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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6419153 No.6419153 [Reply] [Original]

how do I get into trading stocks? Which is the best online trading platform? Are there real-time ticker data API's with free access? How much money should I have saved up before I start running real bucks instead of 'mock' trading?
t. never traded stocks but have seen Trading Places

>> No.6419187
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>into trading stocks?

give your grandson his laptop back, grandpa

>> No.6419212

Holy fuck sauce?

>> No.6419214

Try robinhood, check robinhood general thread (only up during the weekdays)

>> No.6419220

robin hood if you're from usa/australia

>> No.6419249
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Everytime you sell a stock, you need to add a row to form 8949 for tax accounting.

Just want to make sure you understand the work you are creating for yourself by trading stocks.

>> No.6419459


>> No.6419535
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just how fucking new are you?

>> No.6419540

Brittney Venti - fapped to constantly on /pol

>> No.6419561

invest at least 1k minimum, I use etrade

>> No.6419593


>Unioronically posting pictures of the dumbest person on earth with the biggest case of hypertelorism I have seen since Ice Age.

Get the fuck out you nu/pol/ twitch faggots.

>> No.6419630

For real. It’s ironic how they hate roasties yet as soon as this thot pretends to sympathize with their cause they send her thousands of dollars.


>> No.6419672
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thanks for the heads up
I'll automate that
is robinhood only for trading options? I am looking through their faq, and that is what they highlight the most.
you mean brittany venti https://twitter.com/brittanyventi ?

>> No.6419690

Dude you see 10% increase on pennystocks in like 3 years with the stock market. In crypto you see x100 in like a week lmao

>> No.6419774

>invest 1k minimum
Sounds good.
When someone signs up, do they provide a trading or ticker API?

>> No.6419836
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Update: this bitch really is stupid as shit. It’s like she forget when shillary convinced an entire group to refer to themselves as deplorables

>> No.6419898

she really gets you moist, huh?

>> No.6419939

Yeah I’d fuck for sure but that’s about it. Though she’s good enough for /pol/ to send their savings too, apparently.

>> No.6419993

coins don't have hard, tangible data like stocks do

>> No.6420038

i don't understand the hate then

>> No.6420243

It’s obvious she doesn’t give a fuck about the alt-right and is just pretending to for self promotion and profit. This is her niche.

Just look at her twitter bio with 5 different profit-producing links on it.

>> No.6420306

Open an Etrade account and buy EGYF. Hold it for 6 months and retire. It’s about to poke a hole through the moon.

>> No.6420569
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Look at this

>> No.6420593

You believe she is playing her audience to shuck shekels? How much of her life do you believe she allows to be posted online?
How did you hear about EGYF?

>> No.6420599

Do you have any clue what you're saying?

>> No.6420629

you might as well go the extra mile and prove me wrong where you know are right

>> No.6420712


>> No.6420730


>> No.6420760

I don't get it. Groovy tune. Bitcoin anecdotes. How's this supposed to prove me wrong?

>> No.6421317

It's not faggot. I don't care about proving you wrong

You're talking about trading, not investing. I don't expect you to do financial statements analysis - let alone be able to get anything significant out of it.

Most blockchains and future distributed ledgers are and will be open to the public. All of the data is clear to see.

Moreover this is a brand new technology on the verge of being iterated across the market. Right now there are problems that still need to be solved, and this should read OPPORTUNITY. Right now it's the wild west and, again, this should read "Opportunity".

I won't even go into how cryptographic ledgers allow for the removal of a layer of abstraction when it comes to attributing and allocating value. Whereas there are unprofitable public companies worth billions that currently attribute and allocate value based around an ad model, this technology allows for value to be attributed and allocated based off of what matters: USE.

You were born heaven sent to be alive right now. With previous iterations of the internet we have a very clear roadmap for how this is going to pan out.

If you get a job at a bullshit startup they'll try to shill you on how you're getting on on the ground level. But this is not bullshit, and you are on the ground fucking level. This is it.

I only hope iteration is further out so I'm in a batter position to snatch the upside.

Fuck web 3.0. Once we figure we optimize use cases, this is world 2.0.

People are going to make a lot of money.

>> No.6421626

>there are unprofitable public companies worth billions that currently attribute and allocate value based around an ad model
Ad model?
> this technology allows for value to be attributed and allocated based off of what matters: USE.
How? It doesn't look like anyone uses any of these cryptocoins except for the exchanges.

>> No.6421685

I think they just introduced options trading, but i'm not sure if it's live or not yet. If not, it's just for stocks right now. It's good because it's the only platform where you can do it for free. Most others (e.g. Scottrade) cost $7 per trade, which eats into small money pretty quickly.

Just remember that Robinhood makes their money because bankers pay to be on the other side of those trades since they consider the users so incredibly dumb.

>> No.6421832

sounds like buying on margin. is that fair understanding?

>> No.6422316
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Basically, everything we do is valuable. I've heard this put in more textbook financial terms, but that's the gist. If enough people want something then, bam: that thing gains value.

Google and Facebook exist because they capitalize on this value. They capture it through ads and data.

Despite not being profitable, companies like Snapchat and Twitter are both worth about $18 Billion last I checked. These companies are LOSING MONEY, every quarter and every year and yet they're worth $18 Billion. Why? Because of all the people that use them.

A blockchain - the 'protocol' that, currently, most cryptocoins run on is basically a distributed ledger. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is what makes it possible to have an online currency.

Ledgers are a big deal. If you opt for using a card over cash then you are relying solely on ledgers. Your bank's and the bank of the place you're buying from. DLT eliminates the need for a bank. People liked it and realized that it can also do a lot more than that - though people are only speculating how they'll be used.

It is *a lot* like the start of the internet

>All that's going to do is put the video rental stores out of business and save me a trip to rent my movie

I doubt Jobs thought that up himself. His power was to learn about future ideas & fringe technology then separate the valuable from the bs and bring the valuable into the mainstream - being essentially first and best to market.

If Blockbuster was able to forsee this, they would've made an instant push for streaming and beat netflix in the mail market. They didn't see it. Most don't until it hits them.

At the same time, DLT is universally praised. People are making these same future predictions. If you take the time to learn this space, and if you can separate the bs from the value then you can make a lot of money from being right - even if you're only right about the technology in general.

>> No.6422757

>These companies are LOSING MONEY, every quarter and every year and yet they're worth $18 Billion. Why? Because of all the people that use them.
I extend your thought. Running with your value analogy, these companies provide a dependable service to advertising and marketing companies by providing a venue for displaying ads and collecting consumer market data.
These companies also provide a boon for the financial industry by taking out loans to maintain operating expenses and paying interest after any revenue from ads.
While they provide a bare experience and a minimal tool for usual consumers to occupy time, they provide structure to other industries.
The value of these companies are not built upon their consumer-side operations; the value of these companies are built on the advertising/marketing and banking interactions.
The distributed ledger technology (DLT) you discuss, seems to display similar value. It would be very useful to keep track of income and expenses, but I don't see why the banks won't implement their own version and sidestep the whole cryptocoin idea.