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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 824x258, Block+Array+logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6349698 No.6349698 [Reply] [Original]

Block Array mcap (USA)- 9m
Wabi mcap (chink)- 200m
Walton mcap (chink)- 400m
Vechain mcap (chink)- 1700m

easiest 10x in January
partnerships announced soon
real working product

>> No.6349755

tokens released on 14/1/17 on exchanges, don't miss it.

>> No.6349819

What exchanges?

>> No.6349885

>muh token

>> No.6350022

this is cheap as fuck. just get it out there to the pajeets and chinks, we'll 20x

>> No.6350164

unload some at 10x but don't sell too early, last ICO i did was neblio, held and it paid off. another one like that and i'm club 21

>> No.6350218

which exchanges?

>> No.6350244

they're not telling until it happens

>> No.6350525 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6350530

Buy my Bags Buy my Bags, pls anon

Idea is Great and he will make a shitload of money

All thx to u idiots who gave hin the money to develop the product in exchange for worthless coins

Didnt Read the whitepaper and disclaimer uh?

But buy my ico bags pls anon

>> No.6350593


Too late? TAU opened at 3x then did a 10x initial market. Think this is same?

>> No.6350611

you sound like the same faggot in every blockarray thread.

>> No.6350639

easily but this is also a long term hold
shit is actually going to be used in the US in the shipping/supply chain industry

>> No.6350795


Wut ICO gives an equity stake? Trying to learn to do it right for my first ICO buy soon.

>> No.6350828

sure hope its not fucking etherdelta

>> No.6350875

Shit is gonna uses but ur coins have zero fuckin worth

Ripple all over again

But pls buy my bags

>> No.6350880

it's coming out unlisted on ED

>> No.6350938
File: 4 KB, 300x300, DeveryNext10x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would you buy this shit coin when devery.io is the 18th?

>gavin woods retweeted
>10 million cap
>santiment advisor
>dappbase involved
>only 5% presale bonus, block array gave 35%

Seriously? Devery will out perform no question

>> No.6350982

It does Not

So u should check if the coin has actuall monetary use

In this case it has Not, they got rippled

>> No.6351030

Truth hurts like ur Bags of ripple

>> No.6351043


USA citizens allowed in devery?

>> No.6351076


I see. But XRP up Over 9000x? XRP isn't a currency like ETH/BTC? WTF

>> No.6351083

He already said he won't list on ED, but anything can get traded on ED so that will for sure be the first place to get ARY. It just won't be listed in the dropdown. I would get it there before it hits larger exchanges.

>> No.6351178

Because u can still make money from fools but u shouldnt be the fool

>> No.6351223

The coins will be necessary for companies to use the product. He will use the coins like a software license more or less. So if this gets adopted by any large company they will have to be continually buying tokens.

Also he has higher aspirations than just shipping industry. I would suggest you check out either of his AMAs if you want to actually learn more about the product.

>> No.6351224

Dont think so, but after 12 hours there is no KYC or individual cap.

1-2mil will problably be left so if you're quick you can get in as american

>> No.6351281

Y should he pay the listing ?

Already got the money to develop his product thx to bagholders
Now they will shill for the next months to get rid of them

>> No.6351349
File: 13 KB, 221x221, AAIAAgDGAAAAAQAAAAAAAAszAAAAJDMyYzY0MWRkLWRhNDMtNGRjZS1hNGJmLWFhODVkODRlZTE0MQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related in the 'founder'

would you trust this faggot with your crypto dreams?

>> No.6351372

looks like easy money, too bad i missed out on the ico. exchange on the 14th confirmed?

>> No.6351380

Can't wait to unload my 20x ARY bag

>> No.6351400

They will be buying a licence which can tripple in price from one week to another ?

Got rippled, pls buy my bags anon

>> No.6351470

who said it will be on exchanges by 14th?

>> No.6351519

yes, Sam is an OG
please educate yourselves
stop FUDing to keep the price down
tokens release on the 14th so there is bound to be some trading on ED after that

>> No.6351528

>Dont think so, but after 12 hours there is no KYC or individual cap.

still need whitelist to join after 12 hrs? or we can just send like blockarry, or lamden?

>> No.6351577

Price of ur worthless bags u mean?

Pls anon let me ripple u

>> No.6351586
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>> No.6351717

easy 20x. its called american WABI+MOD+Vechain

>> No.6351767

the name really rolls off the tongue. can't wait to see that on billboards

>> No.6351822

Honestly, there has never been a more obvious 50x moon mission than this one. Glad I bought big into the ICO, but I wish I bought more.

>> No.6351887

what about devery.io. thinking to join that as well? redpill me on this

>> No.6351955

We lucked out, hopefully Sam has our back and gets it on kucoin or binance where they buy any bullshit that comes out.

>> No.6351972

not him but im way up with Ripple

>> No.6352657

Lol he will hire some pajeet devs for making the software and buy himself some weed from the ico money
This guy is a genius and will get rich (richer) from our money
We can only hope to find idiots who buy our worthless bags for 10x

>> No.6352684

You might need a whitelisted email,you can get that now

you wont need the Picops verified eth address after 12 hours
you will be able to send from a normal eth wallet

>> No.6352757

Block array is good for presalers, but main sale people will get dumped on

Devery is much better for people participating in the public sale, since it only gave a 5% bonus

>> No.6352846

Couldn't get into this but will definitely be buying on ED.

