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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 852x480, nlflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6428830 No.6428830 [Reply] [Original]

>1.6% taxes only
god damn it feel good being Dutch
enjoy your 30%-60% taxes rest of the world
special thanks to Germany at 67% lmao

>> No.6428889
File: 57 KB, 1366x768, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is het 1.6? ik dacht 1.2? Net 150k gecasht. Dus misschien moet ik het maar even uitzoeken.

>> No.6428920

TFW no taxes here
Government give 0 fuck about crypto

>> No.6428928

Yeah, feels good being Dutch.

The Belgians however, literally have to pay 0% over crypto. Fucking ZERO.

To be expected of the state that houses the EU parliament, all those rich fucks residing there with their massive savings.

>> No.6428946

Savings in crypto? What if they cash out?

>> No.6428974

That's not true, we have to pay 33% because it's now counted as secondary income. Minfed released a statement about this recently.

>> No.6429002


>> No.6429007
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, nederland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here a year ago, I love blonde girls and no taxes. God bless this country !

Went to the zwaluwhoeve spa this week with a qt dutch girls to relax while making gains.

>> No.6429043

Your obviously a faggot trying to show of on an anonymous mssgbrd

>> No.6429094

You only pay 33% if you trade, if you hold for over a year without trading then it's ZERO

>> No.6429105
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Not showing of friend, just expressing my love for this country. I will never learn dutch tho

>> No.6429137

Same, paradise for us Muslims

>> No.6429156

>special thanks to Germany at 67% lmao
nice meme, we pay 0 % after 1 year

>> No.6429166


I'm not a muslim, I'm fucking glad I left my 66% tax rate rapefugee paradise.

Netherlands feels very white compared to my homeland.

>> No.6429167

HAHAHAHA fucking hell man, we have to pay taxes on crypto if you make big bank, but no one knows how much

also rich fucks might reside here for the parliament/lobbylife, but they are not Belgian citizens so we don't tax their saving brainlet.

>> No.6429187


dream on idiot

>> No.6429201
File: 102 KB, 500x399, 1505471533530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have to pay 30% of your winnings as taxes but you are aren't going to declare any of your transactions and hope they don't notice
Who here /livingOnTheEdge/?

>> No.6429205

Until Europe exterminates all of you (:

>> No.6429226

Wait wat? You have to pay taxes but no one knows how much?

>> No.6429241

kek brainlet

>> No.6429316


go to NL all the time, its full with nigs and arabs unfortunately
if it was still white Id move there in a heartbeat. kaaskopland is comfy af desu sempai

>> No.6429339

Yea pretty much, every accountant has a different idea about how it should be taxed. Also if you cash out less than +-5k a month you don't have to pay taxes. (according to the accountants I talked to)

>> No.6429399

I think in most European countries, including the Netherlands, there is a big difference between major cities and rural areas when it comes to foreigners.

But in the Netherlands 90% of the country is rural. Most people live in villages or smaller cities. While those are pretty white.

While in the UK and France most people live in the largest cities. Which are infested.

>> No.6429601

It's 19% here in Spain for the first 6000€ of profits. It goes from 19% up until 21%.

But I haven't decided if I will declare them.

>> No.6429626

>rokende hoer

>> No.6429720

I have worked at a big4 company as an auditer, I have had experience with people working for the government checking these kind of things (tax related). The only way I see they will ever check is if they get their hands on the databases of the exchanges. Then they can easily check How much u earned. Just buy privacy coins When this day gets closer and put them on a hardware wallet.

>> No.6429954

You dont have to pay taxes this year if you got in crypto after jan 2017, feelsgood.jpg

>> No.6429991 [DELETED] 

Belgium here. Irrc it's 30% here, fucking thieves

I ain't paying that so it can go to politicians and Ahmed's eight children.

>> No.6430027

I wonder. How the fuck is the government ever going to find out you traded cryptocurrency? They're grossly incompetent

>> No.6430042

no we dont even pay capital tax, its income tax, so we are fucked.

t. already cashed out and hoped for the 1 year meme

>> No.6430055

yeah how do I declare that? Can I Just say I have nothing and do it in 2019?

>> No.6430058

also living in netherlands

what is procedure for taxation here regarding crypto

t. dirty pollack working wageslave job but want to get into crypto

>> No.6430090
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13.8% here, pretty reasonable. Not high enough for laundering anyways.

>> No.6430097

>Record showing 20k going out of your market to an exchange then getting 2k back
Allah you're retarded

>> No.6430123

Ik denk dat je gewoon je bank account transacties laat zien en dan hatsjeflats. geen 1 january 2017.

