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6341099 No.6341099 [Reply] [Original]

This was Satoshi's dream not the monstrosity that people refer to as """"Bitcoin"""".

>> No.6341195

Hal Finney actually wanted something very similar to the Lightning Network and Nick Szabo hates Bcash.

>> No.6341203

Evangelicals also call their version of christianity the truth.

>> No.6341233

damn so the 2 most likely people to be satoshi hate bcash? intredasting

>> No.6341236

That's why it tries so hard to steal wind of actual bitcoin huh.
And now it's bitching on it huh.

>> No.6341243
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I'm Holding 27 of them. Finally I am an early adopter!

>> No.6341274

LN will be on BCH though. The problem with Blockstream Core is its required.

>inb4 its not required anybody can pay >$100 fees and wait 6 days for payment

Yes, crypto has taken a religious turn. That doesn't negate whats happening.

>> No.6341314

Satoshi's vision was actually most akin to what ripple is doing but everyone here is too dumb to realize

>> No.6341335

>asking permission to transact
>satoshi's vision

Fucking kill yourself, kike.

>> No.6341350

LN depends on SegWit you fucking god damn NoTech NoCode faggot get the FUCK OFF MY FUCKING BOARD REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6341393

It literally doesn't. LN has always existed on Bitcoin. Its the level 3 shit you're thinking of, that is still vaporware. Dumbass.

>> No.6341562

You're a fucking idiot or you're being as misleading as Roger Ver

Is it possible to use the Lightning Network without segwit, but all of its useful features for privacy and security wouldnt function at all.

Fucking kill yourself, kike.

>> No.6341669

>he said blindly with no evidence at all

>> No.6341775
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>Lightning Network
>Useful features

>> No.6341798

Yeah but Satoshi aka Craig Wright loves BCH so your irrelvant dead people dont matter

>> No.6341883

youre doing exactly the same thing. have some self-awareness

oh wait i forgot, youre being paid to shill or youre bought my bag at .4 BTC

>> No.6341902

craig wright isn't satoshi

he's just another bcash scam artist


>> No.6341917

You're making the claim that LN on BCH wouldn't be secure, while it would be secure on BTC. Where are you getting this from?

>> No.6341970
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I'm not convinced 100% that he is either, but really the person doesn't matter.

>> No.6341990

bch was forked to avoid segwit
ln requires everything that segwit functionally accomplishes

>> No.6342084

the only reason blegacy is worth anything is because it co-ops the bitcoin brand

>> No.6342145

No it does not. LN has always been on bitcoin and level 3 hasn't been proven to work with or without Segwit.

>> No.6342185

>segwit functionality
lol the "upgrade" that was a soft fork making it optional but now it is mandatory? You know why they made it a soft fork? Because it would have been CONTENTIOUS. It's a ton of useless technical debt. Does the Core wallet even support it yet?

>> No.6342266

you shills dont understand the tech
segwit creates a way for the ln protocol to refer to unsigned transactions
it completely enables ln
bch will add in segwit if they want to use ln but they will call it something else so you faggots dont get angry like "b-b-but you said no segwit"

>> No.6342354

yeah if more mastercard agents come into BCH once it becomes BTC again and try to segregate my signatures we will fork around them again.

Open source bitch.

>> No.6342397

There is literally nothing wrong with adding second layers, nu-coiner. Its the fact that its required on Blockstream Core. See >>6341274

Although I seriously doubt BCH will ever add Segwit or any variant of it because it decouples digital sigs from transactions which is a massive security problem.

>> No.6342410

yea its hilarious that bch uses 99.9999% code that core developers sweated to create and then turns around and bashes them
no humility whatsoever
but expected from retards

>> No.6342449
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>BCH is using code Core created

>> No.6342480
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>> No.6342481


That's not how you spell Lumen, you idiot

>> No.6342521

>He posted a reaction image again, what an incredible argument

>> No.6342617
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You're the one who thinks Core made Bitcoin's protocol.

>> No.6342738
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Bcore is cucked
>Fork it

>> No.6342747
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And bitcoin is Free open source software, it was designed to be improved upon

>> No.6342788

I'm actually a dev myself and don't give a shit if bcash overtakes Bitcoin in USD value because I own equal amounts of both.

It's just funny the absolute state of you shills. Constantly bashing Bitcoin (your source code) and pledging allegiance to a shitcoin that pales in comparison to 3rd gen blockchain payment solutions such as raiblocks or even LITECOIN lmfao

>> No.6342801

Which Blockstream Core blocked. Which is why Bitcoin Cash happened, friendo.

>> No.6342816
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There is a simple reason why BCH exists

>> No.6342826

I'm not bashing bitcoin fuck face. I'm bashing Blockstream Core, ffs.

>> No.6342847

>T. someone who hasn't written a line of code in their life let alone contributed to an open source project

>> No.6342863

People who actually worked on the source code like Gavin Andresen work on BCH now

>> No.6342884

And yet despite that claim, you still fail to address my arguments.

