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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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644105 No.644105 [Reply] [Original]

Any /biz/ jews out there? Does being Jewish really give you any business connections? Or is that all bullshit? I'm atheist-ish, not the euphoric kind though. I wouldn't mind joining a religion. But if I'm going to join a religion I might as well join one that I would gain something from.

>> No.644109

Just joining won't help you, you have to be born Jewish.

>> No.644173


Oh it def helps. jews go way way out of their way to keep their money jewish. they'll do anything to work with other jews.

guy before is right though. you can't just "join".

u need the heritage.

>> No.644176

Jew here, it helps as much as being Christian or Metal fan or whatever you want. You just need a way to connect with people and there you have your business partners. I have been living secluded from other jews and jewish communities and always found business partners everywhere I looked. Search and you will find.

>> No.644183

Jews will employ goyim but they will never let a goy touch ownership.

>> No.644206

Another jew here, can confirm

>> No.644215


Most Jews actually intermarry. My dad's Catholic

>> No.644224

>jewish woman
>we're talking about jewish men, males are generally implied when you're talking about anything that involves ownership

>source : # of male owners of everything on earth vs. # of female owners

>> No.644226


Truth. 1/4th Jew here. Connections of that magnitutde also revolve around tradition type. It depends on who you're talking to and what they feel makes you Jewish (e.g. some are okay if your father was genetically Jewish and his mother a Jew, but others will say yout mother has to be Jewish through and through).

But like the other Jewskis said, if you can bond with someone on a hobby/interest, it is no different.

>> No.644234

Non-Jew (Christian mother), but Jewish family here. Can confirm. I still have many Jewish connections because I was born into this social circle. It's not even so much being a Jew as it is being accepted by Jews.

>> No.644256

Seems like you don't get it. Judaism goes through the mom, according to halachs nothing else is relevant. Of course networking will go through other males, for example at the temple. the orthodox I used to attend has separate sections for men and women.

>> No.644281


Yeah, my mom isn't a jew but my dad is. Although I am not fully jewish, I have a v jewish last name and gr8 connections.

>> No.644733

It depends. It is someone's personal optinion whether you are a true jew by blood, by faith or by your mothers blood. But still, its not the judaism that helps, it is the bond.

>> No.644763

ihaz is literally a Jewish lawyer, right?

But he'll tell you it was all hard work so it didn't help him at all.

>> No.644765

He's not jewish. It's all a meme dude...

>> No.644826
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>But he'll tell you it was all hard work so it didn't help him at all.
You're right, anon, I'm only wealthy because I'm Jewish. It had nothing to do with
- being high school valedictorian (Catholic high school, btw)
- getting into Ivy League college
- graduating Summa Cum Laude
- getting into T12 law school
- getting on to law review
- getting job offer from top national law firm
- working 80 hours per week for 16 years
- winning numerous professional awards
- opening my own law firm
- investing smartly for over two decades

Those things don't mean jack shit, amirite anon? No, it's all because I celebrate Hannukah.

>> No.644827

Sup iHaz, you mean T14. Are you in Delaware?

(lost my trip, dont ask)

>> No.644859
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>Jew babble intensifies

A trip on an anonymous imageboard making things up? Impossible!

>> No.644861

Bigotry, poverty and low intelligence all go hand in hand.

>> No.644877
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Op, if you are going to join a religion, it should definitely be the chosen people.

>> No.644878

But see, if you weren'tJewish, after this stage -
>being high school valedictorian (Catholic high school, btw)
Nothing would have happened. You are considered a minority, and therefore you had a far better chance of going to an Ivy League.

>> No.644880

Jews are a minority? So if I'm not white and a jew am I a double minority? Not a sand nigger either.

>> No.644881

>non white Jew
In terms of the Privilege Olympics, you get your very own special Gold Star.

>> No.644888

Jews are not minorities in the Ivy league friend

>> No.644893

it gives you good family connections for education, you have to teach your children to read from the torah etcetera, but no business connections as an adult

>> No.644907

>you mean T14
Georgetown and Virginia don't count.
>not kidding

>You are considered a minority

>a minority in top-tier education and business
All my kek, anon. If anything, being Jewish was a hindrance.

>> No.644932
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let's not pretend it is a hindrance to education

>> No.644947


Ihaz never change, you're the best trip fag here.

>> No.644955

but he was wrong about education >>644907
clearly not a very good tripfag

>> No.644959

Correlation is not causation.

