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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6393531 No.6393531 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys, lets be serious. Who fell for this obvious scam?

>> No.6393575

I got in when it was low and out when it was high, I loved being scammed.

>> No.6393609

Its tanking like crazy

>> No.6393658

ITT salty no-Troners are mad they didnt follow the advise a month ago for a quick x50 return.

You should all an hero for FUDing this glorycoin.

>> No.6393683

First time not reading the white paper burned me

>> No.6393686

literally 90% of biz

>> No.6393697

i bought at .09 and sold at .21

I sure fell for the scam alright

>> No.6393753

I did but only for a couple hundred point change is stats downward because i am not retard.

>> No.6393786

Woah senpai hahaha you got totally scammed!
I guess I got scammed too when i bought at .003 and sold at .25
Woah so much scam lol.

>> No.6393793

got in at .002 cents, still holding cause i'm still up a fuckload. this could go both ways.

>> No.6393833

If you bought it in dec you made sick gains

>> No.6393837


>> No.6393876

.bought .002 sold .20 I feel so taken advantage of

>> No.6393880

people are always going to trash coins when they miss moon missions
this is turning into XVG 2.0, a literal money making machine for non-retards
it'll pump again soon before bleeding out and repeating the process
I've been riding Verge's wave since the Mcafee shilling and I plan on doing the same with TRX

>> No.6393914


The idea to let content creators make their own ICO isn't that bad of an idea honestly. It would be the ultimate way for them to make a decent living, and would make them far less reliant on current platform giants like Youtube to make money, and it would allow for less inhibition and more varied types of content.

>> No.6393932

Only reason I didn't was because of all the normiebook screenshots of shanequa and tyrone boasting about it

>> No.6393954

I strongly considered going for another go-around on the TRX pump money machine but decided to lock up all my trading money in BNB and hold that through the Q1'18 token burn

>> No.6394045

I bought a metric fuckton at 0.02, stop-loss is set at 0.06, come at me.

>> No.6394162


> obvious scam

KEK anon must be a pajeet and doesn't understand buy/sellwalls and basic trading.

...just sell low, I will buy your bags idiot

>> No.6394186

I got on bit late. First I got +100% (and actually got out in time, not too far of ATH) but then... I had to be an idiot and try it again and ended up losing around 60% of those gains back, before finally accepting the truth that yes, this really was a scam shitcoin and I should leave it be now.

Thankfully, I wasn't too badly burned there at the end.

>> No.6394257

that's a smart move for the time being, we're all just waiting for the next round of moon missions, most coins are in a sort of limbo right now
I've held TRX for a while before it pumped and knew as soon as it did, it was pulling a Verge so I got out at the peak (I didn't with Verge, but I still profited, just not as much as I could've and should've)
since then, it's been relatively easy to just buy super low and wait a bit on these shitcoins because they're bound to go up and then come right back down like clockwork. ironically though, this past week has been a shitfest, been holding some of these a little longer than I expected but I don't want to miss out buy selling early when the floors are already double my original buy in

>> No.6394380

Fucking SCAM!!!! I've been only gaining 20% of my overall money per day with it, Fuck Chanks!!!!

Keep selling low boys, I love it

>> No.6394510

You do realize they're partnered with Chinese netflix right? He's making a media platform and he's literally partnered with his country's netflix. He's hired 10 engineers from Alibaba, and has a shit-ton of money due to his parents being corrupt government.

I can back from Beijing last week and literally everyone is talking about it.

>muh plagiarized whitepaper
read it in Mandarin and it's pretty damn solid. the English translation was done by a volunteer.

>> No.6394586

Post chinese whitepaper.

>> No.6394687

me gout out made some money,put back in my initial $7k at 837 sats. feeling like a mong should of not looked back, got greedy

>> No.6394818

no, that's smart. i've done the same, I trust this will pump one way or another again, and i will ride the train again when it dies back down. only issue is that it's been taking longer than I expected but I know it'll pay off if i'm patient, just hold bud. i'll give it till the end of the month for another pump, just gotta be careful since a lot of people seem to be trying to get out of this hold so we might not see it pump too hard, maybe more gradual (hope not, that shit would take forever)

>> No.6394900

>what is google

>> No.6395029

Bought at 11 cents and sold at 29

Feels good

>> No.6395131
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>> No.6395137

Buy again now, you'll thank me at the end of the week.

>> No.6395148
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Fell hard.

Bought in at .008 and sold at .20

>> No.6395387

next pump won't even reach 800

dead shit

everyone want to drop tron already and there's a fuckton of people who bought for 1000+ and they want to do the same (but they fucked big time since it will never reach .20c again)

>> No.6395754

"AWS partnership"
any company that's an aws CUSTOMER can boast about this I guess.

>> No.6396052

i did.
sold at a loss just because I was done with justin sun.
then went all in on colx.

>> No.6396578

>sold at a loss
meme magic playing itself out again
never fails

>> No.6396876

Me just double whilst it's rock bottom

>> No.6396982
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Dumped this shit when the price started coming down. Still doubled the money I had in it, so I didn't get burned. I feel bad for bag-holders