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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6418391 No.6418391 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder only right wing straight white males are allowed to post on this board. No homosexuals, women, lefties, niggers, pooinloos, spics, or chinks allowed.

>> No.6418512

Fuck off sad sack

>> No.6418545


u spent time posting this

>> No.6418557
File: 160 KB, 500x683, welcome-montana-ben-o-garr-son-zyklon-bens-pepe-21959858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it with me

>> No.6418597
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>> No.6418604


See >>6418512

>> No.6418611

does anyone else get reminded about this guy every time that song 'pumped up kicks' plays

>> No.6418634


>> No.6418636
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>> No.6418648

God there's nothing I hate more than newfag /pol/tards

>> No.6418657

what are you going to do about it white man?

t. injun

>> No.6418674

piss off normie

>> No.6418700

biz was /pol/ lite back in 2014. You wouldn't know that would you?

>> No.6418732

Non white males in this thread are mad that crypto is a boys club. Fuck off

>> No.6418763

>tfw tall blonde white male
>small dick

can't win em all

>> No.6418807

>total 77 murdered
>got 3.6 years for each murder
>gets out in 10 years
>becomes president
>kills 7 millions more

>> No.6418833
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>> No.6418848
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fuck off nigger
/pol was always cancer and not welcomed here
>GTFO boomer faggot

>> No.6418867

Im a jew! Yay, im allowed in!

>> No.6418873

Especially pooinloos. They’re the kikes of crypto.

>> No.6418892
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>> No.6418908

>implying boomers are racist
yeah go away pajeet.

>> No.6418909

I wish. What a dream

>> No.6418923
File: 981 KB, 400x400, F5D468FC-C360-4EAF-99CA-97D80F4117B9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking pajeet bitch set us back a week.

>> No.6418931

dont know why you even bothered posting this op, it already is.

>> No.6418954

stop racisim. its bad for community

>> No.6418960

> 2014
Oh my fucking GOD what the fuck happened to this board where did all these newfags come from

>> No.6418963

hey whats up guys? i only fuck traps so nothing gay about me

>> No.6418965

your shitbrain just didn't know how to play it, stay poor faggot

>> No.6418967

I don't think there's really enough of you guys left to bother hating. Are you even full blooded?

>> No.6418969

hey newfag, google amDOGE

>> No.6418990

Is /pol doing another raid? Their low IQ bait is more obvious lately.

>> No.6419018

You clearly werent here in 2014. Everyone worshiped a mtf tranny because they had one of the biggest doge/btc stacks on the board.

>> No.6419036


>muh 2014
>oldfag Nazi OG


>> No.6419074
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>> No.6419089


Fuck off nigger. Eat shit and die.

>> No.6419094

I didn’t lose anything. I ended up selling at the very beginning of the drop and bought back near the very bottom. I had more than I had before. My problem is I stayed stagnate for days until today.

>> No.6419121

I'm bisexual white male that is very pro white and pro freedom

>> No.6419133

stop fucking men and we can talk

>> No.6419150

/biz/ is really easy (you)'s lately with the influx of redditfags looking for autists to tell them what to buy.

>> No.6419156

You’re gay or you’re not.

>> No.6419157

Hitler was a fucking communists that supported central banning and would have banned crypto.

Next youre going to start whining about muh usury, let's watch

>> No.6419185

But it's hot desu

>> No.6419192

you reek of insecurity

>> No.6419216

You reek of faggotry

>> No.6419248

lmao shut the fuck up u autistic virgin faggot

>> No.6419269

/biz/ has always been a NatSoc board

>> No.6419273

Hell yeah brother! Fuck all the subhumans!

>> No.6419328

/pol/ is there for people with stacks under $3k. You can pretend you're elite tier due to your genetics despite being a broke piece of shit.
/biz/tards with actual bank don't have time to waste virtue signalling about how much they hate minorities.

>> No.6419343

Why do we have so many posters from shithole countries here? Why can't we have more people posting from Norway?

>> No.6419351

No it hasn't you fucking anti white faggot

Neetsoc would mean crypto is banned
It would be central banking and Keynesianism

Neonazis are so fucking brainwashed

>> No.6419367

Racism is good for community. Are you retarded

>> No.6419385

Why do people think of you are pro white you must hate all other races?

It's so fucking stupid holy shit

>> No.6419398

poor people are always the angriest

>> No.6419480

Go to hell, racist/troll.

>> No.6419495


>> No.6419513

Go to plebbit, faggot/kike

>> No.6419541

Poorfag right here.

>> No.6419583

Leftist XRP holder here

>> No.6419603
File: 2.29 MB, 320x214, do_your_part.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even white and I'm pro white. You guys made the best system so far. Once I make it I'll go back to my fatherland and try to make it great. Your biggest weakness, as a people, is your egalitarianism. Instead of colonizing, just genocide your enemies and take their land/resources.

>> No.6419631

all that hate aint doing nothing for that 2 incher of yours

>> No.6419641


>> No.6419685

Who has created better societies than white men.
I'll wait.

>> No.6419707

Lefty bifag misgenist here

Fuck off you kissless virgin. Go back to changing each other's diapers

>> No.6419711

you're welcome in, honorary white.

>> No.6420282
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Haha, chek'd
I'm not white and I believe in homogeneity, demographics, regression to the mean, etc so I don't believe in being the honorary of a race or multiculturalism. That being said, I'm going to take the opportunities afforded me by living here to become rich and then leave to help my people; hopefully that way, future generations won't have to come here for opportunity. I'm not going to hate on you guys for wanting to keep the demographics that facilitated the creation of this great system though; that's just common sense for the self preservation of your people. If your military wasn't Isreal's puppet, I'd help you fight the Jew. You guys really need to embrace racism and stop letting Jews subvert you with ((multiculturalism))((meltingpot)) bullshit.