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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6340880 No.6340880 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do with $67,000 in unlawful gains?

>> No.6340881

Donate it to the Northwest Front.

>> No.6340882

Would report the $10,000 to IRS.

>> No.6340883

>What would you do with $67,000 in unlawful gains?

it would never get to me.

someone would just steal it.

Thanks for all of the protection, guys.

>> No.6340884

I was hoping for a less cringeworthy response.

>> No.6340885

Pay your mom to give me 67,000 blow jobs...

>> No.6340886

Use it as your Petty Cash fund paying for anything under a few grand.

Claiming it or Laundering it would cost at least 25%-40%

>> No.6340887

>reporting anything to the IRS
Nigga what??

This. I'm worried about somebody stealing it

>> No.6340888

Gas and groceries for the rest of my life

>> No.6340889

67,000$ is 2 crumbs

>> No.6340890

I would spend free gas to the kikes

>> No.6340891

send it to the daily stormer

>> No.6340892

I have been doing this for years, but over time it just accumulates. I even have an under-the-table housing situation, paying my landlord in cash every week, but I still have a lot left over.

>> No.6340893

put a few hundred in my bank a week until its all in

>> No.6340894

I'd pay off all of my debt and then probably NEET it up with a pound of weed and see how I feel at the end of it.

>> No.6340895

Put it in your pooper

>> No.6340896

>mail $67,000 to kike controlled opposition
Congratulations, you're the most retarded person in the thread thus far

>> No.6340897


>> No.6340898

>Northwest Front.

Holy shit, I remember those memes from 2011.

Are they still around?

>> No.6340899

>wait 6 months for spike
>cash out.

>> No.6340900


>> No.6340901
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Create a small power wash or paint, roof, restaurant company and build from there... Unless you are a drug dealer, fuck it. Go to panama and buy 6 or 8 kilos for $3,200 each and smuggle them in to sell for 43k in NY.

>> No.6340902

Putting $200 into a bank account per week wpuld take 6 years to deposit it all. Meanwhile the IRS is going to wonder where all that extra income is coming from.

>> No.6340903

>Gift $14,000 to various family and friends
>Deposit $10,000 every week

I would do this until the money runs out.

>> No.6340904

This kind of attitude is why a White Ethnostate can't happen. If the NWF had proper financing through donations it'd have a fully staffed HQ with competent leadership.

Typical American white trash.

>> No.6340905

>paying off debt with illegally obtained cash

>> No.6340906

how do you make the money?

>> No.6340907

Buy gold or platinum

>> No.6340908

donate to charity

>> No.6340909

Lol the Jew knows all about these things

>> No.6340910

Cant you setup some sort of donation/crowdfunding website and flood it with 100usd donations from random people?

>> No.6340911

Buy a bunch of Bitcoin in person (look on craigslist) and then sell the bitcoin on Coinbase. They won in court against the IRS and voluntarily decided to report gains only over $20k in a given year for PRIOR years. Some people thinks that means they'll continue reporting for future years but there are many exchanges that you can sell for slightly less without any reporting to the IRS.

>> No.6340912

teach us poorfags, cashanon

>> No.6340913

Keep it in the form of cash, buying gold and silver, maybe crypto if you are smart in that sector.

>> No.6340914

Anything $10,000 or more in less than a 1 week period will be on the radar of the IRS because of the Patriot Act.

>> No.6340915

Go to Vegas and wash it through a casino. would end up with 65-66k unless you gamble like a retard

>> No.6340916

Localbitcoins. Launder it that way.

>> No.6340917

Can I buy BTC with just cash without depositing it into a bank? (Also without getting robbed)

>> No.6340918

Yes, still around. The problem is lack of quality white people willing to work towards a goal. Everybody has the attention span of a cat and is too busy sucking Jewish cock to liberate themselves from the degeneracy.

