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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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634394 No.634394 [Reply] [Original]

>in college
>high gpa
>working at the tutoring center
>guy comes in
>started his company at like 16
>he's like 20 now
>drives a mercedes
>his company (some humanitarian clothing company) allows him to travel
>going back to school for a professional degree
>has enough money to kick back and focus on school
>maintains good grades
>makes excellent money for a 20 year old.

Here I am,
>taking out loans
>barely making it by
>make minimum wage
>can't afford to buy cool cars, cool computers, etc...
>thought I was always the smart one

Really got me down right now

>> No.634397
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Hey, listen up.

Everyone has their fun in the sun. That's life. He just got lucky at that point in time.

Hell, will I make it to next week? Fuck if I know. My investments might fail, I might get hit by a bus, etc.

Just remember that your time will, oh yes it will, come.

Life sucks. We know.

But tell you what- Don't sit there and fucking feel sorry for your self. (Oh woe is me why can't I be like him, wahh)

You know that Nike slogan? "Just do it"?

Get out there and be a hardcore motherfucker. Get experience, start lining up internships. Once you get out, destroy life like a fat kid on a fresh Pillsbury cake.

For all you know the market could shift and he'll have to close up shop because his crap isn't fashionable anymore.

It's all about perspective.

>> No.634406

He's had it easier. He probably got free shit from his parents and it's all fucking easy.

I'm 19. I make 20k from my crap job, and go to school part-time, because fuck loans. And I don't spend money on useless shit, I save and invest. Become driven, bust your fucking ass.

>> No.634407


>>thought I was always the smart one

I was the same way OP. I was always the kid in high school who never studied and made honor roll. I was always the kid in college who everyone wanted to study with and who everyone came to with questions.

One of the toughest lessons life taught me is that, intelligence, although a very valuable attribute, is not solely indicative of success whatsoever.

Ambition, determination, ethic, nepotism, cronyism, and sometimes just outright luck all factor in to success more than intelligence does.

>> No.634408

whats his business sell or do anon?

>> No.634411

Never compare yourself to other people. You will always find someone better off then you and their life's circumstances are probably too different for it to be a proper gauge on your own success.

The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self. Are you doing what you need to be doing to be successful? Did you pick a shitty retarded major or did you pick a STEM major? Are you applying for internships to get experience? Are you working toward your goals?

That's what you should focus on.

>> No.634438


I'm finding out more and more that people would rather hire and work with people they know than people who are intelligent. It baffles me, because logically, if I were running a company, I'd rather have the best of the best.

It's something I'm learning, and it's not pleasant. My focus is going to have to be ambition and drive, rather than intelligence.

>> No.634450

My advice to you would be just keep in contact with your friends. Think about it - if you were put in the position of getting a new employee, would rather pick the reliable friend you know or the stranger with better qualifications?

It's safer to go with the friend because they can start working right now and there would be less time spent on the interview process while the stranger would be entirely luck based. The stranger could be the best of the best, but they can also have anger issues, poor manners, work terrible in a team, etc.

It's more cost efficient to hire friends.

>> No.634454

Take that raw jealous energy and turn it into something of your own. Why not start a business? Also post the name of his company pls

>> No.634455

I do sometimes. I've stopped and started a Law degree a few times now. I'm 22 and I'm about $30k in debt from loans and stuff.

My only saving grace now is the business a friend and I started up last week taking off. If it doesn't, I either finish my degree or I don't and I become a true failure.

>> No.634456

Most people don't want to hire random people because they treat work differently than how you view it. In most peoples minds the roles in an organization have less to do with ability and more to do with completing a rote fun
ction. In some ways
Is right about people wanting knowns, but then they do go ahead and hire people who have exactly those poor traits and ignore them simply because they have a better relationship with that individual. Lo and behold you find it in all sorts of organizations and it can only really be explained by self absorbed and localized thinking on the part of the people in charge of hiring rather than a view of the organization which is more global.

>> No.634520

I've started three businesses. All three have been "successes" in some sense, but I wound down the first two and the last and current one is the real success - it made over $3000 in January.

I am still going to college and studying Computer Science. My business cost me $150 to get off the ground - $25 to Google for an Android developer account, and $125 for six months of $20 a month email/web service. After six months, expenses were paid out of revenues.

I go to class and frankly even the kids who study hard seem lazy to me. I not only study like crazy, I do projects and reading outside of class to learn this stuff even more. I also do things like my business which as I said made $3000 in January, with expenses for ads, VPSs etc. being about $500.

One thing though is I have experience working in IT and am a little older than my fellow students. When I was 19 I was more concerned with drinking and getting laid like them.

To do well you need to:
* have a skill (what I both learned in CS and taught myself after class)
* work hard and relentlessly on your business (I worked like crazy for the first six months and made almost nothing, it was frustrating)
* be adaptable and flexible. If what you're doing is not working, and you're not changing to what the market wants and what people want - you'll fail.
* look for waves. I believed in Android. I never even knew it would be successful as it was, I just thought it was cool and it was possible to make some money on it, I didn't bank on it to become #1. People said for years you couldn't make money on it. Then one day they flipped and said there were too many apps on it and the days you could make money on it were over. The haters never had a day or week where they said it was good, they just said no one used it, and then one day flipped that to the market was too crowded.

