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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 313x160, VeChain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6335363 No.6335363 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6335389

For short term buy now and sell in a few days afyer rebranding, guaranteed x3 atleast
Long term good time for those who haven't finished their node yet, get in here!
You got 30 minutes~ before it jumps back up. gl anon

>> No.6335527

Gonna go get some groceries, keep this thread alive so i can "hahaha" at poorfag pajeet here when i make 5k for free

>> No.6335973

Sure thing

>> No.6336099

whats funny?

>> No.6336138

You guys are pathetic. Don't be salty. Vechain will reach at least 10$ end of the month. It's a fact. So stfu and go chase x 100 moonmission, or get in on ven for at least doubling your money. If you don't see that ven is undervalued you are literallly blind, you do not want to make money. And why you laughing faggot? The only ones that should feel bad are those that panicsold when this shit is dropping for 10 minutes. Oh and you missed out on everything? I am here since 0.40. Go fuck yourself. Waltoncuck.

>> No.6336183

VeChain haters are going to get BTFO'D so fucking hard its not even fun. Screencap this

>> No.6336231

GOT EM. When you look at the big picture, VeChain is so undervalued. People are already upset that it's too expensive for them.

>> No.6336244

>buy now and sell in a few days afyer rebranding, guaranteed x3 atleast
>Long term good time for those who haven't finished their node yet, get in here!
>You got 30 minutes~ before it jumps back up. gl anon

How the fuck can VEN possibly be undervalued? They have no product. Just a useless ERC20 token and a shitty whitepaper.

>> No.6336286

the pajeet fud mixed early seller and walton salt on this coin is too good
you would think it just went back to .5 or something. literally the time to buy right now

>> No.6336288

With you since .90
We're going to make it.

>> No.6336363

its relative to all the overblown mcs of useless trash coins that make up the top 20- omg, ltc, xrp, eos, ada, iota, trx, btc gold,

>> No.6336398
File: 79 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180112-172634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck just 30 % now in 3 days, and not 40 % how am. i gonna pay my daughters birthday

>> No.6336758

Incredibly overvalued. Should be worth about 1$ and nothing more.

>> No.6336832


see you at the rebranding

>> No.6336835

X3 on a $1.5 billion MC for a fucking rebrand? The delusion is Link-tier at this point, holy shit.

>> No.6336905

It's only a rebrand

And only a fucking mind blowing news

And only a fucking 2 coin reward Ico system with nodes

And only a fucking partnership with a b business

And only a fucking mainnet with a whole ecosystem, with their own ICOs on it

And only a fucking partnership with another b business

>> No.6337010

Rajeev shill. It’s going too.5c. Maybe stick to the phone when scamming people

>> No.6337028

belowing, anon!

>> No.6337063

Vechain are known to make a big deal over nothing. They did it with the "china partnership" which was, in reality, polished dog shit. The product is an app that scans labels. Horrendously overvalued, and people are starting to realize it. If you're a Vechain holder and like the "technology", you're much better off going into Walton, Wabi or the incoming Devery. All of them do similar but have much more room to grow. Vechain has peaked, and your denial won't change that fact.

>> No.6337182

Who cares about tech in crypto? Literally nobody dies, otherwise 99% of the top 100 coins wouldn't have any value

You fucking think devery is superior? And you are out.

>> No.6337202

Fuck you

>> No.6337231

Care to explain why you consider the China partnership as dog shit? I thought SEZs are a big thing in China.

>> No.6337283

lol drop this shitcoin and buy wtc this is going back to zero

>> No.6337327

Yep i agree man. I can’t believe people were scammed by this
the better coin is right in front of them

>> No.6337350

>you're much better off going into Wabi

That is how you spot a retard. Shilling a token that it will only be used to get discount at a retailer, and implying that it is at the same level as WTC or VEN.

>> No.6337353

>Who cares about tech in crypto?
t. Vechain holder
Angry because I'm right.
Because it wasn't a China partnership. It was a MOU agreement with a local development zone. This shit is incredibly easy to get. This is like getting a grant from the state of Montana and saying "USA PARTNERSHIP!!!". But of course 90% of Vechain holders don't give a shit and will continue the charade as long as they can.

