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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6371035 No.6371035 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone show me when Vechain announced the 15th as the rebranding date?

>> No.6371126

DYOR? Outside of /biz/? Once?

>> No.6371154

They never did. Biztards just assumed it was at that date

>> No.6371166

No that's the thing, I did my own research. There is no announcement saying the rebranding will happen on the 15th. There's only some information that say we will get information about the rebranding in mid January. I'm just curious where everyone else is getting this wrong information from.

>> No.6371198

CMC and people who are retarded enough to think mid jan = 15th jan (single event)

>> No.6371227

sold all my ven boys, there are better gains to be had before the end of feb

>> No.6371256

Yeah. There is only the rebrand for Jan, nothing else. :)

Don't FOMO back in when you see a big green dildo

>> No.6371287

I told veners to get on wtc yesterday. Look at your screenshot now... hahahah ChoooChoooo

>> No.6371299

you fucked
there is more than just a rebrand going on right now
oh well maybe next life you will be successful

>> No.6371306


I don't know how deep these retarded vechain's delusions are, they keep on talking about moon but not ONE moon has happened over the last few months, despite giving out news upon news of partnerships, not ONE i tell you, they're all 20-40% rises from time to time, meanwhile we have other alts going to 200% or more and when i call out this shitcoin for what it is, i quickly get shunned by "fud fud" turds.

Lmaooooo srsly vechain is a shitcoin, they purposely make up lies to convince themselves that whales are manipulating it when the reality is, its the DEVS themselves who place sell walls at a certain price so that it won't go up so fast and will convince new retards to get in at a low price before its supposed big take off.

This is Cryptoscamming 101, people seriously need to aware others of their shady behavior!

>> No.6371307

i'll consider buying the dip

>> No.6371325

RIP your going to want to killyouself in 3 months not even kidding.
>trying to trade VEN instead of hodling this gem

>> No.6371332

>Didnt even bother reading the announcement carefully
>Doesnt realize that partnerships will be announced from now till then

Weakhanded faggots. Kek

>> No.6371353
File: 62 KB, 153x317, plsno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6371406

It’s what ven shillers do when questioned. Attack. It’s all they know. Like a badly trained dog. Only good for the pound.

>> No.6371417
File: 147 KB, 646x95, oKvJphk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only info from Vechain that references mid January that I can find.

>> No.6371520

They said januari would be the biggest month. And then they Rebrand in februari . Fuck these lying chinks

>> No.6371570

I'm honestly starting to think Salty Walties have been spreading this Jan 15th false info around. It literally said by mid-Jan we would have info, and guess what?

We have info.

>> No.6371613


Yeah wow how awful. No real moons. These bags I bought at 23 cents are so heavy man.

>> No.6371696

why does vechain need rebrand?
its doesnt have a shitty name and logo like antshares