>> No.6430178

kech kech kech KECH KECH KECH

>> No.6430246

Depends. Officially Belgium has 0% tax. No buts or ifs. However there is such a thing as being irresponsible with private capital and speculation at this point you are looking at 33% tax as diverse income.

The thing is though, every time the government says it's 33% it has to go to court and they have to prove it is so. The article you read was about a student that used a not that sold and bought shitcoins on a constant basis. After he cashed out the government was being a bitch about it.

>> No.6430295

Netherlands is great. Tax heaven for such shit and mega companies.

Quite a criminal country tbfh.

But who cares.

>> No.6430344

stfu faggot nl is a safe heaven in cucked yurope.

>> No.6430356

You overestimate the Belgian government. Seeing that a lot of traders are students, I'm wondering how they will ever get to them

>> No.6430374

Ik ga uitstappen jongens. Gegarandeerde beer markt.

>> No.6430408

Just bought your 100k

>> No.6430444

boef had gelijk

>> No.6430456


>> No.6430455

At last I dont have a growing army of Muhammads within diving distance of my home. lmao

>> No.6430466
File: 17 KB, 150x458, 151593501546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being dutch.
>complains about beer market.

>> No.6430520

Deze draad gaat zo snel, niemand zal het merken als ik opbiecht dat ik homo ben.

>> No.6430526

I'd be depressed if I had to pay more than 10% in taxes, that's actually insane. Cut your ENTIRE portfolio by 33%? Stupid
Niet alles uitcashen pik, er is niks gegarandeerd nog. Hou alles tenminste in de gaten voor een goede entry, alles beweegt snel in crypto market is zo weer stier

>> No.6430560

> posting Amstel as a example of good beer
the thread is derailed now by the way beer discussion soon

Hertog Jan

>> No.6430575

>Hertog Jan
This anon knows.

>> No.6430593

>>being dutch.
>>complains about beer market.

Because he doesn't live in Belgium. Say one thing about our meme country and it's corruption, taxes and muslims but at least the beer is fantastic

>> No.6430623

Crap bier, Jupiler of Stella en anders GTFO

>> No.6430654
File: 172 KB, 1280x632, csm_Sortimentsbild-USA_ef50611368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch beer is overrated, I like Belgian and German.

>> No.6430747

wasn't referring to amstel as a good beer, was referring to it because it's dutchies common beer.
i'm all in with this guy, just bought 100k Trappist beer.

>> No.6430784

normaal zou ik niks zeggen, maar je bent KAAAAAAAAAAAAANKER dom als je er nu uit gaat, de bullrun gaat zojuist beginnen, geef het een weekje.

>> No.6430968

dat is het ding met crypto, uitstappen is altijd dom zolang de mcap blijft groeien; naja tot de bubbel echt barst dan, maar met die meltdown ga je er toch niet op tijd bij zijn.

>> No.6431078
File: 167 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Grolsch_Beer_Bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry jongens, niets kan op tegen een ijskoude beugel.

>> No.6431223
File: 235 KB, 1120x1400, Hef-Bundy-helemaal-blauw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6431262

To be honest lijkt het bijna wel of de bubble een propaganda manoeuvre is van de overheid etc, sinds dit de eerste systeem is zo wild spread known is & geen handje nodig heeft van de overheid. Dit kan de eind van hun zijn.

>> No.6431310
File: 3 KB, 248x148, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cashing out in a bear market
no you get the fuck in then you absolute mongoloid noobcoiner

>> No.6431454
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>> No.6431511

Dutch beer is absolute piss

>> No.6431518
File: 23 KB, 399x386, pepe thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least my capital city isn't a degenerate drug haven.

>> No.6431520

We don't pay income tax on crypto trading.

Is this the first time you retards are investing?

>> No.6431528
File: 17 KB, 300x168, hihihihahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431581

amsterdam is a tourist attraction. there no hookers or retarded drug shops outside of rotterdam. although you will find some small coffee shops in every city

>> No.6431675

Als Surinamer hier
>0% in crypto
>flip into goldbars
>flip into meth

>> No.6431698 [DELETED] 

Randstad>niet randstad

>> No.6431776


>> No.6432043
File: 8 KB, 400x400, VG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wil nog even €200 bitcoin kopen gedurende deze bear market bij bitonic voor €11.550
>zet het alvast klaar
>ga even koffie zetten en mijn random reader halen
>ik kom terug en de prijs is nu €11.694

Principieel kan ik nu gewoon niet meer kopen jongens, de gierige hollander die net een koopje op een andere markt heeft gezien komt in me naar boven.

