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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 600x598, HELP MEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6442221 No.6442221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys I have a fucking 350 word essay due for tomorrow but I can't stop thinking about fucking crypto, all I do is stick glued to my phone updating my balance, help me, please, /biz/.

>> No.6442252

don't even check that sht for another few days.

>> No.6442300

>350 words
neck your self faggo

>> No.6442304

Just do an all nighter and try get 300 words done. You should be okay if you only aim for a pass grade. Its risky though good luck.

>> No.6442447

Dude 350 words is easy, like 3, 5 sentance paragraphs.

>> No.6442642
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these are the people who post pink wojakcs when their shitcoin dips 10%

>> No.6442682

Banned for being underaged

>> No.6442787

you only have to be 16 years old to be on this board IDIOT its a blue board

>> No.6443549

Holy shit you're retarded I did a 1000 word in an hour before the deadline
>Tfw you make perfect marks

>> No.6443589

>itt all these newfags

>> No.6443646

holy shit, people still fall for the essay meme

>> No.6444276

Fuck dude I'm in the same boat with a 250 word essay about WWII. It's like the only thing that exists for these people is school so just just assign hw all the time. Never have time for anything

>> No.6444333

**they just

>> No.6444381

that's nothing. I have a 500 word essay due at midnight. I'm freaking out right now desu senpai

>> No.6444386

What a waste.

>> No.6444388

>350 words

wtf OP that's a paragraph, not even an essay

>> No.6444395

Guys I have a 50 word essay due but I'm on /biz FUUUUUUUUCK

>> No.6444408

350 words. Wow. You’re having a hard time with 350 words. Your post was 35 words.

>> No.6444452

>falling for the academic Jew

>> No.6444503

i wrote my 120+ page master thesis in two nights.. research and all.

obvious youre in high school.

t. a teacher.

>> No.6444504

Guys I have a nine word post but

>> No.6444517

I know your pain, I have a 50 word essay due in an hour, im so screwed

>> No.6444521

7 word essay due in 2 weeks but can't stop buying link for 5 minutes

>> No.6444596

Dude, fuck your balance. Unless you want to buy or sell something right this moment you shouldn't be checking constantly. Put your phone away, log off the exchange and focus on that essay. It is not hard.

>> No.6444641

>tfw 48920183 word essay due in 0,3 nanoseconds and still browsing /biz/

>> No.6444687

Nice larps.

>> No.6445079
File: 13 KB, 367x321, 1508186387546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw bake sale at school tomorrow and I still haven't made the brownies yet

>> No.6445152

I'll write it for you for some shitcoins

>> No.6445278

Is this bait?

>> No.6445682

Is THIS bait?

>> No.6445896

Wtf kind of essay is 350 words?

>> No.6445957

They fall for it ironically.

>> No.6445997


250 words is barely a tweet. are you so retarded you can't type 250 words about WW2 off the top of your head by now.

what the fuck is your essay supposed to be about? I could crank that shit out while I take a shit.

also if you're still calling it homework, you're a goddamn child. grow up, be a man, crank out your essay, and then get back to watching charts.

>> No.6446005

>bachelor thesis due for next week
still have to write a few pages but I think I'm fine

>> No.6446031

He's underage, sage and report.

>> No.6446289

350 words is like a fuckin page and a half fuck is wrong with you brainlet

>> No.6446377

>350 words

What the fuck dude? It takes one hour AT THE MOST to write 350 words.

>> No.6446387
File: 145 KB, 1200x800, back_from_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO. Good job OP.
Nothing like a classic meme to trigger newfags reddit scum.
The 300 word essay meme has been around for ages.

>> No.6446429

>500 words

Literally nothing as well. Not even a page, 'cause a page usually is 600 words.

Just wait till you'll need to write 30 000 words

>> No.6446475

lol pay me and ill write it for you lazy faggot

>> No.6446510

learn something new everyday

>> No.6446519


Your stupid post was 35 words.

Shut the fuck up and spend 10 minutes writing.

>> No.6446534

How can you write 30 triple zero words?

>> No.6446565


>350 words

go cry to ur mommy you underaged donkey

>> No.6446582

Just how many redditors are on this board these days that they can’t recognize bait?

>> No.6446626

I have a difficult test tomorrow where if I don’t pass it I won’t pass the grade and I don’t know shit. I should be learning but I’m just refreshing delta and browsing /biz/. It’s hard to give a fuck about school with 350k.

>> No.6446754

Kill yourself you zygote

>> No.6446781

350 words? are you in fucking middle school?

>> No.6446798

>350 words
That's less than 10 minutes of work