>> No.634534


Compare yourself to all the people doing worse than you are to make yourself feel better.

That's what I do.


>> No.634550


The movers and shakers of the world are typically C+ students who also have 1) good ideas and 2) the ambition to run with them. The rest of us become wage slaves to go work for them. No hard feelings as they are the ones taking the risk with their own capital. Can't say that everyone is cut out for running their own business.

All that being said, if you spend your life comparing yourself to everyone else, you will never be happy.

>> No.635925

>be me
>turning 22 this year
>parents make good money
>can barely stand to pay for my community college
>won't let me get a job because they want me to be "available" at all times to take care of my brother
>pay my car payment because i have to use it to drive brother around
>give me $680 a month
>not allowed to try for internships

i am literally in a prison raising someone elses child op it could be worse

>> No.635930

You are a kid until you are 35-have fun while you can.

>> No.635941

>comparing yourself to others

if you do this you will never be happy.

>> No.635957

Always. Don't feel too bad. You are, after-all, the sole arbiter of your fate. So long as you pay your taxes and abide by your homeland's statutes and laws, you decide day-to-day what it is that you do with your life. Only you can decide the measure of your success and how much you succeed.

Also, compare and despair as others are saying.

>> No.635960


>I'm 29
>In community college
>3.75 GPA
>12 more credits until I complete my Associates Degree in Business which also transfers to my major university of choice.
>Have networked like fuck and have six letters of recommendation, including two from Thunderbird School of Global Management.
>Get Social Security Disability
>Can commit 100% of effort and attention to my studies.

Don't feel down, brahski.

The challenges just mean you'll appreciate your success that much more.

>> No.635966

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there be greater & lesser persons than yourself.

>> No.635987

I'm a total failure.
Imma cry.

>> No.636026

You're gonna live a few years of your life like most people won't, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't! Always remember that OP

>> No.636061

>You will always find someone better off then you

Well, OP's guy probably can't find aguy that's "better off". Maybe Mark Zuckerberg ot other guys out of the reach of a normal human, but other than that, there's really people who doesn't know of anybody more successful than them.

And yes, they didn't work as hard as OP, or anybody who really tried.

>> No.636062
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There will always be someone better than you. Just do the best you can

>> No.636084
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>> No.636115

He was lucky for some reason. Parents must've helped him. Nobody does that shit at 16 without being born into just the right situation.

>Mark Zuckerberg ot other guys out of the reach of a normal human
He stole someone elses idea while saying he was working on it. Now he's a billionaire.

Reminds me of Markus Persson (Notch), who simply copied someone elses idea (Infiniminer) and made a poorly coded clone of it. Now he's a billionaire.

>> No.636358

That was a good meme.

>> No.636362

I don't see how anyone could stop comparing themselves to other people.

>> No.636486

In some states, if you get married to a chick (lets say another girl who is in a similar financial situation), then they would only count your combined income (being nothing if you find another student chick) instead of your parents. Voila, student aid where you wouldn't have otherwise have gotten it.

Just make sure to get a prenup

>> No.636488

Not to be a debbie downer but you haven't even scratched the surface of difficulty. I did a similar path as you (AA BA, BS Fin, BS Information Systems), and I regret not taking a math minor or just majoring in a STEM field. STEM allows you to do business as well. Business degrees are bullshit

>> No.636626

This is what we call immaturity. Grow a little bit, this board is so full of people trying to "one-up" each other it defeats the purpose of helpful discussion. Stop being envious of what others have, you're not 4 years old anymore.

>> No.636632

Just pick something out of your interests before you get bored and "lost". Or else you'll lose all you got from drugs and booze and gambling and end up working at some gas station. But at least you'll have a few stories.

>> No.636635

I'm 33 in a few weeks. I am still jealous of some guy with a hot girl and millions of dollars. Don't see that changing until my sex drive is completely gone.

>> No.636636

OH, right, you're the other guy. I get it. Just stop worrying and do something, grow some balls.

>> No.636810

>No money
>No job
>Time constraints
= no fun

>> No.636829

>thought I was always the smart one
You are. The guy may own a business, but he is the one that is coming in for tutoring.

>> No.636837

I have the same thing. I never studied in HS and am always asked for help on computer science in college now but I have no drive. People I'm helping out are the ones getting interviews and shit but I just sit around, lift, and shitpost on /int/ and /fit/

>> No.636859

Zuckerberg's parents are rich and sent him to Harvard. They also hired a private programming tutor for him when he was young.

I'm not sure how Minecraft took off where Infiniminer didn't. Must've been better marketing.

>> No.636873

Literally 4chan.

>> No.636878

Smart does not equal money maker if you want more money look for a way