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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6362247 No.6362247 [Reply] [Original]


>I have a fake blockfolio that I 'accidentally' show to women when when I was 'trying to open facebook'.
>The sudden change in body language is absolutely astounding.

>> No.6362320

Show us the real vs the fake.

My confession
>I don't really read the whitepapers I just want to know they are there.

>> No.6362422
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>blockfolio reached 50k
>told my gf and close friends
>they are a bit jealous but also happy for me
>down to 35k
>gf and friend ask how is it going anon, 100k yet?
>ah oh you know, still...50k....

>> No.6362426


I'm not on my phone. My fake one is high 6 figures, my real one is only high 4 figures (and growing, but still).

>> No.6362514

>Telling people your investment gains

Are you a fucking retard?

>> No.6362564

Please elaborate, I wanna know more. Roastie behavior is entertaining

>> No.6362576

I'm gonna give this a whirl in Cambridge. I want that gook pussy.

>> No.6362724


I mean, its not that complicated my man. Just create a fake blockfolio portfolio that is fucking massive, but not so massive as to be unbelievable. Accidentally flash it at the bar while you are on your game, then LARP as a guy who just came into decent wealth. Act super embarrassed, btw.

It's to 'secure the deal', not 'start the conversation', mind you. A way to hit way above your league.

>> No.6362874

Yea but I want to know how they react. What do they do? How do they change in body language, posture, etc. What do they do anon?

>> No.6362966

Just tried it out and from being utterly bored and withdrawn into her phone then she basically started to jerk my clock off.

>> No.6362996

Tell them it went down too much and you got out while you were ahead.

>> No.6363082
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>> No.6363095


They get closer, they start touching me casually, start making more and longer eye contact. The phone goes from being on the surface of the counter/table to being in the purse. The actually listen to the conversation and respond.

and the big one:

They stop talking about themselves, and start asking about me, even if I try to ask them about themselves.

It's kind of pathetic really. Then again, so am I for playing this trick.

>> No.6363294

I got into crypto with x money. It grew into 2.5x money. I thought oh shit this is amazing. So I added 2.5x to that. Well after the crash my I'm at 3.5x money and if you're catching what I'm saying I am back to my exact investment. And everyone on here is talking shit about my shitcoin

>> No.6363423


what is your shitcoin?

>> No.6363604


Obviously holding on my losses and learning my lesson more every day of the hold

>> No.6363646

i sold 20k prl at 30 cents

>> No.6363710

I bought tron

>> No.6363802

I constantly FUD and shit on coins that I sold low because I didn't think they would get higher. After they moon I just do what I can to avoid anyone from buying, or making them sell, even calling them scams or pajeetcoins.
Yes I know, I'm sorry father.

>> No.6363828


Thanks for the trick OP!

>> No.6363839


So you got into crypto very recently. Take it as a lesson and move on. It's such a memecoin (hurrr AI hurrr NEO investment) that I think it will bounce back. On this one, maybe just HODL might net you your initial investment back, or even a little bit of profit.

>> No.6363885

>I have a fake blockfolio
i did this until my fake reached my real.

now I "open" it to check it ALL the time. elevators, classrooms(I'm in college), dinner at my dorm room. It's a bit of an addiction, but a great conversation starter. Regardless of how much I was making, I wouldn't even dare tell someone I was into crypto before november of this year. Now it's everywhere.

>> No.6363910

I bought everything ATH
I bought LINK

Doing this basically, fingers crossed.

>> No.6363922


i also find it hard to not talk about my gains, for it's the only accomplishment i have in my life.

>> No.6363939

>think they're happy for him

>> No.6364014

I constantly tell everyone (even my friends) the government will ban Monero while I accumulate as much as I can

>> No.6364067


I also lie about involvement in crypto and shit on it in public right before checking blockfolio secretly

>> No.6364071

Agreed. I need to stick to a policy of only investing in solid coins that have been dipping down and are leveling out.. never chasing again

>> No.6364162
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it just went up near 50k today so I am good now.

>> No.6364226


I write posts to warn people about the UFR shill scammers from discord group.

> You got 20 Jesuscoins for being a good guy

>> No.6364308

I've done this before. I'm at a really big university and crypto is something everyone knows about, no-one understands, and everyone wants to get into. I can't tell you how many times in the past month alone that I've just left my (real) blockfolio on my desk and people have asked what it is, how they can get in on it, and how many conversations I've started through it/ numbers I've gotten because of it.

