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File: 38 KB, 306x250, alley-cropping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6371633 No.6371633 [Reply] [Original]

If you just got rich with crypto you better be buying land. I know some of you faggots just went 1000x and are millionaires. If your not investing it into a farm you are insane. Land will be the most valuable resource over the next 100 years (besides clean freshwater) as we will have 15 billion people to feed and there is no more land left. Ever square inch of land is being farmed and degraded. Get into silvopasture or allycropping if you want to turn your 1 million into 50 million while making the world a better place. This is a once in a lifetime chance to throw magic money into real assets that will never go down in value. I'm not saying you have to cash out tomorrow but your better be ready to sometime here before we enter a real bear market again.

>> No.6371963

shameless bump. If I can bring even one crypto millionaire back to earth, Id have done a lot of good. I am a farmer in southern wisconsin and im willing to help out anybody who wants to learn about conventional farming or agroforestry farming practices.

>> No.6372208

honestly a cool thread. not a millionaire myself... but I am trying to get a job in Oshkosh. watching millionaires made everyday makes me wish I didn't choose engineering :/

>> No.6372260


can you please do a quick rundown on the risks? Can a person buy the land and hire workers to manage the farm for him?

Is it a high risk investment? I have 0 clue about farming and the existing challenges facing the industry

>> No.6372277

Too much work

Easier to get crypto gains, let others do the work and buy their products

>> No.6372302
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Im trying to help you faggots solidify your gains until the end of time.

>> No.6372312

>and there is no more land left.
It's just wrong. Whole Africa is still waiting for farmers. Most retarded business. You only can buy land for fun, but not for profit. And since all rural peoples move to big cities land cost less every day.

>> No.6372316

land will always be a good purchase, but be careful. it can depreciate massively and many purchases (countryside etc) may depreciate for the next 50-100 years, if not longer.

>> No.6372340

My family already has almost 20 acres of woodland. Don't think i'll ever sell it though

>> No.6372382

that only matters if youre looking to sell.
in the end land is a pretty good store of wealth

>> No.6372488
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I just cashed out and bought a farm in South Africa? Am I gonna make it?

>> No.6372512

What if your country is near North Korea? still a good idea?

>> No.6372519

Im buying Acres in Philippines. It seems their govt. started not being retarded and move their govt. buildings and force companies to move up north of luzon. Land is pretty cheap there as of the moment. A country that has 100million population with a size that is smaller than the state of New Mexico. Land's going to be scarce and I smell easy money especially if the area gets commercialized which is inevitable because the country is small just spread out to 7107 mini islands

>> No.6372525

youll never make it. crypto is only temporary so you can get money to invest in shit like this.

haha its alright man ive been around for 3 crypto bubbles. the greed is fucking insane and this shit will crash after the market cap hits 1.2 trillion or so. I missed out on making millions as well but i still made 100k at least.

Just research land and buy a good farm. Get a farm with 4 feet of solid clay, not something that has 2 feet or less of soil before it hits bedrock. the risks are very small as long as you dont over invest in tractors and expensive trees or whatever. All you need is to buy a good farm and read bill mollisons permaculture book/ watch youtube videos on mark shepard. If you do a little research into this, you will realize it is the future of farming and the only thing that can allow humans to survive over the next 1000 years. This is absolutely the future and there are trillions to be made here. Humans will not survive using conventional farming practices.

>> No.6372543

This is a useless shittoken shilled hard by a discord group called "/shill/". they get points for every post and comment they make here, if they don't post every day they get banned. That's why there are Payfair posts here 24/7.

it's not because so many ppl like Payfair; it's jsut because 50 retards have to shill for it. ...most of the comments being positive about Payfair are all from the same group.

It's obviously nothing than a scam.
>20 shillpoints have been added to your account

>> No.6372559

Nah man, theres always gonna be a new crypto and i will have moved my money to it before collapse. You keep shoveling shit tough , if it makes you feel good

>> No.6372590

thats my plan anon, just need one more 10x and im outta the game and into permaculture farming

>> No.6372629

yea, expect 50x gains in 100 years, hopefully you wont be dead and your dick will still be working by then so you can buy some escorts

>> No.6372633


thanks mate. It does sound very interesting and I'll read it up soon

>> No.6372647


>> No.6372662

cool man. get walnuts and maples growing. they will last and give good timber.

yea the only way we can farm africa is with agroforesry practices. look up allan savory or geoff lawtons farming the desert.

yea we are fucked bro. the land is degrading so fast and farmers dont even have to care because as long as they have 6 inches of dirt to inject fertilizer in they will be fine. Just remember I tried to help you anons when your kids are asking why you didnt do anything to stop it. If you dont want to do the work then at least buy food from organic or silvopasture farmers.

>> No.6372738
File: 106 KB, 590x875, Star-Wars-8-Is-Kylo-Ren-going-to-betray-Snoke-1052615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im buying Acres in Philippines
Its me, the Filipino Kylo Ren. You know, the dude who held 50k LINK and 100k REQ and started crying back in November. Not crying now.