>> No.6340919

Probably not. Banks won't report deposits under $10k to the IRS. Now if the IRS happens to audit you or for whatever reason, is monitoring your bank account, you'd get caught and have to pay the taxes but banks will not even fill out the form for less than $10k

>> No.6340920

Purchase valuables with high resale and hold onto them till cash needed

>> No.6340921

Purchase gaming consoles at various retail outlets (spread out) in cash and then sell said consoles on eBay.

>> No.6340922


>> No.6340923

Retire and become a bum.

>> No.6340924


Unlawful gains are easy to conceal in small amounts. Use a credit card to pay for gas 1/3 times so you have a record of paying for gas. Do the same for groceries, clothes, whatever.

Pay the other 2/3 times with cash. Have a legitimate job (even if p/t) to show legal income. Make some cash withdrawals of decent amounts (300-500) so you can show reason to have cash on hand. If you have casinos nearby, sign up for their rewards club card and gamble a little bit from time to time. Small "wins" (I'm assuming you would lose overall) would also help establish a reason for the amount of cash you have.

$67k is more than you need, and you aren't able to invest in stock without entering that money into the system.

>> No.6340925

buy RLC tokens

>> No.6340926

The Casino will make you fill out a form and report it to the IRS if you play with over $10k. Same with if you make more than $10k playing.

>> No.6340927

not post it on an FBI honeypot

>> No.6340928

>dude just buy more drugs
That's what I have been doing, faggot. I'm looking for OTHER ways to discretely spend this shit other than petty cash

>> No.6340929


keep the cash, use it for cash purchases and keep my paycheck

>> No.6340930

Craigslist. That's all I'm going to say

>> No.6340931

>deposit 10k every week
Have fun getting audited

>> No.6340932



>> No.6340933

Live a nice, quiet six years while scamming bennies, did that for three years with half that sum from 2011-2013. Can't do much else with money the state isn't allowed to know you have it. You could always try to launder it in a casino but its gotten way harder to get away with it, shit sucks.

>> No.6340934

Pay off debt.
Buy PMs.
Remodel home.
Buy a home and rent it out.
Literally anything to benefit your future, bro.

>> No.6340935

Nothing. Sit on it for a couple years.

>> No.6340936

You don't do it all at one Casino, or in one day

>> No.6340937
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Get into Crypto.

Buy Ethereum, LINK, REQ and QSP on Binance.

>> No.6340938

Report the smaller amount as gains for selling something, pay taxes on it.
IRS will dismiss claims you are spending recklessly "well, he did get $10,000, and reported it".

Also, don't deposit more than you reported. after taxes.

>> No.6340939

Start making slow payments towards my student loans. Small enough not to be noticed by the IRS, but large enough to make a dent into the principal with every payment.

>> No.6340940

This is basically how the feds made Stephen Paddock's income look legit. They claimed he was a professional gambler and laundered money through casinos to corroborate that story.

>> No.6340941

> a pound of weed
I do almost 2 pounds a year

>> No.6340942

Go eat some good, or claim it came from selling bitcoins.

>> No.6340943

literally just pay for everything in cash?

>> No.6340944

>anon just donate all of your hard earned cash to 4 bearded hippies with an impossible dream
67k isn't going to do shit. To form an ethnostate you would need to be able to rebel against the federal government successfully.

>> No.6340945

You could also just save all of your reported income and ONLY spend cash for bills and expenses. In the end, you'd save the $60k from your income and have effectively used only cash to pay your bills. It's a pain in the ass but it can easily be done.

>> No.6340946

>don't deposit more than you reported
Giving large sums of your money to jews to hold on for you.

>> No.6340947

drive around and give 5 dollar to every homeless people in the whole town. you might feel a relief, not a big one since its drug cash... also you could intoxicate the homeless people with your dirty money, but who knows.

>> No.6340948

Buy Dash coin now faggot, the government can't track it and it is superior to bit coin in terms of security. It also goes up as bitcoin goes up, It will eventually replace bitcoin as the dominant dark coin because it is less watched by the government making it more lucrative for international organized crime.