>> No.6352858
File: 177 KB, 1018x1200, DHuDp7dXkAE4WbJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get dumped on ill buy more

Look at what happened with REQ and that had 5x mkt cap

>> No.6352902

Btw block array cap is already over 25 Mil

>> No.6352951

It was capped at 7mil dumbass

>> No.6352997


also the 35% bonus was to make up for the price of ETH rising from 700 to 1000 during the presale.
well 7.7k ETH so a bit more than that

>> No.6353073

Total Tokens end ico Price

Do the math /bizperts

>> No.6353085
File: 88 KB, 400x322, DeveryEasy10x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

public sale 18th boys, get white listed

>gavin woods retweeted
>10 million cap
>santiment advisor
>dappbase involved
>only 5% presale bonus, block array gave 35%


>> No.6353140

Assuming he will drop his personal staff because bitches end weed

Got rippled hard?

>> No.6353241

Last time I feel for fud like this I sold my TAU at 70% above ico price

Its now at 900%

>> No.6353325


And TAU market cap is already 328 million now, serious what the fuck is this shit? How the fuck? TAU is shit.

>> No.6353355

what the fuck does any of this even mean? Your employer can't be happy with such low-tier bullshit FUD

>> No.6353446

And thats only with the ED smart contract address

Ill see you all on the moon

>> No.6353549
File: 36 KB, 638x479, 15025374605240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Block array and devery offer the same thing, which one is better and why?

>> No.6353592

Lol , my employer makes the cars that will we bought from ur ico money

>> No.6353658

honestly, bad FUD is literally one of the best indicators of a good coin. I remember when PRL was FUDded to death before it exploded, this is basically the same thing. Learn to ignore the Pajeetery if you wanna make money

>> No.6353663

they really don't. Block Array is not really targeting the counterfeit goods market (yes I know the website has counterfeit goods statistics). Please DYOR

>> No.6353681

tau is ~150m after the token burn

>> No.6353727

Seen the pic of the founder ?

Would go with devery without a doubt
On the other hand, would smoke some joints with the block array guy

Bet this is what he will be doing for the next month

>> No.6353766

If you got the presale for block array it might give slightly more returns, but devery is far superior imo

only a 5% presale bonus, making it more fair for public sale participants

>> No.6353853

Devery has a professional team, not some college stoners

>> No.6353859

He is right, end pls buy bis bags.

Sorry for the fud but im becoming really annoyed since quiet some time how biz has become the platform to fuck other anons for their money

>> No.6353916

Dumb pajeets

The presale compensated for the rise of ETH
>these same pajeets fucked me out of $80,000 in lamden profits

>> No.6353933


Your posts are confusing. Do you own some Block Array and are fudding or only fudding?

>> No.6354015

he's being paid for FUD Block Array for whatever reason.
Just like >>6353853 id being paid to shill Devery
Just look at the post ids and learn to spot pajeets

>> No.6354134

I own a middle sized stack and will make a good profit from it no Doubt.
Just slightly drunk and more and more pissed how the anons in /biz Scam each other over

But no doubt some of u idiots will buy my bags, so who cars.
Shilling will intensiv the next Days. Watch it.

>> No.6354200
File: 462 KB, 851x315, Poo2Loo-pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6354211

Are you fucking serious?
You really think I'm being paid?

I'm just helping out my fellow /biz/tards
I'm not trying to fud block array hard, I think it will do well, but devery sale is still open

If you dont want a 10x dont buy peasant, dont call people out for spreading the word about easy moon missions

>> No.6354219

look... this thing was shilled for weeks
you guys missed the ICO because of retardation
we are still shilling it because if you buy in quickly you can still make huge profit
this is going to at least 10x easily with no effort

>> No.6354241

Who should pay me u idiots? Shilling gets paid.

Get back to /burgerpol with ur pajeetmemes

>> No.6354753

You stupid nigger. You shill your ICOs AFTER the ICOs ended, not BEFORE.

More people hear about your ICO = more participants = smaller individual cap for you.

Just shut the fuck up until the ICO is over.

>> No.6354821
File: 73 KB, 653x648, 1515556264865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the whitepaper and website its an easy x10. Im just helping DYOR and you will notice, it has potential if you dont want to buy it dont do it. But its and easy x10

>> No.6355233

so you're either a pajeet or a dumb cunt. which is it?

>> No.6355273

not saying those two are mutually exclusive

>> No.6355283

He is shilling devery because is shitty

>> No.6355875

Do you think i can get some on ED before moon? Hopefully they won't have started marketing by then

>> No.6355951

>tfw in both

>> No.6355996


I found the contract address for ED, orders are lining up


>> No.6356181

Yeah I think they're gonna be slow with the marketing so you probably have plenty of time desu. Sam is much more focused on growing the business and building his product than marketing. Although they did say they will be hiring someone for marketing soon.

>> No.6356303

Fking piece of shit liar. the market cap is 164m.

>> No.6356997

It's almost definitely going 10x ala lambo tau, but if it gets on kucoin it's going 30-40x.Market does not give two fucks what the ICO was, they see 'sub 20 million marketcap' and shoot it up to $200

>> No.6357603


If this gets listed on kucoin I'll eat my own dick

>> No.6357978

Gonna buy as many as possible on exchange day. Hope it doesnt pump too high when it lists.

>> No.6358143

Nah other desu is right mate look at ico drops and current price

>> No.6358249

why dont you just all ignore the pajeet? let him keep spamming? why bother replying? fuelling the flames. honestly youre worse than him. if you even bother replying to my post to argue youll just make yourself stupid. he gets paid each (you)s he gets. that's what it's all about. just ignore it. also post yfw youre in both devery and blockarray