>> No.6342905

kek, no he doesn't, he's off working on shit no one cares (BTC or BCH) about because of the terrible trade offs

>> No.6342941

You don't need to know how to program to understand Satoshi's vision.

>> No.6342944
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Make an actual argument retard. For a programmer you should have already realized that DAGs can't replace Blockchain. DAGs have existed for fucking years, moron. There is a reason they aren't DLT solution.

>> No.6342968
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Did Core make one of the biggest fuck up in BTC ever? Now that they went 100% offchain they'll never have:
1. ZK-starks, 2. colored coins, 3. Smart contracts
I don't see BTCore surviving even one year having to compete with BCH which does all the three.

>> No.6342992

Yet, the majority of oldfag devs continue to contribute to Bitcoin for a reason.

Speculators don't understand open source culture, contentious forks are encouraged because the market speaks for itself

>> No.6343012
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>> No.6343132 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 590x443, Hal-Finney-Fran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hal Finney
>trusting a literal sloppering retard
>pic related
Stay cucked corecuck

>> No.6343137


Nice bait
The argument is there is no reason to use bcash over any other superior tech shitcoin, man you gotta learn to read before you can have an authority on software development.

>> No.6343179

I hope you die from ALS you piece of shit.

>> No.6343180

> craig wright isn't satoshi
There's proof he was involved in it in the very beginning. Either way it doesn't matter at all, no one owns bitcoin, it's code and not a religion.

You can do LN without SW. The purpose of everything Core does is to entrench itself in BTC.

But it's exactly the other way around, Corecuck. The base layer is shared by both forks, but only Core has LN. Every advancment you see in the base layer advertised falsely as Core's is really made for BCH. Gavin Andersen is working on BCH and Corecuck shamelessly advertise his work as Core's. There's absolutely no way around this, since BTC will have to hardfork at some point and use optimization done for BCH, otherwise the LN will be useless.

>> No.6343193


Even in that state Finney was richer and more influential than you will ever be, kys

>> No.6343211
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fuck off BCASH nigger. you are fucking clueless.

your leader is tech-illeterate faggot just like you

>> No.6343214

You shilled DAGs here >>6342788, stupid kike.

Shitcoins literally have nothing over BCH. BCH transactions are instant and cost under a cent, ffs. With color coins and smart contracts coming it'll compete with ETH.

>> No.6343249


>> No.6343261

That's fucked up dude, he was a genius with a horrible medical condition

>> No.6343298

1. The BCH fork wasn't done over disagreement on the LN, but because of Core's take over, 2. LN has almost no use case right now, not on 1MB blocks, it could only work on top of much bigger blocks, and as evidence even Adam Back was pro raising the blocksize

>> No.6343337
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He still thinks 0 conf is safe

>> No.6343373

Bcashies are literally the scum of the earth I hope each and everyone of you retards get cancer and dies in agonizing pain.

>> No.6343407

He thinks we will pop that pussy for bcrash

>> No.6343415
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>> No.6343416

Maybe because it is. RBF is the most kiked up thing ruining Blockstream Core's project rn.

At any rate, provide proofs of 0-conf being unsafe or fuck off.

>> No.6343428

Not an argument.

>> No.6343467

deleted because I actually like Hal. You are still faggot redditors for getting offended though

Where do you think you are?

>> No.6343497
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fuck outta here nigger.
when LN gets fully deployed, your faggot ass BCASH is going to go to a few hundred bucks if you're lucky. EVERYONE who isn't a shill, retard or a noob knows that BCASH is a fake counterfeit bitcoin. get over it. No one wants your shitty coin.

>> No.6343546

kek, RBF is turned off by default and anyone can see an RBF enabled transaction

provide proof? https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/248.pdf
research paper from ~2012~ before blockstream and the term "o conf" was ever thought of

>> No.6343563

Its literally safer than accepting dollars in cash which has higher likelyhood to be a fake note than the likelyhood of a zeroconf getting doublespent IRL.
0-conf perfectly safe for day to day transactions up to 300$

>> No.6343660

double spend attempts are literally free dumbass, anyone running a non trivial amount of hashpower can preferentially accept higher fee double spend attempts, there is nothing preventing it in the code

>> No.6343717

RBF is not on Bitcoin Cash you dumbass. Transactions are first come first serve. The RBF double spend exploit is only in Blockstream Core.

>> No.6343772

Good luck stacking up enough hashpower to predictably mine the next block right after you make your purchase. Oh and good luck finding a vondor accepting high enough 0confs to make it wirth it

>> No.6343807

Ahahahaha, RBF isnt needed to double spend, transactions are not 'first come first served' it would fork the network to shit if that rule was enforceable, educate yourself

>> No.6343886

I don't need to, any miner willing to accept a higher block reward can at will though, Bitmain could release a double spending app tomorrow

and 'worth it' is any purchase more than the extra transaction fee because DOUBLE SPEND ATTEMPTS ARE FREE KEK

>> No.6343954
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where we are going... you don't need to worry about RBF.
so sorry your faggot ass coin still has a tx malleability problem and you can't and won't deploy LN. You and your chain will remain RETARDED, literally.