But my prior comment was mostly tongue-in-cheek anyway. Don't be so literal, sport.

>you're the best trip fag here.
omg, lies. I secretly start most of the "sell me this pen" and "I have $100 and want to be rich" threads.

>> No.644964

>Correlation is not causation.
In this case you're wrong. Being a jew most definitely correlates with higher intelligence (on average, every jew obviously isn't a genius) and thus causally with education.

>> No.644979

but there is a correlation and I don't think it will change much over the next 25 years

unless you're born here I guess

>> No.644980

If a group of people does things that are known to lead to success, it's likely that their success is due to what they do.

Want to be as successful as the Jews? Do what the Jews do: educate yourself, contribute to education of your peers, work hard, lend money only to people who pay it back, blah blah blah.

Jealousy isn't productive. Neither is racism. If you want to be successful, emulate successful people rather than despise them.

>> No.644985

Naw, you're interpreting the data backwards. There is a correlative relations between being Jewish and succeeding in education. This is largely the result of the cultural bias in Judaism that emphasizes learning and scholarship. (P.S. Jews aren't the only population with a cultural bias towards education. I'm looking at you, Asians.)

If there is a relationship of any kind between Judaism and intelligence (IQ), its a direct result of the Jewish bias towards education. It is well known that IQ results and educational success are very strongly correlated.

So its really a case of A = B = C (Jew = educated = IQ). Its all correlation; there's no causal relationship there at all.

Why is this distinction important? >>644980 explained it perfectly. Anyone can make education a priority, and doing so isn't dependent on your race or religion.

>> No.644995

>Anyone can make education a priority, and doing so isn't dependent on your race or religion.
If you're born dumb, you aren't very likely to value education.

Jews are (more usually than people of other races) intelligent and thus are more likely to educate themselves in order to secure their position in society.

Intelligence precedes education, not the other way around. Putting a monkey in calculus class will not make it understand calculus.

>> No.644996

lol college degrees will be worthless in another 25 years.. wait and see info is free now not locked away at harvard in some library

>> No.644998

>lol college degrees will be worthless in another 25 years.. wait and see info is free now not locked away at harvard in some library
The kids who get into those colleges are usually the most intelligent ones, so they won't be having any trouble adapting to a change of the value of a university degree.

>> No.645012

There is no way to measure intelligence directly. IQ tests don't measure intelligence; they measure propensity to succeed in formal education.

It should come as no surprise, therefore, that people who are motivated and encouraged to succeed in formal education tend to perform better on IQ tests. Correlation, not causation.

>> No.645014

But's clear that Jews are over-respresented at these universities. Looks like diversity quotas are in order!

>> No.645016

>Putting a monkey in calculus class will not make it understand calculus.
Exactly what this guy said. Most of the people will have holes in their mathematics background through highschool that will preclude them from taking higher level courses. Only an intelligent minority will recognize that problem and will be able to plug those holes, the rest will just throw their arms up in the air and say "Im not good at math, time to get a general business degree".
Intelligence definitely precedes education. The high positions of many of the chosen people are due to their inherent intelligence caused by natural selection in the middle ages, when ownership of property for non-Christians was forbidden and they had to make their lives as middle-men. Brokering services requires a higher level of intelligence, so those who could do it flourished, those who couldn't mostly left the "tribe".

>> No.645018

>they measure propensity to succeed in formal education.
No. IQ tests measure your ability to logically deduce certain answers from a certain set of given parameters. The tests are designed to give accurate results no matter what educational background the subjects have.

>It should come as no surprise, therefore, that people who are motivated and encouraged to succeed in formal education tend to perform better on IQ tests.
See above. You obviously have no idea what IQ tests actually measure.

>> No.645030

An intelligent teacher can fix the problem. Teach kids set theory early and virtually all of them will conceptually understand higher math. Teach them to memorize formulas or face punishment and virtually all of them will be discouraged.

Look at pre-schoolers understanding logarithms and be awed at the possibilities.

>> No.645034

I think /pol/ could help you answer this one...

>> No.645035

/pol/ doesn't believe in unfettered capitalism anymore

>> No.645044

>getting into Ivy League college
>getting into T12 law school
>getting on to law review
>getting job offer from top national law firm
>winning numerous professional awards

All of these involve other people making choices about you, therefore they could have been influenced by you being Jewish.