I'm unironically selling hectars of land in the Philippines in different areas. We have 9 of them left, one got sold around a year ago. I dont own them but my Family does. Apparently this shit is so hard to sell that we're giving 10% or was it 5% commission to anyone who can find a buyer.

Why the fuck are you hoarding lands here? Getting illegal settlers to get the fuck out of your land once theyve settled is a pain in the ass. Anyway if you're really hoarding i might sell them to you so i can get the commission.

>> No.6372914

If you only have a small parcel of land, you should be working to make that land productive right now. In the event of a major global collapse, you will already have food security. Even if that doesn't happen, you will save money, be healthier etc. A small parcel of land can handle a number of chickens (layers/meat), a goat (milk), productive fruit tree/s, vegetable crops, and you can grow small amounts of weed to supplement income. With the right techniques you can be semi-off-grid in a short time, all while feeling good because you are regenerating life rather than participating in degenerative modern society.

>> No.6372980

medicinal mushrooms are the future of sustainable farming. Look into myco-remediation and permaculture.

I want to start a medicinal mushroom farm anons. These things literally reverse tumors, give you energy, and blow your libido through the roof.

>> No.6373000

In the event of a major global collapse all the niggers will try to break in your farm, rape you and take your LINK

>> No.6373022

You go live on it fuckface

>> No.6373031

Good thing they can't shoot for beans and would die within 7 days of no food.

>> No.6373091

>own land
>get killed by a gig with a nun

>> No.6373106


>> No.6373148

Dude I live in pewaukee. And my dream is to buy some property and farm it and put up some cheap greenhouses for winter farming. But my crypto sucks

>> No.6373150

For some reason it wont let me reply with my big ass msg because it thinks its spam. Just do the yourself and the human race a favor and look into silvopasure, allycropping, agroforestry, bill mollison, mark shepard, greg judy, geoff lawton, joel salatin, or permaculture. This is the only way humans can survive in the long term and land also happens to be one of the most solid investments you can make.

>> No.6373288

na the gov already has plans to keep people in the cities to die there. they planned this shit like 40 years ago when they thought i civil war could break out.

and if they dont block off the highways you could just sit in your bunker for a few weeks until everyone kills themselves or stave while your hanging out in you cellar with a bunch of wine and potatoes.

>> No.6373318

Here here, another one to read is the Resilient farm and homestead by Ben Falk

>> No.6373331
File: 51 KB, 250x164, sp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you anons are all badass and im glad to know there are a bunch of biztards in wisconsin!!

>> No.6373367

Dobyou do any greenhouse farming in the winter?

>> No.6373578

no i dont right now. I look at that as extra expenses but it can work if you are going high value crops like salad greens or micro greens. Right now im just trying to get chestnut/ apple/ plum/ walnut/ maple trees in the ground. also doing earthworks for water management (keyline design). I find that just starting plants in cups then transplanting in the ground during late May works well. When I take care of them in big pots i get the same yields as when i stick them in the ground and forget about them usually.

>> No.6373648

Government niggers are always first to "nationalize". After all, you don't really own something, it's just government papers they can issue or take back. Today they "tax", tomorrow they just take it for "social needs".

>> No.6373767

yea but at that point the whole world is fucked bro. america is the last stand. if they start taxing us %75 or whatever its all over anyways.

>> No.6373822

fuck off ancapfag

>> No.6373845
File: 78 KB, 800x536, 235066E8-4011-4BDB-8858-D61E8742ED75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I’ll pass on Wisconsin

>> No.6373915

everyone in the world could fit into texas with enough room for themselves we aren't going to run out of land anytime soon

>> No.6373965

niggers will eat you

>> No.6374076

Agreed, my grandpa had like 20 sq km of farm land and sold it 40 years ago for alot smaller price than it is worth right now. Now it’s €150.000 for 1 sq km

>> No.6374117

I meant hectares im a retard

>> No.6374208


Any links to books, sites, anything I could read on the topic?

>> No.6374209

This. We will just all live in skyscrapers and there will be other skyscrapers dedicated to farming where each floor will have a farm growing. Land will become valuable when there's 500+ billion people.

>> No.6374250
File: 53 KB, 512x350, 512px-FullMoon2010-512x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its people like you that I will be selling a piece of cheese to for $50 bucks 20 years from now. Thanks in advance for transferring your crypto gains back to me because you couldn't see the future like me.

thats not true at all. have you looked at the google maps over the midwest? from Nebraksa to Pennsylvanian is all corn. its all being degraded. its all drenched in roundup and fertilizer residues. it all costs 5k an acre right now and its going to 20k an acre in 10 years. I really dont care Im just trying help the people who just made millions and dont know what to do next. Agroforestry will make me rich and successful with or without you anon.

>> No.6374367

I have 7 ha of farmland from inheritance in Poland, but the soil is poor. What should I plant?