Two months ago I wouldn't have even told anyone I was into crypto. Now people only know me because of my online businesses and crypto. It's changed my life.

>> No.6364320


Is that really a sin though? More like a community service.

>> No.6364347

I bought ripple, i fucking regret it

>> No.6364373
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My confession?
I masturbate to the thought of MGXL gains


>> No.6364387

Not talking about your gains is not about superstition or bragging rights, it's about protecting yourself from fucking vultures.

>> No.6364491

Just made a fake portfolio. Definitely going to try this out.

>> No.6364496

I fuded REQ after ICO in October.

>Most yc companies fail.
>It’s a whitepaper ico.
>Not worth 40mil. Etc...

>Was able to buy req as low as half of ICO price around.
>Accumulated 1.3 million req.
>Sold most at 0.95 at the double top.
>Cashing out 1 million.
>Waiting for market crash as kraken exit scam on Monday.
>Comfy af.

>> No.6364554

totally understand anon, but I did not give to them, just treat them a cup of coffee on a good day. and gain is not gain till cash out, I witness 2013 crash so I understand money can vaporize in a few days.

>> No.6364973

It's good that you understand, but just make sure you can say no to them if they come around asking for money/tell you about a 'guaranteed' investing oppurtunity.

>> No.6365122
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I am sorry my son, but this...transgression...cannot be forgiven.

Leave this place.

>> No.6365139

It's about the way people will perceive you from now on and it is toxic as fuck.

>> No.6365188

I have a fake account I show my girlfriend that makes me look like a poorfag

>> No.6365211
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Playing with fire man
Just wait until they misinterpret your advice and lose all their money
They're gonna blame you for it and cause you problems in the physical realm

>> No.6365270

It's the most solid advice you and anyone else will ever get here imo.


>> No.6365336

>be roastie
>know this autist who """trade"""
>laugh if he lose money and call him a loser
>seduce him if he got gains and stupid enough to not keep his mouth shut
>free monies or free emotional lash

>> No.6365454

i got fucked over by APPC shills losing $400 out of $1200 and spent all day/night swinging from autistic rage to suicidal depression raging in ever corner of biz
i still want that shill poster to choke on tendies

>> No.6365688

Weak hands

>> No.6365785

I'm still holding
But these bags are fucking brutal
Yesterday was the day I decided to never fucking listen to biz again
Snakes the whole lot of you

>> No.6365847

>measuring anything in 4 figures


>> No.6366113

Nothing must disgusting than a manlet pretending to be better than he is. It would be one thing if you actually were successful.

>> No.6366166
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Hence the confession thread, dipshit. I know it's wrong.

Why the fuck are you even here?

>> No.6366250

APPC is still in the utter shitcoin phase, try to flip some there will always be a spike up so sell at highs and buy at lows.

>> No.6366263

dumped the king for eth

>> No.6366419

I go into obvious scam threads and expose scammers to save gullible normies from getting fleeced.

I know this makes me a bad /biz/tard but I don't care, normies are people too and don't deserve to lose everything.

>> No.6366710

How do you "accidentally" do this?
Like you "miss" click your blockfolio app rather than your facebook app?
Or is there a different subtle way?

>> No.6366786

Can you give examples of recent scams? besides VERGE and VIBE

>> No.6366916


Why didn't you Lock In at 50k?

>> No.6367116


>be me
>30 but still look early 20s
>king of manlets (5'11")
>3.5/10 face
>zuckerberg tier gyno nipples
>go to bank
>8.5/10 qt 3.14 teller treats me with standard industrial indifference and minimal eye contact
>she loads up my account details
>sees 7 figures in the checking account
>her speech INSTANTLY shifts to valley girl vocal fry with lingering vowels
>won't stop undressing me with her eyes

i try not to go to the bank anymore.

>bonus confession, i am a nocoiner. i gained it all through actual work

>> No.6367158

Awww shit man, I came here to read about Verge, My brother told me to invest on it. 1250$ on the line.

