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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 1016x1082, nekonium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6364222 No.6364222 [Reply] [Original]

at first I thought it was a dead shit coin
but it's alive and has a bunch of devs working daily on it. It's only a matter of time before it goes up like monacoin and once it gets listed on ZAIF it's game over

>> No.6364274

It's a test ethereum coin. Also what is ZAIF?

>> No.6364292

the marketcap is so low that it could easily 10x-25x in value

only a 3mil market cap atm

for reference Monacoin is nearly 400 million market cap

>> No.6364334

zaif is the japanese exchange that brought monacoin to japanese mass and is what drove the price from struggling to break 100 yen, to a god dam 2000 yen

>> No.6364980

Meconium is literally the word for a newborn baby's first shit. Don't they research this stuff?