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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6378137 No.6378137 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late to get in? I'm FOMOing as fuck

>> No.6378329

It was too late to buy kucoin when it was at 3 dollars but I did that anyway.
But coss has a bad website. It's higher risk and higher return. Go ahead if you dare. It could be going to 20 dollars or more

>> No.6378440

New UI will release at the Coss Website. I think it's not too late to get in. Maybe it will dip after release but longterm good invest

>> No.6378476

>but longterm good invest

What are your prospects for Q1 and EOY?

>> No.6378502

5 dollars and 50 dollars respectively

>> No.6378510

Tfw made 38x so far

Best call and hold of my life

>> No.6378532

It has the coolest name, a nice logo but a shit UI that looks like it was made in powerpoint... if they fix this UI its a longterm moon baby

>> No.6378614

Look at the marketcap from KCS or BNB. No idea for Q1 or end of 2018, but maybe it will grow like the other Exchanges. Sorry for bad english :D

>> No.6378665


>> No.6378694

same here, not 38x but 15x and not stopping

>> No.6378733

Charts still unreadable but that's just lack of volume, with the right marketing tactics this could go very well

>> No.6378759

No it's not late.
Once they implement new UI it's easily going to top 50.

>> No.6378780
File: 133 KB, 1280x705, COSSupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally 6 hours and counting.

>> No.6378838

We're gonna make it bros

>> No.6378840

5 dollar end of month, 20 dollars end of q1, 100 dollars eoy

depends on if the developers can deliver though, they are a bunch of stuttering potheads so im not fuly convinced. I've got a big stack of tokens though so obviously i think they might be able to do it

>> No.6378872

looks good and more normie friendly than say binance

>> No.6378883

best post

>> No.6378912
File: 32 KB, 706x706, 1504581064618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw literal millionaire by April
Is this real life?

>> No.6378930
File: 231 KB, 734x1110, 1495929074584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no volume
>only coin being traded is COSS by people who are either fleeing this dump or wishful thinkers who think it might ever be good
>payouts are 0.0000x of every shitcoin which costs 0.02 ETH to transfer

>actual working product
>payout all in ETH or NEM

>> No.6378961

no shit, the same discord group is talking to themselves pretending to be newfags buying it.

>> No.6378960

I only bought 77 of them, so I'm not
How much you got ?

>> No.6378985

Thanks for the bump faggot. Enjoy your NEM.

>> No.6379062

All i have is 944 of these but oh well that's enough if this takes off to top 5

>> No.6379073


stop shilling your referral in every thread, i hope you'll get permabanned

>> No.6379087

How can i see what my wallet on this shitsite is worth? Cant find it

>> No.6379175

you can't, kek

but wallets aside, i hope that soon after the ai they'll implement shitcoins' usd estimate in the dividends section

>> No.6379232

Ffs what a fking shitsite

>> No.6379270

I just got in. Think it’s definitely not too late. Just make sure you get in quick before the new UI release

>> No.6379277

everybody use blockfolio/delta anyway, but they'll probably add this after the ui, it would be piss easy to implement

>> No.6379521

I know but blockfolio has only Hitbtc for COSS

>> No.6379590

I'm FOMOing in right now. Just sold 1k XRB for this. Hope it works out!

>> No.6379622

i use hitbtc, it's pretty accurate, but blockfolio/delta will implement coss.io once the api cames out

>> No.6379638
File: 251 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-13-12-50-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are accumulating like crazy. With that dividend it can go x5 at least.

>> No.6379687

Anon what has more potential to grow XRB or COSS? Do I sell my XRB for COSS?

>> No.6379701

btc/coss pair on hitbtc is broken, watch the coss/eth pair to get the real price

>> No.6379723

COSS will be decided in a matter of weeks.
XRB is a long-term game, Binance shenanigans aside.

That doesn't mean you should do it, but it's a factor to consider.

>> No.6379777

Thanks anon.

How many COSS is needed to make it?

