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File: 215 KB, 1600x900, pewdiepie_is_fabulous__by_nylah22-d5w7exz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
641633 No.641633 [Reply] [Original]

How realistic is it to become a youtube gamer celebrity assuming you have youthful Northern looks, a light unique accent, have tons of spare time and like to play vidya?

+ I find common language with children very quick (have played minecraft and other autism games quite a lot with my relatives)

Shouldn't I be utilising my free time, relatively youthful and feminine looks along with tech savviness and gamer hobby you create a mini youtube success?

Or has that ship sailed already?

I think it hasn't because the top channels in youtube are pretty much all gaming related, but you do have to have a likeable and immaturely funny personality to pull it off. Which I think I could

>> No.641639

from what I've seen it's getting harder and harder to make money off youtube. Not to mention especially during the startup phase it will literally take more time than a full time job, for a fraction of the pay. It's just too saturated right now. Maybe if this was 5 years ago it may have worked. You could also try to have your own niche or specialize in something, like a certain genre. But i'm not sure.

But if you wanna put your youthful northern looks to work, you could always make a few extra bucks at my place tonight :^)

>> No.641640

make sure to call pewdiepie your evil twin cousin brother in law

>> No.641643

I hear nintendo pays people to make videos about their shitty products.

>> No.641648


No, you actually have to pay them some of your ad revenue and they view letting you keep the rest as them paying you.

>> No.641797

What if I do some extra promotion and not just rely on uploading vids and waiting for miracles to happen?

>> No.641822

I think viewers will be able to tell if you are only making videos for the money. I can at least. Its actually one of the reasons why the quality of youtube has diminished over the last few years.

You should have fun while making lps or speedrunning or whatever, and if you can build a following overtime then maybe you can make a small revenue from youtube. People like pewdiepew and chuggaconroy didnt build their fanbase empires overnight.

>> No.641853

Do you know multiple languages? Other than English fairly well? Just make a channel of gaming with that language. Market is pretty saturated for English speakers in most genres. So do the same thing but with a different language.
I got a channel myself that had a good hundred viewers but I've been busy with work. When I get my PS4 then I'm back in business.

>> No.641862
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>a good hundred viewers

>> No.641883

Yes, I do know Russian and another very unpopular language. No worth going for small fish.

>> No.641890

Fuck, meant subscribers. But I got a little niche market, not big but something. So stop hatin nigga.

>No worth going for small fish
So you don't like making money or you don't wanna make money?

>> No.641893
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>a good hundred subscribers

>> No.641896

How many subscribers you got then.

>> No.641920
File: 19 KB, 289x223, mfw54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None, since I don't waste my time with shit like this. How's Highschool, btw?

>> No.641927

Haven't been there in five years.

>> No.642209

I've always wondered how people manage to get their Youtube channels off the ground provided they don't already have a following (e.g. Rooster Teeth or something).

How do most people market and share their videos to grow? It can't just be the luck of who catches on and spreads and who doesn't.

>> No.642211


>it cant just be luck

Well, it is, so get used to it.

The same with literally every other artform on Earth. Some people will make 1 video of their asshole kid biting their other asshole kid and it becomes an international mega sensation. Other people will slave over dozens, hundreds of videos and the only recognition they get will be one guy who drive by spams the comments with 9/11 conspiracy theories.

>> No.642218

Ignoring single viral videos, I find that hard to believe.

People who gain an established following by putting out videos need to grow that following somehow. If it was only up to luck, either every viewer would stumble upon it accidentally, or maybe people would be showing their friends, and so on.

For a channel like OP is suggesting, the videos would revolve around a shared interest. Many times there are people putting out videos in just one game or genre. In order for these people to be getting tens or hundreds of thousands of viewers, I'm assuming that they're being shared and posted in specific places online to market to people with those interests.

>> No.642447

True, but the thing is. The more videos you slay away with, the higher the chance of one of them becoming a mega sensation.

I also think you can't think in terms of YT alone, you have to have something else. A Facebook acc posting mems, twitter, website or something...

>> No.642465

Youtube is all about personality. Personality determines success.

