasibility

>> No.6455099

The pros of this project:

>First mover advantage
>Solid idea means there's plenty of room for hype (people will get excited over it)
>Team is actually making progress on the project: https://medium.com/@Upfiring/the-upfiring-dapp-mid-january-2018-update-2fe0d4d3a6e6
>Upcoming alpha release this quarter, followed by a beta release in Q2
>Good logo


>It's already done x10 (though it still has a low mcap) from when it started getting shilled here
>Shills make it look like a PnD
>Ambiguity about payment/cost scheme of torrent seeding/downloading, respectively

I agree with the guy who said this

>> No.6455124

UFR is a coin with a decent project behind it. Several opportunities to moon the next months. If you buy now you are probably in at comfy price.

>> No.6455193

I don't even care if it's Kucoin or not. UFR will have alpha release in Q1 2018 and that alone should give real demand for the token. Beta will be release on Q2 2018 and after that it's just all about growing the community. I don't see any reason why known torrent publishers wouldn't flock to UFR, when they will get actual profit from what they do.

>> No.6455251


I didn't know UFR was getting listed elsewhere!
It'll probably provide a nice little boost hehe

>> No.6455363

>It's gonna go up. Literally everything in crypto will go up, the market is just down right now. The question is, will it go up higher than other things you could put your money in to. Opportunity cost is important. I think the answer to this is yes, UFR will go up higher when compared to the market as a whole. UFR will actually solve a problem, there will be demand for UFR. This alone will mean it will go up higher than all the other shitcoins that are pure speculation. If you bought now, you would also be getting UFR at a discount and before any major exchange lists it. It isn't confirmed what exchange, but UFR will be listed on a new exchange by next week. Fingers crossed that it is KuCoin, because then the coin will really blow up. Furthermore, literally no one fucking knows about this coin. Not on Reddit, not on Steemit, not on Twitter, not that dumb hooker you took home with you last night that was actually your mother. That means this thing will gain traction once more people start talking about it. The strongest form of marketing is word of mouth. Buy in now, you can make short gains of 2x-3x or longer gains of 10x+. Your choice, but I believe it's a sold investment.

This guy cryptos!

>> No.6455432
File: 261 KB, 316x508, he's hot!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're right anon. If it goes above 60$ I'm going to make a ludicrous promise and never deliver on it, but I'll be very happy. Maybe I'll cash in from this guy: pic related.

Who else signed up for their emails and gonna sign up for that alpha release? Actually being able to earn UFR while it's still growing will be SWEET. I'm eager to fuel up with each planet we pass. I feel filthy stinking rich already, anons.

>> No.6455456
File: 2.76 MB, 288x360, torrentkiller.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR is a very interesting project. If there are a lot of seeders that means you can basically download stuff at 1Gbps for cents. There is an enormous potential in that. Not only for illegal stuff. It may be cheaper for a company to offer the download of its product into the UFR network then in traditional forms of hosting.
Every investment has a risk. But if this shit becomes a torrent killer, expect insane returns

>> No.6455493
File: 7 KB, 778x94, deliver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit wrong pic, lmao. I meant to post this one: