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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6350583 No.6350583 [Reply] [Original]

>he hasn’t bought the dip

>> No.6350923

what dip? its been going sideways for a week now

>> No.6351286

no need to hurry, its eternal dip

>> No.6351405

This is a dip? I saw it as a breakdown to .50 and sold at .75 today

>> No.6351437

What is wrong with this piece of shit. It looks like it's about to dump more.

>> No.6351711

Wasn’t it supposed to go up today?

>> No.6351780

it was supposed to go up two days ago but the market shit itself

>> No.6351839
File: 18 KB, 225x225, CBFF8996-91C3-4CC3-88E7-C3ABC86EE3CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always buy the dip with eth. I never sell.

>> No.6351864

it is
.50 is the next support

notice its falling on CMC to #78 too, people would rather invest in better projects

>> No.6351878

I’ll probably buy the dip then

>> No.6351951

Seems like pretty decent floor right here.

>> No.6352013

well lots of people are dumping for some reason

>> No.6352014

The only reason this isn't going up more is because the marketing team is non existent. The platform speaks for itself, this is an incredibly strong hodl for the year. I expect with the next announcement it'll find a good floor around $1. It's backed by YC don't be stupid pajeets

>> No.6352052

>The only reason this isn't going up more is because the


>> No.6352140

What's this got to do with anything?

>> No.6352369
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Welp you don't seem too wrong, even though I hope to hell you are. This shit is my retirement plan

>> No.6352662

I think we're ok. That was a scary few minutes.

>> No.6353015

I want to murder every fucking REQ shiller here that spend their entire time shilling the coin the last 2 weeks.

Fucking pajeet PnD coin.

>> No.6353139

Haha, the team is all white. And backed by ycombinator, which is alabaster beyond belief.

REQ will have a 50 billion market cap within 6 months. You realize this is going to replace PayPal, right? You know it does fiat-fiat, right?

I just put 20K US into this. Fuck it feels good to have friends in VC who drop tips on shit

>> No.6353215

Explain to me why the coin went from $0.27 to $1.17 in less than 2 weeks time without concrete news while /biz/ was shilling it to hell and back?

It's because of faggots like you PnD it. I have sold it since I bought in at $0.74 and I sold it so I don't make any losses on it. But fuck you shilling faggots. Seriously.

>> No.6353310

Do you even realize that it's launching on main net in under a month?

>> No.6353385

>In under a month
Q1 2018 is until March 2018 you dumb fuck. It can't launch before February because REQ uses Kyber and Kyber launches February.

Stop shilling this shitcoin pajeet. I already sold and I will buy back next week at $0.40-$0.50. The price it should have been without all this shilling.

>> No.6353826

massive selling
about to breakdown any second

>> No.6353957

>he should be selling REQ and buying RCN, then after mainnet dip sell some RCN after 3-4x and buy some REQ back same price

>> No.6353978

I'm out. Suggestions on what put my money it while I wait?