>> No.6337357

You know post IDs are a thing right?

>> No.6337398

Pajeet detected.

>> No.6337408

>he doesn't know

>> No.6337418

this has gotta be intentional right?

>> No.6337433

>Mentions any other coin
This is how you cope with me calling out your coin? Pathetic.
I'm not shilling anything you stupid fuck. I specifically implied all 3 of those coins operate in the same sector and have the same goals. All 3 also have a much smaller marketcap. I don't care if you hold this shit token. You're only going to hemorrhage money.

>> No.6337459

Damn the waltonfags are back at it again. Looks like Ven is gonna moon very hard soon. Major shit tier Biztard FUD always precedes a moon mission, never fails.

>> No.6337466


This is a message, ID "Big Hold"

>> No.6337495

he was too busy street shitting to notice his error

>> No.6337501

>Fud levels = maximum

Buy now.

>> No.6337551

Learn to read the /biz moon signals newfags

>> No.6337567

"Yes sirs it is now very good time to buy!! All criticism no matter how accurate is very big FUD! To the moon! HODL!!"
Hilarious. This is what emotional trading looks like. Big fucking blinders on.

>> No.6337584

Oh, right. I thought the national government specifically designated Gui'an as its new SEZ, much like it did with Shanghai and Shenzhen, but w/ specific blockchain capabilities which is part of the latest 5 year plan. I didn't know SEZ status was so easy to get. Thank you, anon.

>> No.6337595

My dear low IQ friend, the fact that you consider WaBi at the same level as WTC and VEN is a prime example that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Even more, you just said "those coins operate in the same sector", lol, I bet you don't even understand how VEN success will pave the success of WTC and even WaBi, the retarded little brother.

>> No.6337633

Isn’t this the shitcoin that pays people to shill it on Reddit and other sites? Or nah this is the shitcoin that copied Walton and even changed their white paper from counterfeit to platform? LOL where’s your child chains at VEN WTC ain’t never releasing their code

>> No.6337687

>1 post by this ID

>> No.6337708

>app is a label scanner
You have no idea what the product is do you

>> No.6337714 [DELETED] 

join my new pump group and i we can get you 200% in a day lol

discord gg/uaxxwan

>> No.6337746

The FUD is real boyz. Thanks waltonfags, just bought some more on this juicy dip. Last moon mission was preceded by a couple of days of shitty FUD so this should be fun

>> No.6337749


>> No.6337771

theres literally one or two pajeets posting FUD non stop every day for vechain with the odd walton thread that gets zero traction and dies out, its actually pathetic how afraid and desperate walton cucks are

and for any pathetic weak hand vechain newbie, zoom out and look at the price action, this is simply refueling the rockets

>> No.6337814


>> No.6337827

>"the fact that you consider WaBi at the same level as WTC and VEN is a prime example..."
This is just unreal. I can tell from your replies that you aren't even reading mine. Where did I say either or was at the same level? Again, for the third time, I stated all are operating in the same sector, to achieve the same goal and all have lower marketcaps. I'm not arguing which is better. I'm simply stating those have far more room to grow. But go ahead, keep trying to pigeonhole me as a "shill", if it makes you feel better. The truth is I'm a bystander making the most elementary off criticisms and not one of you can respond with anything that so much as challenges them.
SEZ status in a 4th tier city is not "national partnership" you fucking dunce. If I get SEZ status in Atlanta, I'm not going to start whistling the fucking Star Spangled Banner. You all need to actually get a grip. It's insane delusion.

>> No.6337847
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>> No.6337902


>> No.6337989

This, just bought 100k

>> No.6338022

You realize we can all see you replying to yourself, right dude?

>> No.6338032

you shouldn't be buying chinese stuff it's common sense. buy MOD instead at least it's swiss

>> No.6338069
File: 95 KB, 1122x1114, 1515415049651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to achieve the same goal

Haha, yeah? Tell me, which goal? Stop the counterfeit of items? Now, tell me, why the marketcap of WaBi is lower? What gives WaBi value? Explain me, in your own words, why the token is different.