>> No.6374416


Greenfield wi here. I enjoy outdoors labor. Farming indeed looks rewarding. I'm poor working 13 per hour atm.

>> No.6374449

Until overpopulation leads to political revolution or tax polices and land is redistributed.

>> No.6374460
File: 197 KB, 750x1000, 1515124177677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats fucking retarded you have to be kidding. you realize it takes millions of acres just to feed americans right now. you also realize its not even profitable to farm corn right now let along building entire building just to grow a few grean beans and heads of lettuce?

tree crops by j russle smith, permaculture one by bill mollison, restoration agriculture by mark shepard.

as for videos here are a few.
this is only 1/16 hour long videos from bill mollison and they are all pretty good lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV3XRnBkhjE

this is the most underrated technology in the history of the human race.

>> No.6374471


Plant miracle fruit and grass. Get some goats, donkeys and cows. Make cheese and yogurt.

>> No.6374520


>50x in 100 years


>> No.6374527

Land is a good investment, but if you think property rights will be respected in a world with 6-10 billion africans you're mad. Prepare for worldwide Somalia: have land, build a bunker on it, have guns, have a large family, be kind to your kin. Farming will definitely be needed if the 15B+ pop future becomes reality, not to sell it to other people but to feed your own when society collapses.

>> No.6374584
File: 1.55 MB, 2029x3000, JFK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is a wreck, I can't do any hard manual labor. What do?

>> No.6374609

apples, hazelnuts, and grass. get some pigs and let them feast then ull have some really good pork chops, ham, and bacon. I think they pay 600 bucks for a 30 oz ham so long as its grass/ apple/ chestnut/ and hazelnut fed. I know they feed acorns to pigs as well and get good money out of thos hams.

>> No.6374624

damn good piece of art

>> No.6374627

yeah, invest in land to feed literal hordes of niggers

great plan

heres a better plan: invest in private security contracting, because in a world full of niggers, you're definitely going to need lots of security

private security contracting is a market that will grow far faster than farming or real estate, because niggers are becoming more prolific by the literal second

dont know how to do it? that's fine, hire people who do, and be the suit. even better, you can take literal niggers and make them your minions. Now you've got niggers making you money. Pretty great, huh? More niggers, more money.

>> No.6374662

yea its alright man we are fucked beyond comprehension anyways. just be happy and enjoy what you have. we will all make it so long as we dont betray our children. money wont teach your kids jack shit but farming or hard work will.

>> No.6374721
File: 14 KB, 588x86, 3333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he called me an old fag. get fucking ass blasted faggot.

>> No.6374759

This is the first investment lesson my parents told me. The next was diversify. You'll never lose money on land (unless you're in detroit or similar shithole). Their house they bought 10 years ago has increased 2.7x in land price only (this is in asia) and also there is always renting out your unused space

>> No.6374783

checking in from new berlin here...live in sf now but growing up in wisco was the best

>> No.6374812

>get fucking ass blasted faggot.
AssBlaster.... is.. that you?

>> No.6374832



says the guy who's plan for the future is to be the breadbasket for the hordes of niggers and spics that will slowly but surely destroy his nation and cause his descendants endless pain and suffering

my plan is to invest in a security force that kills niggers for money

I'm going to stick to my plan, thanks

>> No.6374849

you guys are underestimating the white race.. we have been through tougher shit than this, it only take a few years to turn shit back around.

>> No.6374884

My dad owns 30 beautiful acres of land in Minnesota and he wants to sell. How do I make him leave it in my name like a non-degenerate?

>> No.6374939

We're not underestimating shit...the past is history my guy you'll never be like BASED George Washington

>> No.6374955

yea its me anon. its alright you didnt know. now just take my advice because i was right about litecoin. :)

brown people arent taking over shit man. you have been demoralized. whites will hold the midwest and it will become more powerful than new york and california combined. we will reconquer the fallen lands after browns have shat on them a little.

>> No.6375010
File: 107 KB, 670x429, wisconsin-river-wisconsin-dells-high-rock-romance-cliff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks just went all in on Wisconsin

>> No.6375057

Midwest Alliance is the future

>> No.6375123


are you kidding? the white race is responsible for this travesty, "we" already put the gun to our head and pulled the trigger a long time ago

the consensus the white race reached was that it wanted to die out and be replaced by subhumans, like the elves from LotR, who fucked off to an island to piss away the rest of their days in drug fueled orgies and unicorn molesting

I am fucking demoralized, because I lived in cities. You underestimate the sheer scope of the nigger and spic problem. This isn't even something you can cure with a genocide. You need a double genocide, of niggers/spics AND nigger/spic enablers, and good luck selling the "hey we need to kill about 40 million white americans while we are at it..." line.

I mean, I'm down, but good luck selling it to anybody else. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.6375130

tell him that clay is the most rich mineral deposit on earth and that minn is home to some of the best clay on earth. tell that nigga to plant some walnuts and walk away. then u can chop the walnuts down in 60 years and sell them to the chinese for a hefty stack. If its tillable farmland then tell him to rent it out but keep the land ffs.

idk bro im pretty fucking based and i know people who are based. we have put up with a lot of shit and there are some bad... badd.. gangersters out there.