>> No.6379789

jesus could you imagine it! id have £7M
we are living in the best timeline anon

who else holding 6 figures?

if the 500k guy is here i want to say if this even hits 20% of its potential i want to buy you a beer dude and also a yacht

>> No.6379851

>COSS will be decided in a matter of weeks.
if you mean the correction will come and the price will stagnate for a month, then yes.

if on the other hand the team keeps delivering stuff during the year, this would be an excellent hold up to 2019, especially if you have enough to get a decent amount of dividends

>> No.6379970



>> No.6380015
File: 284 KB, 670x361, COSSacks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna make it, COSSacks

>> No.6380017

>The fact that you have me added on Telegram with the option to DM me is one thing, but DO NOT push that dial button and call me at 3am at night just because our support haven't answered you within 2 hours. And even if I should miss or forget a few of the many hundreds private messages I get on a daily basis, doesn't mean that I ignore you. And for many of those I am in contact with, if I don’t get back to you instantly, it is very often because your case isn't solved yet. In many of the issues, I am simply a messenger. I need to forward the info to Dev and I have to wait for them to look into it, and every time they look into it, they are pushing other issues in front of them. So please HELP US HELP YOU.

>> No.6380037

> The good news is that they will all be there in version 1.1 in addition to a BRAND NEW feature with movable parts so you can basically drag and drop the various functions on the exchange to tailor it to your own liking
Wow, that's legit incredible

>> No.6380044

1-5k for comfy dividends, 30k+ for maybe millionaire status in a year.

>> No.6380095

I got in at $0.2 and I'm happy af

>> No.6380122

All I have are 944 coss that I bought at 30 cents.

>> No.6380124

is think bitmex somewhat does that.



any shitcoin with 10x potential?

>> No.6380125

$2 is the new floor, just wait for the dip bruh.

>> No.6380144

I meant more that the next few weeks will likely settle the team's competence for most folks and either things will proceed healthily or the new site will be dead upon arrival.

>> No.6380151

With all of the above planned for, we have already started our outreach to banks in order to ensure partnerships, so we can move forward with introducing FIAT trading on coss.io (in which we are very confident that we will be able to do).
>(in which we are very confident that we will be able to do)


>> No.6380158

nucoiner? Don't worry, we all started somewhere.

>> No.6380196

>3 (Three) trading promos starting this sunday

Aw shit nigga we're gonna moon even harder

>> No.6380207


>> No.6380232

? why does this signal abort?

>> No.6380289

>very confident

Rune said on telegram that it was only a matter of time, but now he is "very confident"

>> No.6380301

Question guys: would it be smart to invest some more before the new UI?

>> No.6380307

100k. We are going to make it anons.
Literal retirement at 30.

>> No.6380418

its been up for 6 hours or its coming in 6 hours?

>> No.6380421

Only invest before the new UI

>> No.6380433

its coming out sunday evening singapore time

>> No.6380628

New ui is coming with a bunch of shitcoin listing promos.

Wont go down anytime soon. I am expecting $4 by next sunday.

>> No.6380676

it depends.

most od the times, whales pump the low market cap shitcoins and dump on the news.

but i've kept thinking this since 0.50, so i have my doubts now. 2$ is probably the new bottom

>> No.6380705

I think this. A bunch of people will FOMO in after they see the new UI and I start shilling this hard.

>> No.6380718

Rune's first language isn't English and he's autistic, very confident means it will happen, he's just like "well akshually a meteor could hit the world then we all die"

>> No.6380749

Just like other faggots mentioned price might drop for a while after implementation of new UI but in the long term it's an easy x20.

>> No.6381049

The more I check up on this project, the more surprised I become it's not a top 100 coin. Seems to have come a lot farther in development and useability than its market cap relative to others - especially overpriced shitcoins.

>> No.6381096

This guy has either become very down to earth and is legitimately doing the very best he can. Kudos to him then. Or he is an extremely skillfull psychopath and scammer. Only time will tell but I'm betting on this project.

>> No.6381124


>> No.6381153

now is the time to get into the moon rocket you idiot, you dont have much time left

>> No.6381158

You'll do x5 easily if you get in now.

>> No.6381179


Just look at the dividends if it reaches Kucoin levels (reachable IMO) or fantasize about Binance levels

>> No.6381273

> https://bankera.cc
> 20% fee split AFTER expenses vs 50% BEFORE
> Only pays in two tokens
> No fiat

>> No.6381532

It might. It might be good enough to encourage mass buying, especially with that medium. Sell the new isn't the reliable strategy it was a few months ago, the market is learning.

>> No.6381562

It's best to invest 'now', whenever 'now' is. Dividend coins have incentive to hold, not flip, so they follow more closely a stairstep pattern and not a waveform. Look at, say, KCS for a comparable pattern.