>> No.6338085

I need this down to 5.50 so I can go all in.

>> No.6338089

Sell walls finally dropped - so did the pricebinance competition no longer artificially pumping volumewhite paper has unbelievable typos ("Gary box testing: This is the test between white and black box testing.")The technical details are basically non existent and whitepaper ("not a whitepaper") explicitly says it doesnt bother to explain "complicated stuff like algorithms", but instead has bizarre definitions of common technical terms like microservice, white box tests, and "gary" box testsevery announcement is "we cant talk about it yet... but ;) ;) .. there isBIG news, but NDA you know how it is ;)" - total scam hypeTHey have thrown every buzzword they can think of at their webpage and whitepaper with no detailsthe team is probably non existent. they hired "40 developers". to do what? do you know how hard is it to hire 40 devs, especially in china, that are halfway competent?the video of the office tour hired a fake white man actor to add legitimacy to their company (common chinese tactic) from their nonexistent "european office" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSOpEXe-Pn8)) [Embed]

There is no way "whales" (who got their coins from where?) decided to "keep prices down to accumulate

>> No.6338099

Nobody is FUDing it’s facts. Walton has partnership with a 100 billion in revenue, #1 glass supplier in the entire world. And it also got that China partnership that VEN milked before VEN lol

>> No.6338121
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>> No.6338123

Yeah, I thought SEZ status is meant to develop said 4th tier city into a 1st tier city. I remember Shanghai used to be a backwater and only got developed into what it is now thanks to the designation.

I also didn't know Atlanta and Montana had similar government structures to China. I'm learning a lot today.

>> No.6338145

>continues to fixate on Wabi to try to get me to defend it and thus label me a shill.
Yeah no, I'm not explaining for the 4th time what I said, you fucking dint. Pathetic.

>> No.6338171
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Waltoncucks are really the most desperate bagholders on /biz/.

>> No.6338186

Hur dur wow you can poke holes in a loose analogy I had to create to explain what a MOU agreement is to morons like you. Whoooa you got me dude!

>> No.6338222
File: 824 KB, 1456x1046, UPN65wLr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not shilling anything you stupid fuck. I specifically implied all 3 of those coins operate in the same sector and have the same goals. All 3 also have a much smaller marketcap. I don't care if you hold this shit token. You're only going to hemorrhage money.

why are you so mad

>> No.6338277

>he doesn't even know what a Gary box is

Not gonna make it

>> No.6338291

Hey, you have to validate your opinion. You think VEN is a scam/overvalued and you told me I would be better investing into WaBi. Explain me that, I already asked you. I'm waiting, my dear wolf of wall street.

>> No.6338304

>you'll never be this autistic

>> No.6338306
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>> No.6338324

Damn you're a salty motherfucker arent you? kek

>> No.6338348
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, getfucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is how you cope with me calling out your coin? Pathetic.

>> No.6338370

I bought Walton below $1 it’s at $19 right now. I’ll let you do the math cause these bags are comfy enough for me to sleep for months

>> No.6338391


>> No.6338430

Why do you keep resorting to name-calling, dude? I'm seriously grateful that you're correcting what I thought were established facts.

This is actually one of the videos that misled me, so I guess my Chinese isn't good enough yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdutmhLqqF4

>> No.6338482

Not an argument.
1: I don't think it's a scam.
2: Again with the Wabi, hilarious. For the fourth time, I clearly said, if you like the technology, invest in its competitors that have much more room for growth. I own neither Vechain, Walton, Wabi and do not plan on investing in Devery. If you can't get over the fact that someone can give objective advice without trying to shill something, then stop replying to me.
>"hurrrr dude ur autistic for critiquing my coin!!!"
Again, still not a single argument to disprove any of my points. Speaks volumes.

>> No.6338486


>> No.6338518

So you went 19x and are now trying to shill some nubs into rounding you off to a solid 20x before dumping your bags on them.

