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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6396411 No.6396411 [Reply] [Original]


Had a great run but Walton is superior and will eat half its market share by eow

>> No.6396452

I've never seen so much coping in my life.

"This is all part of Sunny's masterplan to make us rich"

"They are going to be releasing a ton of NDAs between now and Feburary." No. Just fucking no. This is the same kind of baseless bullshit as "Rebrand on January 15th" which you retards kept circulating.

"Whales are accumulating"

"Just a natural correction" If it was natural or healthy then you would have predicted it and sold the top. But now you're holding bags and instead prefer to deny the gravity of your situation.

"Look at all these weak hands." Weak hands = people who realize the opportunity cost of holding a dead coin. They are smart money you are dumb money.

Then you have the fact that all these bullshit posts pop up on the front page, talking about how this is a blessing in disguise and all that. Absolute fucking nonsense. You people are delusional and will be poor soon enough.

Temper your expectations to zero because that's all that can reasonably expected for the next two months. A rebrand is literally just a rebrand. The blockchain isn't coming online until June. ICX is still bleeding just two weeks away from their mainnet. What do you think will happen to this shitcoin?

The only real hope you bagholders have is to join the telegram and beg for Sunny to throw you a bone.

>> No.6396457

lmao what a pajeet

Listen boys.

Do you know how Jim Breyer is?


He made millions by investing in Facebook at 5 cents a share.

He made more by investing early in the chinese market

Direct quote from above article:

> I took a bold bet on China over a decade ago and remain as convinced as ever that Chinese innovation will resume at a rapid and competitive pace.

Jim Breyer is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management.

I cannot overstate this. This is the Harvard Business School of China. Look at who sits on this board as members:

Lloyd C. Blankfein Chairman and CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

Tim Cook CEO, Apple

Michael Dell Chairman and CEO, Dell Technologies

Satya Nadella CEO, Microsoft

Jack Ma Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group

Many, many others (Musk, Zuckerberg, Jamie Dimon, etc... just click the link below)

Source: http://www.sem.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/aboutsem/advMem.html

Direct quote from him on VeChain:

Last I checked, VeChain has a strong team and has already established some compelling partnerships with organizations like PwC.

Ideally and eventually, Vechain will implement their technology and help diminish numerous supply chain inefficiencies.

If Vechain can execute, they could be a leader in item validation, and capture a meaningful portion of the growing cross border e-commerce market.

If there was ever a hint.....

>> No.6396548

The fuck is this thread

>> No.6396588


>> No.6396976
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Bag holding wally weiners are the worst crypto community by a landslide. Never have I seen such vitriol spewed from a fan base towards other projects like VEN/WABI. You're only hurting WTC,