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6439509 No.6439509 [Reply] [Original]

>Split $1000 between XLM, ADA, ENJ, and ELIX
>Only profitable coins have really been ELIX and ENJ I'm somewhat breaking even on

Moral of the story buy fucking dumb obscure shit and don't get fucked with normie picks. Get in on this hipster SALT clone now.

>> No.6439607


was starting to doubt this one a bit until this breakout that happened just now

>> No.6439944

It might breakout. This coin is just a cheaper SALT, and definitely has some tech to support it. I am buying some more currently.

>> No.6440296

ELIX is not that obscure to be honest. And it does have great potential, especially if you look at the fact that SALT's marketcap - which is ELIX's competitor - is ten times higher than that of ELIX.

>> No.6440449

Real moral of the story: only put 20% of your total investment into those faggot pajeet coins. The rest into ETH

>> No.6440508

this is the only thing green right now I'm in fuck it

>> No.6440511


LEND hodler here. Why should I give a fuck about Elix? A little late to the race, don't you think?

>> No.6440539

ELIX is truly better than SALT in my opinion. SALT was a pump and dump. ELIX is a real decentralized payments & loan platform.

>> No.6440540

Hey listen fucker. Even though XLM cost me money it ain't no fucking Pajeet coin. Just wait til the Stellar Money Snake wakes up. For now I'm just gonna enjoy these gains on ELIX.

>> No.6440542

i been in enj for daaaaaays ready for some gains

>> No.6440593

Completely agree. Normie picks are hard to budge and heavily manipulated. Usually SHARKS controlling everything.

>> No.6440601

I’m now 50%elix 50%eth. But elix helped me a lot more to achieve 70k. But still like eth, because it’s a safe bet. But don’t expect it to 10x this year and elix can still easily do that.

>> No.6440602

>Implying people actually care about LEND and it isn't just being pumped and dumped by Jews and Pajeets.

>> No.6440641

elix trying to break resistance right now on kucoin

>> No.6440650

I would drop ADA and XLM op.

>> No.6440665

go elix prl snov

>> No.6440722

ADA yeah but I'll hang into XLM. IDK why I just like it a lot and wanna hold it for a while. It's a cute coin, with a nice personality.

>> No.6440764
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Been watching ELIX for a while now, this shit can easily 2x or further it's rising and its nowhere near its ATH
Who /burnedbyDBChere/?

>> No.6440768
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>> No.6440915


Because elix is way better than your shitty lend

>> No.6441035

XLM has potential. I just don't want to hold, much better coins around that price with better caps. I'm not saying XLM wont moon, just not the coin for me. I see ELIX is making gains rn. GL with that.

>> No.6441111
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>> No.6441123


How is it better? LEND already has a platform up and running. Midcap, decent room for growth. Not totally obscure. Active team, good community..

>> No.6441125

No idea about the others but I recently bought ELIX on a whim after it crashed, looks like it's coming back again

>> No.6441141

Personally I like XLM and ELIX. Currently have only invested in XLM, but I might look into ELIX if it ever gets some traction going.

>> No.6441199
File: 2 KB, 112x87, 1515899304682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will DBC ever recover? Maybe I should put everything in fucking ELIX, at least its made by hwite males

>> No.6441235


Does lending better and has crowd funding

>> No.6441246

>tfw bought elixir at 1M mcap and dumped on biz bag holders after it did 25x

Thanks guys

>> No.6441258


ENJ was all I had going green for me, but ELIX looks decent.

>> No.6441309

It hit $2 before everything collapsed again. It looks like it's climbing back up right now.

>> No.6441326

I missed the Salt moon mission. XLM wont be anytime soon. So I might have to look into ENJ & ELIX a little more. Do you guys think XRB will recover?

>> No.6441479

ELIX is doing pretty good, made 15% in the last day. Props to whoever told me about it, looks like it's got a lot more room to grow before it returns back to normal as well. Easy 2x at least.

>> No.6441480

Yeah ENJ can hit 50 cents again easily and right now seems like a good time to hop on to ELIX.

>> No.6441485

elix buying opportunity just need to get my fucking ltc to go through before I lose out, this shit shouldn't take this long

>> No.6441499

I'm a big fan of XLM still

>> No.6441545

You definitely have time as long as you get in today. There's an ocean of red and ELIX is pretty damn green right now. It'll definitely pick up a lot of attention just for that alone.

>> No.6441573

ELIX has so much room to grow. This coin is going to 10x in a couple months easy

>> No.6441656

I think it pumped earlier because someone posted it in a group and everyone FOMO'ed in then some sold. Don't think it was as planned as it looks, has legit potential so why not

>> No.6441950

I def agree, order book is pretty thin so it will be easy hitting 2x then cutting out.

>> No.6441987

Elixir is better than lend active devs and nice community does not mean good product lol

>> No.6442015

gonna be so pissed if this double pumps...

>> No.6442018

Thanks will compare the two!

>> No.6442104 [DELETED] 

you bet your ass it's double pumping

>> No.6442163


>> No.6442413

? It's not even pumping retard

>> No.6442622

where's the dump?

>> No.6442666

what time are they pumping faggot.