Go fuck yourself kike

>> No.6338549
File: 126 KB, 800x800, Vojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6338562

your retarded. Vechain doesn't need a white paper they have PwC and DnV GL and a working product a white paper is for scams that are just ideas and never produce anything. Vechain is coming out with a white paper for cucks like you in the next month or so. And that is Jerome the Europe GM of Vechain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cQvuILh6eM&t=1227s

>> No.6338579

Because you're clearly being sarcastic.
In what sense, exactly?

>> No.6338585

>le reddit spacing

>> No.6338625
File: 90 KB, 1013x1072, 1515712384796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delayed .. kek

>> No.6338662

Autistic retard on an anime boards who thinks he has more knowledge and investing skills than Jim Breyer, a literal billionaire and the best venture captalist in the world who was also an early investor in Ethereum. Hows that for disproving your shitty FUD "points". Top kek

>> No.6338670

Can the normies seriously fuck out of /biz/ please?

>doesn't need a whitepaper

>> No.6338677

>11 posts
kill yourself

>> No.6338707

Walton hit $20 I could’ve gone 20x already but why sell a coin that’s going to be $300 EOY. Nobody buy Walton it’s a shitty coin. I’ll send you some champagne EOY to ease the pain of what could’ve been

>> No.6338709
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>Buy high sell low

>> No.6338738


>> No.6338757

Hey hey, you don't get away so easy.
>invest in its competitors that have much more room for growth.
Why does it have much more room for growth? Because of the marketcap? Tell me, what gives value to that token? If you can't explain that, you are pulling crap from your ass. Maybe you will convince me! Who knows? Maybe you actually understand better than me why that token is undervalued compared to VeChain. Help me here, anon.

>> No.6338787

It is a private fucking company you dumb shit not some open source over valued vaporware shitcoin like your coins

>> No.6338793

>Autistic retard on an anime boards who thinks he has more knowledge and investing skills than Jim Breyer, a literal billionaire and the best venture captalist in the world who was also an early investor in Ethereum.
Ah yes, the desperation phase - You know nothing about me and you're frustrated by my remarks. Fictionally labeling me won't get you out of this pickle, my friend.
>Actually having a discourse
I remember when I was 12.

>> No.6338809
File: 35 KB, 369x387, 1515762535522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon. I'm lurking and I'm deep in ven personally, and I can't help but admire your insight. If you don't mind, I'm curious as to what you are personally invested in.

>> No.6338850

PWC Innovation Center in Shanghai, featuring VeChain.

>> No.6338884

It tok Walton the same time to double that ven took to triple you autistic faggot

>> No.6338912

I hear you but all i hear is bitch bitch bitch complain bitch bitch etc.
You come off as an autistic pos with an axe to grind

>> No.6338918

Please go back where you came from, plebbit.

>> No.6338922

Ah the deflection phase. How about this for a rebuttal.... Please tell me why fortune 500 companies such as PwC and DNV GL as well as Jim Breyer would take the time and effort to shill a so called "shitcoin". Wold love to hear your answer although I doubt Im gonna get anything meaningful out of an autistic retard like you.

>> No.6338927

idk man,They say they have a 40 man team but they don't even have a wallet out? come on man, This shit sounds scammy

the more research i do on this coin ,the more shady shit i find.

>> No.6338969

>They have no product
like 90% of all coins out there fag.
2018s gonna be the year for most coins

>> No.6339022

No, really. I'm curious to know how you arrived at Gui'an not being a big deal. Do you have insider info on this, man? It might be a 4th tier city now, but it doesn't mean the government plans to let it stay that way, right?

>> No.6339040

Only cucks that bought at the ATH and sold at a loss later can be this autistic about a coin.

>> No.6339057

>please buy Walton, Wabi or the incoming Devery

>> No.6339106


You fools are going to miss the train and then I'll make a thread like to laugh at all of you.

>> No.6339113

hahah I know literally look at the 1d chart its consolidating for the next run up

>> No.6339121

Thing is I doubt hes doing this FUD out of the good of his heart cuz he doesnt want his fellow biztards to be scammed. Probably just side effects of hardcore autism kek

>> No.6339127

Are you implying I loaded up at .83 and didnt even notice the dip until this retarded thread?
Then yes you are correct.

