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File: 11 KB, 200x200, cardano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6358974 No.6358974 [Reply] [Original]

If anyone needs a primer on how Cardano is going to overtake Ethereum, ask me anything. You can chase moons all you like, and you can hold ETH for as long as their platform has no alternatives, but ADA will dominate ETH in every possible way. What do you want to know?

>> No.6359008

Price prediction EOY?

>> No.6359053

how will cardano overcome eth's first mover advantage given that cardanos development process is deliberately extremely slow

>> No.6359162

What's the justification for transaction irreversibility taking hours to happen?

>> No.6359284
File: 59 KB, 800x450, answered the call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$30 if all targets met on time

>> No.6359312

Thats 3x Bitcoin's current marketcap....

>> No.6359368


$5 conservatively, assuming BTC doesn't enter a long term bear market.


It's not deliberately slow, it's deliberately correct, meaning the project will not accumulate the massive technical debt that projects like Ethereum have amassed. Getting things right the first time when you're building your platform ensures you're not spinning your wheels on issues later on, like what is going on with Ethereum and BTC right now.

Cardano development will accelerate exponentially while ETH development will slow logarithmically as they try to burn off all the technical debt they've accumulated by doing things "wrong" during the design phase, while still trying to implement new features.

First mover advantage in a brand new space is actually a huge handicap. Just ask Yahoo. Does anyone still use Yahoo for search? No, they use Google. First mover advantage my ass.

>> No.6359391


>> No.6359436

Also what the fuck is preventing ETH from just making a transpiler for Haskell?

>> No.6359465

I don't know shit but bitcoin's marketcap was 16b in january 2017 and it surpassed 320b last december. So while $30 is high for cardano this year, $10 seems far to easy

>> No.6359501

price prediction by the end of the night??

>> No.6359506

I'm certain ADA will crush ETH. One thing I've yet to figure out though is if the 45b total supply are going to be the staking rewards or will the rewards actually be making new coins?

>> No.6359523

Is there a product already and what problem is it fixing?

>> No.6359608


The fuck are you talking about?

"Transaction confirmation times in minutes that achieve assurance 99.9% against a hypothetical double spending attack."

It's almost 250x faster than bitcoin and 120x faster than Ethereum. It's literally at the near maximum limit for globally networked transaction times.

>> No.6359630

do you think its a problem that japan has most of hte coins?

>> No.6359683
File: 83 KB, 874x872, 1507515326157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's ADA threads have been the most pathetic shilling attempt on a coin I've ever seen. Fucking sage

>> No.6359715


Do they really? Show me a ledger of who owns which wallets and their values.

>> No.6359740


>> No.6359758

You don't understand the difference between a transaction confirmation and an irreversible transaction. A fork can appear that excludes any irreversible transaction. Not sure why you're doing an "AMA" if you don't have a basic understanding of blockchains.

>> No.6359790

When happens when the Japanese ico investors decide to dump their Ada? (~80% of the total supply)
They haven't dumped yet, as you know, because Ada hasn't been listed in any Japanese exchange so far.

>> No.6359799

but what about QWERTY keyboards

does the best always win the marketshare

>> No.6359845
File: 43 KB, 736x981, yoo rofl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I went all in on Cardano at .13 I've been attempting to understand more about it. Many of the advantages are clear, but their endgame is still fuzzy to me

Does ADA strive to reach universal usability in some fashion?

Will I be able to whip out my ADA debit card and get drinks out of a vending machine?

Or is it more about providing a basis for future projects?

>> No.6359872
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>> No.6359888

14,000,000,000ish of the coins are staking rewards. No new coins

>> No.6359915


There is a mainnet and a wallet. Staking system should be deployed in March.


You don't understand the fucking quote I posted to you, dumbfuck. Read it again. It only takes minutes to confirm up to 99.9% against double spend, meaning 100% immutability is not going to measured in hours but minutes, you fucking pajeet street shitter. Where the hell did you get the claim it would take hours unless you don't understand the least fucking bit how Ourobourous works, dipshit?

>> No.6359926
File: 712 KB, 684x782, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 6.15.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6359954

How many proletariat will you send to the gulag when Carldano takes over?

>> No.6359962

what does the staking system do?

>> No.6360035
File: 52 KB, 254x124, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 6.20.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6360054



It's how we decide who gets the block rewards for processing transactions.

>> No.6360179

Block Interval:
Ouroboros: 20 seconds
Irreversible Confirmation:
Ouroboros: > 5 hours

Do you know the difference?

>> No.6360259

I think what OP means is that 99% confirmation is in seconds but a 100% confirmation will take hours.

>> No.6360590
File: 10 KB, 251x201, ada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also pic related

>> No.6360595


Where are you getting those numbers other than fucking Dan Larimer? He just got those numbers out of his asshole where most of this ideas come from, like the idea that EOS can confirm in milliseconds even though that's literally fucking impossible on a globally routed network.

>> No.6360913


No, I mean that up to 99.9% confirmation will happen within a few minutes, and absolute irreversibility will occur within tens of minutes.

Not 5 fucking hours.

>> No.6361042

you're so defensive about this
now I dont trust you anymore

>> No.6361049

When the fuck is staking coming out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I want to stake something. Anything really even staking my penis into a a tranny's ass.

>> No.6361294


>sucks Dan Larimer's dick
>Doesn't like it when he gets told to get Dan Larimer's dick out of his ass
>calls people defensive like a woman when cornered

Yep, it's a faggot.