Pewdiepie has a personality that is loved by his subscribers, that's why his channel is popular. His videos are manifestations of his personality. Because he has that personality, so he talks that way, and acts that way. A person with a different personality will talks different things, and their videos will have a different style and a different feel.

>> No.642481

The Market is saturated, you'll most likely never make it.

>> No.642601

That can be said for literally everything...ever

>> No.642619


>Youtube is all about personality. Personality determines success.

>Pewdiepie has a personality that is loved by his subscribers, that's why his channel is popular. His videos are manifestations of his personality. Because he has that personality, so he talks that way, and acts that way. A person with a different personality will talks different things, and their videos will have a different style and a different feel.

I will second what this anon just said. YouTube viewers are mainly looking for genuine and earnest people to watch and be entertained by. Pewdiepie comes across as genuinely loving what he does. His videos not only entertain his fans, but they come back because his heart seems to be in this for the sheer love of it. For every Pewdiepie there are dozens of others who are cynically putting videos together hoping they can attract viewers and fans. You can usually tell whose heart is in it and whose is not.

All that being said, even genuine and entertaining people do not get noticed and draw fans. In some cases it is either luck, word-of-mouth, or a link for a suggested video that gets you noticed.

I agree that there are only so many Pew's out there that can do game reviews or play-throughs before a viewer decides that one , two, three, etc. is enough for the day and then they stop watching. Pew just happens to be the brand they are loyal to today. Once you have your favorite store, auto mechanic, air conditioner repair person, video game reviewer set in your mind you will spend less time looking for others. The video game play-through/reviewer thing is saturated on YouTube, from a business model/economic stand-point. I'd move on to something else or just do videos for the sheer love of it. Who knows, you may still become the next Pewdiepie in spite of yourself. Viral videos and video phenoms typically don't get success by seeking it out themselves. It seems to be thrust upon them organically. Something to keep in mind...

>> No.642907
File: 40 KB, 176x168, rotating-text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instant YouTube success.

>> No.642913

make those horrible ''meme'' videos like Snipars does

>> No.642915 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 289x223, 1423350709799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a dropout

>> No.642949

Lol, those are awesome. No, I don't want to copy cat him. Although they never get old

>> No.644229
File: 207 KB, 442x638, 1397755774383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I feel 2013 was the deadline to start this shit

Nintendo on the other hand is seeing how much $$$ these guys are making from playing their game. Now they are trying to get the $$$.

If that sounds right to you, you might need to recheck to see if you're a jew. Nintendo is tripple dipping for the 1st time.

1. When you buy the console
2. When you buy the game
3. When you give them FREE fucking adverting by reviewing YOUR OWN FUCKING PROPERTY!

I would've never bought a 3Ds if it weren't for one of my fav youtubers.

Other companys like Sony/Micro see how dumb Nintendo is and don't even think about following suit.

I know shitdiepie is now worth 12 million but that's due to hard work and learning how to shit post perfectly all over the tubes.

What NinJewDo is doing is illegal but no one wants to actually do anything

>> No.644306

you sound like a salty nintendo lp nigger who got btfo.
>What NinJewDo is doing is illegal
protecting your ip is illegal now, being this retarded

>> No.644313

>How realistic is it to become a youtube gamer celebrity
>assuming you have youthful Northern looks, a light unique accent, have tons of spare time and like to play vidya?
Nevermind, you're obviously autistic and will be unable to become successful...
>+ I find common language with children very quick
What in the actual fuck?

>> No.644320

I am kind of autistic yes. Isn't that an advantage when it comes to youtube?

>> No.644325
File: 39 KB, 680x620, 1422129442554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kill yourself

>> No.644333

says the parasite.
iam laffin´ brother

>> No.644593

Why not try Twitch? It's relatively new and popular but not oversaturated yet. I have no idea how you'll get revenue (there's some sort of subscriber feature that costs money but I'm sure hardly anyone goes for that) but there must be a way.

>> No.644623

Only negroid in the game right now:

PressStartVI. Damn, dat nigga hilarious. Also been only been around for three months, getting more than 50k views per video so far just starting out. Just a taste


>> No.644658

Read the sticky. It says no shilling.


>> No.644743

Checked your channel. Is ok. Care to share how much are you earning from those views?