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6340353 No.6340353 [Reply] [Original]

Started last year with $500 (wish I wasn’t such a pussy and threw in everything I had). Kind of tired of the stress though watching my portfolio swing $5-10k in a day. Does this look like a decent 6-12 month hold? Even if I just double what I have I’m cool either that. Keeping $10k tethered in case of some more dippage. Any advice/criticism Anons?

>> No.6340489

>(wish I wasn’t such a pussy and threw in everything I had)

I wouldn't lament that too much. You may not have traded as intelligently if everything was on the line.

>> No.6340542
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You did a lot better than I did. I started with around $1000 (including the ~$100 I basically lost back in 2013-2014) and just a few weeks ago put in another $1000.

I can't comment on most of your portfolio, but ChainLink looks like a decent long-term hold.

>> No.6340558

I 200x my 400 dollar investment since November

>> No.6340616

If I were you (I'm not you by the way) I'd cash out $20,000 and continue gambling with your pretend monies for the time being. If the portfolio of pretend monies grows again, withdraw more. Basically repeat until the ponzi crashes

>> No.6340627


To be honest I had no idea what I was doing, had I simply held my initial purchases (10 ETH under $10 and about 40k XRP under $0.03) I’d be further along, but even making a bunch of stupid moves still managed to come this far...

>> No.6340682
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nice larp

>> No.6340698

Belive in link, if you wanna send a 500 link poorfag some help im not gonna stop you.

>> No.6340736


I have thought about this (partly why I have 10k somewhat safe in USDT) but I don’t *need* the money so it’s kind of worth the gamble... I should mention I have withdraw about $1000/month since I started...

>> No.6340796


Thanks, brilliant advice, great asset to this thread Anon.

lol faggot

>> No.6340820

forgot address


please save me from poverty. Thanks

>> No.6341164


I would have considered it had you offered some type of insightful or productive advice/criticism. All you did was bring my thread down to begging tier.

Use better judgment and you probably won’t be so poor.

>> No.6341248

Enjoy your ban though

>> No.6341316

I've put 2000 in cryptos in May 2017 and turned it into 12k by just holding, I'm pretty impressed every time I see people doing sick amounts of money like you.
Do you mind sharing some tips?

As for advice/criticism I can only say, health > money, so if stress is injuring you, sell it and don't feel sorry about it.

>> No.6341324

what do you mean man, i have 500 link so clearly my judgement can't be terrible. I know what the decentralized oracles will mean for crypto but i dont have enough money to make it to 1k link is all.

Everyone knows the upside of link at this point, its about whether or not you have the money to get good gains off that upside and unfortunately i don't while im still in uni

>> No.6341340


Nigger anyone can do this. Gtfo with thisnewfag larp shit

Who do you think you're fooling?

>> No.6341423


Why would I larp about 50k? This is peanuts to biz. What’s wrong with your life that you’d go out of your way to say this?

>> No.6341455


How did you gain most of your profit? ICO's, buying really cheap coins?

What was the intensity of your trading?

>> No.6341521

Fuck off. Pathetic.

By there way you'll get banned for begging I'm not kidding.

>> No.6341532

What a weird person you are, ofc im not going to be banned./.

>> No.6341576

Because you're Larping you sad cunt

Get a grip of your life

If not:

Put a post it note over the sensitive parts of your screen and go on your preferred exchange and refresh while videoing

You're larping you sad faggot
Stop wasting time, you could be researching a coin

>> No.6341609

Please mods tag "user was banned for this post"

Be the hero we need

>> No.6341653

ok? enjoy your larp lol

>> No.6341700

Why are you so retarded that it means so much to you? Get a grip

>> No.6341795

because this is a board for the discussion of business, not fucking retards larping pushing good threads off the board

kys faggot or get some real money and actually do this shit for real

>> No.6341837

I 9xed an investment by investing in UFR before it mooned, sold close to ATH and then rebought the dip just now. Holding comfy lads.

>> No.6341866


Made money on ETH, XRP, NEO, ELIX and the coins listed in my port. I’ve also lost a lot in the process to be fair, which is why I’m trying to just hold what I got now.

>> No.6341905


What a complete faggot you are.

>> No.6341907

Kill yourself UFR discord shill

>> No.6341961

wow you really shown me

now fuck off larper

>> No.6342086

I have actual money in actual bank accounts. Crypto is so far from business it's not even funny. Then there's you, being angry and pretending your opinion is worth a shit.

>> No.6342179

nigger if you think this is being angry then you need to log off and go outside, lmao

you sensitive fucking faggot

stop larping retard

>> No.6342297
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Dont worry friend, they are just jealous. I also have some CEFS but recently acquired it. Have you had it long enough to get a payout?

I also think youre at the point where you could take 10k and split it up between 3 moonshot coins. Something with ~35mil or less marketcap.

>> No.6342849


>> No.6343103

Poor Indian detected

>> No.6343503

hang yourself

>> No.6343737


Whoa, way to give it right back! I feel sooo burned! Omg you fucking got me! You win Anon, I quit.