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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6375870 No.6375870 [Reply] [Original]

how much will this be worth?

>> No.6375916

tree fiddy

>> No.6375919


>> No.6375951

fucking hell i hate coinSHIT

>> No.6376017

Don't see it going past 4 dollars.
Brought at 1.50 gonna hold til 4 then night sell.
I only have like 50 dollars in it so night hold and if it takes off then great, if not I don't lose anything.

>> No.6376041

how the fuck did you buy at an ath that hasn't been reached? you must be a special kind of tard

>> No.6376050


>> No.6376075

Whats makes you say that?

>> No.6376264


0.00009255 BTC bottom based on my memelines

>> No.6376563

Australia. Dumb cunt.

>> No.6376603

Sirgay spent the $32 million on big macs and hookers. Rory is frantically trying to learn go but he confided in me that it's beyond his ability and he's freaking out.

>> No.6376644
File: 181 KB, 1330x500, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6377339

It's true, i saw him at the local mcdonalds demanding they accept his link as payment for the 3 big macs he ordered.
When confronted by the manager who said they need "real money" sergey grabbed the tray with the big macs on it and locked himself in one of the female restroom's stalls.
The manager and female cashier banged frantically on the door, tell him if he ate them the authorities would be called.
I got on my phone just in time the catch him live streaming eating the last one, wrapper and all.
30 minutes later the cops arrived and dragged him off after he yelled about how fiat was meaningless now that he solved the oracle problem and that he already sent them link for the burgers.

>> No.6377409

how long does ether withdrawal from kucoin take?

>> No.6377445

Lmfao, dont tell me you thought you could withdraw from kucoin

>> No.6377565

oh, it's actually going through now
withdrew about a hour ago

>> No.6377588


>> No.6377644
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How much will it take off in relation to Etherum? Will both be approximately on the same level?

>> No.6377650

its a chink scam coin run out of nail salon in the gay part of san francisco.
an anon went there a few days ago to take pictures and almost got jumped by a methhead with a needle.

>> No.6377682

so do you think it wont go past 2 bucks or what?

>> No.6377915

>almost got jumped by a methhead with a needle.

stop shittalking about vitalik

>> No.6378457

Kewl just bought 5k more. Stay poor faggot

>> No.6378500

It's true.

>> No.6378508

looks like it will hit $1.40 - .50 in the next couple of days

>> No.6378523


>> No.6378717

segey has been doing lines of coke off bbw asses whilst rory is smoking weed and trying to learn python. Things aint looking good

>> No.6378763

closer to $1000 than it's now is all I can say right now

>> No.6378817
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Delivering the memes

>> No.6379096

What's happening in 7 days?

>> No.6379141

CoinBase gives me my fucking coins.

>> No.6379163

Ah, thought maybe there was a convention coming up and I needed to sell all my LINK before SIBOS v2

>> No.6379191

>selling before SIBOS 2018

>> No.6379264


>> No.6379391

Let's discuss the surge in new memes when Link hits a new ath. It was already great at $0.50 and SIBOS, imagine what happens at $5.

I'm all in on link meme speculation

>> No.6379414

I don't know.

>> No.6379440

I think something might be happening where a lot of people are going to fomo into link.

I know a lot of traders from biz and they all believe in the coin. I talk to them outside of this website (we met before any of us went here) and they all believe link will be a huge success. Many of them are accumulating in other coins right now, and plan on gradually increasing link stack. however, a lot of them have been saying they are becoming hesitant because they didn't think it would hit $1 til march and it is well past that mark. Many of them fear the moon mission is around the corner.

I would be all in link at the momment but I happen to believe another coin will moon soon that I am bought into so I won't be buying all in link for a day or two.

>> No.6379554

Don't know, don't care. The price today, tomorrow or next week means nothing.

Only the price upon mainnet launch and EOY.

>> No.6379570


>> No.6379581
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>> No.6379916