>> No.6375160

My cousin owns a logging company up there. Maybe I'll wire him a few grand to go plant a bunch of trees.

I'm gonna save the farm dammit

>> No.6375181

>Fuck this gay earth.
You answered your own question buddy. Who do you think will be the first space faring race? Us. Quit your bitching and start astronaut training, fuckface.

>> No.6375189
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this. unironically.

no i agree man were fucking done. im just trying to imagine how we could fix this. but na were done man game over man.

>> No.6375219


No. I'm going to invest my crypto millions into private security contracting, and fuck asian hookers and do blow until I die of a heart attack.

I'm going to enjoy this ride down, and I'm going to pass from this GAY earth on top of a mile high mountain of nigger and spic skulls, on a bloody, cum, and cocaine covered throne.

Enjoy your walnut trees you faggots.

>> No.6375301

all u gotta do is get a few people give you there walnut seeds. there are tonz of people who have walnuts trees in their yards and want to get ride of the seeds. it takes a couple months but now i can spot a walnut tree from 3 football fields away. if you have a skidster you ca nfill the bucket with walnuts and just go crazy planting seeds everywhere. the squirrels might dig some up but if you have buckets of seeds they will never get them all. and if you plant right before the frost they will defiantly never get them.

>> No.6375306

All that fucking matters is that you make the money. Why does the how matter?

>> No.6375341

I live about 10hrs from the location but I think I'm going to start making weekend trips up there to assess the land and start getting to work. Maybe if my dad sees that I really give a shit he won't sell it.

>> No.6375362

the greatest way to reduce birth rates is prosperity, scientifically proven. it always works. period

stop letting in so many people from shithole countries where they have a dozen children each. and put the brown people to work, and pay them. their birth rates will be lowered to that of the white population.

meanwhile most people don't want to racemix anyways, turn off the propaganda trying to constantly push it and racemixing will drop top almost nothing.

nobody needs to get killed, or even hurt. no laws need to be broken. all we need is popular support. you can even get sjws on board, fuck we're talking about getting them employed for fuck sakes who is going to argue.

it's not hopeless. and it sure beats some dumb genocide larp which you've rightfully pointed out is completely impractical

>> No.6375374

fucking great thread

about to buy a massive farm myself costing 3m

i know fuck all about farming, i initially just wanted the land, but no point squandering it. will probably use it to raise steers and it has a big river through it, might try to build a hydro powered crypto mine too.

>> No.6375412

farmland is worthless though. if you want land that's valuable you need to be able to afford land in big cities, something zoned for residential/business.

if you cant afford that its not worth spending money on unwanted suburban/rural land

>> No.6375446
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, ASortOfMuskySmell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you think about it, the easiest way to fix the major problems of the world would be to steer an asteroid into a direct collision course with Israel. And just like that, almost instantly, the world would be a better place. Thank fuck for based Elon Musk making this dream a possibility.

>> No.6375532

mate, most of the western cities are lost with barely 10-20% subhumans.
do you know how many africans live on earth right now? 1 billion, and most of them are in africa.
do you know how many africans will exist by 2100? about 10 billions, and those are conservative projections.
i don't think we will even see this come to pass... either there will be radical technological disruption, or there will be large scale conflicts in western countries before that. one thing is sure, no matter what happens to the west it's hard to see china fold to demographic replacement, and isolationism doesn't seem all that likely either.
i know how you feel. i'm a natural born optimist myself, and when i let myself go i think we're going to work it out and it'll be alright. i spend one day in my countryside house in francistan with nobody around as far as the eye can see, i drive a little and see the predominantly white people, and i think we're going to make it.
then i come back to my parisian suburb shithole and witness the speed of the decline.
demographics are destiny. building multi-generational wealth requires a degree of pragmatism about the coming storm. the "white race" (which truthfully i don't even root for all that much, but the time where it becomes necessity to identify with a racial "team" is looming closer) has never come back from a majority black world where billions of people live and ak47s, planes and nuclear weapons exist, this is an entirely new scenario.

>> No.6375683

yea man look back on the sources i gave and you will make it hard as fuck i promise. your not going to get rich quick like crypto but you can create the kind of life that will reward you like some shit out of the bible.

yea but black are barely the problem. its the nuclear reactors and chemical castration and norks. there are huge massive problems and blacks are a little babby issue.

ur prolly kidding but it would be smart to put crypto gains in land for long term wealth storage.

>unwanted farmland
I can tell you havent talked to many farmers lately. the guy across the street has 5000 acres and just bought a 200 acre farm for 6k an acre. that same land was just 1k an acre 60 years ago.

