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File: 8 KB, 461x337, tron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6413978 No.6413978 [Reply] [Original]

Is Tron (TRX) underpriced right now?

>> No.6414039

I think so, I've looked into the applications and it looks like it has a promising future, easy buy for me personally but I like to hold onto safe bets.

>> No.6414051

it's literally dying you shilling pajeets.

>> No.6414098

It's in a confirmed down trend. It will just keep going down from here until it finds a bottom somewhere between 200-500 sats

>> No.6414796

TRON doesn't even exist lol

>> No.6415022

I'll say yes, but what with most of the market going into a slump, and all the fud after Sun opened his mouth the first time, it's gonna be a long road before it hits $0.20 again, let alone ath. If it were truly dying, I doubt we'd see so much whale play with it, unless someone thinks these are the next pogs and just wants to own a shit ton of them.

>> No.6415060

WAY OVERPRICED. Sub-1 cent and it will be about right. With all these stupid 'announcements' and 'partnerships' but ZERO product..? WTF are they partnering for? What is TRON doing for these companies with vaporware?

>> No.6415559


>> No.6415601


it's overpriced, should be 250 sats like it was before it got pumped for no reason

>> No.6415629



>> No.6415685

They’re making decentralized internet. It’s gonna blow up, but it may be a little while.

>> No.6415701


>> No.6415722
File: 1.84 MB, 1102x1544, ufcking chinke scammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whales scared the normans off, they're just waiting to see how long you can last

>> No.6415767

buy da dib :DDDD

>> No.6415784

Are the holders fearful? Yes, then it's time to buy.

>> No.6415791

What reason would Sun have to lie...

>> No.6416292


what are you talking about? confido was pumped last week after it was confirmed to be an exit scam. It's crypto, you can make money even on dead projects

>> No.6416670

Even doge is worth 1.5 cents and doesn’t even have any support whatsoever.

>> No.6416716

Yeah but everyone knows DOGE is a meme. It's a joke coin and that's why it has value.

>> No.6416899

>FUD for tards
You can go look at their platform right now. The skeleton is already in place, just need to add the muscle (main net) and all the juicy apps that'll run off it. I think a lot of people are grossly underestimating how many Asians are going to flock to all the apps that'll be offered on Tron's platform.

>> No.6416973


>> No.6417220

>just need to add the muscle (main net) and all the juicy apps that'll run off it
So like, all of it.

>> No.6417922

EoQ1 test net
EoQ2 main net
So yeah, its a good half a year out, but i'll tell you right now, in 6 months the price isn't going to be $0.10, more like .60-1.20

>> No.6418080

lmfao, can you go back to where you came from?

>> No.6418119

not an argument

>> No.6418450

Can we all be serious for a while before this thread gets archived and all agree it's gonna go up. It's already enough that we have cuckwhales keeping the price down let's goooooo

>> No.6418472

tron isn't hated enough to buy it yet

wait until all the normies have started selling like tenx

then its time to buy it at .02

>> No.6418522

Yeah it's gonna go up. Anons are just shaking off the weak hands. Happens every time.

>> No.6418570

How low like .07

>> No.6418618

>absolutely no product
I'm convinced 90% of this market is driven by children with a below average iq

>> No.6418619

When the literal niggers on twitter stop saying it's going to be worth $10,000 one day it may be worth picking up a (small) amount.

>> No.6418647

We are pretty low already. The whales are gambling letting it go down bellow 730, which was their support. Going bellow 600 would surprise me, but it's not impossible. If you're in don't sell, if you're going to buy look for strong support.

>> No.6418913

Lol, we're gonna make it guys

>> No.6419034

believing otherwise has cost me millions

>> No.6419119

how can a scam be underpriced?

>> No.6419160

whats tron do?

>> No.6419196
File: 208 KB, 423x395, 1515475455080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6419197

No one knows. Not a single line of code has been written thus far.

>> No.6419252

Something like Etherium network. It's very ambitious and in very, very, very early development, so people fear it's a scam. Same was said about Etherium though.

>> No.6419326

Do you retards forget who is on his team ?

>> No.6420260

>I'm convinced 90% of this market is driven by children with a below average iq
No, >>6411309
Women didn't make it in in time.

>> No.6420277

>It's very ambitious .. so people fear it's a scam.
Kek, that's not why.

Let's start with their plagiarized whitepaper.

>> No.6420314

tron is way overpriced dont buy that trash
learn how to buy cheap coins before they get popular: http://level1telegram.chat

>> No.6420336


Former 100k holder here, no pun intended. It's all hype right now. Justin is a next-level shill.

