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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 65 KB, 478x350, eos-nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6373974 No.6373974 [Reply] [Original]

wtf i love EOS now

t minus 8 minus faggots


>> No.6374100

please don't fuck it up please don't fuck it up

>> No.6374125

I'm holding this and didn't even know this. Should probably sell the news

>> No.6374278

definitely hold. this is like eth at 20 desu - dyor but it's extremely promising.

>> No.6374381

Somebody decided to "sell the countdown", but I recommend holding.

>> No.6374434

EOS is just a cheap knockoff of Cardano. Dan Larimer is incapable of accomplishing even half of what he wants to do.

>> No.6374469

>"I am the bitcoin now"
>literally just another ERC20 token

if EOS is the new bitcoin, then what the fuck is ETH?

>> No.6374502


Not only is EOS just another ERC20 token right now, they ltioerally say that buying EOS tokens gives you NO ACTUAL RIGHTS to transfer your tokens to the EOS blockchain when the mainnet is released.

>> No.6374516
File: 508 KB, 1005x570, WantsYourMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They late

>> No.6374581

WE GET IQ TOKENS!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6374684

dude it's like the other way round. dan built BTS ans STEEM.

>> No.6374771

>>former ceo of bithumb joins IN KOREA
>> wikipedia on the blockchain free airdrop

>> No.6374922

and here comes the dump

>> No.6374975
File: 10 KB, 217x320, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it crashing? I bought at 13k.

>> No.6375009
File: 258 KB, 754x765, ShitcoinNirvana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And its over
and the price tanks...

>> No.6375066

facebook partnership was priced in

>> No.6375068

It should stabilize around 90k-100k, set your buy orders guys

>> No.6375102

fucking disappointing. why do they STILL do announcements of announcements

>> No.6375232


Nigger, Cardano is based on the work of teams of professional mathematicians and cryptographers, all of it peer reviewed.

Dan Larimer is just a fucking hack who made a few apps and can't accomplish even a fraction of what he claims, and has lied repeatedly about the capabilities of EOS and how he invented proof of stake first and all sorts of other shit.

It's a scam.

>> No.6375857

>>(((peer review)))
>>fail to cite previous work

>> No.6375958

Its a wink wink to avoid SEC securities violation brainlet

>> No.6376093

I missed the bit thumb, he joined what exactly? Block One? What position?

>> No.6376116
File: 110 KB, 1600x329, 1_NZ1EmfQ205YzogTmWRwmLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you be any bigger shill

>> No.6376183

Cardano actually a scam, they bring nothing but buzzworlds. Its just old proof of stake you see since 2013 in crypto, now shilled by university proffessors. It's literrally a vaporwave, next verge.

>> No.6376216

>everpedia airdropping tokens to EOS holders

Ethereum flippening confirmed, 1 thread on /biz/

>> No.6376233


>Thinking Dan Larimer tells the truth about anything ever.

Good job anon, you're a dumbass.

>> No.6376270


SURE it is anon. Sure it is.

>> No.6376505

dan actually has a track record reaching back to the very early days of bitcoin you little piece of shit.

>> No.6376632


Yeah, that's how we all know what garbage he is and how he fucks up every project he's a part of with dramawhoring and lack of responsibility.

>> No.6376690

so BTS and STEEM are fucked up garbage, I get it.

>> No.6376906


Pretty much dude, they aren't really disrupting anything, are they? Last I checked they aren't growing either. Dan abandoned them just like he'll probably eventually abandon EOS too.

>> No.6376935

Conference already shitting all over the GNT one I watched LOLOLOL

>> No.6376972

centralized dpos shitcoin that danny will abandon in 6-12 months like he did bitshares and steem.

who's ever going to build anything on top of a platform that the developers are going to let languish like bitshares and steem have? eos is too little too late for any ecosystem adoption, but probably a good pump and dump up to the launch.

>> No.6377034

bitshares and steem are only the blockchains doing the most tx right this moment. but whatever.

>> No.6377074

>dan is a drama queen
>coming into this thread pulling drama about how he will abandon a project

satoshi left too. is he a failed drama queen and his project worthless? you suck.

>> No.6377117


>his project worthless?

Uh, yes dumbfuck. Bitcoin is fundamentally broken and irreparable and now run by people who don't even follow Satoshi's vision. That's why BCH forked, even though BCH is garbage too.

Good argument, retard.

>> No.6377157

>most tx
so what if all of those txs mean nothing? bitshares hasn't captured any market for exchange, etherdelta with it's ridiculous fees and slow throughput has captured more users than bitshares and it came year(s) later.

steem has some traction today but it's a shadow of its former self a year or so ago. the hype ended, dan left, and now all the articles being posted are all hollow crypto-related articles, or people pandering for steem bux.

the fact is dan has a terrible, terrible track record for getting any kind of large network effects on his projects. he just dumps them out there in the ether and moves on. eos fundamentally needs a shitton of developer mindshare if it even hopes to compete with ethereum for smart contracts/decentralized exchanges/tokens/decentralized dns+data, and i dont see how they're ever going to get it, when they're too little too late.

>> No.6377206

that's what I thought. you are a brainlet hodling vers shitcoin because all you can do is appeal to authority. that's why you need to put down dan and elevate your leader. pathetic.

kneel before king bitcoin, dumbass.

>> No.6377223

if bcash actually followed satoshi's vision it would have some moral ground to stand on, but they went in the complete opposite direction by breaking POW and ended up with an even more centralized coin. they unfortunately let their well-meaning project get taken over by chinese mining opportunists and scam artists.

>> No.6377237

that's why this time there is a whole team to pump 1 billion $ to get traction.

>> No.6377272

ask microsoft how offering money worked out for them for their mobile plaform.

>> No.6377293

good one

>> No.6377470

it's a serious point. 1B is honestly just not going to do much when using eos misses you out on the huge networks effects of ethereum. if you believe enough long term in these technologies, then you stand to miss out on significantly more than whatever incentive money you get by launching on the wrong platform.

i imagine a lot of people who do, will happily take that money and then end up launching on both.

>> No.6377770

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6378124

pajeet please

>> No.6378251

true, but ethereum is shit with many unsolved problems, and eos is good tech.