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File: 76 KB, 377x318, Nootropics-Brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
640920 No.640920 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, what's your opinion on nootropics? What's your current stack?


>> No.640923


essential to get ahead

>> No.640942

Never heard of these. Just ordered some L-Theanine. Interested to give it a go,

>> No.640987

Total bullshit. Placebo.

>> No.641006


>/biz/, what's your opinion on nootropics?

Nootropics sounds like a discount athletic footwear manufacturer.

>> No.641233


>> No.641234

>just ordered 600 pills of ephedrine for $25

Is ephedrine a decent stimulant?

>> No.641235


gave me the rankest headaches out!

>> No.641245
File: 144 KB, 575x757, P9CK0rG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffered from anxiety, depression and once tried to commit suicide.

Started taking Ashwagandha and it helped me out immensely.

If you have severe anxiety and are looking for something that can help i seriously recommend you try it.

>> No.641254

where did you buy it at ._.

>> No.641256


This only works if you're Canadian

>> No.641272

Mostly bullshit. "Stack" is the most cancerous buzzword I've ever seen in the general community.

There's definitely some truth to the benefits of some supplements but for the most part it's just garbage. Try to stay away from anything that sounds too good to be true, because it usually is.

I currently take flax seeds every day and I always eat around 4 ounces of baker's chocolate a day, in addition to several cups of tea. I avoid all HFCS and MSG, and keep my diet at higher priority than taking supplements. As should you.

Your supplements won't do shit if you have a shit diet.

>> No.641370


-green tea
-good sleep
-multi vitamin & omega

>> No.641434
File: 144 KB, 601x569, [Tutorial]1390323774668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No choline
Read anything about it; racetams need choline in an amount relative to the amount of racetam you're taking, or they don't do anything. I forgot what the relationship is, maybe it changes per racetam, but it needs choline of some kind, trust me on that one.

>> No.641439

Oh yeah, I forgot to respond. They do make a difference, but much less to a healthy/young brain. I can imagine them showing more of the effects that research has proven them to have, if you're older, or have some kind of brain damage.

Or if you've got fetal alcohol syndrome.. maybe we should call it "the british medicine" :p (yes, I know it's aniracetam and not piracetam)

>> No.641512


Sounds to me like someone created a niche market to profit off people like you.

If it does work, power to you. On the flip side, the entire "nootropics" market can show /biz/ how quickly profitable markets can be created. I remember first hearing about this shit like three years ago.

>> No.641528

>not using ephedrine to breathe easy, stay trim, and be more energetic

>> No.642237

Huperzine-A, but only when I need the memory boost. It helped in A&P. Did no good in Bio2, because frankly I just couldn't make myself care. Plants: edible, not-edible. That's enough of a taxonomy for me.

>> No.643484

I just want to take a virus pill/shot to rewrite my DNA so I'm not retarded anymore.

>> No.643670



Fuck yeah


>> No.643676

kratom every couple days

>> No.643687


Especially Armodafinil is a blessing. SSRI's aren't really optional for me but it negotiates nearly all negative side-effects. It allows me to wake early, and get awake early. Also at 22h when it is at a low point, i just go to bed and get an easy 7 hours of sleep.

>> No.643731
File: 48 KB, 612x612, tmp_3382-10343503_586680521445982_3665642030684226198_n1185846035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill thread
Shill thread
Shill thread
Shill thread
Shill thread

>> No.643740

I take
lion's mane
lecithen for choline
some other shit for memory, can't remember.

>> No.643742

Not gonna make it.

>> No.643780

Any of you fuckers on modafinil? What does your day feel like with one of those in the morning?

>> No.643782

Shilling? Shilling.

Just drink caffeine like everyone else. Best ROI if you make it yourself

>> No.644011

I'm tempted on this one, but don't want to have my skin peel off with steven-jakobs syndrome or whatever its name is. I hear it only happened like once in clinical trials though. I think I could get the hookup for it.

>> No.644230

It's a shit stimulant, but some bodybuilders take it to cut.

>> No.644242

A little bit blank. There's no buzz to it, but you're super awake. I wouldn't want to take it every day.

It's great for if you spent all night on speed doing some programming but need to be fully awake for something important during the day. It's not quite like having a full night's sleep but it's not like you took caffeine or more speed to stay awake.

I like caffeine better as a daily stimulant, just because coffee is nice.

That's extremely rare.

>> No.644363

>I currently take flax seeds every day and I always eat around 4 ounces of baker's chocolate a day,
me too man
cept I stir the chocolate into cottage cheese with a bit of liquor for the right consistency
I roast the flax seeds on a pan with a cover so they pop and are good and crunchy
mix that shit good
I also roast raw pumpkin seeds the same way and add that because flax is apparently high in estrogen and pumpkin seeds have man vitamins
everything 'cept replace multi vitamin with yoga and we got a deal
vitamin supplements are such shit
horrible for your organs and you can get all you need from average vegetables

>> No.644365

I've seen this pic before
it is a troll pic
it will shut down your kidneys
might as well delete system 32

>> No.644374


They work if you know which ones to take. Just do the research.
I personally take 200mg caffeine/400mg L-theanine twice a day.

Also, best supplements to take are quality fish oil and vitamin d.

>> No.644391
File: 24 KB, 350x275, 1419498446047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take 50,000IU vitamin D daily, I also take vitamin K to prevent my blood being flooded with calcium kek

>> No.644398

How can you justify buying all of this shit?

I bet you work in fast food.

>> No.644404

>other shit for memory, can't remember

>falling for this troll post

>> No.645571
File: 124 KB, 620x620, steve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard anything bad about ^
Apparently the Chinese Olympic team is fond of them
I like that they have had a 20% increase in price per year also

>> No.645928
File: 328 KB, 828x1403, 1416287172765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Piracetam literally saved me from going crazy.

Tore my soleus in my calf, had some horrible neurological symptoms for a year. Numbness, tingling, etc.

Nothing worked with relieving the stress it was causing me. I had lost all hope.

Started taking Piracetam because I heard it works wonders not only mentally but neurologically, and soon enough the stress was gone and so were the neurological symptoms. Felt like i could accomplish anything.

>> No.645930


By Piracetam I mean Alpha GPC, which has Choline in it as well.