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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6357449 No.6357449 [Reply] [Original]

G-g-g-guys.. I think I'm not having FUN.....

>> No.6357476

i hope the patience pays off

>> No.6357505
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>> No.6357528

You told me it was the funny difference... you told me casinos were the fucking future...... I lost everything.......

>> No.6357536

You shouldn’t even be looking at this shit till February. Your weak hands are gonna slip and you’re gonna miss out.

>> No.6357596

Let me tell ya something BROTHER!

>> No.6357640

How fucking new are you? Shitcoins are always a gamble. You have no one to blame but your self for risking too much.

>> No.6357709

Just kidding, sold xlm and just bought 120k fun on this dip lol
I don't get why is this dropping this much but if I didn't buy right now I would be hating myself for the rest of the year
Godspeed funbros

>> No.6357710
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>> No.6357760

>selling anything instead of just hodling

>> No.6357781
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>> No.6357810
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im on board now goyim

>> No.6357819


it's holding strong over 1000 sats what more do you want? It just mooned like twice in as many weeks.

>> No.6357980
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Post your faces when FUN goes to $1

>> No.6358020

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.6358072

Plot twist: OP was the one fudding Fun and now that he bought low we wont see funfudposts anymore

>> No.6358351

losing it all to the crypto casinos

>top kek

>> No.6358406

Did you buy at .20 or something? Lol

>> No.6358488


I don't think you are cut out for this,kiddo. You're already shitting your pants even before the official release.

>> No.6358598
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who the fuck would would actually invest in this shitcoin? I bought $100 worth as a meme at 0.03 because i thought it would be a novel prospect that if I could play for an hour at an online casino with it, it would be worth it. Thats about as much faith as I gave it at 3 fucking cents. You niggers are actually investing in this shit? Global online casino industry market cap is about half of XRP's market cap, LOL. Think about that. The target industry of this coin is only HALF of the market cap of XRP. Let that shit sink in. You deserve to lose if you're using this coin as a fucking investment. Treat it like the pump and dump that it is, or do what I did and throw change at it for the possibility of future lulz.

>> No.6358741
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>> No.6358794

>tfw unironically all in on FUN


>> No.6358796

Dude req and ada are whitepaper coins and skyrocketed to fucking Jupiter, fun has a working product it only needs time. Trust me, this is coming from the guy who came up with the the "rejected license" fud last week :D.
Now, excuse me, I have to go to the moon!

>> No.6358836
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>> No.6358954

If you had bought this, when the shilling started, it was under 2c each. I am comfy as fuck because I read the shill, looked into it myself, and then bought some.
It is currently 8x my buy in price with expectations to triple from here, if not more over the next few weeks/couple of months.

If you're too damn stupid to look into it yourself, just sell and chase a pnd. If you actually want to regain your losses (I'm assuming you bought the top) just hodl.

But I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, you and people like you are why I've gone from 50 dollars to 7k since the beginning of December.

>> No.6358959
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>comparing FUN to Cardano
Jesus Christ, anon. You gotta be fucking trolling. Also, if FUN is a finished product and those tokens are just whitepapers, what does that say about the value of FUN?

The fuck is wrong with you? Just because the same pajeet posted a fat gangster pepe with FUN copy and pasted on /biz/ for a month doesn't change a coin's potential.

>> No.6359088
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And it's not even gonna grow much more... NOOOOOOOO

>> No.6359223

>Also, if FUN is a finished product and those tokens are just whitepapers, what does that say about the value of FUN?
How New are you? Fucking chainlink was 1k sats one month ago HELLLOOOO???? Nothing makes fucking sense, cfd a literal scam is 63 cents!! Verge skyrocketed, vaporwarecoins are mooning left and right
Nothing makes sense stop overthinking things

>> No.6359290
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>$3B mcap growth trend with CAGR currently at 10.8% DEPENDENT upon widespread adoption of mobile gambling to maintain current trend
Holy fuck, even your speculation is based on speculation. Go around and look at CAGR of various industries. Banking, online gaming, marketing, entertainment. Anon, I...

>> No.6359300
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non-gamblers need to GTFO this coin already

>> No.6359401

All the more reason to play the pump and dumps. Why the fuck are you holding shitcoins that already mooned? Why is every FUN holder so fucking delusional? Must be a requirement to think that holding this coin is going to make you rich. You gotta be fucking completely detached from reality.

>> No.6359474

>says the guy holding cardamomo which it already hyper mooned
Fun did not moon yet the fuck are you talking about
Following your logic (which is wrong) I bet you said "ada hit 29 cents, it already mooned, there's no way it will go up more because muh marketcap" or shit like that

>> No.6359498

You're right, FUN = Future

>> No.6359524

I put a bitcoin into this @ 0.12

>> No.6359639

I sold my at $1. This is what I'm talking about. You're making up scenarios in your head to justify your position. This is the WORST way to invest anon. If you have to do mental gymnastics to invest in something, you're going to have a bad time.