>> No.6432170

German tax is around 46% you idiot. Where did you get that number.

>> No.6432298

Bitonic schommelt redelijk wat als je vergelijkt met bijv. CMC. Wacht gewoon tot het met een paar tientjes daalt en koop dan.

Wat je ook kan proberen, geen idee of dit werkt, maar alvast naar iDeal pagina gaan obv 11.694 prijs en dan paar minuten afwachten of prijs stijgt. Zo ja, kopen en anders cancel. Geen idee na hoelang je een timeout krijgt.

>> No.6432342

voor 200 aan bitcoin kopen, kanker toch op man, blijf gewoon lekker vakkenvullen bij de action voor de rest van je leven.

Minstens 20k investering vieze kankerlijer.

>> No.6432407
File: 39 KB, 960x862, 1514529059028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's 1.6%higher than us.

>> No.6432413

10 minuten heb je

>> No.6432506

Rustig man idioot, ik heb 24k usd uitstaan in altcoins.

Ik ben slechts een student en werk alleen in het weekend dus af en toe gooi ik er wat extra geld in wat ik kan missen, momenteel zit bijna alles in de dip dus ik dacht ik gooi er nog even 200eu in.

>> No.6432566

woah 21% is very nice dude.

>> No.6432626

Sorry, ik liet me even gaan door de rode zee in mijn delta.

Prima idee om in een dip te kopen, ga zo door.

>> No.6432628
File: 44 KB, 680x680, 1511021034784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

je bent een kanker geep als je jou folio in usd waarde zet.

>> No.6432644


>> No.6432894

>gets asked for a lighter by a girl on the street
>first interaction with the other sex in 8 years
>quickly stutters some barely understandable shit
>plays about with his phone, finally finds the snapshot button
>girl walks over to Chad, who has a lighter for her. They both start laughing while looking in your direction
>you go home as fast as you can
>proudly showing your mom the picture, proof that you were with a girl
>mom calls you a faggot and slaps you.
>back in your little room you sit down on your greasy pc to find people to brag out
>/biz/ is always good for a larp

And here we are

>> No.6432938

All dutch are gay.

>> No.6433016
File: 25 KB, 663x450, germany_taxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But where does this 67% come from?

>> No.6433054

You will be following in the kraut's foosteps shortly. Who do you think is going to pay for Jamal and his 20 kids?
Refugees welcome.
Enjoy giving away your kids' inheretence to some nig

>> No.6433104


>> No.6433154

Germany, can you please bomb Rotterdam again?
It's a foreigner shithole and the architecture is horrid.

>> No.6433166

I guess /pol/ was wrong after all,diversity IS beautiful

>> No.6433178

Brb moving to dutchland to cash out.

>> No.6433280

Don't care about crypto taxes, but NL in general seems like a really nice country. Sensible government, beautiful sceneries and healthy economy, right? But what's the catch?

I'm slightly concerned about this though. NL is in a bad spot geographically considering the refugee takeover. Will it be getting worse?

>> No.6433311

I'm more concerned about global warming.
NL will probably get submerged in a few decades so buying property is a bad idea.

>> No.6433362

Only poorfags are bothered by foreigners / refugees. If you have any money at all, you will not even notice them. If you live on government handouts, refugees might be your neighbors, that's it.

>> No.6433371

This as well.

>> No.6433372

you forget something.
girls are fucking hot.
hottest blondes in Europe.

>> No.6433399

Sorry, we're full.

>girls are fucking hot.

>> No.6433459

Koop Kcs op kucoin

>> No.6433497

I don't know. I'm not the most racist person but I don't think allowing floods of immigrants who are gonna contribute nothing to the society is a good idea for a country's future no matter how rich you are.

I'm from Finland so we have it better currently and don't have to worry about global warming as much. But I still don't like seeing all those immigrants standing around spitting near malls and moving in gangs in the suburbs. It's not natural development.

Don't really care, I'm not a normie.

>> No.6433504

25% in Germany Dude

>> No.6433676

Ruling says no

The FOD Financiën fiscal ruling reaffirms that non-speculative capital gains remain untaxed. But it additionally specifies that only investments made with the mindset of a brave huisvader are eligible for 0% taxes.

Do you see ne braven huisvader investing in bitmunten? no

>> No.6433721

so if im a dutch citizen that lives in america, can i just open up a dutch bank account and cash out there?

