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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6335792 No.6335792 [Reply] [Original]

While the Lightning devs are busy spending years trying to solve computer engineering problems that no one can say actually have a solution or not, Bitcoincash engineers have been running the numbers on just how far on-chain scaling can go, and the numbers are amazing:
Here's how we can scale to 2K TPS right now, Visa-level transactions, and anyone with a mid-grade PC with 4-cores and 16gb of ram can run a full-node:
Bitcoincash researchers have already successfully mined gigabyte-sized blocks:
Here's how we can do 500 billion transactions a day, with hardware and technology and bandwidth that already exists right now, no waiting around for Lightning, this is doable now, enough to carry out all the transactions done by 10 billion people every day:
Obviously we don't need that much hardware and TPS today, but the fact that it is achievable right now means it will certainly be achievable in the future as Moore's law brings down the cost of hardware needed to achieve it and as it becomes needed.
Here's a new bitcoincash tech called Graphene created by Gavin Andresen which halves the network bandwidth cost of using BCH and will be forked in this year. Halved it!
That shows how early we are still in this industry, where one guy can release a really simply technology like Graphene that makes not one or two percent gains, but 50% gains over previous tech. And this doesn't even take into account smart contracts and colored coins and ZK-starks which are impossible with the LN.
We have a long way to go with on-chain scaling before we would have to move to something like a 2nd layer solution, and anyone telling you differently has been brainwashed by people with some kind of agenda.