Not sure how much a bitcoin is worth to you, but shit man, get out when you can at no loss. Not saying it won't ever go higher than it currently is, just saying, if you're here to make a lot of money, holding on to this low-potential shit won't get you there.

>> No.6359684

Yeah just like I tho, you just buy random shit and hope it works out

>> No.6359708
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I have no idea what you just said but what I do know is that you'll be eating those words when you look back at this post a few months from now

>> No.6359723
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>> No.6359763

the FUN sell orders are actually getting filled, what the fuck

>> No.6359784

Buying 150k more

>> No.6359786

lol do you really think thats how you get rich on alts? buying at random and hoping for the best? I guess that explains how you ended up invested in FUN.
Oh yeah, im sure I'll be so sore that I missed out on 2-3x gains from a 3 month hold. lol

>> No.6359807

how fucking new are YOU?

>> No.6359825

what would you hold then faggot, below 20 cents and a working product and a plausible use case is more then most of these other fucking shit coins

>> No.6359846

Holy fuck you're so stupid
Keep swingtrading til you go broke instead of holding decent stuff

>> No.6359932

What the fuck is wrong with 2-3x in 3 months? Fucking degenerate 100x gamblers

>> No.6359984

You want a good 5 month hold for less than 20 cents? Buy TRX. This piece of shit will hit 50-60 cents by end of Q2. Thats a better gain than you're going to see with FUN.

>i don't have long holds
More incorrect assumptions. The difference between my long holds and FUN is that my long holds actually have potential to 100x a ways down the line.

>> No.6360030

>shill trying to get people to buy his tron bags

safe to ignore this faggot

>> No.6360059

>believes /biz/
>invests in pajeet pumped casino coin
Checks out.

>> No.6360062

>Not sure how much a bitcoin is worth to you

It's 70% my portfolio, it's how sure I am of this

>> No.6360073

>so fucking retarded that you only bought 100 dollars at .03
>Have to tell yourself it will go nowhere to drown out the regret
Lol I hope you kill yourself when it hits $1.5

>> No.6360204
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>> No.6360252

Shall we revisit the fact that your 5B circulating coin is targeting an industry with a $50B market cap?

>> No.6360285

Are you comparing real world marketcap with crypto marketcap? Are yo serious? You can't be serious...

>> No.6360313

>FUDs a decent project with a working product and a sensible use for blockchain tech unlike 90% of the other projects in this market
>shills TRX
I'm losing my mind here, every time I come to /biz/ it's like stepping into the twilight zone. I just don't know what to believe anymore.

>> No.6360336

I think FUN will make gambling better because all you need are fun tokens to run a casino.

Read the White paper for once. There is already a working product. I really believe in the Funfair Team. It's just the FUN memes and community here make it all worth holding.

>> No.6360401

lolwut? Say I have a 5 billion of a product and I want to sell it. Currently every year there is $50 billion spent on products like my product. If I get EVERY SINGLE SALE for products similar (100% market dominance), the most I can make is $50 billion. So whats the price of my product? Do the math. I'm trying to help you faggots.

>> No.6360569
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>> No.6360615

He wanted a coin under 20 cents. Name a coin with a working product under 20 cents... Oh yeah, FUN. That's about fucking it.

>> No.6360679

you are totally braindead, lol. Its not a product it's a currency and there are only 4 billion in circulation(and it has a diminishing supply). The fact that investors and casinos will be hoarding it will create scarcity and drive up the price At only 4 billion marketcap it is already $1.

>> No.6360785

I don't understand. I'm up hundreds of %s on FUN. What's the problem? Did people actually buy at the ATH?

>> No.6360793
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>> No.6360973

>Oh yeah, FUN. That's about fucking it.
Then why tell him to buy TRX? Of all the overinflated vaporware shitcoins. The only thing floating it was normie money and their investments' values have been cut in half since its retard runup. That moonshot has launched. It has nowhere to go now but down.

>> No.6361067

He's trolling

>> No.6361101

>FUN goes to a dollar
>I have 200 dollars




>> No.6361483

can't decide if i should buy more FUN, i got for like 1000 bucks. But would something 300 bucks make any big difference, or should i put 300 into something that will moon and sell fast before drop?

>> No.6361536

something like 300*

>> No.6361538
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>> No.6361672

I invested $2k in this solely for the memes.

/biz/?? Dont tell me the memes aren't true????

>> No.6361778
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