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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 152 KB, 1500x840, dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6339083 No.6339083 [Reply] [Original]

>Dips slightly from ATH

>> No.6339199

guys please keep up the VET fud and expand it to reddit also.

If it dips below $5 USD I will wire my entire savings account

>> No.6339519
File: 1009 KB, 600x1067, lets go pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a fucking pos chink scam coin, fake partnerships, no white paper and no working product lmao

dipped 20% already omg wow what a fail coin

ven will be btfo by walton, it's just a fact.

everyone plz buy WTC plz

>> No.6339727

pretty sure it's ONLY walton and wabi cucks who are FUDing VET.

>> No.6339806


Ven is just a kid with ADHD bossing it up a little.

WTC is daddy

>> No.6339905

Meh I'll hold until June for the product release We'll see what happens

>> No.6339907

Even me as a VEN holder is FUDing the shit out of VEN. Sell high, FUD the shit out of it. Rebuy later.

>> No.6340036


WTC doesnt FUD anything. Its only VEN kiddies who downvote anything wtc related on reddit and shill their cucky news all day long like its something to boast about.
Read what walton already has complished and think about what is going top10

>> No.6340167

I just want VEN to reach 9$ and then I can sell it for x10.

>> No.6340215

Sell walls finally dropped - so did the pricebinance competition no longer artificially pumping volumewhite paper has unbelievable typos ("Gary box testing: This is the test between white and black box testing.")The technical details are basically non existent and whitepaper ("not a whitepaper") explicitly says it doesnt bother to explain "complicated stuff like algorithms", but instead has bizarre definitions of common technical terms like microservice, white box tests, and "gary" box testsevery announcement is "we cant talk about it yet... but ;) ;) .. there isBIG news, but NDA you know how it is ;)" - total scam hypeTHey have thrown every buzzword they can think of at their webpage and whitepaper with no detailsthe team is probably non existent. they hired "40 developers". to do what? do you know how hard is it to hire 40 devs, especially in china, that are halfway competent?the video of the office tour hired a fake white man actor to add legitimacy to their company (common chinese tactic) from their nonexistent "european office" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSOpEXe-Pn8)) [Embed] [Embed]

There is no way "whales" (who got their coins from where?) decided to "keep prices down to accumulate

>> No.6340228

Kek. Redddit fag detected. No wonder /Biz is infested with salty walties and their FUD threads

>> No.6340265

dips, i see a bargain i buy said bargain laugh all the way to the bank with my VEN bros. VEN = WIN

>> No.6340697


Thanks. Just bought 100K

>> No.6341016

Exactly like the Obama family.
Barack was president and father is currently eating bananas in a tree somewhere whilst screaming OE A A A A MUH WATER MELUN.

>> No.6341223

Vechain very good sir! Yes yes go very much money into this coin sir it will bring lambo! MOON!

>> No.6341401

That's a good Pajeet. They are starting to learn.
What's next? Using tools?