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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6374687 No.6374687 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought at 39k sats
How fucked am I?

>> No.6374817

it's over

>> No.6374871


>> No.6374918
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expect the shitcoin to drop as more people in the west wake up to the news of their delayed rebrand promise.

>> No.6375001
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Oh god im hemorrhaging money. The month and a half leading up to feb 26th is going to be hell.

>> No.6375012

Completely fucked you'll only 20x your money this year

>> No.6375082

Jokes aside, I'm glad I bought the dip. 39k is the dip, r-right?

>> No.6375387

if this is real it actually could be a delay on purpose, and i dig it.

-get rid of news seller, pnd
-give investors more time to aquire a node

>> No.6375463

what happens then?

>> No.6375516

good point!

>> No.6375518

you 'll cum at least twice. so it aint so bad.

>> No.6375789

rebranding delayed till feb 26th. They originally said mid January. Guess whats going to happen to the price now.....

>> No.6375873

NOT DELAYED.....why do people fucking lie?

>> No.6375955

the only person lying is you

they had weeks to get rid of the confusion of "15th January" but they didn't so now FUCK YOU

see post #3 ITT for proof or the first post i quoted in this message

>> No.6376013

>see post #3 ITT for proof or the first post i quoted in this message
>reading comprehension
They stated they would reveal details until the mid of January, not WE WILL REBRAND IN THE 15TH OF JANUARY

>> No.6376044

Oh dear god. You are clearly mental.

First the delayed it. Now it's a confusion. Just fucking decide and stay on your opinion and don't jump around like a bitch.

If you would be able to comprehend a single sentence, than you would have known that the rebrand process was always over the time frame mid Jan to end of Feb.

All the news regarding the rebrand process will be revealed from dec to mir jan. Fucking read their posts.

>> No.6376087

like i said
if 15th january wasn't the rebrand date then why didn't they tell EVERYONE WEEKS BEFORE YOU POS
everyone was talking about it on the telegram group, the subreddit, discord etc yet they didn't which could've prevented this dip.

Lol at defending this scamcoin

>> No.6376136

You are clearly not able to comprehend this topic.
You don't care about facts, all you do is speak with emotions. Just KYS

>> No.6376156

Vechain has spent $$$ on hiring shills to come on here and Reddit. Hacked shills accounts are quite common on Reddit.

>> No.6376170

Everybody was saying that the 15 of january was not a confirmed date days before. Only that guys like you didn't pay attention

>> No.6376203

Proof? Oh right. There is none.

>> No.6376211

i speak the truth
you don't

This is the truth they knew about everyone's expectation
they knew people were expecting the rebrand to be official on 15th January, they knew this since DECEMBER

so tell me why didn't they tweeted about it and tell everyone earlier that it will be in feb 26th to clear the so called "rumors"?

don't talk in circles please shill.

>> No.6376249
File: 177 KB, 1242x426, 1F55F270-F13C-49F9-BBA3-006E87B6EEF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling VeChain in this dip

This market is so fucking stupid sometimes it keeps me feeling comfy that I can still win in this zero sum game.

>> No.6376300
File: 142 KB, 729x1079, 1515752230973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin has spent $$$ on hiring shills to come on here and Reddit. Hacked shills accounts are quite common on Reddit.

>> No.6376396

Have they released a whitepaper yet? Can i deposit my ven in a official wallet? Where can i read about how they will scale with all the transactions coming on blockchain?

>> No.6376403

Pretty fucked m8, wait for the air drop dump and buy back.

>> No.6376459

Holy shit you WTCUNTS dont give up do you?

>> No.6376467

dip is not over yet, price will tank a bit more

>> No.6376474

They're giving away free money, the price will get fucked on.

>> No.6376485


>> No.6376517

try scam elsewhere cunt

>> No.6376528
File: 44 KB, 600x376, FA774401-37A1-49E4-93F0-C4C83B0A7EBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lol if you short sighted pump chasers cant see the next Eth right in front of you. But bigger. I guess you pajeets hate money.

>> No.6376532

This is a scam

>> No.6376539

you scamming pajeet may the maggots that infest your ass finally eat your brain out.

>> No.6376655

these people are elite day traders tho
theyll be fine

>> No.6376709

Ven is the coin of the year 2018. Easily $50 eoy at the absolute lowest. Don’t buy into the salty waltie hate. They had a pnd group
Come through yesterday and are saltier than ever today

>> No.6376723

I'm delighted there's a huge dip. Need to accumulate more now I can out that XRP bullshit behind me and go all in on VEN.

>> No.6376859

25k is the dip.

>> No.6376896

Once you have moved your xrp it will moon again.

>> No.6377101

No pajeet pls buy Wtc no buy ven okey rape u now

>> No.6377296

So what's the strategy? Sell and accumulate, or just hold?

>> No.6377367

who buying all the coin right now

>> No.6377387
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Unironically this

Coinbase announcement soon

>> No.6377417

Do we call holders of WTC "Waltoncucks" or "Salty Walties"?

Or both?

>> No.6377485

You can accumulate if you feel lucky, but remember this news post said that they are free to reveal more ndas which will expire between now and end of feb so its risky.

>> No.6377613
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>> No.6377702

God damnit, I set up a buy order before I went to bed for what I considered to be a low amount (41.5k) because I was convinced it'd go back to ~$6.20 the next day. Woke up to 38k. It's good I'm throwing small money on crypto, otherwise I'd be out of hair right now.

I still think it will regain a bit, because:

1) There's obviously a lot of market manipulation going on. Chinks want the price to fall between $5 and $6.
2) This coin has good fundamentals and there's no reason for it to fall too much (< $4) unless the business aspect fails hard.

However I don't think this coin will ever be worth more than $10, and if it ever goes that high, it will be corrected eventually.

>> No.6377822

>tfw I couldn't force myself to sell at any point during the dip
fucking hell bags are getting heavier and heavier oh help me god

>> No.6377837


>> No.6378073

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6378120
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>"VEN partners with PBoC!"
>price drops from $10.11 to $9.84

T-Thanks /biz/

>> No.6378161

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/