>> No.6339132

Nice pasta

>> No.6339142

>Hey engage in my dick measuring contest with Wabi so I can cool my crippling financial insecurities
We all know all you're going to say is "muh loyalty points system" yes yes, very good. If you want to actually know my incredibly broad reasoning for mentioning Wabi with Devery and Walton, it's that I think Wabi has a very good team, they don't hype events like Vechain, they have excellent advisers and it's only natural that the coin will grow as they expand their services, regardless if you want to put the coin down to a loyalty scheme - if you do that I'd ask your opinion on store of value coins too, by the way.
If you're serious I'd be more than happy to have a private conversation with you, however I won't do it here because it's obvious that if I list my holds, all these autists will do everything they can to critique it and thus try to invalidate my opinions, so they can continue holding their tanking coin in peace.

>> No.6339144

I'm waiting, my big boy investor. You better improve those google skill.

>> No.6339230

Answer my question you autistic faggot, Im actually looking forward to the laughs >>6338922

>> No.6339241


Paid FUDing always appears when big traders start swing trading a coin with a positive trajectory. It's like clockwork and one of the best buy signals biz has to offer.

>> No.6339289

Why are you so mean? Don't bring the killer arguments. Play with your food and enjoy the fiesta and in the meanwhile accumuluate more.

>> No.6339293

wow much 40 man
very research shady shit
such going moon mission

>> No.6339309

If it dips below $5 USD I will wire my entire savings account

guys please keep up the VET fud and expand it to reddit also.

>> No.6339317

So, you opinion is that it is a better investment because of reasons. No passive income, no stacking reward, no deflationary system. Nothing. Oh, but they don't hype partnership! That must be worth something, also, they have a cool team.
Lol, go eat shit dude, you don't know what you are talking about, you are only trying to advice people without having any knowledge on the topic. Don't spread shit that can cause harm to other anons.

>> No.6339346

Bought in at 30 cents so the only reason I come to these FUD threads is for the laughs. My bad... maybe should keep this shitshow going kek

>> No.6339351

Desperately trying to lump me in with autists isn't going to help you anon.
>Predictable Reply #7
>Please explain to me other peoples investment decisions
You don't have any sort of valid rebuttal to my original statements, so you continuously try to move the goalposts to score points. You're a brainlet, my friend.
Again, I didn't say it wasn't a "big deal". I said it absolutely pales in comparison to an actual legitimate national partnership. If you really are going to hold this coin for at least 5 years (which you won't), then your argument does have a bit of validity.
"S-SHILL!!!!" Hahahaha the most prominent coping mechanism on biz.

>> No.6339442

Discord #6255 myguccihat

>> No.6339455
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But y r u so mad?

>> No.6339472

>not stocking up on ACT and VEN

China is the future of crypto

>> No.6339482

Deflection again kek. Cmon man I was actually looking forward to your reply. Disappointing...

>> No.6339485

You're being incredibly irate. Learn to wait a matter of minutes for a response, like a good little boy.
Unreal. I literally explained why I don't want to engage in your Wabi bullshit contest and then you go and prove my point. Dumb cunt, I'm not saying Wabi is better than Vechain, I'm stating you'll increase you overall portfolio if you sell VEN and put it into Wabi, no matter how much you begrudge it. Same goes for Walton and Devery, although I'm not as bullish on Devery.

>> No.6339559

>y did diz man do diz plz tal me
Because maybe I'm not Jim Breyer, you fucking cretin.
>"why are you so mad"
>"you come off as an autistic pos"
Get your narrative in line.

>> No.6339594

Brainlet here, what am I looking at?

>> No.6339632

Our money

>> No.6339707

Obviously you're not Jim Breyer kek. Just an autistic poorfag who has nothing better to do than "attempt" to FUD a "shitcoin" backed by Fortune 500 companies and a Billionaire early Facebook and Ethereum investor. So I'll say this again... try harder and answer my rebuttal

>> No.6339746

>I'm stating you'll increase you overall portfolio if you sell VEN and put it into Wabi

Ok, and that will happen because they don't hype partnerships and the team is ok, right? Lol, you seriously believe that a token used just to get discounts from a retailer is worth much more than a 200M, and that it will see a better growth than VEN. Big statement, dude! Care to support that with some facts or the opinion of big players?

