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6353089 No.6353089 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why Monero won't be the most important crypto in 2018.

>> No.6353125

because normans don't give a fuck about privacy coins

>> No.6353180

Because bitcoin will tumblebit soon and thus long term will be useless

>> No.6353184

normies don't understand (or care yet) that paying with a coin that uses a public ledger is basically like showing the pizza guy your bank statement

>> No.6353200

sjw scumbag dev, high fees

>> No.6353230

It will be top 3.

>> No.6353255
File: 246 KB, 710x697, Sumokoin vs Monero Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because SUMO is coming to take the throne

>> No.6353265

> be norman
> fomo into crypto in 2018
> see coin rankings
> see monero and other top coins >$100
> see tron and other shitcoins <$1
> might be next dinocoin
> put all money into these

>> No.6353289

no it won't
fuck off with posting this in every monero thread you silly cunt

>> No.6353293

PIVX is better.

>> No.6353345

>be whale
>don't want IRS stealing my money
>put into Monero for safekeeping

>> No.6353374

You could either stay mad or buy SUMO before it increases 10x minimum. Better tech and coin distribution that Monero but sits at a $20 million market cap.

>> No.6353377

Normans who buy drugs do.

>> No.6353388

it's too hard to use right now due to the poor light wallet support. however, it's the ultimate rich people coin

>> No.6353453

can you expand on this

>inb4 dyor

>> No.6353480

Can't argue with this.

>> No.6353507

There isn't enough Fiat to Monero exchanges yet.

>> No.6353517

Because privacy shouldn’t be mandatory through code, maybe you want to sell that data, and privacy could be archieved optionally by mixers with dag feeless coins like XRB or other layer two solution

Oh yeah and also normies don’t give a fuck about privacy

>> No.6353551

>implying normans even own any cryptos

>> No.6353570

you´re betting that the market is rational...

>> No.6353595



>> No.6353650

don't talk about monero

>> No.6353653

Because ETH will have optional privacy and there will be dapps that let you make transactions with privacy on by default. It will be enough privacy for 99.9% of people

>> No.6353714

>Because privacy shouldn’t be mandatory through code, maybe you want to sell that data
what does this even mean?
you can see your own monero transaction history

>> No.6353716

The tech isn't better.

>> No.6353717

Once there is ledger support this will triple in price easily. No moon missions but very safe blue chip.

>> No.6353736

>devs own over 75% of the supply
>better distribution

>> No.6353760

>Because privacy shouldn’t be mandatory through code
What the actual fuck are you trying to say? If you don't want privacy, don't use Monero.

>> No.6353808

nice sources for this fake image you dumb currynigger

>> No.6353908

Not completely sure about this because normans FOMO'd HARD for the Verge meme on Twitter and Facebook despite Verge not actually being a privacy coin.

>> No.6353920

facebook netflix give normans them a service they will happily surrender all their personal info there's not a one of them sitting around wishing for monero

>> No.6353972

>99.9% people are poor
>0.1% percent are the uber rich of whom many would want privacy

Nice just bought an unknown amount

>> No.6354008

ETH, XMR, and BAT will be the 3 most relevant coins/tokens in 2018

screencap this

>> No.6354057

because their scaling issues are kindof big

>> No.6354117

because SUMO is obviously better.

>> No.6354126

honeypot coin

>> No.6354127

Overblown. Tx size is going to be paired down and Monero is kind of a premium service anyway. This probably won't be the coin you buy coffee with some day.

>> No.6354171

Looks like we have half the SUMO dev team in the thread. Will you guys be copy/pasting Kovri into the Sumo repository when it's released for Monero? lel fuck off with Kwik-E-Mart Koin

>> No.6354237

because XSPEC exists.

>> No.6354258

Tell me a real reason WHY I should bother using monero, lol seriously there is no good reason than DRUGS BRO.

>> No.6354390

you can make transactions without everyone in the world being able to see your balance
would you want the girl at starbucks knowing you have $1m worth of crypto?

>> No.6354457

>you can make transactions without everyone in the world being able to see your balance
As if people are smart enough to bother seeing your balance, why are you so worried about it?

>> No.6354484

Thugs will literally rob you

>> No.6354511

because bitcoin will have privacy features in the future

>> No.6354527

people don't need to be smart enough
as adoption increases there will be a market for tools to make viewing balances easier for the average person

>> No.6354617

exactly normans faithfully pay their taxes follow the rules the hell bob next door needs monero for

>> No.6354684

bulletproofs are about to lower fees but go on fuding for all I care it will blow up when its ready to. oh and dont forget the developments on zk-starks, whitepaper was released yesterday, monero team has expressed interest in it

>> No.6354712

Post your bank statements nigger, I want to sell that data and I have a right to.

>> No.6354756

Nice FUD. Devs have 10% which is only going to be released to them in small increments over the years for development costs.

>> No.6355306

lmao its mooning right now bros

>> No.6355392

Which is exactly why we need it, so we can hide our wealth from the normans and their bloated collapsing welfare state ponzi scheme.

>> No.6355436

a 4 trillion dollar industry, from 2011 estimates.

assuming 10% penetration into this market, Monero would need to be $20000. that's just for the illicit drug trade alone.

>> No.6355444

Because the creators are faggots

>> No.6355480

Who came up with the meme that what decides something's worth is its adoption by normalfags?

>> No.6355508


>> No.6355512

the more reason it had good privacy

>> No.6355564

Every. fucking. thread.

>> No.6355622

lmao who cares about normalfags

monero is going to be invaluable to people in third world shitholes wanting to hide their money from the state and receive money from their relatives stealing gibs from european countries

>> No.6355845

*silently moons*

>> No.6356529

sumocoin posters are the fucking worst
no market is ever going to support that shitcoin unlike xmr

>> No.6356584


scalling has been solved bulletproofs will be out next fork and the bloat will be decreased by 80%

Also mimblewimblle sidechain is being worked on.

>> No.6356651

why is this a bad thing? every single coin that baited normies into it this last year have died and not recovered since

>> No.6356767

nobody ever mentions ONION

biz is a cesspool

>> No.6356809

This is a useless shittoken shilled hard by a discord group. they get points for every post and comment they make here, if they don't post every day they get banned. That's why there are XMR posts here 24/7.

it's not because so many ppl like XMR; it's jsut because 50 retards have to shill for it. ...most of the comments being positive about XMR are all from the same group.

It's obviously nothing than a scam.

>> No.6356842

That's because Monero doesn't have "marines" to shill and pump the coin.

>> No.6356879
File: 124 KB, 288x292, 9742347455466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a useless shittoken shilled hard by a discord group called "/shill/". they get points for every post and comment they make here, if they don't post every day they get banned. That's why there are XMR posts here 24/7.

it's not because so many ppl like XMR; it's jsut because 50 retards have to shill for it. ...most of the comments being positive about XMR are all from the same group.

It's obviously nothing than a scam.
>20 shillpoints have been added to your account

>> No.6356985
File: 189 KB, 4288x3216, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAGE THIS SHIT the whales can't keep it down forever and im still accumulating so please everyone just buy and shoo shoo