That's not to say TRX is a scam or doesn't have a future, there's just literally no fucking product.

I sold out with a hefty profit. I expect it to fall back under a penny until something is actually PRODUCED.

>> No.6420346

Oh yes, the "plagiarized" translated whitepaper which was translated by a volunteer. Remind me again, which coin is it plagiarizing?

>> No.6420367

Nice try pajeet but the chink copy was plagiarized too.

>> No.6420392

Name of the coin, sir.

>> No.6420404

Forgot what thread you're in?

>> No.6420433

FUDers, everyone.

>> No.6420521

lmao how new are you, 99% of shit coins have no product and only have their price because of speculation. This is how crypto works new fag

>> No.6420555

It's ok. I'll spoonfeed. Not for you but for the poor people you may fuck over.


Note that it includes a quick comparison of the Chinese copy too. You fucking pajeet.

I still have no idea what your last two posts were about though.

>> No.6420618

can you please learn to spell eth.

normies need to fucking die. god I hope the bubble pops.

>> No.6420624


That other white paper plagarized tron, fucking idiot.

>> No.6420646

just dont bother, hes from twitter and bought at all time highs. He thinks its like "etherium".

>> No.6420677


>> No.6420958

Links to both whitepapers:

TRX chinese: https://dn-peiwo-web.qbox.me/Tron-Whitepaper-0831-V17.pdf

IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmR7GSQM93Cx5eAg6a6yRzNde1FQv7uL6X1o4k7zrJa3LX/ipfs.draft3.pdf

So where's the plagiarism?

>hurr durr you made a typo, you should fucking die

>> No.6421044

You realize they pulled down the original whitepapers immediately upon being caught and wrote a new one (in Chinese, not sure if its been translated).

The embedded page, http://www.trustnodes.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Screen-Shot-2018-01-08-at-11.15.38.png
Clearly doesn't match page 18 of the Chinese PDF you just linked, ergo. it's the new one.

They covered their ass anon, why are you even pretending they weren't caught doing this?

>> No.6421228

Yet as soon as this scandal broke out Justin made the chinese one available to anyone. Why would he do that if he knew the plagiarism was blatant? Also, funny how I can't find that plagiarized version of the chinese whitepaper anywhere, just that one picture you posted.

>> No.6421280

Lol just look at the obviouly manipulated bids and asks

>> No.6421290

>made the chinese one available
Why would a whitepaper not already be available. Come now.

>> No.6421344

It was, he just made it obvious for people wanting to check that they could get it.

>> No.6421505
File: 290 KB, 2048x1365, 70 - KxzCKmI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude what I have to say now may help you understand this market a little bit better.

Lets look at Tron right now. There is no product, their github is laughtable at best,
some of it is streight up copied, just look for yourself. Roadmap is set for the
next 5 years which is a long fucking time in cryptotime.
Its mainly driven by hype and partneships announcements. Its vaporwave right now.
The idea itself has some value outside of what normies think (media).
It is extremly overpriced for what it is now.

Now lets compare that to lets say to 0x
(most people around here should not have a problem with it).
Great working product, github is amazing, team is amazing and its been worked on
No hype needed for this to be where it it as it already has proven its value.
This product is still underpriced for what it actual means for the whole market.

>> No.6421662

Only problem is, the market isn't as rational as your post. I fully expect Justin Sun's shilling to get Tron back to $0.20 at least. I'm not arguing that it isn't a trash coin, but this market tends to overreact to both good and bad news. This seems like an overreactive correction to me.

>> No.6421727

the problem is that Tron is not existing in the crypto market. Its just air right now, air with a smell.

Sometimes its a good smell, sometimes its a fart.

>> No.6421849

That's why I'm bullish about it rebounding to a respectable level.
This will either be proof of my strategy or a few hundred dollar, important lesson.

>> No.6421853

>Something like Etherium network

Anything can be like Eth when there is no code or product released. The market has grown tired of Sun's over the top shill and hype.

Just accept you got dumped on and move on.

>> No.6421882

but how can you say its underpriced, its at 6b right now. cmon dude.

>> No.6422071

Tronfags are very delusional. How can they still hold tron after clear evidence that they plagiarized the whitepaper from filecoin. The worst part is that they dont even know what filecoin is.

>> No.6422136

Your skepticism is welcome, you've definitely convinced me to do more research before jumping in.

Will be interesting to see where Tron is in a few weeks.