>> No.6367192

From someone who has lost a significant chunk of money, it sucks bro I have no idea why these faggots would sink so low, I trusted biz before this but now I warn everyone I come into contact with to just stay away from here and DYOR
Biztards are complete fucking scum
Feels like I'm going to be bag holding for a very long time
Fucking everything here is, nobody is interested in helping each other succeed they just want to palm their bags off
Between whale manipulation, literal pajeets and opportunistic snakes this board is going to be the reason crypto gets regulated
And I know a few other people got fucked other by APPC, I saw them posting about it
What happens when a few hundred get scammed? Or a few thousand?
Say goodbye to your precious normie money and say hello to the government going balls deep in crypto

>> No.6367286

7 figures in a checking account? terrible LARP.

>> No.6367472

You're kind of an evil fuck, you know that?

>> No.6367479

I come to biz for the memes more than anything

I've been in crypto for over a year and made a lot of bad investments. I fell for the ark meme, and I bought a lot of bad bags like UBQ.

the only good one I made was in waves, and another was when I was too stupid to touch my BTC and it was suddenly 19k

I've also never cashed out, but I may need to, to pay taxes

>> No.6367587
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>bought ETH at 720 euros last month
>panic sold at 690 a few hours later
>watched it dip to 500
>didn't bought the dip
>now more than 1k
>tfw I could have doubled my money

>> No.6367616

I listened to biz and doubled my initial investment. All thanks to link, maybe you should stop buying shit coins.

>> No.6367784

lost password to a wallet now worth about 40 grand. It keeps pumping too.

>> No.6367917
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>he doesn't keep 5-10% of his net worth in liquid fiat for recreational purposes

>> No.6368985

I've been spreading false information on /biz/ about Cardano just to look smart.

>> No.6369079

But I also gave some anon some ethereum for gas, the last of my ethereum, then I realized I still had tokens on etherdelta, now I'm fucke,

>> No.6369097

I FUD coins I love to get folks to throw their research and shilling at me to partially get a read on how successful a hodl I have

Feeling pretty good right about now

>> No.6369196

Careful our paths do not meet.

>> No.6369669
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how do I even add a fake one on top of my real one

>> No.6369716

My portfolio has been between 40k and 45 for the last two weeks. Starting to get pissed off

>> No.6369718

>I'm not on my phone.
so wheres your phone... how far can it be?

>> No.6369985

I buy coins that are getting shilled here then start selling when the thread hits 100 posts.

Thank you anons.

>> No.6370162


>Be June 2017
>Time to get into crypto
>Decide to invest in XRP @0.18
>Sign up to exchanges
>Do Identity Verification
>Procrastinate buying
>Watch price for like 4 months
>Goes up to 0.30
>Shit maybe I missed out
>Goes back to 0.22
>Procrastinate buying
>Be December 2017
>Price hits 1.00
>Shit bricks
>Think about buying at ATH
>Procrastinate some more
>Be 2018
>Price hits $3.00
>Really baka now
> Buy 75 XRP at $2.50
> Tell everyone I invested 1k in June 2017 in XRP but converted all but 75 to Fiat and made $15,000

>> No.6370226

>> Tell everyone I invested 1k in June 2017 in XRP but converted all but 75 to Fiat and made $15,000
but why

>> No.6370315

you realize you're just tilting yourself and making yourself trade more emotionally?

tying your selfesterm to your portfolio... come on

>> No.6370373

Being humble sucks dude, it's the most frustrating thing in this shitty world of show off. It's sad but noble natures have been eliminated from the gene pool thanks to liberalism. OP is right, he is playing the game by the new rules

>> No.6370383

>trade more emotionally?
Good, obvious scamcoins are mooning because normies get hyped by buzzwords.

>> No.6370449

welcome to Amerika

>> No.6370500
File: 88 KB, 750x687, 1515466163580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought vibe at 6.60$

Sold at 2.30$ for cutt more losses, VIBE now is at 1.34$

>> No.6370672

>I used a fake blockfolio screenshot as one of my tinder pictures

I'm literally rolling in tons of roastie ass. I have been giving bitches herpes for months now. I had a 3some last weekend because I told these two whores I'd give them each 1,000 doge, told them to hold onto them because they're the next bitcorn and they'll be rich in a month. I am a bad person, with zero regrets

>> No.6370796

>Getting laid with dogecoin
Sure thing buddy

>> No.6370942

Tfw fdic only insure 250k. Nice larp faggot.

>> No.6371002


I do this too. I bang them and then say I lost 70% on a bad trade and they bail.

>get to bang hot girls
>have an easy out so they leave you alone

>> No.6371123

I know anon, I am very emotional, if not already 6 digits. A lot of mistakes due to emotion, get I live and lean.