>> No.6339813

My narrative is that you are an angry little autist with some grude against VEN. Why though? Whats your motive?
Money? Lulz? Just an asshole?

>> No.6339897

> I didn't say it wasn't a "big deal"
> Vechain are known to make a big deal over nothing. They did it with the "china partnership" which was, in reality, polished dog shit.

Anyway, Gui'an was designated on a national level early 2014 and has been developed plenty since then, so I guess I don't have to wait that long.

>> No.6339997

>hur dur u fud and shill
You should have said this stupid shit at the start so I could have disregarded anything you say right off the bat.
>muh loyalty points.
And again! As I've said 6 times prior, your response is the exact reason I didn't want to explain why I included Wabi is that list - Because all you can do is critique a coin I don't even hold and this somehow will make you feel at ease holding a red coin.
And to top that off, your response is complete cherrypicking. I'll see you again when you're posting pink wojaks next week.

>> No.6340110

Again with the deflection. Ok sutistic anon I will be nice, dont want to hurt your feelings. Can you please answer my rebuttal autistic anon... Pretty please?

>> No.6340114

>Having to have a motive to call a spade a spade.
The amount of paranoia and insecurity ITT is astonishing.
Eh yeah, a local development is dog shit in comparison to a partnership with the entire country of China. Look, if you're in Vechain for the long run, you'll probably be fine. But if you want to ultimately look for the most efficient way of making money, holding now is not the answer. Best of luck to you all the same.

>> No.6340193

You sound like a genuine normie. Your arguments are comparable to "McAfee said this coin was good so I will invest! HODL!! To the moon!!" You don't have an original thought in your head.

>> No.6340203

Do you understand what is ethos, right? If I say:
"Your coin is shit, because this and this"
You would have my attention, maybe you are raising some valid points. But if then you say:
"You would be better investing into KekCoin"
All your credibility would go to shit, because you clearly don't know what the fuck are you talking about. So, stop telling anons what to do, when you clearly have 0 knowledge about crypto.

>> No.6340444

How are you trading? No seriously. I mean, if you cannot weigh opportunity cost, then how do you trade successfully? I told you that those other coins because they have a greater chance of bringing you larger percentage gains, and are in the same sector. For example, I know for a fact Wabi is still to announce partnerships. I just cannot understand how you can get so emotionally invested in a coin, to the point where you instantly disregard all outsider opinions, no matter how valid they are.
I'm not in any of the coins we've talked about. If I were though, I would have sold my VEN, diversified it into Walton and Wabi, and bought Devery ICO. I think that will yield far more than holding a bearish VEN. I think you'd do the same too, to be honest.

>> No.6340522


>> No.6340547
File: 1.05 MB, 1492x1600, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 10.06.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots. This is Jim Breyer's wife.

>> No.6340586

holy shit lads , 100 bill soon

>> No.6340591



>> No.6340601

I am so comfy, last time it was fudded this much it shot up 40% the day after.
I am ready. 48 hours max. Fudders are always wrong. Or right?

>> No.6340629


fuck my weak hands, i let you down /biz/

>> No.6340638
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>> No.6340665

>How are you trading

Ok, that is the problem here, lol. I research, I buy, I hold. I bought ETH at 20 usd, antshares at 4 usd, OMG at 3 usd and VeChain at 1 usd. I don't give a fuck about the price before I cash out a portion of my folio (spoiler alert: not doing it before 2020). I care about anons, I really do, I'm also a fucking nerd and I was broke 3 years ago. I don't want people leaving genuinely good projects to gamble with shitcoins.

>> No.6340676

What? So she is a higher up at the bank of china?

>> No.6340752

State owned bank. 2nd largest in china and 5th largest in the world.

>> No.6340801
File: 807 KB, 1420x1860, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 10.12.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots. Why do you think the Coca Cola kid is always talking about Puer tea.

>> No.6340985

this is getting too much.
Did they hire the writer of deathnote to do this?