>> No.6340949

I started selling drugs in high school. Weed and adderall, mostly. Now I buy kilos of cocaine and have a couple script monkeys I buy oxy from. Selling coke to frat boys is easy and safe.

>> No.6340950

someone post the original

>> No.6340951

How can I buy precious metals with cash without looking suspicious as fuck?

>> No.6340952

Monero is the same way. Most crime figures use Monero for their shady shit.

>> No.6340953

I would spend all day ironing each bill so they're all nice and smooth

>> No.6340954

Buy 1oz gold bars with 95% of it. Keep the rest as cash.

>> No.6340955

This might be the only real answer

>> No.6340956

get litty

>> No.6340957

>the nose in the picture

>> No.6340958

buy a good safe and then use the cash for daily purchases. You could deposit small amounts into a bank account over time as well though that could be considered a risk.

>> No.6340959

well this, even its pretty gay tho. He will lose the money if its drug cash, karma always wins baby.

>> No.6340960

Don't dress like a loser first of all. If you really are worried just buy the gold from a few different places.

>> No.6340961

The minimum required threshold for a CTR is $10k, but banks can file an SAR if you appear to be smurfing (structuring or making repeated transactions just under the 10k limit), if they suspect your gains are illicit, or if they just don’t like you. Whether FinCEN ever reads SARs is another question.

>> No.6340962

Go to a series of casinos and convert less than 10k into chips. gamble for a bit then cash it all (less than 10k) out as legit money.

>> No.6340963

Dash was made to scale up during the exponential growth curve making it better for longterm investment.

>> No.6340964

Go live in a country where cash isn't 100% taboo yet for a while.

>> No.6340965

I hope you get busted

>> No.6340966

Donate it to Trump in 2020

>> No.6340967

Pay off my debts and spend what's left over on cryptos and painting my car

>> No.6340968

you peanut butter with that jelly?

>> No.6340969

Bills and a Boob Job to go with my Numale beard.

>> No.6340970

Just spend it, duh.

Is it illegal to buy apartments from private individuals for cash in Jewmerica?

Just say it's your mom's money and she's been saving her whole life if somebody get suspicious.

>> No.6340971

You glow in the dark.

>> No.6340972

Build a secret bunker and fill with illegal guns for the coming race war.
This is the only answer anon and you know it.

>> No.6340973

Classic way is art/small business. Ever see a small business and wonder how in the world they stay in business without selling anything?

Open up a shitty smoke shop. You already don't care about the health of your patrons, so it should not be a huge leap. Also, mostly cash operation.

>> No.6340974

Start a Cash business
Hotdog cart
Powerwashing decks
Detailing cars
Dog walking
deposit the money along side legitimate income
make weekly deposits and insert 500-1000 of the illegal cash into legitimate account along with checks

>> No.6340975

1 Buy cars/other high value goods in cash
2 Sell goods for land.

>> No.6340976
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>> No.6340977

Pay taxes and enjoy a bigmac on the remainder

>> No.6340978

2nd this idea. Silver is a good way too. Just need to find a guy that can make it happen. They do exist.

>> No.6340979

Good idea.

If you're sitting on illegal funds that you don't really need, it would be nice to give some of it to homeless people.

Handing out $20 bills to an entire group of homeless people would be something they would kind of remember for a long time

>> No.6340980

Put it on my tax as bitcoin that I mined then idk, put it towards a house?

>> No.6340981

Buy my dream garage with a mill, vise, workbench, lathe, forge, angle grinder, belt sander, TIG welder, compressor, and the rest would be for metal stock and electricity.

>> No.6340982

Lots of hookers, lots of blow

>> No.6340983

Buy a shit ton of the prepaid Visa gift cards

>> No.6340984

Divide it into lots of about $5k, wrap it in plastic/waterproof it, put it in PVC pipe caches around my property. Use it as needed for cash purchases over the course of years.

>> No.6341002

>unlawful gains
kys IRS faggot.

>> No.6341101

post it on 4chan and ask what to do lol