>> No.6375685

it's actually scientifically and historically proven THIS DOES NOT WORK ON SUBSAHARAN AFRICANS.
it works on whites, it works on asians, it works on latinos, it even works on arabs.
but radical improvements in standards of life have not resulted in expected population decreases in africa historically. they're having children at two to three times the expected rate.
the non-genocide way of fixing this is eugenics."african" americans in america are all partly white and some are even majority white, and their population curves are reasonable
you can breed out the subsaharan african or you can kill it, but either way this population can't be loose if we want mankind to go on

>> No.6375771

im just not interested in that kind of low-risk low-reward land though. i dont have a desire to actually farm anything or rent out properly, it would just be an investment, and the best kind of land is the kind that's always in very high demand.

>> No.6375784
File: 370 KB, 1300x956, southeastern-wisconsin-corn-field-adjacent-to-sprawling-new-housing-KD6GXC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man it seems like nowadays subdivisions literally pop out of cornfields in the midwest. If you buy a few miles out from a growing area development could be on your doorstep before you retire. I personally know somebody who sold their farmland for a fuckhuge mcmansion neighborhood, and this was the middle of nowhere 60 years ago.

>> No.6375893

it still doesnt seem lucrative enough compared to land in cities. better tech makes farming more possible in areas not normally suited for it for one.

>> No.6375975
File: 6 KB, 350x269, AfricaPopGrowUNfigure-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a bubble

How the fuck will these people survive without foreign aid? They will face mass starvation the second the gibs end. Only way Africans will survive is if China becomes their daddy. Look at this dumb ass extrapolated chart. These numbers aren't sustainable dammit!

>> No.6376021

O shit Africa is mooning get in now!!!

>> No.6376037

yea we are so fucked i would love to just kill myself desu. i cant because i have to be around for my mom and shit but god are things fucking terrible. how in the world did it even get so bad. I cant help but blame chemicals. somewhere along the line the white race got into some fucking lead or mercury or something and when off the rails.

>> No.6376083

This thread is poison, bitterness, and lies. Weak minded fools.


>> No.6376101

AFRICA being over 3 billion defeats the whole purpose of the continent. If you knew anything about the niggers, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over 3 billion?

>> No.6376111


>> No.6376128

>This thread is poison, bitterness, and lies. Weak minded fools.

>> No.6376164

t. wants to shoot a white person in the head

>> No.6376173

Or maybe they will be monsanto shareholders and reap the dividends of your hard work whilst doing fuck all?

>> No.6376274

its not low reward if you do it right anon. im making 100k a year on currants and plums. you prolly dont even know what a current is.

just because there are a lot of blacks doesnt mean anything. we have much bigger problems. we can give them a little corn and they can run around in circles banging pots and pans all day long. not gunna affect shit.

>> No.6376285

Utter retard
No one wants to live in minority gang land aka the city
They all want to live in nearby commuter belts and retire rurally

Prices are insanity in commuter towns with ludicrous rental rates

>> No.6376358

It's actually not wrong to call it a bubble. They are already at maximum gibs capacity and if shit breaks down they will be unable to sustain themselves. Reversion to the mean will mean mass extermination and superior races will colonise africa again. Screenshot this, see you in 50 years.

>> No.6376421

na agroforestry will put monsanto out of buisness, thats why "they" had to get in the government and only subsidize convential corn farmers. if it was a level playing field and there were no subistities this shit would have taken off already im sure. you literally get punished for planting trees and rewarded for eroding your land and spraying shit.

>> No.6376502

i appreciate you enjoy what you're doing, but i dont need 100k a year, i'm quite comfortable as it is, and would only look into a high counterparty risk asset like land under very specific circumstances.

white flight will definitely kill a lot of current "big" cities today, for sure

>> No.6376540

im from germany we have to pay taxes for owning land.

>> No.6376575

So deluded, working for bayer man, just wait 5 years and your permaculture btfo, you cant imagine what they made with CRISPR

>> No.6376649

Nice bought 100.000 acres

>> No.6376779
File: 28 KB, 937x648, IMG_20170710_204340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, also if you cash out crypto, you pay income tax, cant avoid it even with the hold 1 year meme

Guy when you wanna get rich, with safe assets, dont buy fucking land, i am a biz owner in the agribusiness, the Farmer is always in the dead end. Processing is fine thou.

Just buy bayer, xylem, yara and vechain. Also john deer even If i hate them, for chinese stocks deng fong is fine

>> No.6376802

I aint working for no one but myself man. what are you even talking about when you say that? are you thinking they will have some new strain of corn that's 500 bushels an acre or some shit? Mother nature is the only thing that works. input conventional farming will fail over the next 100 years and will be replaced by agroforestry. I know this because I knew bitcoin would replace the dollar in 2010. I just expected that to happen in 2010 not randomly in 2017.

yea they what us fucked lol.

>> No.6376854

thats the old way of thinking man im telln ya. things will change and they are already starting to change. farmers WILL get paid more for there products and consumers WILL demand higher quality products.