>> No.6340989

puer tea is disgusting

>> No.6341061


Help a poorfag out and recommend some coins to buy apart from VEN right now

>> No.6341067

yeah its also worth 1000$ per fucking tea package or whatever

>> No.6341070

I dont believe an actual Chinese state institution will partner with crypto. Maybe at the end of 2018 but not yet

>> No.6341074


>> No.6341087

Hey Anon, what do you think, then, as a poorfag who dumped everything into a measly 150 VEN? Considering dumping 50 after the big pump to diversify. On one hand I think VEN is a definite golden ticket, but I also think branching out is both safer and may have higher returns. Considering going back to ADA, but you seem to at least be respectable so I appreciate any advice.

>> No.6341139
File: 2.95 MB, 1358x1910, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 10.18.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots. Who is this in a meeting next to the president of fucking China

>> No.6341144

Holy fuck it's real

>> No.6341194

some kkkracker faggit?

>> No.6341227


>> No.6341244

Sergey in Chinese disguise

>> No.6341256

why does your screenshot look like its been compressed back to 1995?

>> No.6341272

WTCucks are like android HTC fanboy nerds. "Its got better TECH!! it has more FEATURES than an Iphone!!

>clearly too autistic to understand marketing and appealing to the right markets is a vital aspect of business

>> No.6341287

YOU SIR are the type of anon that makes wading for hours through the endless river of bizshit worth it

>> No.6341337

Lmao faggot. Did you buy ATH or What? Lmao. Been on VEN since $1

>> No.6341362

what was it?

>> No.6341499

Y, what was it?

>> No.6341510


First, do your own research, listen to shills and fuders. /biz/ is a great way to discover new coins (I found eth and omg thanks to /biz/), but terrible and giving financial advice.
DO NOT TRADE. Really, don't. Unless you know very well what you are doing.
If you want to trade, only do it to rebalance your folio after a serious moon mission (take from winners and put into laggards). Don't buy or sell into green candles, is the best way to get burned or miss profits.

Today, I'm looking forward to buy AElf, ITC (not IOTA, IoT chain) and AION, but I'm not sure about AION, I will wait for a dip after they increase the current supply. ICX is also a solid investment, same with OMG (I want to incrase my stack, easy x2-x3 after the release of mainnet). Sorry, anon, I don't know anything about ADA, I missed that token and never looked back.

>> No.6341512


This. Marketing is everything.

>> No.6341560

Somehow tard fingered a 3 on the end of it. There wasn't anything groundbreaking about the post, but if you've been around long enough you know when you are reading posts by an anon that just feel right.

>> No.6341901


>> No.6342118

I'm looking forward to the day when VeChain releases the PBoC deal. All these WTC tears ...

>> No.6342144

Your meant to sell low so pajeet fudders can but in anon.

>> No.6342149

哦是布雷耶, 這是真的!

>> No.6342310

Nice just lost 100k. Thank fudfuck.

>> No.6342347

it's a product that scans labels the same way computers are just interactive screens

>> No.6342370
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>> No.6342623


>> No.6342676

seems like he wasn't the only bigshot 外国人 in that meeting.

>> No.6342898
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>> No.6343093
File: 44 KB, 393x374, C77E803D-A258-4C9B-B788-9E059D246AEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poo in it
I’m a former employee of Vechain, it’s scam
I’m 24/7 creating FUD because I’m too poor to be a whale so that’s my way to convince normies to give up their bags so I can accumulate more
Call me pajeet Golden fish

>> No.6343100

You know what, anon, the guy on the left (back turned to us) is pretty interesting too, huh?

>> No.6343124

Why is it down tho?

>> No.6343175
File: 289 KB, 512x357, 1515570618941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im losing faith bros. We are getting absolutely crushed today. I might just sell these bags and get XLM or ICX

>> No.6343188
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>> No.6343238
File: 33 KB, 451x326, 41071362-C4DA-4387-A750-AE4070A20F54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy high sell low
Biz pajeet way of living

>> No.6343268

Few people that bought like 1-3kven at 3-5$ cashing out because they're pumpchasers, nothing wrong with the smalltimers taking some profits. If you're in it for the long haul or wanna swing for more ven now is a good time to do say, gl!