>> No.645050
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There's no teacher, nor doctor, on this planet, capable of fixing the brain of a nigger. The problem is that it was never broken, it was designed that way by mother nature herself. Maybe we can fix it in the future, with genetic engineering, but that's a fair bit off, especially as it'll once and for all prove the irrefutable fact of the inferiority of some populations.

There's no use - see Hitlers writing about the jews arguing, apply it to someone like iHaz. Whatever you say, it'll just run off his oily skin. Tell him anything, as long as you don't identify him as a jew, or he will vehemently protest - of course, that has nothing to do with anything, what a preposterous notion! Just like when they lash out in media, saying that jews have no power, only to make sure that the person in question never gets hired within a specific set of businesses ever again, and forever slandered.

Watch how they act, not what they say. A rat doesn't turn into a man just because he squeaks to you that he is one, however assuring he might try to sound.

>> No.645060


>> No.645061

>all this nazi sophistry
I smell jealousy. Butthurt about your jew friend being more intelligent than you?

>> No.645069
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>ihaz is literally a Jewish lawyer, right?

>But he'll tell you it was all hard work so it didn't help him at all.
Oh, but of course not. You're not an anti-semite, are you?

Hah. To them, you're just a dumb goy. Not if you ask them, obviously, but if they had to choose you or a jewish "friend" (i.e. someone they saw for the first time), they'd choose the jew every single time.

Their time will come, sooner than they expect. Especially in america (where they've interestingly made the exact same mistakes as in pre WWII germany). Until then, you can enjoy the "banking" system they've set up. It does grow wealth very well, I have to say, as long as you remember to protect your assets from the inevitable (cyclical) cleanups of the dumb money.

>> No.645074

Yes you are truly as dumb as you sound.
You see what you want so see. Wipe is muslim.

>> No.645089

lol where is wipe anyway, don't see hm here anymore.
Also he's a convert, he doesn't really care about religion far as i know

>> No.645093

Yes he is, he somehow left after getting pissed at all the idiots here.

>> No.645160
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Don't be too hard on our resident /pol/ster. It's hard to have a intelligent world perspective when you spend your whole life two feet off the ground.

>> No.645164


>> No.645197
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White people who speak well of jews simply haven't been hooknosed before. A Jewish hooknosing is the worst thing that can happen to someone in business. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you are probably an ignorant pleb. Most successful whites will more than likely experience some degree of hooknosing in their professional career and it has to do with the disproportionate amount of jews in management roles. Putting up with thieving, conniving Jews is an unfortunate and unavoidable reality in business today. Just remember:

> Its a Jewish posse
> Merit doesn't matter, just the fact that you are Jew. Think Hollywood and Seth Rogen or Woody Allen.
> Lie, connive, and steal from the white man
> Perpetuate lies such as the "Six Hava Neguillion"
> Pretend to be a friend of the white man only to get in a position to slit their throat.
> Smear anyone who disagrees with you by playing the race or "holocaust denier" card.
> do everything in your power to ensure money and power is kept as Jewish as possible.


>> No.645198
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> But if I'm going to join a religion I might as well join one that I would gain something from.

>A vey, what's in it for meee

the reason why you all are like this is because you don't have no shame for your greed, how can you think like that? aren't you realizing this is a very sad way to think..

You nomad genetics made you good tradesmen, because you have no empathy

only the sneakiest survived, you betrayed your own people so you could flee to another country to start a new scam or business where you sell something for way too much so you can put it all in you own pocket instead of make a better world.

you guys will survive, but at the same time you will destroy the planet. humandkind is doomed, people with a a heart die out. Dirty sneaky nomad genetics surive. amen

pic related: a heartless faggot without any empathy, you guy will destroy the world. fuck you!

>> No.645213

You're on the wrong board, /pol/fag. Here on /biz/ we care about success, advancement, wealth, comfort, status, and luxury.

The only people who have time to splurg on the internet about race, creed, or colour are those too stupid and too poor to do anything else. Bigotry is the last refuge of worthless people. You are, literally, human garbage.

/biz/ doesn't wallow in garbage. We dispose of people like you, and then we get on with the real business of the day.

>> No.645218

Do jews hook nose other jews?

>> No.645220

Though I don't have jew blood in me I guess I am pretty jewy. I'll fit right in. My philosophy is that if you can't beat them, join them.

>> No.645607

Hey, you. You sound like someone with interesting ideas. Tell me how I can get good at math please.

>> No.645946

No because it's a meme.

>> No.645982

nope lie jewfag here
>>644105 just join you'll have to boot lick doh