>> No.6371209
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i bought new coins without reading whitepaper
i also go all in
i invest money i cant afford to lose
i quit my job

>> No.6371238

How much is your fake blockfolio? I'm really curious how much I need before women look at me differently.

>> No.6371339
File: 952 KB, 1000x667, voodoo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your friends being happy for you.

Your gf is planning to get pregnant too and set you for life.

>> No.6371357

You're fucking evil

>> No.6371586

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6371721

why do u have a fake blockfolio ?

>> No.6371905

Sold at 80 but bought it at 2. That shit is just a glorified miner imo but maybe I'm just salty

>> No.6372059

By your logic, women must also disgust you

>wear 2 pounds of makeup to make their faces look better than they are
>wear push up bra or bra too big to make tits look bigger than they really are
>douche their pussy to hide the fact that they are so unhealthy that their genitals smell like dead fish
>wear certain colors like black to make their body look thinner than it actually is
>hide their lack of intelligence and personality with cleavage

Do I need to go on? Women play this game on a regular basis, everything about them is a lie. Men should also be allowed to play this game.

>> No.6372114

I got into cryptocurrency literally two days ago and the only prep I did was look at /biz/ for five seconds to see which coin had the most memes.

I have 37.777777 UFR right now.

>> No.6372212

you posted the exact same thing a second ago.

>> No.6372596

I bought Ripple at the high during the first run up. I was drunk and pissed that ripple could not stop increasing for seemingly forever. After I bought it, 30 minutes later, the crash started. I was at least smart enough to dump in 2 days later, but it still kept crashing.

>> No.6372703

OP or anyone else that show fake portfolios, what amount $ do you use?

>> No.6372808

Fomo’d canya at $5 and $7. Fucking kill me now. First and hopefully last mistake. Bags are heavy af but I’m holding on for dear life. Folio’s looking weak but ven and ecc keeping me in the green after the CNBC news fiasco so I’m thankful for that

>> No.6372930

give it 2 weeks,
i fomoed at DBC BNTY PRL turns up great,
gainz min x2 on DBC, x9 on BNTY x10 on PRL

this could go atleast x2

>> No.6372967

Add a random trading pair like BTC-LTC on some random exchange and make it a big amount. You can increase the total portfolio value easily then delete it when you're done

>> No.6372998
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>I show people my blockfolio.
>Everyone thinks I'm larping.
>They laugh at me.
>I laugh too. I pretend I'm larping.
>It's real.

>> No.6373008
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I bought CANYA at ATH and sold at ATL

>> No.6373035

>Having $1.3b and pretending to LARP on /biz/ instead of fishing porn star pussy right now on cocaine

>> No.6373047

Like pussy knows or cares about your nerd trading. The psychosis of underage prajeets grows. 'my man' who the fuck says that?

>> No.6373055

comolete shitcoin drop wont urvive past bubble. what it does till then is anyones guess

>> No.6373115


>Bought XMR at $140. Sold at $80. Rebought at $160
>Bought OMG at $9. Sold at $6. Rebought at $10
>Bought BAT at $0.25. Sold at $0.16
>Bought BNB at $1.60. Sold at $1
>Bought LINK at $0.20. Sold at $0.15

>> No.6373134

current biz scams

Any others about?

>> No.6373141

Is okay, I'm holding BAT bags from fomoing like a tard, it was one of the first coins to start dropping from the ATH during the minor correction we had and it hasn't recovered yet. New money pouring in soon will buy our bags after a sweet 2x (more for BAT if adoption goes through), believe me

>> No.6373169

>current biz scamsdragoncoinlinkvergestellardeepbrainarkAny others about?


>> No.6373543

Could BNTY rebound? Pls respond. I'm already down 28% and I didn't even buy ATH.

>> No.6373574


>> No.6373592
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>Every single time I have ever sold, I ended up having to buy back in higher.
>I now only ever HODL

>> No.6373640

prove it. post address

>> No.6373678
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I'm just larping. Hahaha.

>> No.6373711


I just dumped my entire portfolio and went 100% into EOS

>> No.6373739


I lost .08 btc to a scam artist. I made most of that on xlm.

I’ve since been trying to recover and I’m doing ok... but just giving .08 seemed to be too good at the time and it was.

>> No.6373750

hory shite, damn Anon...

>> No.6373751

I feel like this question was adequately addressed in the OP