>> No.6376875

You idiot. Most arable land is in Africa

>> No.6376883

wont buy land as long as i have to pay fuckign taxes for owning it thats just bullshit fuck off

>> No.6376891

Africans can not farm. Somebody else would have to do it for them, like the Chinese.

>> No.6377002

i think with the lack of immigration regulations/restrictions being imposed as of late in most parts of the world it's going to make it incredibly risky to privately own land. The likelihood of government seizure will increase as major metro areas become too densely populated and people need to be forcibly displaced.

Personally I wouldn't invest in land right now. Better to just accumulate enough wealth to live the rest of your life comfortably and disregard any ideas of legacy or passing on wealth to your children.

>> No.6377009


I am low tier salesman at bayer, but what i am even allowed to see its like scifi, like baoba trees in fieldcrop Form and so on, they even dont considere to market it anymore because they are so convinced.

Humans tamed nature, bayer reached the point where we dont need nature

>> No.6377210

there are countries where you dont have to pay shit for taxes on land and there are things you can do to pay less taxes in the US.

Yea ill believe it when i see it HAHHAHAHAH. they havent done shit to improve yields yet and they have done lots of damage. I get more yield on an acre of mixed squash, beans, peppers, and apples than any farmer in the world get on corn or beans mono cropped and im not using any gmo crops/ sprays/ fertilizers.

>> No.6377376

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6377439

yea i see what your saying but thats literally giving up because george soros brought in a few browns. there are literally problems way huger than that like the fact that we only have one planet and its all being poisened and eroded, that our dna is being molested by chemicals and radiation, that we will have to take out north korea and china may not back down, that iran and isreal are ready to nuke each other, that nuclear power plants are going in disrepair and will need to be babysat for 1000 years, that the whole fucking world has gone retarded (whites included). I mean sure we have no chance to make it to space if we are all black (keked) but that like the least of my worries desu.

>> No.6377578

>you pay income tax, cant avoid it even with the hold 1 year meme
Wrong, you only pay einkommenssteuer if you hold less than 1 year

>> No.6377712
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because you do intensive farming, for diversified small amount, its economical more efficient to mage a large scale mono crop, because you safe machinery and workingstepps, thats why not evey fucking farmer does your bullshit, also they increased yield but the focus on gmos is to make them resisten to deases, its to prevent harvest loses, not increase yield.

Thats now the point the next gen will be about indoor farming and this meme towers one anon mentioned, it will unironically be so scifi

I know i cant convice you, its only for the other anons here, because bayer will be more powerfull than the church in the middleage.
So be a shareholde.

also its way less work than to manage a farm expseically in other countrys.

T. owner of small casava mill that cant live from it and has to wagecuck for bayer.

>> No.6377717

In my country it's forbidden to sell land. I'm from Ukraine. You can only rent it.

>> No.6378016

how come when i go out in the forest there is rich crumbly soil full of life, berries and nuts all over, medicine, birds, frogs, timber, mushrooms, animals, etc. but when i go out in a cornfield i see eroded/ chemical ladden land, clay harder than concrete, and minimal observable life if any. there is literally nothing a anyone can do to make convential ag more efficent. you must add trees and animals to the equation to get higher yeilds in the long run. its basic math man. I know your scifi shit will work well for a small period of time but if humans are to survive thousands or millions of year we will have to incorporate trees and animals into farming with minimal net energy loss.

>> No.6378146

if your crumbly soil of life would feed the world there would never been starving periods in the past.

> thinks cant increase agri yield anymore

they yield increases like 3-4% every year in the most crop species, what you probably mean is,we reached the point where we cant reduce post harvest loss because there is none

scifi shit will work long enough hippie anon, believe me, its basiclly like normal plants, just they can use more light and co2 than other crops, crops die from hyperphotosynthis, thats why it would be a waste of money, to increase CO2 on fieldcrops, but bayer makes it possible.

also i agree on the tree meme, increase shading area is a fine meme

>> No.6378200

Same for US, right?

>> No.6378306

This. Investing in land as some sort of preparation for things going to shit is batshit nonsensical.

If things go to shit your land won't be worth shit. You know what will? Guns and beans.

>> No.6378338

>In my country it's forbidden to sell land. I'm from Ukraine. You can only rent it.

its the same thing in the US. you have to pay rent every year but people just say they own it

>> No.6378583

well the scifi stuff doesn't make any sense tho man. its constantly dependent on inputs and doesnt supply any food besides lettuce and tomatoes. We need massive piles of carbs, proteins, and oils to survive and there is no way we can obtain that indoors. Millions of chestnut trees could feed the world but I just dont see how any hydroponic shit or whatever can even come close anon.

starving periods were more because of wars or eroded soil. empires fell because they eroded their soils. even plato talked about how soil erosion contributed to his societies decline.

>> No.6378651

The future in farming is aquaponics. Sustainable greens. Farmed in rural areas in buildings. Lowers the square footage used by salad greens, tomatoes and the like in farmlands. Not only does it provide salad greens, it provides fish to sell and eat.

