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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6423069 No.6423069 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that these are the people who invest into Tron.
You have been warned.

>> No.6423166
File: 156 KB, 434x354, brainlt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill me on TRON. It has all these
"partnerships", but what exactly does it do?

>> No.6423189

I bought at 2 cents and i can tell you this is an easy 1$ per coin when the mainnet is out, tron is a smart contracts platform that supports all coding languages and runs POS with 1500 transactions per second, imagine the speed and transaction fees of ripple with the smart contracts of ETH and the widespread mainstream adoption that will come through all the partnerships

>> No.6423199

tronnies really need to relax

>> No.6423213

Just dumped this shit at a lose of 30%..Couldn't take more.. Just after the dump this shit got pumped 10%

>> No.6423249

Its basically gonna have the smart contracts and ico's of ETH and the speed and transaction fees of ripple and the decentralization of BTC all together basically TOP 3 COINS COMBINED INTO ONE SUPER HYBRID

>> No.6423297

>Deluded trx bagholders

>> No.6423316

I just want to die, this coin is the only reason i stopped browsing /biz/ I went all in on Tron and now i don't even feel confident being on this board anymore. shit

>> No.6423317
File: 9 KB, 645x773, 1515743848534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit investors

>> No.6423326

Why do black people love Tron?

>> No.6423334
File: 49 KB, 1023x728, fugly_naruto_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSJ Son Tron

>> No.6423387

How am i a bag holder i am up 5x on my tron bags they are light as fuck

>> No.6423424


Can you actually refute anything he's said?

>> No.6423460
File: 53 KB, 403x448, average_tron_holder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2. & 4. contradict each other.

Pic related. Average reddit trx holder.

>> No.6423463



>> No.6423465

I noticed weeks ago it was the dumbest subreddit I've seen. Shame I didn't get to profit off them because I never bought tron.

>> No.6423471

Have you even looked into their github?

>> No.6423520


Yeah, it's a copy/paste of existing functional code. How exactly is this a problem? Why do you think they'll never build upon it?

>> No.6423607


>imagine the speed and transaction fees of ripple with the smart contracts of ETH

yeah, now imagine you can only use it on the Tron blockchain to buy shitty dapps like crypto puppies.

>> No.6423619

Its a 4 month old coin do you know how many new devs from alibaba thry've hired on the team recently to work on the code? Look at ADA its just a whitepaper right now with no code at all yet its number 5 by marketcap

>> No.6423625

Because its cheap as fuck and had 600% growth for a day
Thats all it is, 6 months from now niggers will still be tweeting tron

>> No.6423642

you are new to crypto right?

>> No.6423706


>> No.6423733

With the partnerships they have with huge mainstream companies we will see dapps going mainstream and actually being used by normies and especially chinks on day to day basis, the biggest target is the gambling industry

>> No.6423778


Hey how about providing legitimate arguments for once?

>> No.6423803

Decentralize everything
No one knows how it works/will work, especially its creator

>> No.6423807

kys faggot, what is so special about hiring a bunch of chinks from alibaba that has nothing to do with blockchain. why are alibaba devs so highly regarded? have you ever used their sites, nothing groundbreaking about the tech used there you fucking idiot

>> No.6423851

>broke: buying TRX
>woke: buying GTC (game.com token)
Do this before January 22nd.

>> No.6423868
File: 356 KB, 1821x864, 1515588234948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is github

>> No.6423884

I already did on another thread and I dont feel like making you understand anything about blockchain. gj anyway

It seems like you have no idea about ADA either, so I guess I was right.

>> No.6423925

It means it is actually in the process of being developed by a team with experience unlike all the other crypto projects with a 2 man dev team

>> No.6423926


idk man sounds like a cop out to me

>> No.6423950

tron has no product, there is nothing to shill but hype from it's creator

it has a 6 bill market cap and it's selling below 10 cents

It is fucking worthless

>> No.6423957
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>verge and tron

>> No.6423972
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for my /biz/raelis

>> No.6423991

Tron is looking at starting a 'not for profit' content sharing website, think youtube for example. But it cuts out the middle man.
Imagine theres a big tornado, you film it on your cell phone then posta link on 4chan, but people have to pay you tron to see it >:)
Could work, or piracy could win in the end. Or maybe im an idiot and have nfi how any of this shit works

>> No.6424016



You mean the site literally made by Justin Sun himself as part of one of his super legit partnerships? Sounds like a great investment

>> No.6424019

I've been thinking of similar idea to Tron for two years already. Little pissed off if it succeeds.

Is this fully p2p network or do users pay in TRX for cloud storage and access of files?

>> No.6424025

>Or maybe im an idiot and have nfi how any of this shit works
You're onto something

>> No.6424041

what experience you dumb fuck??? working as a shitty dev on alibaba does not translate into experience for blockchain development you pleb

>> No.6424070

>Is this fully p2p network or do users pay in TRX for cloud storage and access of files?
Read the whitepaper and you'll know

Oh, wait ...

>> No.6424075

you got this from this one retard who made a youtube video about his "idea".

oh cmon guys, are you really that blind?

>> No.6424125
File: 24 KB, 656x465, 789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want to 10x his stack then hand over the bags to TRX-tards

>> No.6424131

>not for profit
When he's done dumping these shitcoins on newfriends justin sure as hell won't be needing profits anymore.
The problem is he won't really need to ship a product either.

>> No.6424151

you have no idea. I have confirmation a certain "small" group of whales made over 10 billion from those pumps.

>> No.6424209


Blacks have the highest percentages of Transfaggots, and Tronsfaggots.

>> No.6424222

>Or maybe im an idiot and have nfi how any of this shit works
yes, yes you are.

>> No.6424279



>> No.6424377

Welp I tried. What is tron looking at doing oh wise one? I sold off basically all my trx, because shit started to smell too much. Still hodling a few just in case, mainly because so many people are talking about it. Ez profits

>> No.6424467

>What is tron looking at doing oh wise one
nothing.. a big fucking nothing already done better by other not overhyped coins with an product.

>> No.6424735

>What is tron looking at doing
Literally a money machine for justin

>> No.6424951

dont know about this one guys, i dont think i trust the devs that much after seeing the discord chat. Probably going to sit this one out and keep my money in Walton or something for some quick gains