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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6432409 No.6432409 [Reply] [Original]

The banks fear it

>> No.6432554

Yea they fear they might die of laughing.Fucking snake oil piece of shit coin.

>> No.6432692

You will pay dearly for your stupidity. This will be 1000+ eoy

>> No.6432725


>> No.6432812

People would be stupid to not use this shit to transfer their coins between the exchanges.

I will use it, and I think we will be millions.

Binance soon. If this thing reaches coinbase one day, it will reach 50B market cap.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.6432922

ITT: retards who think there's no need for a coin that can be used for arbitrage

>> No.6433252

about to break $20. Teens incoming...and before the dump on binance. Guess this is going much lower.

>> No.6433290

Within 2 weeks Binance and Kucoin will effectively be linked by a 30s transfer

>> No.6433395
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Banks fear him

>> No.6433755


Post proof. Unless they share a wallet this isn't happening.

>> No.6434057

this shitcoin doesn't work. every exchange that has touched it has had "node" problems leading to halting deposits/withdraws for extended periods. there's a serious flaw in the code. and don't give me the shill line "devs are working on it, it'll be fixed next week" lol. coin will be sub $10 by next week.

>> No.6434426

Checked their discord, nodes are fixed now. Listing on binance early next week

>> No.6434516

They'll fix the issues with nodes and wallets. None of these problems are hard problems there's just one guy working on it all. Nodes/wallets weren't adequately tested under high volumes. When people transfer their coins from kucoin to binance to "dump" and it goes through in 30s they'll rethink dumping them and do some arbitrage instead. No proof just what will likely happen.

>> No.6434563


> This

Great coin to arbitrage from. Will do it again.