>> No.6378670
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You're joking, right?

>> No.6378723

This was my intention from the beginning.
My grandfather had a lot of land, most of it was split among his many heirs and then sold to make space for the growing city or factories.
My mother has great nostalgia of those times, I was planning on buying her lands.

>> No.6378760
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Nothing can compete with this picture. I will send you 1000 dogecoins if you post a piture of a more productive farm than this.

>> No.6378797
File: 4 KB, 250x166, 1505400463539s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> eroded soils
> not late frost in france
> not potato pest in Irland
> not because of foulness in finnland

> baoba has piles of carbs and proteins
> ganoal and soybean has no oil

there is no increased input man, less pesticides due resitence and the input comes from the sky, the problem is plants cant use the maximum sun, because phtosynthes has maximum point, this point is raised by RDNA cutting by CRISPR

>> No.6378848

Hey fellow straight thinking /Biz/ bro. My plan is to buy out, with nothing to pay back to a bank, as much forest and bush acerage (over 100, at the least) in Tasmania, Australia.
It is still one one of the most pristine untouched places on the earth with incredibly cheap land prices and a great growing climate. Excellent for agriculture and uniquely immune to a lot of geopolitical issues due to its remoteness. Should fare reasonably well with global warming too.

Cant wait, and given the current market, and some luck, ill be there by the end of the year.

>> No.6378857

every single tree/ shrub in this picture is either a chestnut, apple, korean pine (nut), chokeberry, cherry, plum, hazelnut, walnut, elderberry, blueberry, raspberry, currant, grape, kiwi.. etc

>> No.6378862
File: 12 KB, 257x196, Download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send me luxcoin

>> No.6378931

>defending soybeans and conventional ag
you realize you just proved my point that monocrop ag is shit by talking about the potato famine right? Idk the increased input would be building a building just for some shitcrops. are you saying you dont need a building now?

>> No.6378974

> thinking something other would grown in mass in ireland that can feed potatos
> pesticides got invented to prevent it succesfull

>> No.6379017

I dont get it, what is this kind of farming called?

>> No.6379142

I highly doubt he is getting higher yields than our boys over at the chestnut, hazelnut, pig, grass, and apple orgiland. There is no carbs or protiens in your picture and bok choy isnt even considered food its just a salad green. Post something like that of carbohydrates or oils and maybe ill send u .5 lux.

That sounds epic anon I hope you make it. Look up Bill Mollison and PA Yeomans for some incentive. they are both brilliant farmers from tasmania. ironically two of the best farmers who have ever lived come from tasmania hahaha.

>> No.6379222
File: 13 KB, 322x156, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnohohohoho pierre today we offer le fish with Omega3

>> No.6379240

Its called silvopasture and ally cropping. basically using trees, grasses, animals, and row crops together to maximize yeilds and land use. here is a little 5 min video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJSYT26pq6k

You can grow all kinds of shit in ireland and they straved becasue they fell for the convential agriculture meme when they would have had plenty of food had they done permaculture or agroforestry. You know its true anon dont lie to yourself.

>> No.6379241

fuck off commie

>> No.6379261
File: 11 KB, 275x183, Download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or some mushroom soup ? Gnonononono i make u ah dish pierre, your tongue will dance in le heaven

>> No.6379303
File: 10 KB, 225x225, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both ideologies are a meme, new world order will be feudalism where all bayer share holders will be aristocrats, screencap this

>> No.6379306

lol i saw that one coming anon. I should have just said carbs. If you can replace corn with some crazy shit then maybe you guys are onto something. but until then all you got is bok choy and crack baby fish and id rather eat carp.

>> No.6379375

the small baoba crops are like grain, with a larger yield and carbs, if carbs mean carbohydrates

>> No.6379378
File: 48 KB, 400x462, disdain_for_plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M8 the gov will be the first one to arrive at your doorstep in the countryside to loot and plunder your supplies, to take it to the city. Just take a look at venezuela.

>> No.6379487

I am well aware of this, thanks Anon! Permaculture and Horticulture have always been a fascination of mine, and once i have finished my degree i should have enough to get my Girlfriend and children there. Cant wait to garden and grow. Animals, horses ect.
Tasmania has a great environmental rights trackrecord with strong activism roots so i may insert myself politically there as well.

>> No.6379672

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6379736
File: 119 KB, 600x397, 1_BZT9dbt35TrX5hLF3vyt-Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BUT buy this land in or near a uprising city in US, EU, AUS, Japan, South Korea, Singapoure, etc.

This is very important.

If you buy it in the fucking nowhere, it is way too risky.

>> No.6379758



>> No.6379923

thats awesome man. good luck to ya we need more people doing this.

yea we are fucked but i think shit will just bleed out, not have some giant collapse. especially with the federal reserve and shit, they can postpone shit for at least 20 years but by then things will be insane.