>> No.6433857

You need to wake up son. You really believe taking people from shithole countries won't make your country a shithole?

>> No.6433858
File: 148 KB, 512x512, 1497125212046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't think so, don't you need a dutch adress? i think if you have a dutch passport you can.

>> No.6433940
File: 127 KB, 573x572, 1494087918715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the poor people in your country don't matter anon? wow liberals are SO compassionate!

>> No.6433989

>Do you see ne braven huisvader investing in bitmunten? no
Maar de NOS heeft toch cybermunten geshilld?

>> No.6434030

This would depend on American laws more than Dutch ones, I'd say.

>> No.6434068

Global warming is a meme, temperature has been stable for a decade.

>> No.6434122

More like libertarian

>> No.6434281

Belasting betalen over gains is voor normaaltjes.

>> No.6434328
File: 119 KB, 399x719, 1338679555001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im german and 67% is bullshit
why are you doing this dutchbro
also i gladly even pay income tax from my crypto earnings since i couldnt have invested if it wasnt for welfare
i will pay more tax for 2018 than my welfare time cost the state

>> No.6434412
File: 674 KB, 915x864, EAT LEAD MOTHERFUCKER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ich ficke deine Mutter du Hurensohn.

>> No.6434480

Kanker op straatschijter

>> No.6434551
File: 7 KB, 199x253, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Czech beer

>> No.6434666

Was willst du von mir? Ich krieg vielleicht Arbeitslosengeld aber wenigstens vervielfache ich das Geld was mir zur freien Verfügung steht und werde mich später selbstständig machen.
Währenddessen geben Kevin und Ali ihr Hartz für Shisha bar und Weed aus anstatt was aus ihrem Leben zu machen.

>> No.6434773

beer means bear in dutch bro

>> No.6434842
File: 69 KB, 490x400, monastic-case2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

belgian monk beer >

>> No.6434843

>tfw 0% tax on crypto

>> No.6434861
File: 181 KB, 404x274, 1515935801546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a joke mate.

>> No.6435002

Engels bier > Nederlands > Belgisch > Duits > Tjechisch

>> No.6435045

pannekoek wat?
belgian uber alles.

>> No.6435270

fucking hollanders

>> No.6435293
File: 372 KB, 1920x1936, 1476592087502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Floridan
>no state income tax

>> No.6435322


good taste.

>> No.6435348

>paying tax

>> No.6435394
File: 65 KB, 628x314, Dutchie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 1.2%.

If you ain't Dutch you ain't much.

>> No.6435425

Have fun with the ATF special agents.

>> No.6435494

>being an american

>> No.6435510


>> No.6435540

Used to be 30% of 4% = 1.2%
For 2018 it will be 30% of 2% = 0.6% up to 70k, then 1.3% up to 1 mil, then 1.6%.

>> No.6435558

I hate netherlands

>> No.6435618

God dammit fucking kikes

>> No.6435625

>living in germany
>bank account in switzerland

>> No.6435853

>Will it get worst

It's already the worst, second to the shithole of Europe, Sweden and Germany

>> No.6435944

>immigrant politics
Meant to say immigration policies, kek

>> No.6435992

so if their state has 0% tax on crypto, how much federal taxes do americucks have to pay?

>> No.6436084

*the Netherlands

>> No.6437036


>> No.6437249

Dit. De Zuidelijke Nederlanden > rest.

>> No.6437873


Ive backtraced your ip and will post it to your facebook

>> No.6438006


>> No.6438139

Explain, i though Swiss Banks will give up your information if the German authorities do an inquiry about your bank account in Switzerland ?

>> No.6438161

>implying it will last

Make the most of it while you can.

>> No.6438716

You have the worst taxes in the world dumbass.
It's a tax on wealth, not income. 1.6% is an astronomical amount. It's a tax designed to keep poor people poor and to prevent wealth accumulation.

>> No.6438784

tfw when you only have to move 1 km to be considered dutch and basically still live in the same city

>> No.6438810

my sister lives in switzerland, we made a bank account and she gave me power of attorney

>> No.6438926
File: 5 KB, 214x236, uhhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhh don't let anyone notice or they will change it

>> No.6439205
File: 421 KB, 500x375, Fug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i do the same if i don't have any relatives in Switzerland ? What would you advise ?

>> No.6439827

daar kijken we in belgië niet naar

>> No.6439849

>> 0% Tax on Crypto...

>> No.6439990

That's too much, stay cucked floodniggers