>> No.6343288

Buy high sell during dip based on FOMO

>the /biz/ way

>> No.6343519

One problem wabfag
I have no problem with wanchain and wabi
Problem is they don't have the shilling and marketing skills of vechain

meaning less potential for $
Meaning fuck off, i'm chasing that paper. Nothing else

>> No.6343581


>> No.6343721

Who is this dude on chinese picture ?

>> No.6343763

Jim breyer, whose only crypto investments are Eth and Ven

>> No.6343774

XLM got a little action yesterday
It usually does FUCK ALL

You would be a complete retard to sell and go to that.

I'm not even mad at the FUD here, it is hilarious. THERE IS ALWAYS CORRECTION AFTER MOON

>> No.6343805 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 667x1050, bafa39add713acbeff084619373dac57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone sell XRB to buy enough VEN for a strength node?

>> No.6343882

Kind reminder we're up 1000% last month, rebranding + news/partnerships getting announced next week. We're good, I'm in it since before it got shilled here so obviously I benefit if people buy VEN, but based on my research this can only go up. I've discussed this with several people that have more time to read up and the general consensus is mooncoin.

Thing all the Waltoneers have their panties in a bunch because VEN is the competition, They're about to get crushed.

So yeah, if you want a decent talk about this coin don't count on it, Walton/Wabi pajeets cancering up every thread.

Take it or leave it :p This is gonna be huge and me and others will kindly take your bags if you decide to sell. If you do sell however, wait for the rebrand, thank me later!

>> No.6343941


Enjoy the comfy hold.

>> No.6344180

Just don't shoot yourself in the foot by selling if you have a substantial amount invested in this, you're gonna be posting pink wojaks. Idgaf about people that can afford to lose but posting this for the wageslaves that are actually trying to build a solid portfolio here.. Don't fall for all the FUD and don't try to chase magical green candle pumps for gods sake, VEN is solid, BTC is solid, ETH is solid, ICX and imo 0x too.

IF you just did a quick VEN-meme-buy and consider selling just do yourself a favour and do a 5 minute google search on their partnerships/marketing/rebranding the whole ordeal, it's worth the hodl

>> No.6344298

I hope so. I'll probably hold but if it dips to ~$4.50 im out.

>> No.6344371

Been 50% VEN since $1 do y'all think I give two shits about losing 15% ?? Lmfao

>> No.6344421

>selling the bottom
>check price in 6 months
>cashes out to buy handgun

>> No.6344634


>> No.6344751

Probably back at 50k sats soon, don't sweat it. Lee sin and Mr. Miyagi are waking up in about 3 hours

>> No.6344950

implying they ever sleep

>> No.6345053

Jim Breyer or Justin Trudeau

>> No.6345508

keep thread alive till eoy for funz

>> No.6345610

Good luck anon

>> No.6345690


>> No.6345953

Death to the Waltoncucks. Venbroski's unite, after we're done with our moonmission I'll fucking have enough money to buy the Walton company and I'll drive it into the ground

>> No.6346044


>> No.6346189
File: 47 KB, 900x900, 1515693641612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shillers have abandoned.. only the odd knob with heavy bags left.

>> No.6346226

x4 EOM

>> No.6346239
File: 503 KB, 680x386, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to late to get on board.. choochooo
This time tomorrow you'll be crying you didn't

>> No.6346245
File: 7 KB, 276x183, Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6346429

It spent 10 days dipping and hasn't got back to its previous moon value yet. The most it will see will be a 2x or 3x after FairX officially launches (not the beta)

>> No.6346565

Hahaha, screencapping this.
You Waltonfags are gonna have a mental breakdown which will make you all fap to Danny DeVito simultaneously. What a day it will be.

>> No.6346656

haha screencapping this, Venfags haven't got a fucking clue.. last chance. I feel sorry about how much you're shilled to.. sad.

>> No.6346858
File: 66 KB, 660x561, Waltonz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll meet a train for sure soon that's for sure. ChooChoo!

>> No.6347158
File: 112 KB, 317x280, WhatYouWillBeEatingSoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3x Waltons market cap and still in denial, 2 days ago struggling to stay top 100, SAD.