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6347998 No.6347998 [Reply] [Original]

Volume dropping, whats next ? Wanna get more

>> No.6348552

I have 3300 of these what does it actually do. I bought for the name mainly, I like playing engi in TF2

>> No.6348593
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>> No.6348684

You hold it and it eventually makes you rich

>> No.6348980

You build information dispensers with it

>> No.6349106

I have been much more successful buying with no knowledge so that's what I have been doing.

>> No.6349372

When is the next moon again?

>> No.6349507

no idea desu, with those sell walls im gonna say prolly not today

>> No.6349545

Where you seeing them at? I usually stick to Binance.

>> No.6349623

Who cares
Won't sell either way

>> No.6349793

>who cares
>holder of internet funny money


>> No.6349823

It will be the default privacy protocol for transactions/computations on the ethereum network and will render any tokens with similar aims obsolete. Consider anything under $10 the fire sale of the century

>> No.6349850

bitrex, im a faggot who only uses one exchange

>> No.6349958

I used Bitrex at first but once I realized the IRS can get their info I figured it was smarter to go with Binance. So how much ENG are you in for?

>> No.6350085

Had 660, learning how to daytrade took me down to 590 and now back to 640

enough for lowtier lamboland

>> No.6350131

ftr im not a yank citizen either so I dont have to give a fuck about the irs

>> No.6350256

I'm at 1000 so I'm pretty close with what you got, low tier lamboland is good enough for me! And once I get enough out of crypto and pay off any debts I'll probably leave the country, Where are you at that let's you avoid the (((IRS)))?

>> No.6350381

wojak whale is a faggot

>> No.6350542

Im in an M/s relationship, so im basically going to give my slave the crypto before cashing out, there is no gift tax nor capital gains tax on something that has not increased in value

Taxing me is already a tricky subject though since while living in MO, im not actually an american citizen, just here legally with my fiance (slave)

>> No.6350568

I'm at 1225, and low tier lamboland isn't good enough. When this peaks, I'm definitely going to start over and find a new shitcoin.

>> No.6350659

Yeah I'm greedy as well...... Once this things hits it's peak I'm selling and THAT'S when I can get into the real lamboland. The only people who make millions already have at least a 100,000 to dump on one shitcoin.

>> No.6350671

desu im not greedy enough for that, ill just cash out my barely 1 mill and leave 100k in various icos

(300-400 bucks eoy desu senpaitachi)

>> No.6350751

Nice, I'm only at like 7k right now but with that 1000 ENG i'll hopefully get at least 100k, which is step one to lamboland+.

>> No.6350827

yeah you'll get more than that honestly, like a lot more

>> No.6350915

nevermind im reading all of this wrong

but yeah both of us will at least have six digits end of year

>> No.6350937

Think smartcontracts + Monero.

>> No.6350947

Close to dropping, I would hold out for a bit

>> No.6350957

that sounds gay as fuck desu

>> No.6351007
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Is this some kind of advanced 4D FUD?

>> No.6351016
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>He cant abuse legal slave labor to avoid taxes
Maybe you're the faggot, mate

>> No.6351037

NICE, and I'm just a pathetic neet living with my parents! The thing I love crypto the most is that it lets me rise out of this shit hole lot I was assigned.

>> No.6351046

BAT being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

>> No.6351081

How's that work exactly? What does she do with the cyrpto given by you to avoid taxes?

>> No.6351237

since it was given to her, she did not earn the money, it was a gift (IE: untaxabe) and since it did not increase in value via trading, it does not come under capital gains taxation, afterwards I just tell her how to spend it, or tell her to give it back to me, and my money remains unmolested by the irs

>What if she steals it
its way easier to backpeddle and say she stole it and I didnt give it to her than to prove it was a gift, so if that happens I can sue her for the tax she caused me to pay

she wont steal it though, shes a good slave ;)

>> No.6351304

nah that's gay as fuck

>> No.6351381

Ill be your daddy anon

>> No.6351461

Very interesting solution, not something everyone could pull off, is there any paper work involved? I might get this illegal (techno illiterate) girl that I know t do this for me.

>> No.6351572

hire a lawyer to create a document for her to sign stating she has given it to you, have her sign that first and keep a copy, then give it to her

Dont do this with some illegal though, law shit wont prevent her from nigging off with the money straight back to mexico, really the best way to cash out large money is to make a business in the bahamas

>> No.6351730

Thanks for the advice, i'll take it to heart. Don't get caught bag holding anon!

>> No.6351966

Oh and look into Shipchain, that coin is a legit 50-100 times coin, consider it a thanks for the advice.

>> No.6352004

idk man im pretty in on ENG, feels like the coin for me, and I cant really invest more fiat until im done buying my house

>> No.6352089

It's whatever, information is what's king is crypto anyway, you know about it and 99% of the board doesn't, so it's still valuable in that way.

>> No.6352113

Please remove your trip and get your gay ass 50 shades fan fiction back to redit

>> No.6352133
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>> No.6352159

He may be a trip fag but his advice on avoiding taxes is what I care about.

>> No.6352182

is the token sale finished?

>> No.6352230

Go look one icodrop i have no idea, probably is though.

>> No.6352307

just read the whitepaper, thanks for the tip anon im going to break my stack just a bit

>> No.6352481

No prob, where you gonna buy from I heard they stopped selling on the 6th?

>> No.6352553

apparently it opens somewhere again on the 15th, still figuring it out though

>> No.6352652

If you look that up and find it post it here been havin' trouble finding out anything about that. And if the thread dies and you find it make a shipchain thread, it will get ignored anyway