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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 750x430, DeepBrainChainLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6366678 No.6366678 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6366697

dying inside

>> No.6366713

hello, 50k holder here
still in profit, but it lessens everyday
hands are getting weaker
can only hold these bags for a few more days

>> No.6366741

More like Brain Gangbang

>> No.6366745

tfw you sell all your link and wtc for deepbrainchain and it dumps

>> No.6366757

I can sell now if you want, it will rebound instantly.

>> No.6366769


>"It couldn't possibly go any lower now!"
>*goes lower*

DBC in a nutshell

>> No.6366796

just sold half. 5k dbc. bought at .07 so can't complain too much. those bags were just getting fucking heavier and heavier. i'll buy back when it bottoms out at .01

>> No.6366852

I'm a fucking dead man

>> No.6366861

whatever another fucking loss, no big deal, buy into a coin when it's hyped lose money, buy into a coin when it's brand new barely break even, buy into an ICO it goes nowhere. impossible to win, all my smug cunt friends just toss money into the most random shit and come out 5x minimum, no fucking shock life is shit and i was doomed from my dad effectively being removed from my life before i even turned 2 years old.

>> No.6366864
File: 78 KB, 743x656, 24712471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you look at every other market while DBC is suiciding

>> No.6366865

thing is it might very well bottom out between 1-10c, so sorry anons.

>> No.6366878

Why the fuck is there such a weekend slump, wasn't it enough to get fucked by korean fud?

>> No.6366886

Just sold for a measly 55% gain. I should've sold for 300% when I had the chance.
Hindsight is 20/20

>> No.6367003

There's one thing that still gives me hope and it's the fact that MC has been steadily increasing. In fact the harder it drops the more it increases. Eventually it will have to rebound. It can't go down forever much like it can't go up forever.

>> No.6367066

whales will love to prove you wrong

>> No.6367088

Do people not fuckin know about the comp on Huboi?


This is why it's slumping. Comp ends on the 17th. Do finger exercises and stop being a bitch

>> No.6367093

the fuck is going on. i bought in at 20 cents and didnt sell a single coin at 60 cents. the fuck am i suppose to do anons?

>> No.6367126


I feel like this is just a convenient excuse at this point. There is literally no volume on kucoin

>> No.6367130

Also just sold. Bought originally at 1220 sats, panic sold half my stack during the great dip at 2500 and just panic sold the rest at 2100.

This shit just keeps hitting new lows every day. Can't take it. I even had a bad feeling the night before the blood bath started that I should sell it all. But I didn't listen to my gut, and then I refused to cut losses after it kept falling.

>> No.6367140
File: 73 KB, 1205x591, dbctest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you really believe in brains, you buy right now

>> No.6367150

Chill till the 17th and ride it back to at least 50c

>> No.6367191

kill yourself with the rest of us who did the same exact thing

>> No.6367193

Whales can only prove me wrong if the market is on their side, and for a long time it was, now this may finally turn around.

>> No.6367206
File: 63 KB, 1281x641, dbctest2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy the dip

>> No.6367211


>> No.6367219

This doesn't mean shit. We've passed every support before this one. What makes this one any different?

>> No.6367224

Price is still too high desu. A lot of people bought in below .10

>> No.6367247


Glad I got out when I did. Sold at a minor loss but I was right to. One of the few times I had to do so. Fuck this coin

>> No.6367254

When did the comp start? When did the crash start? Jan 9th. It has the 5th most volume on kucoin?

>> No.6367262

Volume has halved just in the last day. The competition might actually be the only thing keeping the coin above water.

>> No.6367270
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1515567265856s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop buying chink scams, transfering our wealth to them, buy American. America first.

>> No.6367342
File: 1.04 MB, 1120x1120, ESKETIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.6367394

jew scams vs chink scams

not sure what's worse at this point

>> No.6367400

it's the strongest trendline on the chart, its been tested like 5 times and encompasses nearly all of the kucoin history, if it turns around any time soon it's right here, kys

>> No.6367428
File: 10 KB, 241x209, 1511232278280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k just bought 100k ropes.

>> No.6367691
File: 15 KB, 456x320, 1515643137630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down 50% because of tripfags

>> No.6368046
File: 14 KB, 366x366, DeepBrainChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O ye of little faith don't you know I rise in 3 days?

>> No.6368417

"Brain gang" faggotry meme-spewing reeks of something a pnd pump group would come up with. Avoid

>> No.6368526

That food posting retard came up with it I think. I don't think he's from a PND group, he probably just went all in on this coin like an Apple fanboy selling his kindnenys for an iPad.

>> No.6368654

>an Apple fanboy selling his kindnenys for an iPod
LOL pretty much