>> No.6380067

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6380088

Thanks! I am trying to get the word out as much as possible! Ive got a couple of friends on board already!
Lets hope i can turn my 10k into 500k before the market shits itself!

>> No.6380159

>Land will be the most valuable resource over the next 100 years
Kek. THat's what people used to say before the industrial revolution.

>> No.6380255

Good thread and a level-headed, smart OP. Personally I'm gonna stay in crypto for the near future since there's still one project I fully believe will change the world for the better.

But the greed is alarming. I've been taking a lot of profits lately. When crypto quiets down I'll be sure to fund a nice little farm!

>> No.6380452

yea i just did an easy 2x on zap, opt, adshares, saga, and rlc. been a good week for me. I really hoping it will continue but im not sure how long. everyday is a blessing in this shit lol. the only thing that worries me is the amount of greed. it feels like shits about to crash within a month because in 2014 when greed levels got this high it was just before the crash. But what do i know man just do the best you can, its a great market to make money in so fuck it, ballls to the wall.

look im just trying to help you guys. silvopasture and ally cropping is going to be fuking huge in the future. it might just be another 200 years before we really need to use the technology, but it doesnt hurt to get into it now so we have as much information about the farming practices as possible. This market is only going to be a bull market for so long. Ive watched the bitcoin bubble die 4 times already and it can slip into a bear market at any time again. With this shit you know you are fucking golden and doing the right thing.

>> No.6380580

yea man see you can feel it as well. I mined dogecoins in 2013 and this is the same level of greed that was around right before the crash last time. the greed is just fucking dripping everywhere its out of control. I have fuck tonz of money in crypto right now still and i still want to 10x myself but im worried we have like 2-4 weeks max rofl.

>> No.6380744

Yep. I see everybody telling themselves we'll have "at least 2 to 5years left", that we're still at the early adopter phase. Talking about lambos and guaranteed returns, investing money into projects that have no real value. It's not healthy, and when the fresh money starts coming in it will end ugly. I believe crypto is gonna be great in the future, but right now the market is sick and prepped to crash at any time. Problem is we don't know when, hence the profit taking so that you can stomach through even a -90% drop holding a good project if it comes to that.

It's true that _production_ is what drives humanity forward. Crypto is important, but currently it doesn't increase collective wealth much.

What are you holding btw? Personally all in on XLM.

>> No.6380853

dont buy in rome before the collapse of rome

>> No.6380938

Care to elaborate on this witty comment? What country do you think is Rome?

>> No.6380959

im overdiversified to most but its working well for me. btc, xlm, eth, neo, gas, coss, hive, rlc, adshares, nas, sumo, saga, zen, qlink, wabi, req, link, rdd, doge, eng, rcn. I hold the things i think will be around and gaining for a while, buy low in regards to ratio to btc, and also buy the best looking new shitcoins that biz shills that look like they will 2x, 4x, or 10x. opt, zap, dbc, and coins like that make pretty good returns but you have to know when to sell so i dont risk much on them.

>> No.6381044

Not a bad plan, personally I gave up buying shitcoins because of the stress, but it's arguably the best way to profit from this bullrun.

>> No.6381314

yea i have a weird love for shitcoins, most people would shit their pants and call me a hoarder if they saw my cryptopia acct lmfao. Im not worried now tho my shitcoins have been mooning like crazy now that all these people are pouring into cryptopia and buying everything. I wouldnt buy the shit now tho some of these coins have a 60 million dollar market cap that shouldnt be worth 200k.

>> No.6381369

can't figure it out for yourself redditor? i was referring to the west which is obviously now, and has been for the past century, experiencing a major decline

>> No.6381504

kek, you're right. Buying a while back was the real smart move, but some are pretty overvalued right now even though they're "undervalued" compared to the rest of the inflated market

You're not wrong about the West stagnating, but why the fuck would everything suddenly come crashing down in our lifetime? The odds seem to be clearly against it, and globalization makes the situation entirely different from Rome's degeneracy days. What's your plan anyway, move to China?

>> No.6381577

Every country is mate...

Housing and stocks are in a bubble. When the Chinese housing market falls, USA and Europa will follow. Everyone who owns a house and has not yet paid it off might lose a lot of money.

>> No.6381679

I do agree, I am a land surveyor in Melbourne Australia (just so you know what kind of “demographic” I work in) and in the outer suburbs “normal” size blocks are being cut up by the minute for town housing and units, I honestly feel a backyard big enough to kick a ball around will be a thing of the past unless you want to live a few hours out from any major city, and honestly the future can only get more dense and more populated, site it’s a long game to play compared to you massive crypto gains but it’s a solid game and at the end of the day even if the market crashes and land prices go down (in aus anyway I highly doubt) YOU STILL OWN THE FUCKING LAND SO HODL, land always bounces back

>> No.6381680

That's true.

But farming, production, is the one thing we can never survive without. It's the cornerstone of humanity as we know it, most people don't seem to appreciate that. When you're expecting a recession, I don't see how that wouldn't be the safest thing to be invested in.