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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6431478 No.6431478 [Reply] [Original]

Legit dumped 33% of my portfolio for this, working product, unique concept no real competition, good idea and white paper, big things to come end of Jan and early feb, this sale is a steal right now!! Every alt in kucoin is on fire sale right now but BNTY is the one to look out for (screencap this) going to x3 next week with it's 60m market cap
!remindme 1 week

>> No.6431521

Let them be poor fags anon

>> No.6431592

Man do I love low cap coins like this and UFR. Half of my portfolio is made of those.

>> No.6431596
File: 9 KB, 320x180, indian call center guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir, Very cool BountyOx coin sir, where can i buy?

>> No.6431638

KuCoin my friend, it'll be on bigger exchanges soon, there's a vote for it to be on bit-z running right now so hopefully that'll pass

>> No.6431656

thanks Pajeet for shilling. I have a lot of Kucoin holds right now and I'm getting shredded.

Great time to buy doe

>> No.6431660

Same but i sold my UFR after the x10 gains I made on it, BNTY Is next to moon mark my words

>> No.6431750

90% of my dough is on kucoin and a fair but of that is in bounty. This fuck better pull itself out of the kucoin crater and actually make me money

>> No.6431794

join kucoin nao


>> No.6431805

The project is retarded there is no need for a crypto in this. Look at fiverr etc they all do the same thing and you can just get paid in fiat

>> No.6432215

Fiverr works completely differently, anon.

>> No.6432484

it's the same thing except you have to go through the hassle of exchanging a crypto. stupid

>> No.6433336

jesus im getting btfo on this coin

>> No.6433674

added 30k to my stack at .40. That whale got justed.

>> No.6433835

Nobody wants your bags, faggot.

>> No.6434241

If you would know anything about the freelance market, you would compare it to Upwork. Fiverr is completely different, and you would know, if you would have ever tried to sell your services on it.

>> No.6434525

wait? He said he was buying kek

>> No.6434831

If you come here shilling you better fucking contribute yourself to stop this dump and $100 doesn't help pajeet.

>> No.6434909

what the fuck is up with this bullshit? this was supposed to go to 1 dollar easily. i need this fucking money badly and am not gonna sell it at 40 fucking cents.

>> No.6435078

The entire market is tanking. Wait a few days.