>> No.6343987

This is perhaps the most idiotic post I've ever seen. RBF is needed to double spend. With the first come first serve rule, whatever transaction is spent first is the only one accepted so double spending is impossible. How do you not get this?

>> No.6344039


did you not see the research paper I posted from 2012 before RBF was a thing? Do you think the network forks every time someone sends a double spend attempt at the same time as a transaction, jesus your stupid anon

>> No.6344071

Not really since blocks are never full. Miners will still include both your real tx and doubletx in the same block and process the first one

>> No.6344093
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>> No.6344118
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>This was Satoshi's dream

satoshi himself just recently bashed bitcoin cash on twitter

>> No.6344122

>wanting LN

>> No.6344250

>when LN gets fully deployed
He doesn't realize that at 1MB blocks and 4,000 transactions a block it will take 24 years for everyone to open a channel and 24 years to close it. And unless Lightning is a centralized the average user will need around 14 channels otherwise payments won't be able to be routed. So that's a full 336 years to get the Lightning Network fully operational for todays population and an additional 336 years to get them off. Enjoy the wait.

>> No.6344255


>Be Miner
>2 transactions come in, 1 has 10x fees
>which do you choose? more money or cuck yourself for the good of the network? I know what I'm picking

>> No.6344333

Everyone on Earth I mean. There are 5 billion people on earth who could use Bitcoin (kids don't use money) and you can only have 210 million transactions a year. You do the math.

>> No.6344334

>Being this retarded

Come to me when BCash actually develops something of importance instead of something already seen in 100 other shitcoins, but somehow worse.

>> No.6344418

Ok, they are developing extension blocks that can potentially include within their network the applications of all other cryptos. Without massive block sizes you cannot offer this function as the blockchain can't handle the bloat. So Bitcoin Cash will be the first crypto to be all cryptos. How's that for pioneering?

>> No.6344467

Also good job avoiding the fact you will be dead before Lightning is functional.

>> No.6344483

What part of RBF not included in BCH do you not understand?

>> No.6344537

No he didn't, link you faggot. The most recent thing he said on Twitter was defending 10 minute block times because it protects smaller mining pools.

>> No.6344622

The part where RBF is relevent to the discussion, do you really not know you can double spend without RBF? did you really not bother to read the thread before posting?

>> No.6344649


>> No.6344732

Show me a real world example of a double spend transaction happening on Bitcoin Cash or stfu.

>> No.6344800


Here you go.

>> No.6344832

It's tough to be right.

>> No.6344882


...you....want me to show you something that isn't recorded...I mean do you think double spending isn't possible on BCH? did you not read the research paper from 2012 I posted higher up that says 0 conf isnt safe on Bitcoin (before RBF was a thing)? with adversarial thinking like this I'm sure you will go far in this world anon, daddy Jihan would never cuck you, no sir

>> No.6344926

You can try to double spend in Cash but you cannot succeed without a 51% attack. This is opposed to Segwit which uses RBF and means that you can reverse transactions without having any mining power.

>> No.6344971

Without a 51% attack double spends aren't successful on BCH. You can try, but it doesn't do anything. I have personally done several double spends on Bitcoin Segwit and I have no mining power.

>> No.6344975

Its not possible to double spend without hashpower to carry out a 51% attack.

>> No.6344982





>> No.6344995

>No mention of BCASH anywhere

>> No.6345016


Where in that research paper I cited does it say that? because it pretty clearly says the opposite

>> No.6345071

You mean the research paper that has yet to bare any fruit? Currently the only double spend attacks that have ever happened have happened with RBF and no hashpower.

>> No.6345094


honestly this is weapons grade stupidity, I'm done posting here anon, gl in your endeavors, I'm sure you guys will do great, kek

>> No.6345137

>33% dominance face

>> No.6345513

We know that there are technically attack vectors guy, the probability of those vectors succeeding is lower than the rate of debit card fraud. That means zero confirmation transactions on Bitcoin Cash are safer than anything else on the market. Are they perfect? No, but they stop almost all forms of attack. Unless a 51% attack happens these edge cases will be rare to an extraordinary extent. Furthermore, if you are worried about these double spend attacks for Bitcoin Cash then Bitcoin Segwit must terrify you as the risk of double spends with that shitcoin are exponentially greater. Quit comparing Bitcoin Cash to perfection you tard, compare it to other existing systems. The double spend protection of Cash is massively greater than Bitcoin Segwit and measurably greater than the current debit/credit cards in use today.

>> No.6345728

I thought you could connect the dots if I explained extension blocks to you, but I guess I'll have to spoon feed you.


>> No.6346510

Bitcoin the failed high school science project of 2018

>> No.6346898

Suprised they allowed a bitcoin cash page to remain open long enough to get his full, usually its off the front page in a few minutes